530. Chapter 530

It starts with a lap dance.

Well, it starts, truth be told, slightly before the lap dance.

It starts out in the field, Maggie’s badge gleaming and the way she holds her gun steady, the way she holds her body braced.

The way she calls off her partner, calls off Alex’s strike team – who obey her with only a confirmation glance at Alex – and talks the lost Infernian down from burning a hole into the foundation of the building.

“I don’t want to lock you up, and I don’t want to shoot you. I just want to help. I can help. Let me,” she tells him, and he… he listens.

He listens because Maggie lowers her gun and Maggie’s tone is calm, is quiet, is honest.

Is unafraid of the Infernian’s fear.

And her empathy, her steadiness, her intelligence?

She’s smart and she’s tough and she’s just… beautiful. She’s so beautiful.

Alex gets home before Maggie – paperwork galore at the precinct – and changes. Changes into that silk slip she knows Maggie loves, because Maggie deserves the best every night.

But tonight? Maggie saved everyone’s lives – Alex’s, both of their entire teams, the Infernian, everyone in that building and the surrounding blocks – by being… kind.

It blows Alex’s mind and Maggie always deserves the best, but tonight, she deserves… everything.

Which is all Alex ever wants to give her.

So it starts on the field, and it continues, really, with a lap dance.

A lap dance that Maggie readily accepts along with a shot of scotch that she downs as she lets Alex push her back onto the couch, Maggie’s eyes wide, throat both burning and dry, eyes all over Alex’s body.

Alex’s body, moving so perfectly for her – so perfectly against her tight jeans, against the detective shield still hooked onto her belt – that Maggie needs her, needs her, needs her.

So much harder than she’s getting her so far.

So it starts with a lap dance, Alex running her hands through her own hair when she’s not reaching back to drag her fingernails up and down Maggie’s thighs, but fuck, fuck, fuck Danvers, it doesn’t end with a lap dance.

Because Alex’s body is pliant and warm and she’s not wearing underwear under her slip and she makes she Maggie knows it.

She growls when Alex grinds down, slow and tempting and teasing, into her lap, and she whispers words into her ear that make Alex unsuccessfully try to bite down a scream.

“Can I tie you down, Danvers?” she wants to know, and Alex can’t nod hard enough.

“Bed,” Maggie directs her, and she bites her lip and obeys, heat coursing through her as she feels Maggie’s eyes raking up and down her body as she moves.

“Wanna get on your knees for me, Danvers?” she asks next, unbuckling her belt slow, steady, drawing in Alex’s wide eyes, making Alex arch her hips unconsciously.

“I thought you wanted me on the bed and tied down, Detective,” she answers in a small voice, and Maggie grits her teeth with want.

“Color?” she needs to know, because she needs to escalate this, stat, but only if Alex is desperate for it.

And she is, she is, fuck, she is.

“Neon green, baby,” Alex whispers, and Maggie grins hungrily.

“Then stop talking back and start obeying orders, Agent Danvers. Now get on your knees for me.”

Alex bites her lip and kneels.

Maggie nearly trips with the headiness of seeing this woman so soft for her, so open for her, and she nearly takes her hands and lifts her up and makes sweet, soft, adoring love to her.

But Alex is in that slip and her lips are slightly parted, and later, later, later.


Now, she bends down and cups Alex’s chin in her hand and tilts her face up to kiss her. “My good girl,” she murmurs. “You look so good looking up at me like this.”

Alex barely swallows a moan, and Maggie shakes her head.

“You don’t have to hold back, Ally. Tell me what you want.”

“You,” she chokes out, and Maggie chuckles.

“How, Danvers?”

Alex’s eyes drop to Maggie’s half-unbuckled belt, her badge, and wets her lips. “I want you to take me.”

“Do you now? Good girl. Bend over. All fours.”

Alex moans as she hastens to obey, but Maggie frowns. “No, sorry. On the bed. Don’t want… the floor… could hurt you”

Alex’s heart warms at Maggie’s thoughtfulness, at that endless kindness in the midst of that damn violent storm.

“I love you,” she whispers as she crawls on top of the bed, arching her ass up for Maggie as she does so.

Maggie covers the back of Alex’s body with her own and kisses the back of her neck. “I love you back, Alex,” she murmurs into her ear before nipping at her lobe just the way she knows Alex likes.

“Now, do you want me to tell you what I want to do to you?”

Alex can’t speak. She squeaks instead. Nods.

Maggie barely suppresses a grin. “I want you to be a good girl for me and stay just like that, bent over like that for me. Because I want to tie your wrists and ankles down, and I want you to spread your legs nice and wide for me, because then I want to fuck you from behind until you can’t do anything but scream my name. Am I missing anything, Agent Danvers?”

Alex focuses, because it’s already hard to think, and Maggie isn’t even touching her. Yet.


“Ice,” she finally arrives at. “Please?”

She feels rather than sees Maggie’s indulgent smile. “Can you wait here for me, beautiful? Just like this?”

Alex nods with her forehead pressed against the pillow, and Maggie asks again, because a nod isn’t enough right now. “Ally?”

“Green, Mags,” she whispers, and Maggie kisses the back of her neck.

“That’s my girl.”

