67. Chapter 67

She swears she’s not gay, and Maggie knows better.

Because Maggie sees the way her eyes rake down her body when she bends over the pool table to line up a shot; hears the way her breath hitches when Maggie laughs and slips into her space; feels the way Alex’s entire body reacts when they touch, when they hug, when they make eye contact over the tops of their beer bottles.

Not only is Alex queer; but Alex likes her, and damnit, Maggie’s had enough of Alex’s denial.

So when they’re done sparring – sparring is amazing because Alex is sweating and breathing hard and barely dressed and Maggie is shook and Maggie is grateful for the opportunity to touch her, to feel her, to watch her bounce on the balls of her feet, to watch her concentrate, to watch her strategize, to watch her muscles ripple and god she should have been able to block that punch, but lord is she too gay to handle this shit – when they’re done sparring, Maggie does something she hasn’t yet in front of Alex.

In front of her nope not gay definitely not gay nope no why are you looking at me like that or more to the point why am I looking at you like that nope not gay nope nope no friend.

They’re done sparring, and Maggie starts to strip.

She starts with her too-tight tank, facing Alex as she pulls it over her head, as Alex’s jaw drops and Alex blinks and Alex won’t stop staring.

Which is exactly what Maggie was hoping for, so she doesn’t turn around when she slips out of her sports bra, as she grabs a towel and pats the sweat off her bare chest. Alex coughs and Alex turns around and Maggie just grins.

“Something wrong, Danvers?”

Alex’s voice cracks when she responds, and Maggie smirks.

“No, no, not – no, of course not.”

“Pass me my bag, will you?”

“Mmhmm,” Alex squeaks, and she steals a glance in Maggie’s direction as she hands her the duffle. And promptly trips over herself.

Because Maggie is completely naked now, casually unzipping her bag, casually digging around for her change of clothes.

And Alex has never been this…. this.

“Sure you’re alright, Danvers?”


“Listen, I’m down to take you back to my place and let you touch everything you keep staring at. As friends. You know. If you want.”



“I think I’m gay.”

“Well lucky me then, cause that makes two of us.”