671. Chapter 671

“Absolutely not.”

“But – “

“Kara, they don’t make baseball bats – or baseballs, for that matter – to handle your level of power,” J’onn explains for the thirtieth time.

“Yeah, and knocking a ball into orbit might… you know… blow your cover,” Winn smirks as Kara breaks out her best pout.

“But we could make special bats and stuff, can’t we?”

Winn raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth to say that sure, they could, but J’onn shakes his head.

“The FBI isn’t supposed to have that kind of technology, Supergirl. And anyway, what would we tell Maggie’s colleagues?”

“That they’re going down!” Winn raises his voice, looking past J’onn as Maggie strolls into the command center.

“The enemy walks among us!” James laughs as he tosses an arm around Maggie, who rolls her eyes.

“I’m not here to steal your non-existent baseball strategy secrets, Olsen,” she grins. “Just here to pick up my wife.”

“Literally,” Winn coughs into his hand, and J’onn groans and shakes his head, walking away before any of his children can see him smiling.

But no one sees him smiling the day he dons a baseball cap and FBI baseball jersey and leads his team out to meet the NCPD Science Division team.

Because his heart is smiling at the fun his children are having, but his head is completely into the game. Into winning.

Just like his eldest Earth daughter, who yells out the physics of certain pitches to her teammates after brief and intense conferences with Winn in the dugout. Under his careful direction, she records RBIs and strikeouts scrupulously, because “the only way we’re guaranteed to win next year is if we analyze everyone’s strengths and weaknesses and practice accordingly,” she tells a sighing Vasquez and a facepalming Agent Butler.

“You know, Agent Danvers, sometimes too firm a hand can deplete team morale,” Lena chimes mildly from her position behind a moping Kara, holding her sad Kryptonian and kissing the back of her neck and whispering to her until she giggles and preens into being a little less droopy.

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Alex mutters with a grin, but her eyes stay just as sharp, just as focused.

“Your girlfriend’s intense, Sawyer,” Maggie’s work partner elbows her in the ribs as they job back to the dugout between innings. “You’d think it was war. She knows it’s just a game, right?”

Maggie turns back to watch her girlfriend taking the field with people who she would die for, who would die for her, and she just grins, part proud and part sad.

“Everything’s war to her,” she tilts her head thoughtfully as she watches her.

“And do you think that gives the FBI an advantage in this game?” a small microphone appears in her face out of nowhere, and she snorts as she looks up to see James, camera in hand, CatCo press pass around his neck.

Maggie arches an eyebrow and grins in earnest as she watches that determined focus settle over her girlfriend, taking warmup pitches just as seriously as she takes… well, everything.

Work hard, play hard.

Maggie’s never quite been so in love, and either way – win or lose – she knows she’ll definitely be winning (both of them will) when they go home together tonight.

“The FBI hasn’t got a chance,” she smirks, knowing the quote will get back to Alex.

And that it’ll make their night together even more fun.