460. Chapter 460

“Nice work, Danvers,” Maggie grins in Alex’s lab as she’s announcing an upgrade she’s made to the DEO’s defense against Cadmus-style bio-weapons.

The statement in and of itself is kind. It’s kind and it’s typical of their relationship: endlessly supportive, endlessly affirmative, endlessly validating.

The statement in and of itself isn’t sexual.

But the lilt in Maggie’s voice, the rasp? The burning look in her eyes as she rakes them up and down Alex’s body, her blue latex gloves, her white lab coat?

Alex clears her throat and tears her eyes away from Maggie’s, forcing herself to look at J’onn, to continue explaining her innovation to him, the way Lena had helped her with it. Forcing her mind to the science, to the medicine, and away from what she knows – what she hopes – Maggie has in store for her tonight.

And she’s right.

She’s right, because Maggie’s eyes are thick with want when Alex gets home that night.

“You did a great job on the job today, Danvers,” Maggie tells her, and Alex bites her lip after they kiss hello, lips parted and breath already hot.

“Did I?” Alex asks, breathless and nearly wordless.

“Mmhmmm,” Maggie murmurs, her lips shifting down Alex’s jawline to suck softly on her throat.

Alex moans and Maggie smiles against her skin.

“You want this right now, babe?” she confirms, and Alex answers by pulling Maggie closer by her belt loops as she moans louder at the increase in contact.

“Mmmm, good girl, I love when you let me hear what you like, babygirl,” Maggie whispers, and Alex swoons.

Maggie chuckles into her collarbone and holds her steady, hands on her waistline.

“Maggie, please,” Alex begs indistinctly, her knees weak and her breath ragged.

“Please what, sweetie? Be a good girl and tell me what you want,” Maggie encourages, pressing open-mouthed kisses across Alex’s throat, her collarbone, the skin exposed by the way she gently tugs Alex’s henley down after Alex’s trembling fingers guide her to it.

“Maggie,” Alex repeats, holding onto Maggie’s belt loops for stability, and Maggie decides to help her out.

“Want me to take you to bed, Alex?” she asks, and Alex whines and nods desperately.

Maggie taps her outer thighs gently, and Alex obediently spreads her legs and jumps slightly, trusting Maggie to catch her, to carry her, and she does with ease that doesn’t surprise Alex anymore, but still turns her on just as much as it did the first time Maggie carried her to bed.

Maggie kisses her eager and just a bit sloppy as she carries her to bed, setting her down gently just in front of the bed, her eyes hazy with raw need.

“You wanna be a good girl and strip for me, Danvers?” she asks, and Alex gasps in affirmation.

Her fingers are slow and her fingers are tantalizing, deliberate. Teasing. She strips steady and she strips careful, her eyes never leaving Maggie’s face.

“Like this, babe?” Alex asks, and Maggie practically growls.

“Just like that, sweetie. You’re doing such an amazing job,” she husks as Alex slips her thumbs into the waistline of her jeans and tugs them off along with her underwear in one push.

Maggie hisses as Alex steps out of her jeans and socks, naked and vulnerable and soaked and so damn open.

“You are so damn gorgeous, Danvers,” she rasps, her hands shaking with want.

“So do something about it, Sawyer,” Alex smiles shyly, and Maggie steps forward slowly.

Alex gasps and watches as Maggie takes her own clothes off just as slowly as Alex did. Slow and steady and tempting. Alex watches, panting and licking her lips and gulping and needing, needing, needing.

“Wanna be a good girl and get on top of me?” Maggie asks, and Alex tilts her head in excited question.

“I want to watch you ride my hard on,” Maggie whispers in explanation, her hands shifting toward their bedside drawer. “Color?” she asks. “Is that something you want right now, Alex?”

“God, yes,” Alex whines, kneeling on the bed so Maggie can lay down after she tugs on her harness and dildo.

Alex doesn’t straddle her, and she doesn’t crawl on top of her. Instead, she lowers her lips to Maggie’s strapon, pausing before her lips make contact.

“You want this, Maggie?” she asks, eyes wide.

“Be a good girl and suck me off, Ally,” Maggie rasps, and Alex moans as she takes Maggie’s strapon deep into her mouth in one slow, steady movement.

Maggie makes a sound somewhere between a scream and a moan, and her fingers lose themselves in Alex’s hair.

“Alexxx,” she pants, and Alex has never heard her name sound more perfect. “Alex, you’re so damn amazing at that. Fuck, Alex, you’re perfect, you know that? You’re perfect, you’re – “

Her voice trails into a raw scream as Alex pushes Maggie’s dildo down against her clit with her fingers secure at its base, and she fights to keep her hips down.

“Can I ride you, babe? Give you something tighter to be inside?” Alex asks, her lips slightly swollen with her efforts.

“Fuck, yes, Alex, I… babe, yes, if you want that, yes, yes.”

Alex chuckles and kisses Maggie’s inner thighs before sitting up and shifting so she’s straddling Maggie’s hips, holding herself above her strapon, watching her face carefully.

“Color?” Alex asks, and Maggie arches an eyebrow.

“What do you think, Danvers?”


“Green, Al, green. Now be a good girl and ride me like I asked you to.”

Alex moans at Maggie’s sudden regaining of control, and Alex obeys immediately, excitedly. She gasps as she lowers herself onto Maggie’s strapon, filling herself with Maggie’s eagerness, with her desperation, with her love.

Maggie groans and buries her fingers in Alex’s hips.

“That’s right, babygirl, fill yourself up with me, just like that.” Alex barely swallows a scream, and Maggie’s eyes roll shut, but only for a moment.

“You wanna touch your gorgeous breasts for me, Alex? I wanna see your perfect fingers playing with your perfect nipples.”

Alex doesn’t hold back her scream this time, and she shifts so her knees can keep her whole body balanced on Maggie’s, and obeys.

“Let me see you make your nipples hard for me, babygirl,” Maggie begs, and Alex makes a show of slipping her fingers in and out of her mouth, wetting them for Maggie, for herself.

Maggie arches her hips up desperately as she watches Alex tease her own breasts for her, as she watches Alex’s head tilt back in the ecstasy of sensations Maggie is giving her, that she’s giving herself.

“You are the most beautiful woman that’s ever existed, Danvers,” Maggie rasps, and Alex laughs breathily.

“And you are so fucking tight for me,” Maggie reminds her, and Alex’s laugh turns into a scream.

“You want to ride me as hard as you can until you cum with me buried inside your perfect body, babe?” Maggie invites, and Alex lowers her hands to brace herself on the mattress, and she obeys, slamming her hips back and forth, up and down, unrestrained and uninhibited and completely, completely trusting of the woman filling her up with her screams, with her strapon, with her unblinking eyes and her gentle, firm hands.

“I love you, Alex Danvers,” Maggie tells her at just the right time, just as she’s starting to spiral out of control, just as her thrusts are getting more and more ragged, just as her screams are getting more and more full-throated.

When she cums, it’s hard and it’s deep, and she squirts all over Maggie’s thighs, all over her harness, all over their mattress.

When she cums, it’s with Maggie’s voice in her ear, telling her she loves her, telling her she’s beautiful, telling her she’s perfect, telling her she’s everything.

Absolutely everything.

Because she is.