595. Chapter 595

Lucy doesn’t tell anyone she’s coming.

She just flies in and heads straight to the DEO.

Straight to the DEO and into the command center.

“I am so sorry,” she tells J’onn without any preliminary greetings, and he raises his eyebrows at her.

“Major Lane, unless you’ve been promoted to General and sound, somehow, exactly like your father, I don’t know what you have to apologize f– “

“I think he still holds it against you. Everything that happened. The fact that I stood against him. And I think he’s enjoying making your life harder because of it.”

J’onn sighs and shakes his head.

“Your father enjoyed making my life harder far before you were in the picture, Major Lane,” he assures her. “But I doubt you flew all this way just to apologize to me for something you didn’t do.”

Lucy smiles and nearly blushes, glancing around hopefully. “I um… I know Kara’s not doing all that great, and I thought – “

“They’re all at the bar. I can’t guarantee that the younger Ms. Danvers is there, truth be told – she’s not doing ‘all that great’, as you say – but you’ll find the rest of the rabble-rousers there.”

“Oh, sir, you know you love the rabble-rousers who all somehow become your children. You know Winn calls you Papa Bear behind your back.”

J’onn tries not to smile at the memory of Winn sliding across the floor to hug him.

He fails utterly.

“Not always behind my back. Now go on, go meet your friends. And Major Lane – “

Lucy turns, military-style, and J’onn allows himself a full smile. “It’s good to have you home.”

She thinks she’s gotten the best reaction she possibly can – a smile from the man she’d both condemned to slow, painful death and then rescued from said slow, painful death – but that’s before she parks her bike outside the bar and strolls in, eyes alert and helmet in hand.

“Lucy!” Kara yells, disentangling from Alex’s arms and nearly bowling Lucy over. She slams back into Maggie from the force of Kara’s hug.

Winn tries to catch Maggie, and James tries to catch Winn.

Alex watches her sister knock their family down like bowling pins and can’t help but laugh.

“Way to make an entrance, Lane!” she calls. “First thing you do is get on top of my fiancee?”

Alex strides over to help them all out of the heaping pile that Kara is profusely apologizing for.

“I don’t think getting super-hugged by your sister so hard that I fall backwards into your fiancee counts as getting on top of her,” Lucy wheezes, still winded and rubbing her ribs, but smiling from ear to ear.

“Good to see you, Maggie,” she winks, and Alex bites her lip as Maggie blushes, James and Kara stare at the ceiling, and Winn’s eyes fly wide open.

“What are you doing home?” Kara asks, playfully eager to change the subject, and Lucy flushes at the way Kara calls all these people’s arms her home.

Because nothing has ever been more accurate.

“I missed you all,” Lucy shrugs, because it’s not untrue. “Plus, my father is driving your father – “ she nods at Alex, who beams and melts into Maggie’s arms – “absolutely up a wall, so I wanted to come by in person and make sure we’re all good.”

“Did you talk to J’onn?” James asks as he pulls Lucy into a bear hug.

“Yeah. He sent me here, called you all rabble-rousers.”

“What? We don’t rouse rabbles!” Winn protests as he takes his turn hugging Lucy.

Everyone stops to stare at him. He shrugs.

“Okay, maybe we rouse some rabbles. But still! Rude!” he harrumphs, and he’s rewarded – they’re all rewarded – with a full, deep belly-laugh from Kara.

Which is exactly what Lucy traveled all that way to see.