746. Chapter 746

Sometimes, their hottest sex comes on the heels of their toughest days.

When Alex needs to work out her rage at yet another Cadmus attack she couldn’t stop, or when she needs to surrender control, because god, does it feel amazing to not have to make decisions, to trust someone else to be in the proverbial driver’s seat.

When Maggie goes nonverbal with depression and only Alex’s body writhing with pleasure, with need, underneath hers makes her feel alive, or when she needs Alex’s help redefining vulnerability for herself, because it hurts out that letting someone in so intimately can be healing, whole, amazing.

But sometimes, it’ll happen because Alex is feeling cheeky, feeling bold and feeling flirty, and sends Maggie an itemized list of the things she wants to do to her that night.

Tonight’s To-Do List (any and all items are, as always, up for negotiation)

1. Watch you strip for me.

2. Except your belt. I get to take your belt off you. Then you can complete item one for me.

3. Tie you down to our bed. Wrists and ankles. Cuffs or silk is your choice. Either way, item four will be incredible.

4. Lick you (because we know you’ll already be soaked for me) until you’re begging for me to fuck you.

5. Don’t fuck you.

6. Untie your ankles, flip you over, and spank you since you’ll be being bratty by now.

7. Make you count for me.

8. Make sure you know you’re not allowed to say anything except your safeword and the numbers.

9. Only if you’re a good girl for me, fuck you from behind.

10. Make you come so damn hard for me.

11. Make you pancakes.

12. Possibly repeat.

Maggie has to rush to the bathroom at the precinct to read this, because she’s already wrecked by the time she gets to item one.

She’s barely had time to read all of it before another text comes through.

No touching yourself, either. Only I get to do that.

She’s typing a response when her phone buzzes again.

If you’re not feeling it, babe, just tell me and I’ll stop! I love you!

She chuckles and shakes her head.

You know, Danvers, you’re a nerd even when you’re sexting me.

A brief pause, and she bites her lip while she waits.

She knows that, right now, Alex won’t make her wait long.

No, that’ll be later tonight.

Did I give you permission to say anything besides your safeword and counting for me?

Maggie gulps, already looking at the time to see how many more hours she has to spend waiting for tonight to come already.

No, Agent Danvers.

A mere moment passes.

Good. I’ll see you tonight, Detective.

God, she can’t wait.

Neither, apparently, can Alex.

She’s barely through the door – Maggie got home only a few minutes earlier – when she kicks off her boots, and, low voice and dilating pupils, tells Maggie to strip.

“This okay, babe?” she makes sure as she tugs her belt out from its loops, never breaking eye contact with her girlfriend.

“Yeah, yes. I love you,” Maggie murmurs, and Alex pauses, smiling as she kisses Maggie gently and sweetly, knowing exactly what she needs to hear.

“I love you too, Maggie Sawyer. Forever. Still good? We can just cuddle; there’s good shows on tonight – “

“We can watch TV, or you can fuck me until I can’t do anything but scream your name, Danvers. Your call.”

Alex’s eyes flash as Maggie smirks. Her hands return to Maggie’s belt, using it this time to pull Maggie’s hips into her own.

“Are you in charge, Detective Sawyer?”

“I dunno, Danvers, you tell me.” Her eyes sparkle and, at Alex’s slight hesitation, she whispers “green,” so Alex knows, for sure, that she’s game for the scene Alex described.

And, with that, Alex yanks the last bit of Maggie’s belt out of the loops roughly, expertly, stepping back so she can take in the sight of Maggie’s whole body.

“Strip,” is all Alex says, and it’s all she needs to say.

Maggie doesn’t break eye contact as she unbuttons her shirt, unzips her jeans. The sound in the otherwise quiet apartment drives them both nearly out of their minds, the fact that Maggie’s hands are exactly where Alex wants hers to be making them both gulp, makes Maggie have to fight to keep the pace of undressing steady.

“Good job,” Alex grins, slightly detached in the way she knows makes Maggie soaked.

“Now, bed.” She points, again somewhat detached, but Maggie knows she’s anything but. Alex takes her time, letting her eyes rake over Maggie’s now naked body.

She strips out of her own clothes – save her boyshorts and lacy bra – and they both giggle as she struggles to keep balance, to stay seductive and in control, while she wrestles to take off her socks.

“I love you,” Maggie whispers, low enough to not disrupt the scene, and Alex’s response is just as tender, just as soft.

“Comfortable?” she confirms, and Maggie nods, now biting her lip, because Alex has told her exactly what they both want to come next.

“Cuffs or silk?”

“Cuffs,” Maggie gulps, and Alex hums approvingly as she sets to work securing Maggie’s wrists and ankles, wrists connected above her head and ankles spreading her legs wide toward the bed posts with the under-the-bed attachment they invested in when they discovered just how much they both loved it.

She kisses each spot where the cuffs connect, and Maggie tries her best to keep her hips still. She fails, because somehow, the softness that edges Alex’s hardness turns Maggie on even more.

“I’m going to eat you out now,” Alex tells her, all matter-of-fact and business, and Maggie doesn’t even try to control her whimpering.

“Please,” is all she can whisper, and Alex smiles as she kisses her way up Maggie’s thighs, licking here, nipping gently there, parting her hair with steady fingers and teasing her with the tip of her tongue before giving them both exactly what they want.

“Fuck,” they moan in unison, the vibrations from Alex’s lips sending chills up Maggie’s spine as she tries to reach down to tangle her fingers in Alex’s hair before remembering that she’s tied up.

“Okay?” Alex pauses to ask, all the love in the world in her eyes, and Maggie arches her hips up pleadingly.

