chapter fourteen

thanks for the memories.season two, episode nine.

While she didn't celebrate the holiday, any excuse to get drunk was a good enough reason for her to be in a good mood. Besides, with Izzie in full festive mode, Cassie knew she didn't want to be sober.

While Cassie finished her third shot of tequila that morning, Meredith descended the stairs, tiptoeing as quietly at possible.

"Mer!" Cassie grinned widely, gesturing to the nearly empty bottle of liquor. "Come drink with me!"

"Can't, sorry," she rushed out, before being stopped by a frowning Izzie.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

The doorbell rang as Cassie took her fourth shot.

"Uh, answering the door," Meredith responded sheepishly.

"She's going to the hospital," Cassie said loudly, pointing at her bag and causing Izzie to glare at the woman in question.

"Yes, but after—"

"Meredith, everyone is supposed to be in the kitchen by 9am to help me make dinner. It's !"

Meredith sighed, "I'm really not in the mood."

"But it's a family—" Izzie started before she was interrupted by the doorbell again.

"Doorbell." Meredith made her way over to the door, opening it to see three men standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Is this where Georgie lives?" the oldest one asked.


Cassie giggled, drawing attention to herself. "Hey, I call him that too!"

"Where is he, upstairs?"

"Oh, George. Yeah."

Pushing past the girls without warning, the men raced through the living room and up the stairs, tripping over each other and chanting as they went. "O'Malley! O'Malley! O'Malley!"

"Yeah, O'Malley!" Cassie repeated, her fist pumping in the air.

Izzie turned to Meredith. "Should I call the police?" She turned her gaze back up to the stairs, causing Meredith to take the opportunity to sneak out of the house.

"Have fun Mer, I love you!"

"?" Izzie scoffed, shouting after her as she got into her car. "Meredith, I'm serious! You need to back here for dinner at 6! I mean it!"

Shrugging, Cassie made her way into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Izzie followed a few minutes later with a frown on her face.

"Where's Georgie?"

"He left with his family," Izzie huffed. "So, I guess just you and me."

"Yay!" Cassie grinned, throwing her arms up in the air.


"Mhm?" she mumbled, stuffing her mouth with lucky charms.

"Are you like, sick or something?" Izzie narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"What makes you think I'm sick?"

"Well, for starters, you're all smiley. It's weird. You're not at the hospital, which I assumed you would be, since you're always at the hospital. But most of all, you're excited to spend the day with , so I just assumed that you're dying or something."

Before she could respond, Cassie dropped her spoon onto the ground and moved to pick it up, knocking over her half eaten bowl of cereal in the process. "Oops," she laughed, stumbling over to the paper towels in an attempt to clean up her mess.

"You're actually ?" Izzie rolled her eyes, irritated. "It's barely ten in the morning."

"What can I say," she slurred with a slight shrug. "I hate Thanksgiving."

As the doorbell rang for the second time, Izzie opened it to see Cristina standing with an odd expression. Cassie stood behind Izzie with a droopy smile, which hadn't seemed to leave her face all morning.

"It's half past 10! You're late! I've had to do everything—" Izzie began, before cutting herself off as she saw Burke appear. "Oh, hi, Dr. Burke. Hello."

She moved to the side so Cristina and Burke could enter. As Cristina stepped past Izzie, the blonde grabbed her arm and began whisper shouting in her ear.

"Hi, Dr. Burke," Cassie waved.

"Harper," he nodded in greeting. He nearly said something else, but Cristina's voice cut him off.

"What was I supposed to do? Blow off my boyfriend for Thanksgiving? I tried to. He wouldn't blow. He's like something sticky that won't blow off."

"Okay, he's gonna ruin Thanksgiving," Izzie replied, "What am I supposed to talk to about?"

"People who are shocked when I show up uninvited to their homes call me Preston," he spoke up passive aggressively, making Cassie stifle a laugh.

Cristina shook her head. "Nobody calls you Preston."

" don't call me Preston."

As Burke went to look around the house, Izzie hurriedly dialed a number on her phone.

"Cass, why is it so quiet in here?" Cristina wondered.