68. Chapter 68

The first time she woke up without Maggie next to her, she panicked.

Of course she left, because why would she stay?

Panicked, that is, until she found the note on the pillow next to her.


I didn’t wake you because you looked so peaceful. Went out to get coffee and groceries. Be back soon.

Stay in bed, beautiful.

You are perfect, and I can’t wait to be back in your arms.

- M

So now, when she wakes up and Maggie isn’t there, Alex sighs, and Alex stretches, and Alex smiles, because she can hear her puttering around in the kitchen, she can smell the freshly brewed coffee and she can hear the sizzling of pancake batter into the pan.

This morning – this Sunday morning that J’onn banned her from the DEO and that Maggie had wrangled an entire day off – when Alex wakes and sighs and stretches and smiles, Maggie has left CatCo’s Sunday edition on the pillow.

Alex reaches for it eagerly, rolling over onto her stomach, letting the blanket stop just at the small of her back, and grabbing her glasses blearily from the bedside table. She finds her sister’s latest article, and she takes a moment before diving into reading it to cherish the way the sunlight is dancing through the blinds onto her naked back, the way her body is fully, completely calm, the way her soul is fully, perfectly, happy.

She looks over her shoulder when Maggie slips back into the room a half hour later, smiling at the sight of her girlfriend dressed in nothing but Alex’s Stanford sweater and her boxers.

“Morning princess,” Maggie greets, steaming mugs of coffee in her hands, and Alex coos, dropping the magazine on her pillow as she stretches languidly, contentedly. Maggie’s breath hitches as the blanket slips lower on Alex’s body, letting her see the perfect curve of the red boy shorts Alex fell asleep in.

“See something you like?” Alex flirts sleepily, starting to roll over onto her back, but Maggie stops her smoothly as she sets the mugs on the bedside table and crawls on top of her.

Alex hums and sighs and arches her ass back into Maggie’s body as Maggie sweeps her hair off the nape of her neck and presses open-mouthed kisses on her neck, her shoulders, her back.

“Yes and no,” Maggie answered her, and there was a time when that answer would have sent Alex into a panic, but she can feel the smile on Maggie’s lips as she continued pressing kisses to Alex’s back, as she moves down her body, down to the small of her back, to her ass, drawing the blanket gently off her thighs after a pause and an eager nod from Alex, coaxing a gasp and a grinding of her hips down onto the bed as she nips at her thighs, flits her tongue over the backs of her knees, kisses her calves, her ankles, her heels, the bottoms of her feet, before working her way – slowly, carefully, attentively – back up Alex’s body.

“Tell me the yes part,” Alex sighs, and writhes and gasps as Maggie grabs at her hips and presses down into her.

“The yes part is yes, yes, of course I see something I like. My woman, basically naked, in our bed, relaxed and happy and perfect and damn, wearing those glasses, on a perfect Sunday morning? Yeah. I see a lot of somethings I like.”

Alex smiles and groans happily as Maggie slips her hands underneath her body, bringing them around her chest to take her breasts into her hands, and Maggie shudders and growls slightly, grinding her hips down into Alex’s ass.

“And the no part?” Alex flirts breathlessly, and Maggie holds herself up with one hand while drawing the lower, skating against the bed down Alex’s stomach, pausing around her navel for permission to slip lower, which Alex whines and arches her back and grants.

“The no part,” Maggie slips her hand under Alex’s boy shorts, grazing her clit and letting Alex gasp and whine and grind down onto her hand as much as she wants, “is that I don’t just see something I like.”

She shifts her weight to her elbow and smooths Alex’s hair off the side of her face so she can kiss her temple, so she can nip at her earlobe, so she can kiss her jaw, her neck, bite down slightly before breathing into her ear, “My good girl.”

Alex makes a sound somewhere between a gasp and a scream, and Maggie rewards her with a question in her eyes. “Please,” Alex answers, and Maggie leans down to kiss the side of her mouth as she obeys, slipping her fingers inside of her, keeping her palm right on that spot above her clit that Alex needs, needs, to come completely undone.

“I love when you make those sounds for me, babygirl,” and Alex writhes harder, screams louder. “Mmm, good girl, and when you move like that for me.”

Alex slams her palm into the sheets, curls her fingers desperately around them, and Maggie nips at her earlobe and Alex unravels and Maggie is wrecked at the way her body moves underneath hers, the way her back muscles ripple as her inner walls convulse around her fingers, the way her name tastes on Alex’s lips, the way she knows that heaven must be a Sunday morning with this woman.

“I don’t just see something I like, Alex Danvers. I see something – someone – that I love. So, so much.”