557. Chapter 557

It’s their first night in Purgatory, and Alex is ecstatic. She’s never befriended another pair of women dating each other, and Nicole and Waverly seem so happy, so sure, so... connected.

It makes her feel closer to Maggie, even if Waverly’s blonde hair and peppy energy guarding her own inner demons make her miss Kara. A lot.

She paces the spare bedroom at the homestead, processing aloud as Maggie watches her, sitting on the bed, elbows dangling from her knees, with her back pressed against the headboard, a beer brought in from the fire pit outside still in her hands.

“I don’t know babe, isn’t it... isn’t it cool? I mean, I’m sorry, I’m sure you’ve had this feeling before, I just... I mean, I know you and Lucy took me to those lesbian bars, and Sara promised to take us to Pride in the summer, but this... I don’t know, this feels different. Special, you know? Like, Nicole and Waverly... we could be friends. With another couple. Lesbian couple. Wait, Waverly’s bi, right? You know what I mean -- another couple of...” She splutters and blushes and runs her hand through her hair. “Ladies luvin ladies.”

Maggie chuckles and finishes her beer, clanking it down onto the bedside table before patting the space between her legs. Alex bounds onto the bed eagerly, and it makes Maggie chuckle harder.

“I love you, Alex Danvers,” she murmurs into Alex’s hair, and Alex shifts until their lips connect instead. She shifts the mood along with her body, and Maggie moans as Alex slides them both down until she’s on top of Maggie, until her thigh is between Maggie’s legs.

“Shhh, babe!” Alex pulls back and giggles slightly. “We’re in a house full of people!”

“Academy buddies code, Nicole won’t say anything,” Maggie protests, kissing and licking her way down Alex’s neck. It’s Alex that moans this time, and it’s Maggie turn to giggle.

“And you’re telling me to be quiet, Danvers?” she teases, and they both dissolve into a fit of giggles, muffled by each other’s bodies.

“You think we can be quiet?” Alex asks, playful desperation in her eyes, and her lust shoots through Maggie’s own body like it’s contagious.

Because it is.

“I can be if you can,” she murmurs, and at first, they both can be.

At first, they muffle each other’s moans with teasing lips and playful hands.

When Alex slips out of her shirt and shifts so Maggie’s mouth is occupied with her breasts, though, all the DEO training in National City couldn’t prevent half of Purgatory from hearing Alex’s pleasure.

Maggie giggles and tickles Alex slightly. “Babe!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know,” she pants, looking down at Maggie with tousled hair and needy eyes. “I’ll be good.”

Which, of course, makes Maggie moan, just as Alex covers her mouth with her breast again.

Which, of course, is exactly when Wynonna strolls through their door.

“Hey ladies, Nicole wants to know if ooookkaaaaay, apparently it doesn’t matter if you packed pajamas because you won’t be needing them.”

“Shit, Wynonna, I’m sorry -- “

“No, hey, listen, you do you -- or each other, as it were -- it’s my lot in life to walk in on every single woman fucking every single other woman in this damn town. Also to shoot Revenents in the head. That too.”

“Every woman is sleeping with other women in this town? Damn, Earp, is this Purgatory or Heaven?”

Waverly jumps into the doorway suddenly, latching onto her big sister’s shoulders so she, too, can say hi.

Before Waverly can respond, Nicole’s joined the small gathering at the doorway, too.

“Guys, did you wind up having -- wow, okay, I’m gay.”


“Only for you, baby, don’t worry; and anyway, it very much looks like both of them are taken -- “

“Out! Get out! All three of you!”

“You know you’re not so scary when your boobs were just in your girlfriend’s mo -- “


Waverly laughs as she tugs Nicole, who arches an eyebrow as she tugs Wynonna, who waggles both her eyebrows as she tugs the door closed behind her.

“Well,” Maggie giggles into Alex’s chest as Alex’s own body shakes with laughter. “This is gonna be an interesting trip.”