335. Chapter 335

She tugs at her own hair and she tries – and god, she fails spectacularly – not to scream Maggie’s name.

Tries because on one hand, she loves being vulnerable with Maggie, for Maggie.

On the other, that smug grin and that little chuckle Maggie will sometimes give as Alex starts to unravel?

She’s got her competitive streak to think of.

Fails because her legs are spread open wide and god Maggie looks amazing with her hair all around the pillow she’s laying on, her breasts moving freely each time she slams her hips up into Alex’s.

Fails because Maggie’s hand is resting on her own body, and her fingers are burying deeper and deeper into Alex’s each time she thrusts her hips up.

Fails because Maggie’s knee is raised and Alex is somehow riding both Maggie’s fingers and her thigh and fails because Maggie is reaching up with her other hand to play with Alex’s nipples and fails because Maggie is talking to her just like she knows Alex likes.

“Good girl, Alex, ride my fingers just like that, babe. You can let go, sweetie, you’re not gonna hurt me. I want to feel you let go, Ally,” she’s saying, and Alex tries, and she fails, not to scream Maggie’s name.

But this time, Maggie doesn’t give a smug chuckle and she doesn’t smirk that cocky smirk, because the image, the feeling, the sound, of Alex riding her fingers, of Alex coming unraveled all over her, Alex dripping onto her body and slamming her hips down onto Maggie’s fingers hard, harder, fast, faster, riding her thorough and riding her with the reckless, passionate abandon that made Maggie fall in love with her in the first place?

Maggie’s too damn wrecked to do anything but moan, to do anything but writhe, to do anything but fuck her woman harder.

But harder soon isn’t enough for Alex, because Alex needs more, more, more, Maggie, please, please.

“What do you want, babe?” Maggie asks, because she needs to be sure, she always needs to be sure.

Alex answers by leaning up, leaning over, reaching across Maggie’s body to the bedside table, tugging out her strap-on and harness.

Maggie takes full advantage of Alex’s suddenly horizontal position, taking one of her nipples in her mouth and flicking her tongue the way she knows drives Alex out of her mind, sucking the way she knows makes Alex whine just like that, and sure enough, Alex pants harder, and sure enough, Alex whimpers, Alex freezes and lowers her body more, so Maggie can put more of her into her mouth, reach more of her with her tongue.

“Thought you wanted to ride me some more, Danvers?” Maggie shifts her mouth to tease, and Alex moans at the loss of contact.

“Intermission?” she squeaks, and there’s Maggie’s cocky chuckle, and god, Alex is in love.

Maggie throws herself fully, completely, absolutely, into intermission, and Alex rides her face with her chest like she was just riding her fingers, and only when she’s desperate for more pressure between her legs, to be fucked deeper, deeper, harder, by Maggie, does Alex lean back up and shift off Maggie’s body temporarily so Maggie can slip on the harness.

Alex pants while she waits, and Maggie’s eyes are just as eager.

“Want me to fill you up, Danvers?” she husks, and Alex could cum then and there.

Instead, she crawls back over Maggie’s body, straddling her again, and they both pause, staring deep into each other’s eyes.

“All good, Al?” Maggie asks, and Alex nods.

“You too?” she confirms.

“Yes please,” Maggie pants, and Alex grins, and Alex lowers herself onto Maggie’s strap-on.

Maggie groans and Alex sighs, Maggie forcing her hips to keep still as she leans up to watch herself disappear inside Alex’s body, as slow as Alex needs to get adjusted, to make sure everything feels right. To make sure everything feels perfect.

Because god, does Maggie want to make her feel perfect.

“How you doing?” she asks, and Alex nods with closed eyes.

“You feel so good, Mags,” she rasps, and Maggie smiles.

“So do you, babygirl.”

Alex leans down – careful to keep her hips steady so Maggie doesn’t slip out of her – and kisses her soft, kisses her gentle. Kisses her steady, and with growing desire, with growing need, until they’re kissing each other raw and desperate and hard.

Alex nearly screams into Maggie’s mouth and she gives her one more kiss before lifting herself back up, vertically on top of her, and Maggie’s breath goes even more ragged than before because Alex is riding her hard, and deep, and fast, her head tossed back and her breasts moving in time with her reckless fucking, and Maggie puts both of her hands on Alex’s hips, Alex slamming up and down harder and faster, stretching herself out on Maggie’s strap-on, pounding down onto Maggie’s clit, onto her own clit, until she collapses forward and holds herself up above Maggie’s body with trembling arms, pausing only to check with Maggie, to check to make sure she’s not hurting her, scaring her, and Maggie just tells her to let go, and Alex?

God, she does.

She lets go and she rides Maggie harder than she’s ever done, her clit getting all the pressure she needs from Maggie’s body, her g-spot getting all it needs from her persistent thrashing, from Maggie slamming her hips up in perfect time to meet hers, from the control Alex has over their rhythm, their speed, their angle, her heart getting all it needs from the way Maggie is staring up at her, raw want and raw love naked and shining in her eyes, from the way Maggie whispers her name over, and over, and over, with each exhale, with each moan, with each thrust.

Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex.

She comes undone just when she thinks she can’t take anymore, just when she thinks her body’s going to give; she feels herself squirting all over Maggie’s strap-on, all over her harness, all over her thighs, all over her sheets, and she feels Maggie’s fingers tighten on her hips, on her ass, because her own orgasm, her own screams, have tossed Maggie over the brink, too, and she watches Maggie’s eyes squeeze shut as she rides out her waves in time with Alex’s.

“Damn,” is the first word either of them says, who knows how many minutes or hours later.

“Damn, Danvers.”

Alex grins smugly, her face still buried in Maggie’s chest, still catching her breath.

“You like when I ride you, Sawyer?”

“Like it? Shit, Danvers, did you not feel how hard I came?”

“Oh, I felt it, Maggie. And you know I um… I think I’d like to feel it again.”

“Would you now?”


Alex shrieks with laughter and Maggie does the same as she flips herself on top of Alex, as they go from kissing to tickling to kissing to tickling, as they laugh and shriek and giggle and gasp deep into the night.