Chapter 1: Outbreak*Edited*

Country B, Tancho City


Gû Jîng/Valley View High School

A boy was on the ground being beaten by four boys. The boy on the ground was folding on the ground in pain.

"Zhuan Yun, How dare you talk to my woman," said the handsome blonde boy. (Image here)

"Talk to her again and I kill you," said the handsome blonde boy.

After the boys left Zhuan got up groaning in pain.

Suddenly a mechanical prompt sounded.

[Omega System activated...]

[Bound Successfully]

"Huh, who's there?" Zhuan shouted only to get no response.

"Seems no one is here so where did that sound come from?" Zhuan said confused.

(It came from me the omega system, I am in your body)

Zhuan searched his body only to find nothing.

(Would the Host like to receive memories?)

(Yes or Yes?)

Zhuan began calming his mind and seeing that he had no choice said.


Zhuan suddenly began to sweat rapidly. Zhuan is receiving visions of the future apocalyptic wasteland.

The memory stopped with the last one being a giant undead mutated creature.

Zhuan fell to his knees heavily panting.

"What was that?" Shaun said confused.

(Those memories are of the upcoming Z-XDgen outbreak turning humans into undead creatures and creatures into mutated creatures. I am to help you save the world) The mechanical sound.

"How am I, an ordinary human supposed to stop the end of the world?" Zhuan said.

[Obtained the unique ability: Deception ]

[Deception- If the host wishes it, it will happen. Cooldown time: 0 seconds, energy required: 0, limit: infinite tons]

(Say menu to open status menu)

"Menu," said Zhuan.

[Name: Zhuan Yun

Age: 19

Unique ability: Deception

Body level 1: 10/100

Mind level 1: 5/100

Soul power level 1: 3/100

Rank: Average Human

Points: 12]

"System what are the ranks?" Zhuan asked.

[The ranks:

Recruit- slightly above average human being.

Private- World's strongest man.

Corporal- one hit K.O a level one zombie.

Sergeant- on the level of a level two mutated or undead creature.

Master Sergeant- One hit level two mutated or undead creatures.

Sergeant Major- Can match a level three mutated or undead, creature, in power.

Lieutenant- One hit a level three undead or mutated creature.

Captain- Can match a level four mutated or undead, creature, in power.

Major- One hit a level four undead or mutated creature.

Colonel- Can match a level five mutated or undead, creature, in power.

Brigadier General- One hit a level five undead or mutated creature.

Major General- Can match a level six mutated or undead, creature, in power.

Lieutenant General- One hit a level six undead or mutated creature.

General- Can match a level seven mutated or undead, creature, in power.

Global General- One hit a level seven undead or mutated creature.


The ranks of mutated and undead creatures:

Level one- Athlete to Street Level

Level two- Wall to building level

Level three- Large building to City Block level

Level four- Multi CityBlock to Town level

Level five- Large Town to Small City level

Level six- City to Large City Level

Level seven - Mountain to Island Level]

(Would the host like to receive the omega gift package?)

(Yes or Yes?)

"I don't have any choice anyways," Zhuan said in frustration.


[Opened omega gift package, obtained the following:

Trilithium injection -When injected, ranks up the user to the next level.

Unlocked Inventory - A area outside time, space and reality. Size: 400,000 cubic meters.

Desert Eagle

12 desert Eagle magazines


4 Ak rounds

Unbreakable exo-suit]

(All items are in the inventory)

" System, bring out the injection and the exo-suit," Zhuan said.

Suddenly a syringe with a purple liquid appeared and a strange metal emblem with the omega symbol ♎.

Zhuan took up the syringe and hesitated before injecting the weird liquid into his body.

Zhuang's vision suddenly blurred and then he fell unconscious.

Zhuan slowly opened his eyes and got up off the ground.

Zhuan walked over to a puddle and looked at his reflection only to see his appearance have changed drastically. (Image here)

Zhuan was stunned for a few moments before regaining himself.

"How much time is left before the outbreak?" Zhuan asked.

(Two hours)Sounded the mechanical prompt.

"What is this emblem and where is my exo-suit?" Zhuang asked in anger.

(The emblem is the suit, all you have to do is put it on your chest and let it do its thing. A warning might be painful.)

Zhuang did what the system said and the strange emblem attached to his chest, made him feel a sharp pain which lasted four minutes.

(The suit will activate when the host is outmatched)

"Seems my shirt got torn apart by my evolution," Zhuan said in frustration.

Zhuan walked to the dorms.

Zhuan walked into his room and without saying anything took out his stuff and packed them up.

Zhuan seeing the dorm was empty placed his stuff into the inventory.

"My next stop should be the pharmacy and then the ammunition," Zhuan said.

Zhuan with a duffel bag was running towards the direction of an alleyway while being followed by five officers.

Zhuan with his evolved body easily outrun the police.

Zhuan jumped over the walls in the alleyway.

Zhuan looked behind and saw that the cops were trying to climb the alleyway walls.

"Are people nowadays this stupid," Zhuan said with a laugh.

"I managed to get

Antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) x20

Aspirin x13

Band-Aids x32

Clippers x16

Gauze A basic medical kit x7

Lighter x9

Magnifying glass x3

Needle x12

Razor blades x7

Rubber gloves (latex-free) x13

Sanitizing wipes x60

Scissors x4

Soap x15

Surgical tape x73

Thread x10

Tweezers x13

Acetaminophen x13

Ambien x21

Hot/Cold packs x23

Hydrogen peroxide x37

Ibuprofen x42

Iodine (to clean water, it can also disinfect in a pinch) x23

Isopropyl (rubbing) Alcohol (disinfects surfaces, can start fires) x23

Medical mask x11

Morphine x12

Rubber bands x14

Splints x16

Super glue (liquid stitches) x17

ADHD medications (trade, energy) x7

Amphetamine tablets (energy) x9

Anti-Depressants x7

Birth control x13

Caffeine pills (energy) x6

Cortisone cream (poison ivy, rashes) x5

Insulin and syringes x8

Loperamide (treats diarrhoea) x9

Multivitamins x13

Ondansetron (vomiting) x7

Percocet (serious pain) x13

Prenatal Vitamins x9

Propranolol (PTSD treatment) x17

Steroids (pulmonary disorders) x19

Vicodin (serious pain and trade) x21

Glock 19 compact x5

9x19mm boxes x13

Switchblade x6

Rpg-7 x2

Matches x53

Crate of snacks x13

Crate of 12 85mm x3," Zhuan said.

"Now I just have to, wait don't I have that special ability instead of stealing a car I will create it," Zhuan said slapping his forehead.

Zhuan then began focusing on a battle tank only he can drive to appear.

Suddenly a light enveloped the area in front of him and when it cleared. (Image here)

Zhuan leapt onto the tank and hopped in before driving out of the city barely unnoticed.

Zhuan got out of his tank and went to pee.

Zhuan was walking back towards his tank when he suddenly heard a noise.

Nearby branch snaps!
