six days, part one.season three, episode eleven.
"" Over the past few nights, she had been spending the night in his hotel room rather than Meredith's house, for one reason and one reason only; Izzie Stevens.
Cassie didn't think she could despise the blonde any more than she already did, until Izzie became her regular self again.
The way she was, before she killed Denny.
If she were honest, Cassie would say that she simply didn't understand how Izzie was already back to normal. After all, certainly wasn't.
Seeing Izzie happy made a deep rage bubble in the pit of Cassie's stomach, so much so that she could no longer stand to be in the same house as her. Perhaps she was holding a grudge, but in her opinion, some grudges were meant to be held.
Of course, there were rules to her and Mark's constant sleepovers. Rule number one, no having sex, because sex is notorious for ruining friendships, and she cared about him too much to let that happen. Rule number two— well, actually, that was the only rule. But still, it was strongly enforced.
"Good morning," Mark smiled back at her. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, actually," she responded, standing up and throwing her hair in a bun so she could wash her face. "You?"
"I guess, but I would've slept even better if—"
"No sex, Mark," Cassie deadpanned.
"Why not?" he argued playfully. "You're hot. I'm hot."
"Just because we're both hot, doesn't mean we should be sleeping together."
"That's why we should be sleeping together." Cassie narrowed her eyes, throwing a shoe at him which just barely missed his head. "Fine. But you're missing out, angel."
"If anyone's missing out, it's you."
He sighed dramatically. "And don't I know it."
"So," Meredith turned to Cristina as the interns made their way to rounds, "how's Burke doing?"
"I don't know."
"She doesn't know," George repeated.
Alex made a face of disbelief. "He just had surgery yesterday, and you don't know how he's doing?"
Cassie shook her head at him, adjusting her white coat as she walked. "They're not speaking."
"I thought they made up," Izzie wondered aloud.
"I wasn't talking to you," Cassie snapped.
The rest of the interns carried on the conversation, other than Izzie, who looked to the ground in frustration, seeming as if she were holding something back. Cassie was oblivious to her internal battle.
"They did," Meredith said. "Sort of."
"But she's still not speaking to him," Cassie finished.
"He's not speaking to me," Cristina corrected.
Meredith looked between the two. "They're not speaking to each other."
Cristina suddenly turned to Meredith and Cassie, grabbing each of their arms in the process. "Hey, did either of you ask Derek about Burke's hand?"
"I don't want to get in the middle of it," Meredith sighed. "Derek and I are happy. Can we just keep it that way for a while?"
"You know," Izzie cut in, "you could always just swallow your pride and ask him yourself."
"Well, you could always just learn how to shut up and keep your thoughts to yourself," Cassie shrugged nonchalantly, barely even glancing in Izzie's direction. "I'm sure we'd all appreciate it."
As usual, the group didn't comment on Cassie's behavior towards the blonde. Not only because they were used to it, but also because they universally decided that it was deserved.
The group continued on their rounds. They stopped by Harold O'Malley's room, as well as checked in on Meredith's half sister's baby that was up in the NICU.
As they entered another patient room, they collectively gaped at the sight before them. A young girl slowly walked out of the bathroom, bent over about ninety degrees at the waist.
"You okay, honey?" her mother asked.
"Yeah," she grunted, "can you just help me?"
Meredith whispered, "Scoliosis?"
"Looks like a birth defect," Cristina shook her head.
Cassie frowned to herself. "Looks like hell."
The patient raised an expectant eyebrow at the group of doctors, adjusting herself as she sat on the bed. "What are you all staring at? Really, if you expect me to be the brave and heartwarming differently abled girl, that isn't going to happen. So go ahead and do your thing."
Bailey sighed, looking to Izzie. "Stevens."
"Heather Douglas, seventeen," Izzie began. "Past medical history of VADER syndrome."
"Which is, Harper?"
Cassie stepped forward, giving Heather a soft smile in greeting. "VADER syndrome is a genetic condition that affects the vertebra, anus, trachea, esophagus and renal system."