Alex tries not to writhe around while she listens to Maggie padding into the kitchen, opening the freezer. Cracking ice cubes from the tray into a glass. Breathing in. Breathing out.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” she rasps when she’s back at the foot of their bed, and Alex bites her lip.

“I stayed just like you asked me to,” she says, and Maggie smiles, because she knows what Alex wants.

“Mmm, you did. You stayed just like I asked because you’re so damn good, Alex Danvers. My perfect girl. So brilliant and brave and beautiful and perfect.”

Maggie reaches for her and guides her gently off her knees, rolling her over onto her back, and she smiles when they can see each other’s faces again.

“Hi,” she tells her, almost shyly, and Alex blushes.

“Hey you.”

Maggie holds up the glass of ice questioningly, and Alex hisses. “Please?”

“Strip for me, babygirl,” Maggie asks softly, and Alex sits up, raising her hips to tug her slip above her head slow, slow, slow. Revealing inch by inch of her scarred, perfect skin gradual, teasing, desperate, the way she knows Maggie loves. The way she knows Maggie deserves.

“So gorgeous,” Maggie murmurs when Alex lays back, slightly flushed and completely naked, and there are tears in both of their eyes.

“I want you,” Alex whispers, helping Maggie stay centered, and Maggie smiles gratefully at the help.

“And you have me,” she tells her, kneeling in front of her and taking an ice cube between her fingers gingerly. Alex hisses and holds her breath underneath her.

Maggie looks at her like she’s a work of art as she slides the corner of the ice cube up from Alex’s waistline to trace circles around her nipples, making her hard and making her drip and making her writhe helplessly.

“You are so fucking beautiful, Alex Danvers. Does it make me terrible that all I want to do is mess you up?”

Alex gasps as Maggie lets the ice drip directly onto her hardened nipple, and when her fingers slam down into the sheets, Maggie moans at the sight.

“You can mess me up any time you want, Detective,” she pleads, and Maggie bends to lick the trail of cold water off of Alex’s breast.

Alex screams.

Maggie moans, her mouth full of Alex, her mouth needing more.

“Can you handle being tied down right now?” she wants to know, and Alex offers her wrists above her head immediately. Maggie chuckles at her enthusiasm as she clinks the ice back into the glass and reaches over to the bedside table.

“Good?” she asks as she secures their favorite cuffs around Alex’s wrists.

“Please,” Alex begs, nodding down toward the glass of ice. Maggie smiles wickedly.

“Please you? Always.”

And she does, tracing a fresh cube down from Alex’s other nipple – eliciting a fresh scream of pleasure from her writhing fiancee – down her stomach, down her inner thighs. She hesitates over her clit until Alex can’t stop her hips from bucking.

“Please, Maggie,” she whines, and Maggie removes the cube farther.

“Be a good girl, now, Danvers,” she chides gently, reaching for Alex’s palm. Alex squeezes down on her fingers – their signal for green, for keep going, for yes please fuck don’t stop.

“Please… Detective.”

“There’s my girl. Please what, Al?” Maggie waits, and Alex thrashes her hips, her wrists, helplessly.

“Please let me feel that ice on my clit.”

Maggie moans at her request, her head tossing back and her eyes fluttering shut. “But won’t you be too cold then?”

Alex writhes harder and Maggie has never seen anything this beautiful. Except probably the way she looks when she just wakes up in the morning.

“I’m sure you can find a way to warm me back up, Detective,” Alex pants, and Maggie gives no warning before she gives her what she wants.

She lets the ice – finally – drip down Alex’s throbbing clit, drip down to her soaked opening, drip down onto their ruined sheets, until Alex’s screams, Alex’s pleas, Alex’s prays, fill Maggie’s entire bloodstream, and she gives Alex what she really wants.

Her mouth closing down around her clit, her tongue slipping inside her, followed by her freezing fingers, Alex throbbing and thrusting and sobbing with need, with passion, with love.

Maggie shifts so Alex is slamming her hips up into Maggie’s forehead, giving her more solid, steady pressure than her lips could provide, and after a moment’s hesitation, a moment’s embarrassment, a moment’s adjustment, a moment of Maggie’s encouragement – “go ahead, babygirl, ride me as hard as you need to” – Alex obeys again.

She obeys and she rides her fingers, rides her forehead, hard and fast and loud, her hands clamped above her head and her legs wrapped around Maggie’s shoulders, glad that Maggie’s mouth is free so she can talk her though, keep her steady, keep her centered.

“You’re so beautiful, Alex.”

“I love when you take what you need, Danvers, it’s so sexy.”

“Just like that, Alex, you don’t have to hold anything back.”

“I want to feel you pulsing all around my fingers, sweetie, can you be a good girl and come just for me?”

“Fuck, I love you, Alex Danvers. I love you, I love you, I love you, my future wife, I love you.”

When Alex remembers how to speak – when Maggie’s uncuffed her and kissed her wrists, when she’s gathered her close into her body and kissed every bit of her skin she can reach – she sighs.

“The whole reason I did that was to give you pleasure, Maggie, I… you made it about me. And, god, it was amazing, I’m not complaining, but I… I don’t want you to think that I – ”

“Oh, did you think I was done, Danvers?” Maggie grins, and Alex practically topples them both off the bed with excitement.

“Excellent,” she murmurs into their kiss, and god, it really is.