670. Chapter 670

She’s not sure if it’s the way Alex bites her lip when she pretends not to watch her line up a shot, or the way she tosses her head to the side and tilts her whole body when she laughs, or the way her shirt rides up to expose the small of her back when she leans over the pool table to take a shot, or the way her new haircut falls into her face just so.

She’s not sure exactly what it is, except she knows it’s everything that is Alex.

That’s making her want her so badly.

Want her lips on hers, her tongue in her mouth, her teeth on her neck.

“Danvers,” she says, her voice low and her pupils dilating even in the low lighting at the bar.

“Maggie,” Alex grins, not quite catching on yet.

“Danvers,” Maggie repeats, and lets her eyes flicker down, this time, to Alex’s lips.

“Oh,” Alex whispers, nearly tripping over herself and dropping her pool cue before composing herself, before smirking that confident smirk that makes Maggie a complete and utter mess.

“Oh,” she says again, but her voice is sultry this time as she leans her cue against the table and walks toward her wife. “You want to kiss me, don’t you?” Alex practically purrs into her ear, and Maggie gulps.

She shivers as she feels Alex’s fingers running down her sides, hands finally settling in Maggie’s back pockets.

“May I?” she asks as an answer, and Alex hums as she nips at Maggie’s earlobe.

“You may,” she grins, so Maggie does.

She kisses her slow, at first, almost chaste, at first.

Because, sexy as Alex’s words and eyes might be, they’re still in public.

And she knows Alex’s is a bit of an exhibitionist – she knows it quite well – but that might not be what Alex is after tonight, it might not be –

But Alex is moaning softly and melting her body forward into Maggie’s and squeezing slightly where her hands are still in Maggie’s back pockets, and Alex is parting her lips for Maggie’s tongue before she pulls back, concern in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t check – is this okay? Is this what you meant when you said you wanted to kiss me?”

And Maggie chuckles, because it’s so sexy, how concerned Alex gets.

“Yes, Danvers,” she comforts, and fire flashes through Alex’s eyes in excitement.

“Excellent,” she murmurs before taking Maggie’s mouth again, pushing her back slightly onto the pool table.

Her pool cue clacks down to the floor, and both of them notice, vaguely, but neither of them care.

Because Maggie’s hands are in Alex’s hair and Alex’s hand that isn’t on Maggie’s elbow is under Maggie’s shirt at her waist and their bodies are flush against each other and Maggie is whispering how gorgeous Alex is in the breaths between kisses, in the breaths between the way her lips trace down Alex’s jawline.

“You know I can just let you two into the back room so you don’t destroy my pool table,” M’gann offers mildly as she passes behind them to pick up their empty club soda glasses.

It takes a moment for them to surface, a moment for them to disentangle, for them to press their foreheads against each other’s until the room stops spinning with hazy want and sharp desire and consuming love.

“Really? Would you?”

M’gann grins. “And I won’t even tell your father, Alex,” she chuckles as Alex blushes and, holding Maggie’s hand, follows eagerly.