747. Chapter 747

“I remember your first Pride like it was yesterday,” Maggie reminisces as she rubs her hand over Adrian’s curly hair, to check that the rainbow-patterned dye they put in it is holding properly.

He rolls his eyes at Alex, but there’s a grin on his face that he can’t hide.

“She says this like I’m like five years old.”

“Well you are pretty itty bitty.”

“I’m taller than you!”

“I’m older than you.”

“I’m hotter than you!”

“Hey! That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about!”

“Yeah, I guess Mags is kinda cute. Fine.”

“And so are you, Adrian,” Kara cuts in to tease, and Adrian blushes so bright his face goes darker red than parts of his hair.

“What was your first Pride like, Ade?” Alex saves him, and Adrian rushes to talk.

“I’d been out as bi since forever, but I’d just come out as trans, like to more than one or two people, and Maggie invited me to come. With the other kids from the Center that she worked with. And she bought my my first Trans is Beautiful t-shirt and she got me those free sunglasses and all kinds of free pins for my denim cutoff, because of course I had a denim cutoff.”

“Such a tiny trans boy,” Maggie grins, going up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek as she dabs his eyelids with glitter.

He cracks open the eye Maggie isn’t working on. “You nervous, Alex?”

“Pfft, no,” Alex hastens, even as she squeezes Kara’s hand to oblivion at the sight of herself with glitter on her face and the FBI (Female Body Inspector) tee that Lena had gotten her, sleeves cut off and looking extremely… well, gay.

“Alex,” Kara arches an eyebrow, and Alex squirms before tossing her hands back.

“Of course I’m nervous! What if I don’t fit in, or if I don’t look gay enough, or – “

“Hey, whoa,” Maggie shifts from Adrian to Alex, taking her hands and kissing her lips softly. “First, there’s no such thing as gay enough. You’re enough, always, no matter how you’re dressed or whatever. But uh… you’re gonna fit right in, Danvers, trust me.” She winks and Alex laughs. “But even if you didn’t, or feel like you don’t? That’s okay, because you’ll be with people who love you, and you can tap out any time, alright? You won’t be alone.”



As their kiss deepens, Kara and Adrian mime vomiting at each other even as their eyes shine brilliantly.

“Love the shirt, by the way, Kara,” Adrian grins, and Kara tugs at her Ain’t No Lie, Bi Bi Bi tank appreciatively.

“Thanks,” she bounces on the balls of her feet, nearly floating with excitement. “Guys! Can you stop kissing long enough for us to get there?” she groans playfully.

Alex and Maggie kiss each other even harder in response, even as they try not to giggle.

“Maggieeeee, we’re gonna miss the best cotton candy,” Adrian pretends to whine, and Maggie and Alex have no choice but to get themselves out the door, then, because at the mention of cotton candy, Kara practically yanks them all out of the apartment.

“Okay,” Maggie kisses Alex’s knuckles as their fingers interlace on their way to the city center. “So if any of this isn’t okay for you two, that’s alright, we can work around it, if anything’s overstimulating or whatever. Just say so, alright? Both of you.”

Alex and Kara nod eagerly. “But, Adrian and I usually get cotton candy, then stop by the stage to see one of his friends perform, and the rule is we have to stop at each table with free pins or buttons because we may or may not have a massive collection of them. Is that okay?”

The Danvers girls nod their excitement, and Adrian and Maggie are off. Adrian asks before taking Kara’s hand, and Maggie – at Alex’s request – never lets her girlfriend’s hand go as they navigate the bustling streets together.

Alex’s eyes flood with tears at the sight of it all, and Kara’s free hand squeezes hers at the abundance of bi flags, girls kissing the girls they wanna kiss, nonbinary kids proudly donning their pronoun buttons, and ace kids beaming, wrapped in their ace flags.

“Cotton candy!” Kara yelps when she sees it, but Adrian shakes his head.

“Not from the shop, come on, there’s a guy who sells it one more block down, it’s better,” his eyes glisten.

Within minutes, Alex is licking melted sugar fluff from Maggie’s lips as Adrian and Kara laugh about how cotton candy is decidedly not a sexy food.

Alex’s jaw drops at how many people Maggie and Adrian seem to know; people remembered from last year’s booths, exes and old friends and classmates and colleagues.

Kara’s eyes sparkle when her eyes meet Lena Luthor’s across the crowd, because maybe there’s some hope there after all.

“I love this,” Alex leans into Maggie when they’re stopped in front of the impromptu stage, music blaring and bodies moving around them.

“And I love you,” Maggie whispers as she brings her lips up to meet Alex’s.

Kara laughs happily as Adrian snaps photos that the two of them will frame for their sisters later.

Because remembering this day is so damn important.