chapter forty three

lay your hands on me.season four, episode eleven.

She avoided Mark's eye by locking her gaze on the mudddy ground, acutely aware of him staring at her. To say things had been a bit awkward between two lately, would be the understatement of the century.

There were many words unspoken, yet they were both to stubborn to admit how they so obviously felt. Nonetheless, they ignored the tension so that Derek wouldn't get suspicious.

"You gonna tell me where we're going?" Mark asked, walking in step with Cassie. It was almost comical, seeing as they were wearing identical leather jackets.

"Why does it always have to be about the destination?" Derek asked. "Why can't it be about the journey?"

"Because he's wearing three hundred dollar shoes, and god knows he won't stop complaining if they get ruined," Cassie answered, sparing a glance up to the man in question, who was already grinning down at her.


Derek ignored them and changed the subject. "Meredith told me she doesn't want me seeing other people."

"She found out about you and Rose?"

"You and who?" Cassie frowned in confusion.

"You didn't hear?" Mark raised a brow. "Derek kissed a nurse."

Cassie turned to her brother angrily. "You kissed a nurse?! Why am I just now finding out?"

Derek rolled his eyes at Mark. "Thanks for that." He turned back to the brunette. "There was nothing to find out. It was just a kiss."

"Yeah, but you're not the kind of guy who makes out with nurses in scrub rooms," Mark said. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

"There is, actually, when I can't tell Meredith. You know I hate keeping secrets," Cassie huffed. "You better tell her soon."

Derek ignored her once again. "What do you think?"

"It was more than just a kiss," Mark shrugged.

"The view," Derek clarified. They looked out over the hill, and saw an amazing view overlooking the city.

"It's beautiful," Cassie said in awe.

"What are we looking at, exactly?"

"This is the view from my new house," Derek grinned.

The next day, Cassie and Alex walked into the kitchen, and were immediately disgusted by the smell. "Dude, what the hell is that?"

"Meredith cooked," Derek informed them.

"Meredith doesn't cook," Cassie shook her head. "She 'cook."

"I can cook," Meredith scoffed.

Derek shrugged as Lexie came into the kitchen after spending the night in Cassie's room. "She wanted to do something nice for Lexie."

Lexie raised a brow. "You cooked for me?"

"It's no big deal," she shrugged. "Just eggs, and avocado, and... whatever cheese that was in the fridge."

"Oh, Lexie is actually allergic to—"

"Oh!" Lexie cut Cassie off. "I love, um, avocados."

Alex and Cassie sipped their juice, watching Lexie try a bite of the omelet from hell. "Is it okay?"

"Mhm," she smiled painfully.

When Meredith left, Cassie raised a brow at the intern. "Aren't you allergic to eggs?" she whispered.

Lexie nodded. "I couldn't just eat it."

Bailey and Cassie entered their patients room, who was having runs of v-tach. They paused in their steps, when they saw a woman standing over the man with her hands on his chest.

"You're going to have to step back from the patient, ma'am," Bailey said confused. The woman ignored her. "Ma'am?"

"Just one second."

She continued to move her hand over the man's heart, and Cristina came into the room. "Ms. Archer?" She turned to Cassie. "What is she doing here?"

"I have no idea," Cassie shrugged. "Who is she?"

"She's Hahn's patient. Ms. Archer, you need to get back to your bed."

All of a sudden, the monitor stopped beeping and the man was perfectly fine. "There," the woman said, stepping away.

"What'd you do to him?" Bailey frowned. "He was in v-tach, and now..."

"I healed him. I'm a healer," she answered, before passing out and into Cassie's arms.

The brunette looked at the woman with wide eyes. "Could I get a gurney over here please?"

Bailey, Hahn, Cristina, Cassie, and Alex were in Elizabeth Archer's room, after she collapsed. Bailey looked at her skeptically. "You're a faith healer?"

"I'm a healer, and I have faith, but I'm not sure the two are related," Elizabeth answered.

"Actually," Cassie cut in. "Faith healing is the practice of prayer and gestures, that are believed by some to elicit divine intervention in spiritual and physical healing. Faith healing is usually a Christian practice, however energy healers often use the same tactics. To believers, the aura is an invisible, electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body that serves a greater purpose than its aesthetic charms. Energy healers say that the semipermeable nature of the aura's energy works discreetly to gather information from the surrounding environment and protect us from danger. They can mend and change auras at will, and believers say that it takes lots of practice to perfect."