no more tears.season two, episode two.
coming down from a long night of drinking (minus Cristina, who had spent the night indulging in a couple pints of ice cream).
Meredith was hunched over by the toilet, Cristina sat grumpily in the shower tub, and Cassie was seated against the far wall, blankly staring across the room.
Meredith was drunk because her and Derek broke up, Cristina was upset because her and Burke broke up she was pregnant with his child, and Cassie was simply trying to forget the fact that the calendar read .
"It's not us," Meredith slurred slightly. "It's them. Them and their stupid boy penises. They didn't tell me they had a wife. They lied to their best friend. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you."
"It's not that Burke broke up with me, it's he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business transition, like he's the boss of me!"
"He is the boss of you," Meredith cut in.
"And what's worse, is that I ."
"I'm gonna throw up again. No. Wait. False alarm."
Cristina sighed. "Look, the problem is estrogen."
"No, the problem is tequila."
"I used to be all business, and then he goes and gets me pregnant."
"With the stupid boy penis."
"Now, I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined. He turned me into this fat, stupid, pregnant girl. Estrogen!"
Izzie and George enters the bathroom, more than confused at the sight before them.
"Penises, Izzie."
"Estrogen, George."
Cassie said nothing, keeping her eyes on the blank spot of the wall.
"Okay," George turned to Izzie, "What did I miss?"
"I came home to full on vomit drama," Izzie pointed to Meredith. "Apparently, she dumped Derek, and—" she pointed to Cristina "—she's been sleeping with Burke."
"I knew that," George waved her off, before he looks at Cassie, who was abnormally quiet. "What about her?"
"She, uh," Izzie thought. "Actually, I don't know what her problem is."
"None of your business, is what it is," the girl in question snapped, not moving her gaze from the wall. Everyone raised their brows at her tone, until George graciously changed the subject.
"So, Meredith, you really broke up with Shepherd?"
"I feel empty."
"Two hours of vomiting will do that to you," Izzie joked.
"No, I feel ."
"You're lucky," Cristina said. "I feel pissed off."
Cassie just kept staring at the wall, dreading the day ahead of her.
Throughout the entire car ride to the hospital, Cassie barely said a word. Her fellow interns could tell something was bothering her, but decided not to question it; if her previous attitude was anything to go off of, it wasn't the day to piss her off.
The interns and Bailey were paged to the pit, for multiple traumas involving a car accident.
"Male, 55, victim of a head-on collision. GCS is 3. Depressed skull fracture. Multiple internal injuries. ACLS protocol started, but was vein blew so we've been pushing meds down the tube. PEA on arrival," the medic informed as he wheeled out a patient.
"How long has he been down?" Bailey asked.
"We've been doing CPR for about 20 minutes. It took fire 20 minutes to get him out of the car. He's pretty much gone."
"Uh, he's not gone until we say he's gone. He's coding. O'Malley, get him into a bay and save him," she ordered.
George furrowed his brows. "But he's dead."
"Did you not hear me? He's not dead until we say he's dead. You know what to do, so do it. Harper, Grey, you're on this too. Move."
Cassie followed the gurney into the trauma room, passing by George who stood there unmoving.
"But... he's dead."
After attempting to save the patients life countless times with no change, Cassie was beginning to grow bored. She kept pushing, though, just in case a miracle were to happen.
"Harper, Grey," Bailey called, coming into the trauma room and seeing the procedure they're performing. "Oh, pericardiocentesis. Good. Any response?"
"Nope," Cassie shook her head sadly.
"Okay, uh, all right you guys can—"
"Should I call it?" George cut her off.
Bailey raised a brow. "What would you do next, O'Malley?"
"I would call it."
"To him."
"Oh, uh, I don't know," he shrugged helplessly.
"A pericardial window," Cassie answered.
"Excellent. Do it," Bailey nodded.