chapter twenty eight

don't stand so close to me.season three, episode ten.

After Derek performed surgery on his arm when he was shot the night of Denny's transplant, there was a post-op complication, which Cristina had helped him keep a secret from everyone else.

Cassie knew something was going on with Cristina, but she never imagined it was that drastic. Cristina was also planning on letting Burke operate on George's dad, so Cassie wasn't exactly sure how to feel.

If the same thing had happened to her mother when she was getting a mastectomy for her cancer, Cassie wouldn't be very forgiving.

She didn't like choosing sides, but this time, she felt like she had to.

"Maybe she'll be on look but don't touch patrol too," Izzie said, putting on her coat. "At least I'll have some company."

"Whatever she gets, I hope its bad. Really bad," Alex added, causing Meredith to roll her eyes.

"She made a mistake."

"A mistake?" George scoffed, joining the others. "She was going to let Burke, Burke with the shakey hand, operate on my father."

Cassie looked down in thought, moving to stand next to George.

Cristina walked in, causing everyone to stop talking. She narrowed her eyes at George. "Could you stop looking at me like that? It's creepy, and makes you look like you haven't been fed."

Izzie and Alex scoffed at her and left the room, George following soon after.

"So, how's it going?" Meredith asked.

"How's what going?"

"You and Burke, are you okay?"

"Um," Cassie frowned suddenly, finishing up tying her shoes. "I'm late for— I, um, have to go. I'll see you guys later."

The interns, minus Meredith who was on Addison's service, we're doing rounds on their patients. When they got to Harold O'Malley's room, Cassie grinned at the family.

"Hi mom," George smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Honey," his mother greeted. "I put out some breakfast in case you kids were hungry."

Alex and Cassie simultaneously pumped their fists in the air. "Score!"

"Harper, Karev," Bailey scolded.

Cassie smiled apologetically, moving to give George's mom a hug. "It's nice to see you again."

She returned the sentiment, squeezing the girl tightly. "You too, sweetie."

"Alright lets make this fast people, I have a day," Hahn stated, coming into the room with a straight face. "Which one of the interns is mine?"

"It's my case," Alex declared, pointing to George, Cassie, and Izzie as he spoke. "He's family, she's on Shepherd's service, and she's a candy striper."

Izzie stood proudly. "I'm ready."

"You're not," Cassie blatantly disagreed. "Dr. Bailey, I've been on this case since he was admitted."

"What if you did pick me," George proposed. "What if you picked me?"

"Ooh, pick me!" George's brother's mocked.

"Guys, this is serious."

Bailey glanced over their heads, to Cristina who was standing against the wall. "Yang."

"What?!" the interns exclaimed.

"Dr. Hahn, Christina is very good with cardio. I'm sure you could use her for the day," Bailey smirked. "What are you waiting for Yang, present the case."

Cristina hesitantly stepped forward. "Harold O'Malley, 63, diagnosed with oesophagial cancer and severe aortic regurge. Is scheduled for aortic valve replacement this afternoon."

"Dude, that case was mine and she gives it to Yang," Alex complained. "I haven't had a cardiac case in ages."

"It's not just any case," George frowned. "It's my father."

"So, there's a double standard. Yang does something wrong, and she gets rewarded. That's fair," Izzie rolled her eyes.

Cassie glared at her. "Hypocritical much, Izzie? Honestly, I'm shocked that you're still allowed to practice medicine after what you did."

George sent her a frown. "Why are you defending her?"

"I'm not, George. Neither of them should be allowed to work right now." She gave him a genuine look. "I'm not defending her."

Alex shook his head. "It's not fair."

Bailey abruptly turned around to glare at them. "If you four thumb suckers don't stop whining, I swear I will not show you what's behind this door. And trust me, you want to see what's behind this door."

The intern's eyes widened when they stepped into the room, at the sight of adult conjoined twins.

"Excuse me doctors, you're going to have to wait a few minutes."

"He has to go pee! Every five minutes, he's got to pee."

"I've always had a small bladder. Oh, I can't live like this any longer."