Her affirmative yes becomes a scream of ecstasy as Alex fucks her with her tongue, no hesitation and no teasing, just tongue and lips and thumb rubbing circles just above her clit when her mouth is otherwise occupied.

Throughout the day, she’d told herself she could last at least a little while before begging Alex to fuck her with something harder than her tongue.

As it turns out, Maggie lasts all of a minute.

Longer than either of them expected, really.

“Alex, please,” she gasps, and her voice is so broken, so pleading, so wrecked, that Alex uncuffs her ankles and flips her over so fast both of them can barely function.

Alex collapses on top of her, both panting, both needing to rest in each other, to feel the other’s breath and sweat and body heat.

“You want your hands back?” Alex kisses the back of Maggie’s neck as she smooths away her long hair, and Maggie nods.

Alex kisses her way up her arms, unfastening the cuffs and pressing open-mouthed kisses all over her wrists before crawling back to cover Maggie’s back with her body.

“I wanted to smack your ass and make you count out for me, but I don’t know if I can handle it,” Alex admits, and the verbalization is enough to make Maggie moan and grind her hips down into their bed.

“That’s okay. Next time. I… can I touch myself, Alex? Please?”

“You think you’ve earned it?” Alex teases, and Maggie’s whine is so pretty and perfect that Alex decides that yes, god, fuck, yes, she’s more than earned it.

“Hey, Danvers, it’s uh… it’s completely okay if you don’t want to… but uh… you know what? Nevermind.”

“Hey,” Alex rolls half onto her side, keeping one leg and arm slung over Maggie’s back, but angling so she can press their foreheads together without Maggie straining her neck to the side. “It’s okay, Maggie. Ask me for whatever you want. I love when you do that. It’s… it’s hot.”

Maggie kisses her mouth, then her nose. “So you can make me strip for you and tie me up, but telling me I’m hot is what makes you blush, Alex Danvers?”

An authoritative flash crosses Alex’s face, and both of their hearts skip a beat as they stare at each other, both pondering which direction they’ll go next; giggling or seductive.

As it turns out, it’s some combination of the two, because when Alex tries to nip at Maggie’s lip, they both turn their faces at the same times, and their teeth clash.

“You alright?” Maggie laughs, but checks Alex’s lip urgently.

“You were gonna ask me something, Sawyer,” Alex husks, and suddenly they’re back in the scene.

“Right,” Maggie gulps. “I uh… you don’t have to, but… if you did wanna… um… do you wanna talk me through it? While you’re fucking me? On… on my back, if that’s okay?”

Alex’s breath hitches as she uncuffs Maggie’s wrists and flips her over, back on the mattress and her own thighs poised riding Maggie’s leg.

She never expected to be comfortable with talking dirty, but the moment she tried, all those months and months ago, she found that she not only loved it, but was… kind of a natural.

A thrilling surprise for both of them.

“So you want me to tell you about how I’m fucking you, while I’m fucking you?”

Maggie Sawyer will forever deny squeaking in this moment, but she most definitely squeaks as she nods.

Alex chuckles as she arches her body to nip at Maggie’s shoulder, as she angles herself slightly off to Maggie’s side so she can slip inside her with her fingers from a comfortable angle, her palm positioned just so, to pressure Maggie’s clit.

“Good?” Alex confirms, and Maggie begs.

Alex moans as she brings her fingers lower, slowly at first, testing Maggie’s receptivity, what she can handle, what exact angle she needs right now.

“Fuck, you feel good,” she starts, and Maggie reaches down to Alex’s hips, steadying herself with Alex’s body. “You’re so fucking wet for me, you know that?”

Maggie bites her lip to keep from completely losing herself, and Alex bends to take her nipple into her mouth without warning, something they’d discovered Maggie absolutely loves.

Sure enough, Maggie writhes and swears and scratches all down Alex’s lower back, something they’d discovered Alex absolutely loves.

“Danvers, please,” she pants, and Alex pushes another finger inside her.

“I love feeling my fingers stretch you out, Maggie,” she murmurs into her chest, only pausing her licking, sucking, soft biting, to speak the way she knows both of them love.

She looks up to meet Maggie’s eyes. “Still good?”

“Don’t stop.”

“Don’t stop fucking you?”


“Good. Because I was just thinking of adding a couple more fingers. You’re definitely wet enough. You think you can handle that for me, babe? Me fucking you with pretty much everything I’ve got, sucking on you and feeling how tight you are for me at the same time?”

Maggie tries to prevent herself from arching her hips up to meet Alex’s hand even more desperately.

She utterly fails.

And when Alex takes her nipple into her mouth, massaging her with her tongue in time with her fingers, fucking her; when Alex shifts so her lips are right by Maggie’s ear, leaning on her elbow to look her in the eyes and whisper, “let go for me,” Maggie stops trying.

She lets go, obedient and immediate and complete and ecstatic.

Alex coaxes her through it, shifting slightly so that they’re riding each other’s legs, adding to the pressure of Alex’s hand between Maggie’s thighs, timing her words to match the way she’s pressing up against her inner walls with her fingers.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, Maggie Sawyer. I wanna fuck you like this until you come all over my hand, my leg, until you can’t handle it anymore, and then I wanna lick you until – “

But she doesn’t have to say anymore, because Maggie’s nails are digging into her lower back and she’s screaming Alex’s name and she’s squirting all over Alex’s fingers, her palm, her thigh.

“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Alex whispers like a prayer as her fingers and the heel of her palm coax Maggie through as many waves as she needs to come back down.

“Fuck,” is all Maggie can answer, softly and breathlessly, and Alex smiles into her collarbone, because that’s all she needs.

Because Maggie Sawyer trusting her enough, loving her enough, to let go like that is all Alex could ever dream of, and so much more than Maggie had ever dreamed of.

And really, it feels quite perfect.