134. Chapter 134

“Color, babe?” Maggie needs to know, because her thrusts are getting ragged and rough and she knows Alex is soaking wet for her and she knows Alex is screaming for her but she needs to make sure, needs to confirm, because she’s so turned on, she’s so wrecked, that she’s not entirely sure she’s thinking clearly.

“Green green green,” Alex gasps, her nails scraping down Maggie’s back. “But um – “

Maggie freezes immediately, inhaling shakily, gathering her self-control, gathering every ounce of restraint she has.

“You okay, Al?”

“Yeah yeah, yes, but Maggie… if you want… do you wanna flip me over?”

Maggie answers with her hands, Maggie answers with the low growl in the back of her throat, and Maggie answers by pulling her strapon softly out of Alex, bracing herself up on both feet and one arm, flipping Alex over onto her stomach with the other.

Alex gasps and Alex writhes and Alex grabs at the bedsheets desperately.

“Like this, babe?” Maggie asks, and Alex squeaks, and Alex nods, and Alex begs.

“Fuck me again? Like this?”

Maggie groans and shifts so she can adjust her strapon and Alex whines and stills and waits and backs her ass up when she feels Maggie slowly pushing back into her, and for a moment, a long, long moment, both of them freeze, both of them hold, both of them pause. Maggie brushes hair away from the back of Alex’s neck and kisses it slow, soft. Perfect. Alex sighs and reaches a hand out by her side, and Maggie takes it, and their fingers interlock, and Maggie thrusts her hips down and Alex screams into the pillow.

“I love you, Alex Danvers,” she whispers as she fucks her, as she makes her writhe and scream and as Alex’s free hand slips underneath her body, putting pressure on her clit, building and building along with Maggie’s harder and faster and harder and faster thrusts, because Alex is whimpering for more and Maggie is nothing if not obliging and when Alex cums Maggie cums right along with her because I love you, I love you, I love you.

When Alex decides she wants to return the favor, Maggie chuckles and Maggie nods and Maggie bites down a moan, barely, and she leans a shaky hand to the nightstand drawer to pull out a condom, slipping it over the dildo after Alex slips on the harness, slipping off her own underwear, gulping hard, kissing Alex hard, before Alex makes sure the pillows are adequately comfortable, before Alex lays her down on her stomach, before Alex runs reverent hands down Maggie’s muscled back, perfect ass, tight thighs, smooth calves, calloused feet.

“Color, Mags?” Alex asks, and when Maggie chokes green, Alex grins, and Alex groans.

“Fuck, you’re wet for me,” she whispers into Maggie’s ear as she positions her strapon, and Maggie gives a ragged chuckle.

“The hell did you expect, Danvers?” Alex pushes inside her instead of giving a verbal response, and Maggie’s low tone is lost in a high scream, in the way she slams open palms into the bedsheets, the way she bites into the pillow and arches her ass back and repeats Alex’s name over and over and over like a prayer.

She builds her tempo slowly, slowly, asking Maggie for her color every time she wants to push faster, every time she wants to push deeper, because she knows Maggie likes it fast, she knows Maggie likes it hard, and she knows Maggie likes it deep, but she’s always worried about hurting her, always worried about overwhelming her.

So Alex keeps asking, and Alex keeps getting green lights, and by the time her own thrusts are getting uneven with her own buildup from slamming so hard into Maggie’s ass, her own need to cum deep, deep inside her, Maggie’s own hand is pressuring her clit and Alex almost can’t stand how hot the sight beneath her is, how incredible, how perfect, and when she feels Maggie’s walls convulsing, when she feels Maggie’s body writhing, when she hears Maggie screaming Ally, Ally, Ally, she lets herself go, she buries herself deep inside Maggie and rides her own orgasm right along with her.

“Fuck, Danvers,” Maggie whispers, many long, breathless, kiss-filled minutes later as Alex slides slowly, carefully, out of her.

“Yeah, that was the general idea, Sawyer.”


“You like me being a nerd.”



“I mean, true. I do like it. But I also love it. My nerd.”

“Yeah. Your nerd.”