524. Chapter 524

It starts when Maggie goes to pick up Winn for pool one night.

He comes to his door with bed hair and wearing only a t-shirt and his boxers.

Superman boxers.

“Maggie, I’m so sorry, I got home from the DEO and I just passed out – come in, grab a beer, I’ll be ready in – “

“Superman boxers, Schott?” Maggie grins, and Winn splutters and reddens.

“Hey, listen, you were a Leslie Willis fan so I mean – “

“Hey, hey, no judgments, Winn,” Maggie grins as she slips past him to make herself comfortable while she gets ready. “It just gave me an idea, that’s all.”

They spend the night shopping online while speed-texting the rest of the SuperFriends – sans Kara – instead of going out to the bar.

Their hands are sore by the end of the night from the number of excited high fives they exchange.

They maneuver their way into postponing the next Game Night – just long enough for their purchases to arrive.

And they beg J’onn – though they leave the begging to Alex, because Kara got her pout from somewhere, after all – to make up some reason to keep Kara just a little later the evening of Game Night.

“As long as you don’t tell me why, Agent Danvers,” J’onn agrees, a small smile on his face as Alex squeals in excitement before straightening into attention, nodding curtly, and thanking him with a “sir” at the end for good measure.

So when Kara shows up to the twice-delayed Game Night – once because everyone had simultaneously been exhausted last week, and once because J’onn had insisted on Thursday evening knife practice for Kara, and Kara alone – she’s exhausted, and she’s deeply eager to spend the night just… laughing.

Which she does the moment she walks into the door.

Because the Guardian, the DEO’s life-saving tech guy, the DEO’s most terrifying agent, and the NCPD’s sharpest, toughest detective are all lounging casually on her couch, wearing matching, somewhat fluffy Supergirl pajama onesies.

Alex has unzipped the feet from hers – “socks are bad enough,” she defends herself – but everyone else’s? Include padded feeties.

Kara doubles over with laughter as Winn and Maggie stumble over each other to regale her with the tale of their scheme, of J’onn’s involvement, Maggie gingerly avoiding mentioning Winn’s Superman boxers until Winn tells everyone himself, red-faced and wearing a dazed, happy smile at finally being part of a family that will love him more for his bi-ness, for his nerdiness, not less.

Kara laughs so hard she almost cries, but when her laughter dies down, she frowns.

“You okay, Kara?” James wants to know, his brow furrowed in sadness, in confusion.

“Yeah, I just… I mean, you guys all have these cool pajamas, and I…”

But then her eyes light up, and she moves so quickly Maggie is blown backwards into Alex’s secure arms.

When everyone opens their eyes from the wind blast, Kara is standing, beaming, hands on her hips, cape flowing out behind her, in full Supergirl gear.

“Now I don’t have to feel left out!” she declares, and Alex laughs.

“You didn’t think we got you one, too, sis?” she asks as she holds out Kara’s own Supergirl onesie.

“Yessss!” she groans with wide eyes like Barry Allen just presented her with surprise ice cream.

“But hey,” she gestures down at her suit. “Gotta be ready for anything, right? Let’s do this!” she laughs, grabbing three potstickers from the box on the table as her friends – her family – laugh and settle in for a long night of superhero game time.