chapter fifteen

much too much.season two, episode ten.

George grumbled as he made his way into the kitchen, with Cassie dragging her feet as she followed closely behind. Meredith had kept them up all night after picking up a random guy from the bar, who was far too loud during sex in Cassie's opinion.

, Cassie thought bitterly, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

Izzie sighed, gesturing for Cassie to fill hers up as well. "Yeah, who was it this time? Hairy back guy?"

"You know who I miss? Inappropriate facial hair guy," George said, stealing the cup from Izzie's hands and taking a gulp. "You know he did his own dishes?"

"Tattooed ass guy made coffee," Cassie added.

"Yeah he was a keeper," George nodded sarcastically, making an odd facial expression in the process. Izzie and Cassie shared a glance, each of them giving George a knowing look. "What?"


"What? Meredith?" he scoffed. "I am her."

Izzie nodded with mock understanding. "Yeah, okay, and Cassie is gross and ugly."

"I am!" he insisted.

"Oh, for sure," Cassie smiled, playfully knocking his knee with her own. "And Izzie is a terrible baker, and I'm totally gross and ugly."

"You know that's not true, Cass!" he exclaimed.

"Kinda the point, Georgie."

"Never mind," George shook his head before quickly adding, "But honestly, is she trying to set some kind of record?"

"At least she has a goal," Cassie shrugged, just as she heard someone running down the stairs. "Fast, check him out!" Her, George, and Izzie looked to see who it was, laughing when they saw a tan man sprinting out of the door in a hurry. "Oh, he's new."

"And I shall name him ," Izzie grinned.

"You know who we heard Alex come home with last night?" George asked nonchalantly while making eye contact with Cassie, before turning back to Izzie. "You!"

"I don't want to talk about it," she rebutted instantly. After a moment, she rushed out, "Actually, I really want to talk about it. But doesn't want to talk about it because there were, um, ."

"Oh god," Cassie frowned, "Poor Alex."

George looked between them, confused. "What?"

"You know, he didn't—" Izzie paused, making a gesture to show her hand going limp. "You know, he was—"

"No way," George giggled with a look of absolute amusement on his face.

"Stop it," Izzie whined as George burst out in laughter. "You can't say anything!"

"I'm gonna at least about making fun of him next time I see him."

"Oh, definitely," Cassie agreed. "I mean yeah, poor Alex, but this is some truly great material we have to work with."

"He said it never happened before."

"Well, that's what we all say." Izzie and Cassie gave George a look. "And I mean . That's what all say."

"I don't know. Maybe this relationship just isn't meant to be. I mean, I just need some sex. You know, just—" Izzie grabbed George's shirt and pulled him close to her. "I need sex . You know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean," Cassie commented absentmindedly. "It's been almost a month since I had a hook up, and I feel like my hymen is slowly starting to grow back."

"No matter how hard you beg, I am not doing either of you," George said, making them both smile.

After changing into her scrubsand rounding on her patients, Cassie noticed an unusually cheerful Addison coming towards her with two coffees in hand, a determined look on her face, and a shit-eating grin. Cassie just rolled her eyes.

"Hey Cass, I got you coffee," she smiled, slightly out of breath, shoving the beverage into her hands. "Iced vanilla latte, extra shot. I remembered, you see? Because that's what do. They remember."

"Thanks," Cassie said awkwardly, as the older woman stared at her with expectant eyes. "Uh, thanks ?"

"We are friends again, right?"

"I don't know, Addie—"

"Derek chose me!" she shouts, earning looks from the hospital staff. "Derek chose me," she says quieter. "You said that if Derek forgave me, then you would too."

"Did he?" she raised a brow. "Forgive you?"

Addison hesitated. "Well, I mean, technically no but—"

"I'll talk to Derek," Cassie cut her off. "I love you, and I miss you, but Derek is my family. If he's okay with it, then yes, we're friends again."

"Okay," she sighed. "For the record, I miss you too."

Cassie smiled, debating going in for a hug but ultimately deciding against it. "Thanks for the coffee."

Cassie was drinking her coffee with Meredith and Cristinaoutside on a bench, shivering yet refusing to get a hot drink. she used to say back in New York when Mark was pestering her about her beverage of choice.

"They always look so sad when I kick them out," Meredith laughed, talking about her fleeing hookup from the night before. "Seriously, why do guys not understand that when you pick them up in a bar and take them home for sex, that there are no picket fences or kids in your future."

Cristina sighed at that, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a key.

Cassie's eyes practically popped out of her skull, an incredulous gasp coming from her lips.