712. Chapter 712

She’s got her chin resting in one hand and a beer nuzzled in the other, her eyes fixed on the redhead playing pool across the room.

She sighs so forlornly that Lena and M’gann both turn to stare.

“What?” Maggie deadpans.

“You’re thinking thoughts,” M’gann observes, and Maggie tilts her head at her.

“Those are generally what one thinks, yeah. Thoughts.”


Lena rolls her eyes affectionately as she leans across the table to touch Maggie’s hand. “What is it, Maggie? Or…” She tries to follow Maggie’s gaze with her own. “Who is it, maybe is the better question?”

Maggie sighs again, nodding toward the woman who’s been occupying all her thoughts of late.

“Danvers,” is all she says, and all she has to say. Because the moment they heard about Maggie meeting Alex in the field, both M’gann and Lena had known Maggie was a goner.

“You asked her out yet?” M’gann asks, and Maggie’s sigh becomes a groan.

“I’m not gonna ask her out because I can’t figure her out. I can usually read lesbians a mile away – “

“How we became friends,” Lena smirks, and Maggie returns the grin distractedly.

“But I can’t figure Alex Danvers out. And I don’t wanna ask unless I know because…”

She trails off, painful and dangerous teenage years flickering through her eyes. Lena squeezes her hand supportively.

“I can help with that,” Sam clinks her own bottle of beer on the table as she nudges Lena to make room for her on the bench next to her.

“With… asking her out?” Maggie blinks in confusion.

Sam shrugs as she takes a long swig of her beer. “Well, you don’t wanna ask her out if you don’t know for sure she’s into ladies, right?”


“Well, I can confirm that she is,” Sam tries and fails to hide a beaming grin.

Lena nearly spits out her wine, and M’gann pounds Maggie lightly on the back as she chokes on her beer.

“And how can you do that, Sam?” Lena grins, the first to recover.

Sam arches an eyebrow, turning to look at Alex over her shoulder, a faint smirk on her face.

“She’s a really great kisser, that’s all I’m gonna say.”

Maggie tosses up her hands as Lena and M’gann laugh and oooohhhh.

“Well I’m not gonna ask her out if you two – “

“No, no, we’re not. I mean, we’re cool, we’re friends, but – no, Maggie, go for it, please. Your instincts are great, she’s amazing. Truly.”

“You wouldn’t feel any type of way?”

“Not even a little bit,” Sam mimics Lena, reaching across the table to touch Maggie’s hand. “You should ask her out. You deserve to be happy, Maggie. Plus, you’re just her type. Trust me. You should hear how she talks about you.”

“And how does she talk about me?”

“Like you’re heaven and earth all rolled up into one sexy woman.”

Lena snorts, and M’gann raises her eyebrows.

“Looks like Alex Danvers might beat you to the asking out thing, Mags,” she murmurs, nodding subtly toward Alex, fidgeting with her hands as she walks over to their table.

“Well, we have some place to be, don’t we, ladies?” Sam, Lena, and M’gann stand as one, despite Maggie’s protests that they really don’t have to –

“Hey Maggie,” Alex greets, her voice softer, shyer, than it usually is, and Maggie melts, because god, Sam was right: this woman is all gay, and god, does Maggie’s life suddenly seem perfect.