chapter twenty seven

staring at the sun.season three, episode eight.

The five were staring at the chart in George's hands, and Cassie had a comforting arm around his shoulders.

"Today is the day, people," Meredith beamed as she entered the room. "Today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever, and bright and shiny Meredith takes her place. You're probably not going to want to be friends with me anymore, cause the sheer intensity of my happiness will make your teeth hurt. That's okay, because life is good. Life is good."

Cassie cleared her throat. "Mer—"

"Wait, what's going on?" she asked, noticing the solemn vibe.

"George's dad was admitted last night," Izzie informed her.

"Oh my god, is he okay?"

"He's fine," George said simply.

"He passed out, hit the floor, and fractured his clavicle," Cassie finished.

"His clavicle is fine," George disagreed. "Callie said, uh, she said it's fine."

"Are those his AM labs?"

"He's complaining of severe abdominal pain," Cassie bit her lip in thought.

Cristina nodded. "He doesn't have peritoneal signs, that's good."

Bailey entered the room, looking around. "Has anybody seen—" she cut herself off when she saw the chart in George's hands.

George froze. "I was just looking at it."

"Don't you think reading it is more important than reading it?"

"Sure. Fine. He's going to be fine."

"You're on scut today. You'll be distracted."

"No I won't."

"Family members do not treat family members. Scut."

"I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with Dr. Burke this morning," Cristina perked up.

"Of course you are," Bailey rolled her eyes. "Karev, Harper, you're with Sloan. Grey, pit. Stevens, shadow Karev."

Cassie made eye contact with her resident, a pointed look crossing her features. "Dr. Bailey, may I speak to you?"

"In a second," she said, before looking at the blonde. "Let me remind you again of the rules of your probation."

"I think she knows the rules, Dr. Bailey," Alex scoffed.

"No touching patients, no talking to patients, no rolling your eyes at patients, or your superiors. Cassie, come with me."

Cassie followed Bailey into the hall with an annoyed expression.

"Look, Dr. Bailey, I'm trying. I really am, but I refuse to work with her. Absolutely not."

"Sloan requested you," Bailey shrugged. "You'll have to deal with it."

Cassie gave her an exacerbated look. "Deal with it? That's your advice?"

Bailey looked at her and sighed. "You're a talented intern, Harper. One of the best I've ever taught. You can do this."

"Ah, excellent," Mark smiled sarcastically as Alex and Izzie came up to him. "Karev, my invaluable intern. Is it bring an insane hot blonde to work day? Nobody told me."

"Sexual harassment," Izzie coughed out.

Cassie rolled her eyes, approaching the group of three. "Shut up Izzie."

"Angel, my intern," Mark grinned.

"Dr. Stevens is shadowing me today," Alex stated.

"Well, at least Cass is here," Mark mumbled as he handed Cassie the patient's chart.

Izzie ignored his comment. "What case do you need us on?"

"It's a really tragic one. Just this morning, I found out that I have over two weeks worth of dry cleaning that needs to be picked up, stat."

"That's it?" Alex asked, grabbing the dry cleaner's address. "Cool."

Mark smiled to himself. "See, we're like a well oiled machine, you and me. I also need you two to get me a sandwich from that pathetic excuse for a deli. Karev, you know the one I like. But go easy on the mayo this time. I think you're trying to kill me."

"Why doesn't Cassie have to go?" Izzie scoffed.

"Because unlike you," Cassie glared, "I'm actually allowed to practice medicine. Comes in handy, doesn't it?"

"And, because she's useful, trustworthy, and I like her more than you," Mark shrugged.

He beckoned Cassie to follow him down the hall, the brunette sending a nasty smirk over her shoulder to a bitter looking Izzie.

Cassie found George sitting at the nurses station, staring into empty space. "Hey, Georgie," she smiled sympathetically. "How are you?"

"I'm, uh," George paused, not really sure how he was feeling at that moment.

"Do you want me on your dad's case today?" she wondered. He gave her a questioning look, prompting her to explain herself. "I know that you chose Cristina, but she doesn't exactly have the best bedside manner. I could just be in there to keep him smiling, if you want. Plus, I have the time, since Sloan's patient is already in post-op."