296. Chapter 296

It’s all in good fun.

Maggie doesn’t mind because I mean hey Danvers, I plan on sticking around, but I can’t be the only hot woman you ever get to flirt with and because it’s Sara, and Sara is kind and Sara is fun and Sara is protective and Sara is deeply respectful of their love and Sara is… well, Sara is hot.

So it’s all in good fun, but Alex?

Alex keeps rebuffing even Sara’s smoothest (and corniest) moves.

At the bar.

Hey, Danvers, I know your sister can shoot lasers out of her eyes, but did you know you can make me wet with yours?

Oh please, Lance, if that’s the line you used on the Queen of France, it must not translate well into English.

In the green room.

Nice maneuver, Alex. Wanna try it out horizontally?

I did last night with Maggie, but nice try, Sara.

In the DEO control room.

Hey Maggie, does she look as good out of that uniform as she does in it?

Even better, Sara.

Good god, can the three of you take this outside? It’s bad enough how loudly you all think, I don’t have to hear it verbalized, too.

And that’s when it happens.

“Well, if you kiss me, we can stop traumatizing J’onn, because I’ll never flirt with you again,” Sara tells her, the smirk on her lips matching the playful one in Alex’s eyes, and Maggie arches an amused eyebrow as Sara turns to head out of the room.

But Alex grabs her arm and Alex spins her around and Alex glances at Maggie and Maggie nods because hell, why not, she’s coming home to her tonight, and Alex kisses Sara hard, kisses Sara hot, kisses Sara with tongue and with fervor.

J’onn groans and Winn trips over himself and Maggie’s grinning jaw is on the floor and Vasquez is resisting the temptation to take her phone out and film it and the only thing that tears Sara’s swooning body away from Alex’s strong arms is the loud clatter of a very flustered, very turned on rookie agent dropping the pile of paperwork he was supposed to be bringing down to Pam.

Alex stares at Sara’s flushed face and swollen lips and heaving chest and spluttering words for a moment before smirking, winking, and strutting out of the room, head high and hips swinging more than they normally would.

“So I… it… damn, Sawyer, your girlfriend can kiss like… does that mean I have to stop flirting with her?”

Maggie grins and watches Alex’s strut, her head tilted and eyes smouldering.

“You know what… I’ll just go… go…. ask her…”

And Maggie rushes off after Alex, fire in her core and a proud smirk on her face.

“You know they were somewhat more well-behaved before you came aboard, Ms. Lance,” J’onn mutters, and Sara winks.

“I can’t help who I am, J’onn,” and he turns away before she can see him grin, because god, he’s going to need to draw up more adoption papers.