525. Chapter 525

She’d promised Alex – she’d promised herself – that they’d take things slowly.

Very slowly.

Right now, painfully slowly.

Because right now, Alex’s lips taste like the chocolate they just shared, and right now, Alex’s breath is hot and her hands are roaming Maggie’s body and everywhere she touches gets lit on fire.

And she can handle that. She can, really.

But then Alex moans out her name.

And Maggie needs to stop.

“Danvers, Danvers, fuck, wait, we… I’m sorry, I can’t – “

“No, no, I’m sorry, I messed up, I messed up, did I – “

“No! No, Alex, listen to me, please, you didn’t mess up, I promise. I just… I um…”

Alex watches Maggie’s face closely, because Alex is always the one stumbling to find words, not Maggie, not… oh. Oh.

Alex bites her lip and grins.

“A little worked up, Sawyer?”

“A little? Alex, have you ever said your own name like that?”

“Like I want myself more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life?” Alex asks, her voice an octave or two lower than normal, her fingers tracing their way back up Maggie’s bare arms.

“Danvers, we um… we said slow… I wanna respect that.”

“So respect it, Maggie. Doesn’t mean you can’t um… doesn’t mean I… I mean, if you wanted, I… I could… I could watch.”

Maggie’s breath hitches and her head tosses back of its own accord, and Alex has never seen anything so damn sexy.

But she’s about to.

“You… you want to?”

“So badly, Maggie.”



“Just making sure.”

“A little less making sure, a little more touching yourself.”

Maggie gasps out a moan and a chuckle at the same time. “You going all Panic! at the Disco on me, Danvers?”

“Lying definitely isn’t the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, is it? Show me,” Alex asks, her words commanding but her voice soft, tentative, almost shy.

And Maggie could nearly come just from looking at her, listening to her.

Which, apparently, is exactly what’s about to happen.

“Yeah?” she confirms one more time, and Alex bites her lip.

“Please? I want to watch you.”

Maggie’s eyes roll to the back of her head and she nods because she forgets what language is.

She shifts onto her back and she unzips her jeans and makes shaky eye contact with her new girlfriend.

“You’re beautiful,” Alex tells her, and it’s exactly what she needs.

She moans softly as her fingers slip to exactly where she needs them, as she watches Alex’s eyes widen, as she watches Alex’s breath quicken, at the sight of Maggie’s hand in her jeans, of Maggie’s fingers giving herself the pressure she needs, the tempo she needs, the pattern that always makes her come unraveled.

“So you like a lot of pressure?” Alex observes breathily, and Alex watching her like she’s more turned on than she’s ever been in her life, but also watching her like she’s studying, intently, memorizing what Maggie likes so she can give it to her when they’re ready… being paid that close attention to, being that cared for, makes Maggie blush and makes her splutter and makes her more turned on than any other situation, any other woman, has ever made her.

“Yeah,” she gasps raggedly, her back arching as her fingers give herself exactly what she needs.

“Do you mind if I – “ Alex asks, and Maggie’s eyes widen.

“No, god, no, please, please do. I mean if you want, I – “

But Alex has already unzipped her jeans, and the sight of that alone brings Maggie so damn close.

“Danvers, I – “

“I wanna watch,” Alex forces herself to keep her eyes open, despite her own orgasm rapidly building, because god, if this is masturbating together, what the hell is touching each other going to feel like?

“Alex,” Maggie gasps, and it’s the sweetest sound, the most beautiful image, Alex has ever heard or seen.

Watching Maggie’s body quake for her, for her, for her, sends her convulsing through waves of her own.

“May I?” Maggie rasps, holding her hand over Alex’s waist, and Alex nods desperately, so Maggie holds her while she comes, feels the muscles in her core ripple and slam and release.

For her, for her, for her.

“That was…” Maggie starts, but she can’t find the words. Because it was the best she’s ever had.

“Amazing,” Alex murmurs as she rolls closer into Maggie’s body, as she kisses her lips sloppily, contentedly, trustingly.

“Yeah,” Maggie kisses her back with an exhausted smile on her face. “Yeah, it really was.”