She usually doesn’t like to show off.
Actually, she’s not trying to kid anyone.
She usually loves to show off.
So when Adrian texts to tell her he’ll be at Maggie and Alex’s for dinner that night, she takes a few deep, steadying breaths, and she snaps to attention, and she strides with as much outward confidence as she can into the command center.
“Agent Danvers. A word, ma’am?”
Alex smirks slightly before turning around. Rookies are always so formal.
“Agent Butler. What can I do for you?”
“Um, I was wondering if it would be appropriate to… well…”
“You wanna have dinner with us and Adrian tonight.”
“I – “
“Don’t worry, Yve, Director Henshaw’s the one who can read minds, not me. Adrian just sent me a… very animated text.”
She holds up her phone as proof, and Yve relaxes somewhat.
“You haven’t seen him since you made Agent, have you?”
The beginnings of a smile tug on Yve’s lips.
“No ma’am.”
“And you want to show off a little bit.”
“No ma’am.”
Alex quirks her lips off to the side and leans into Yve’s ear. “You want to show off a lot.“
“Yes ma’am.”
They share a private smirk and Alex straightens, nodding.
“See you at seven, then. Maggie’s place. We’ll leave the job at the job, understood?”
But the idea of leaving the job at the job fades rapidly, because it’s 6:50 and there’s a Cadmus attack three blocks down from Maggie’s apartment, and it’s Yve who first spots Adrian in his beat-up old Ford.
Right in the line of Cadmus fire.
“Agent Danvers!” she shouts, and Alex sees, and Alex yells, and Alex sprints.
Maggie and Yve are right alongside her, shorter legs notwithstanding, and Alex shouts a command, and they both understand without really hearing, and Alex shoots from one angle, Maggie from another, Yve from another, and the enhanced Cadmus soldier is down right before he could take aim at Adrian’s car.
“Ade!” Maggie keeps sprinting, trusting Alex and Yve to deal with the aftermath, at once both grateful and infuriated that the attack was so close to the apartment, that they were all on the scene so quickly.
She tugs him into her arms as he gets out of his car, shaking slightly.
He lets her kiss him and run her hands up and down his body to check for any injuries, to check for any pain.
“You know you three looked like something out of Baywatch meets The Terminator, sprinting down the street with your guns out like that,” he says, his eyes locked on Yve and Alex, a broad, shaky grin on his face.
Maggie exhales, hard, with relief into his shoulder, and Alex glances up at Yve as they both work to cuff their newest Cadmus prisoner.
“One decent thing about Cadmus: gives you plenty of opportunity to show off. Nice work, Yve. Really nice work.”
Yve grins.
“Well, I learned from the best.”
Alex straightens slightly, and Yve swallows a laugh.
“Maggie’s really great.”
“I can demote you any time I want, rookie.”
“I thought I just did really nice work, Agent Danvers.”
Alex thinks about keeping up the charade of being offended, but J’onn is arriving in the van to collect the Cadmus lackey, and they’re officially off-duty.
And they officially have a dinner to get to.
“That you did, Yve. That you did.”