118. Chapter 118

She’s never really bottomed for anyone before.

Her other girlfriends, her other flings? None of them saw past her Triumph, past her leather jackets, smooth words, calm hands, cop badge, gun, and cool smirk.

None of them saw her truly vulnerable; when she tried to let them, it never ended well.

But Alex? Alex held her when she screamed and raged and broke things and sobbed after the massacre at the bar, and Alex held her hair back when she threw up from sheer grief, and Alex booked a flight for her niece to come visit her, and Alex made her laugh and Alex listened to her and Alex cared and Alex protected her.

And Alex watched her in bed, watched what she loved, watched what made her scream loudest, watched, watched, watched, because she didn’t expect to just get fucked, to just get off on Maggie’s body; no, Alex wanted to make Maggie feel incredible.

And she is, she is, she is, holding her naked, writhing body down by her wrists, her eyes gleaming with raw need, raw want, for Maggie’s next scream, for Maggie’s next whine, because Alex is keening with raw need, raw want, to see Maggie’s pleasure.

And it’s new, for Maggie, to be this cared for, to be paid this much attention, but god, god, god, this woman – who spends her days in battle gear and lab coats and her nights undressing her, this woman who saunters onto bloody crime scenes like she owns them, who hauls rocket launchers onto her shoulder like they’re mere paperweights – this woman is giving her all of her attention, all of her fire, and it couldn’t possibly be making Maggie any hotter.

She whines and she groans and she arches her hips up, because Alex is slipping out of her again, and she finds that she can’t help but beg.

“Please,” she keens, and Alex smirks, and Alex still holds her down.

“Please what?”

“Please don’t stop fucking me.”

Alex growls softly in the back of her throat and tightens her fingers around Maggie’s wrists, waiting.

Maggie knows what she wants, and Maggie could cum with the mere thought of giving it to her.

“Please don’t stop fucking me, Daddy.”

Alex full out moans, now, and before Maggie can draw another shaky breath, Alex has her flipped onto her stomach, has her strapon poised to slip back inside her from behind.

“Color?” Alex demands raggedly, and Maggie swallows.

“Yellow,” she whispers, and Alex eases off of her immediately.

“Need to stop, baby?”

Maggie shakes her head into the pillow. “No, I just… you like this, Al? Like, you’re turned on? Not just… not just for me?”

Alex sweeps Maggie’s hair off her cheek and kisses every part of her face she can reach. “I am so fucking turned on, Mags. I love feeling you like this, I love everything about this. About us.”

“So what’s your color?”

“I’m green, babe, but only if you are.”

Maybe it’s something in Alex’s eyes, or maybe it’s something in the way Alex kisses her nose, or maybe it’s something in the way she seemed to love her more for hitting pause on their play instead of being irritated, instead of being resentful, instead of being accusatory and impatient and demanding.

Maybe it’s everything that is Alex.

Whatever it is, it has Maggie biting her lip, Maggie backing her ass back into Alex’s strapon.

“Then I’m pretty sure you were about to fuck your little girl, Daddy.”

Alex groans into her ear and Maggie’s entire body shivers as Alex immediately shifts to slip back inside her – easily, because she’s dripping wet – and Maggie screams into the pillow at the sensation.

“Fuck,” Alex moans into the back of her neck, and Maggie shifts her knees back farther so she can take Alex deeper.

“You’re such a good little girl for me, baby, so fucking tight for me. You like feeling me stretch you out, my girl?”

“Yes Daddy,” Maggie whines, and Alex finds her palm at her side to check in. Maggie squeezes her fingers immediately, and Alex grins wickedly at the sign to keep going.

“Do you wanna feel Daddy cum inside you, baby?” Alex wants to know, and she almost cums then and there as Maggie slips one of her hands under her body so she can put pressure on her clit while Alex fucks her.

“Yes, yes, yes Daddy, please,” she breathes, just barely, because Alex is pounding into her so hard, kissing her back so reverently, breathing so raggedly, and the combination has Maggie more wrecked than she’s ever been.

“You know what I need you to do for me then, baby? I need you to be a good little girl and cum for me, okay? Can you do that for Daddy?”

But Maggie is completely undone before Alex even chokes out her sentence, and Alex isn’t far behind because Maggie’s entire body is shuddering, is pulsing, underneath hers and she’s screaming into her pillow and Alex’s name is spilling out of Maggie’s lips and three words Alex never thought she’d say to anyone are pouring out of hers, and she repeats them, over and over and over and over, when they’ve both rode through their waves, when she gathers Maggie into her arms and calls her beautiful and calls her perfect and calls her her angel and kisses every inch of her face to prove it.

And Maggie has never felt more sated, and Maggie has never felt more loved.