650. Chapter 650

Eliza had told her to watch Kara.

And of course Kara had snuck out.

She just wants to make my life miserable, she’d texted Vicki as she stormed out after her.

I don’t think she wants to, Alex. Little sisters are annoying. It’ll be okay. You’ll find her, and neither of you will get in trouble.

Alex sighs and runs faster as she pockets her phone.

She finds them in her and Kenny’s spot. Exactly where she thought she’d find them, because Kara might be the one with superhearing, but Alex can read her better than she’d care to admit, and Kara had been positively reverberating with Kenny vibes before she’d left.

“What the hell, Kara?” she demands as both Kenny and Kara jump.

“Alex, what are you – “

“Oh my Ra– god, did you follow me?”

“Mom said to watch you, and you know who gets in trouble when you do something wrong. And, guess what, it isn’t you. And good thing I found you, too, you two out here all alone at night! It could be dangerous, something could happen, it – “

The sound of a gun cocking – something she’d only heard in movies before, but now so, so close to her back – makes her stop. Makes Kenny yell and Kara nearly rip off her glasses.

Without turning around, Alex just shakes her head almost imperceptibly at Kara.

“You’re right, Alex Danvers. Something could happen. Three kids out here all alone at night. Up to some mischief. Find an old gun. Pick it up, fool around with it. All three turn up dead in the morning.”

Alex turns slowly at the sound of the voice behind her. “Sheriff Collins? What… what are you doing?”

“You, boy, is that the computer? Is that the damn telescope you’re using to try and ruin my life?”

Kara steps in front of Kenny as Collins’s gun wavers toward him. “Sheriff Collins, whatever Kenny has on his computer, I’m sure – “

“You’re sure, are you? That we can all walk away from this calm and nice? I didn’t want to kill the boy, and I certainly don’t want to kill you girls. I’m quite fond of your mother, and, well, a triple homicide is harder to cover up than a single. Harder. But not impossible.”

Kenny steps forward before even Kara can react.

“It’s me you’re angry at. It’s me who saw what you did. The drugs you’re dealing.”

Kara and Alex exchange a wide-eyed glance.

“Go,” Alex mouths at Kara, hoping she’ll understand what she means.

She does.

Because while Kenny keeps Collins’s attention, while Alex steps beside Kenny, knees soft and ready to take a bullet for him if Kara doesn’t get there in time, Kara slips away behind the trees.

“I already emailed the pictures to everyone. So killing me would only point right back to you. But if that’s the way you want to do it, fine. Just let Kara and Alex go. They have nothing to do with this. And they’re good at keeping secrets. They’ll never tell.”

He nods to Alex when he says it, like he knows something he shouldn’t. Like there’s a deeper meaning to his words beyond asking a murderer to spare the lives of his friends.

Kara takes his words as her cue.

She super speeds out of the trees, from behind Collins, so he’ll never know it was her.

He’s unconscious before he hits the ground.

Alex wraps Kara in her arms harder than she ever has before, and Kenny beams as he watches, as they both reach out at the same time and pull him into their hug.

“How’d you know?” Kara asks, and Kenny nods toward his telescope.

“Don’t worry. I’d never tell. I promise, Alex.”

Alex squints as she pulls back from their hug.

“Why are you promising me?”

He grins. “Because you love your sister more than you give either of you credit for. I think you’d kill anyone who tried to hurt her. And I won’t. Promise.”

“You could have been hurt,” Kara grabs him back for a hug again.

“I knew you and Alex had my back. And even if you didn’t. Friends like you? It’d be worth it every time.”

“Same,” Alex smiles, nudging Kenny in the shoulder, and he smiles right back.

“So… what do we do now?” he asks, looking down at Collins, the three of them only realizing now that they’re shaking.

“I think it’s called a citizen’s arrest,” Alex smirks grimly down at the man brought down by the strength of teenage loyalty.