chapter ten

make me lose control.season two, episode three.

searching her pockets for some loose change. Cassie shook her head, handing her a five dollar bill.

"I don't know," she said honestly, pointing to the granola bar she wanted from the vending machine as Meredith punched in the numbers. "I miss him, , but I don't want to be a bad friend to you."

Meredith paused, looking at Cassie as if she were an idiot. "why you're still mad? Cass, if you're looking for my approval to forgive him, you already have it."


"You two are family," she shrugged, "I know what it's like to have issues, issues, with family, and this is definitely not it. If the possibility of me feeling betrayed or whatever is the only thing holding you back, you shouldn't let it. I won't be mad, I promise."

Before Cassie had a chance to think back on her words, Bailey called for them from down the hallway.

"Hey, there's a new surgical case coming up from the pit. Likely diverticulitis. Let's go."

Cassie quickly shoved the granola bar in her mouth, throwing away the wrapper as her and Meredith joined the others a few seconds late.

"Watch it!" the patient screamed, causing Meredith to stop in her tracks as Cassie ran into her back. "Hands off me! I could report you to the Chief, and you'd be out on your ass!"

Feeling her hand being grabbed, the brunette looked at her friend in confusion. After taking a closer look at the patient, it finally clicked; it was Ellis Grey. She squeezed back, letting Meredith know she was there for her.

"Where is the Chief?" Ellis screamed.

"Patient's name is, uh," Cristina paused, reading the chart. "Um, complaining of intermittent cramping pain and diarrhea. Also suffers from—"


Meredith began to inch behind Cassie, not letting go of her death grip on her hand.


"Patient's name?" Bailey asked, not receiving a response from a hesitant Cristina. "Yang, Patient's name?"

Ellis briefly made eye contact with Cassie, before noticing Meredith behind her. "What the hell are doing here?"

"Mer," she whispered sympathetically.

"How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work?!"

The others stared at Meredith, as Cassie gave them a look that told them everything they needed to know.

"Ellis Grey."

George's eyes widened, as the interns stood frozen. "Meredith's mother."


"Meredith, are you okay?Cassie, is she okay?" George shouted from the outside of the locker room. Although Bailey refused to let the interns in to see Meredith, the blonde hadn't let go of Cassie's hand since she saw her mother for the first time.

"Hey Meredith, you know my great grandmother?" Cristina tried to comfort her. "She died with Alzheimer's, so."

Izzie scoffed at her. "My god, why would you say that?"

"Look, I'm just trying to help!"

Bailey rolled her eyes, telling them to shut up. "Dr. Karev, stick with ETS case," she ordered. "Izzie, the Dr. Shepherd's need an intern up in the NICU."

While Bailey gave out orders, Meredith's gaze was stuck on the floor beneath her. "You okay, Mer?" Cassie whispered, so the others couldn't hear her.

"Yes," she answered, before sighing, "I don't know. I will be."

"Are you able to work today?" Bailey questioned, coming into the locker room after she sent the interns way.


"Because I would understand it if you wanted to be with your—"

"No. My mother and I don't have the easiest... it's just better if I'm working."

"Okay," Bailey nodded. "You're on scut."

"Excuse me?"

"While we take care of your mother, you can catch up on charting, run samples to the lab, go over—"

"I told you, I'm fine."

"Yeah, and I appreciate that you're fine, but I have to anticipate a certain level of distraction from you today. Even in the face of all that fineness. Not to mention, you haven't let go of Harper's hand once in the past twenty minutes. So scut, now!"

Meredith reluctantly let go, leaving to do her charting, as Cassie turned to her superior.

"Where do you want me?"

"Did you know?" Bailey frowned.

She sighed. "Yeah, I did."

Bailey nodded, looking at her for a moment. "Alright, well, I want you on Dr. Grey's case with O'Malley. And keep an eye on Meredith, if you can."

"You got it," she agreed, making her way up to Ellis' room.

"Cass, I really need your help,"George begged, looking exhausted as he ran up to the doorframe when she got to Ellis' room.

"What's up, Georgie?" Cassie asked amused, taking in his disheveled appearance.

"I need you to examine Dr. Grey."

She furrowed her brows in confusion. "I thought you were examining her?"

"Yeah, well, no. She thinks I'm her ex husband Thatcher. Meredith's dad."

After a few seconds of staring blankly at his face, Cassie burst out in laughter. George rolled his eyes. "Her dad? You— you look like the of the girl you have a on?"

"It's not funny!"

"Oh, my god," Cassie wheezed, "Shut up, I'm trying to take a mental picture. This is amazing."