331. Chapter 331

They’ve been having lunch every couple of weeks since Maggie arrested her.

Since Maggie had brought her an apology bag of donuts – having gleaned the intel from Kara that Lena secretly appreciates the fried sugary dough – and they’d accidentally discovered they’d had a lot to talk about.

At first, nerd stuff. Science stuff, tech stuff, police stuff.

Then, their Danvers girls.

And, Maggie suspected, Lena did, indeed, think of Kara as her Danvers girl.

She didn’t know if Kara knew it – hell, she didn’t even know if Lena herself knew it – so she said nothing about it.

She said nothing about it, that is, until Alana – something’s off about her, Maggie thinks to herself, and files it away for things to bring up with Lena at lunch – lets her into Lena’s office when she absolutely shouldn’t have.

Because Lena’s legs are open and her head is tilted back and a blonde woman with fantastic arms is standing between her legs, holding her up with ease against her desk, a reddish glow bathing the office as the blonde’s lips trace their way up Lena’s throat, and –


Oh shit.

Shit shit shit shit shit fuck damn dear god Kid Danvers isn’t such a kid after all.

Because the blonde currently fucking Lena senseless against her desk?

Is Kara Danvers.

Kara whispers something in Lena’s ear that makes Lena gasp and claw at her back, that makes Maggie infinitely grateful that she doesn’t have her girlfriend’s little sister’s superhearing.

Her girlfriend’s little sister.

Little Danvers.


She slips out of Lena’s office and she gives Alana a stiff nod, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing shock on her face, of seeing anything out of the ordinary on her face. Because she’d definitely known exactly what was going on in that office, and she’d her walk in anyway.

She texts Winn to pull up files on her.

And then she texts Lena.

Hey – I am so sorry, I’m all tied up at the precinct – could we reschedule for tonight? Six? At the bar?

And then she texts Kara.

Hey Little Danvers – meet me at six, at the bar?

She grins and shakes her head when, half hour later, they both respond with a certain overeagerness that Maggie recognizes all too well from her post-orgasm text checks.

She grins again when, that night, Kara’s eyes fly wide when she sees Maggie sitting with Lena in the bar.

“I – it – Lena! Hi! Maggie didn’t say you were going to be here, I – hi! How, um… how are you?”

She adjusts her glasses and she shifts her body like she’s not sure whether to go in for a hug, a kiss, or to run away. Or better, to fly away.

“Have a seat, Little Danvers,” Maggie nudges out a stool toward her.

“What’s this about, Detective?” Lena asks, back to formalities and back ramrod straight, terror growing in her eyes.

Maggie shakes her head and gives the softest smile she knows how.

“Relax, Luthor. This isn’t an ambush, it’s just… Kara, you gotta tell your sister. She might have preconceptions about Luthors, but she trusts you, Kara, and Lena, you’re… you’re not your mother. Or your brother. If anyone can get her head around that, it’s Alex. And Kara, you… you deserve to not go through this whole liking girls thing alone. Or… only with your girlfriend. Okay? Alex should know. And Lena, I can be your… person. If you want to talk about… things.”

Kara and Lena fumble for words, exchange a glance, Lena sitting back tensely and Kara furiously adjusting her glasses. Lena remembers verbal communication first.

“And how did you come to the conclusion that there are… things… that Kara and I should be discussing? With her sister and with you?”

Maggie blinks and Maggie sighs, knowing she’ll never – try as she might – get that image out of her mind.

“You know what, let’s not focus on that. Let’s focus on, congratulations! You two look like you make each other really happy! And I don’t want you to have to hide it. And let’s be honest here, I don’t want to have to hide it from Alex. I want to go on double dates instead, and do all the cutesy double date things that queer women get up to, like… like bowling!”

“Bowling,” Lena deadpans, and Kara just laughs before sobering and asking,

“You’re not mad?”

“Why the hell would I be mad?”

“Because I… because we…”

“A Luthor and a Super? Kara, you gotta know me better than – ”

The rest of Maggie’s words are lost, choked off by the strength of Kara’s arms around her body, by Kara’s sobbing relieved tears into her shoulder.

“Kara, sweetie, there are no red sun lamps in here, surely you don’t want to come out to your sister by means of accidentally breaking her girlfriend’s ribs.”

Kara squeals out a series of apologies and Maggie exhales carefully, rubbing her ribs and wheezing her thanks at Lena.

“I’m happy for you, Little Danvers. And for you, Lena. Our Danvers girls, huh?”

Lena blushes as Kara slips her hand into hers, her heart slamming and her head spinning, because she’s not ashamed to be with me, she’s not ashamed to be seen with me, she’s not ashamed, she’s not ashamed, she’s not ashamed.

“Danvers girls, indeed.”