119. Chapter 119

“You might want to put your eyes back in your skull, Sawyer, or you’re going to spill your HCl all over my notes.”

Maggie hisses slightly and lifts her vial so she’s no longer putting Lena’s organic chem notes in the line of fire. Or, acid, to be more precise.

“Sorry, L, I just – “

“I know, hun. Everyone knows. And don’t panic, because by everyone, I just mean me. Oh, don’t give me that baffled look, you’d have an outwardly over-inflamed sense of self to compensate for scalding inner self-hatred if you grew up a Luthor, too.”

“You’re really taking our psych class seriously, huh?”

“And you’re really taking Alex Danvers’s ass seriously.”

The HCl does spill this time, and Lena yelps and smacks Maggie’s shoulder lightly as she salvages her papers. Alex turns around at the sound, and Maggie’s insides twist like she just swallowed the damn acid because she’s got goggles on over her glasses and she still manages to look every bit the prom queen, every bit the star surfer, every bit the smartest, most popular pre-med student in the whole damn college.

Alex’s eyes scan Lena and Maggie’s work bench even as she holds her own chemicals poised perfectly, measured perfectly, above her beaker. “You two alright there?” she asks, and Maggie’s throat closes up, so Lena flashes her warmest smile, and Lena decides to play wingman – well, wingwoman – because this crush has gone on long enough, as has Maggie’s insistence that she’d never wanna be with me anyway, I mean god, she’s perfect and I’m just… well… me.

“Yeah, yes, fine, my clumsy hands, you know,” Lena takes the blame, and wets her red lipstick with her tongue, and for a moment, Maggie wants to deliver a sound kick to her shins because oh come on seriously, don’t seduce her right in front of me. But Lena is more loyal than that, and Maggie knows it, and Alex isn’t her type, anyway.

Alex grins slightly and goes to turn her attention back to her own bench. “It’s Alexandra, isn’t it?” Lena asks, and Maggie nearly panics.

“What the hell are you doing?” she hisses.

“Getting you a girlfriend,” Lena mutters under her breath as she strides over to Alex’s bench.

“Alex. Yes.”

“Well, we haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Lena, and that beauty over there’s Maggie Sawyer. She’s the one who figured out that blood spatter problem that no one else could crack in forensics last week, you know.”

And suddenly Alex’s eyes are meeting Maggie’s, and she’s licking her lips, and she’s slipping off her goggles so she can look at Maggie straight through her glasses. “I know. I um… I’ve been meaning to talk to you. About that. Actually. I just, um… You two always seem like you’re together.”

“We’re not,” Maggie splutters as Lena smirks and slips into the background. “Together. But um. But I can… if you wanted, you know, I can take you out on my Triumph, this bar I know. Go over… labs, or… something. Together. You and me.”

Alex’s eyes slip up and down Maggie’s body and a small smile plays at her lips as a blush rises in her cheeks.

“I think I’d like that, Sawyer. I think I’d like that a lot.”

It doesn’t take long for them to become the most popular couple on campus. And it takes even less time for Lena to proudly claim credit for it at every opportunity, to bemoan her singledom and swear that Maggie will simply have to repay the favor of setting her up with her own soulmate one day.

That day comes about a year later, when Alex’s dorm is hosting a party for the new batch of freshmen, and Lena freezes when she sees the blonde with the green eyes, adorable cardigan, and beaming smile.

“Alright there, Luthor?” Maggie wants to know, but Lena just stares. Maggie follows her gaze and smirks and decides not to tell her who the girl is, because if she does Lena’s sure to come up with some excuse not to talk to her.

“Babe,” she whispers as Alex passes behind her, melting into her arms with a smile and a kiss. “Lena’s looking at Kara like she uh… wants to get to know her better. That okay with you?”

“Oh my god, please yes. If anyone can get Kara to come the hell out as bi already, it’s Lena.” Maggie grins and Alex steps back to watch, and Maggie takes Lena by the elbow and practically drags her across the room.

“Maggie!” Kara shouts and launches herself into her arms. Lena’s eyes fly wide as they embrace, in awe of someone who’s so free with affection, who’s so open with love.

“Hey Little Danvers. Someone I want you to meet. Lena, this is Kara Danvers, Alex’s kid sister. Kara, this is my best friend Lena Luthor. She runs the whole businessy sciencey thing – ”

“The Entrepreneurial Society of Bioengineers.”

“Right. That fancy ass, super smart, super socially conscious, super you’ve gotta be a badass and a genius to be in this club let alone run it thing on campus. You two should – you know – talk.”

Kara takes one look at Lena, one look at Maggie’s none-too-subtle wink as she strolls away in search of her girlfriend, and furiously adjusts her glasses with a fire in her eyes and a shy smile pulling at her lips.

“Nice to meet you, Lena.”

“And you, Kara. Has your… sister, apparently… shown you around, or would you like me to give you a tour?”

Lena bites her lip and Kara forgets both English and Kryptonian.

Across the room, Maggie rests her head on Alex’s shoulder, reveling in Alex’s hand holding her close around her waist.

“I think I just got your kid sister laid.”

Alex groans and pulls away, and Maggie staggers, laughing. “Watch it, Sawyer, or she’ll be the only one.”

Maggie laughs into Alex’s teasing kiss as the party spills on around them.