769. Chapter 769

Alex falls asleep first.

Maggie had brought them to orgasm, almost accidentally, Alex grinding their hips up onto her thigh, and Alex would have spent the entire rest of the night apologizing if their slipping over the edge didn’t get Maggie there, too.

They got up to get them both water, to borrow a spare phone charger for Maggie from Lucy’s room, and to bring her back a big t-shirt to sleep in.

Because it was obvious to both of them that Maggie was going to spend the night in their dorm.

In their bed.

Alex falls asleep first, because their brain couldn’t process, not really, the excitement of having a pretty girl in their bed, a pretty girl who liked them for who they were, who wanted to spend the night and get to know each other more, who kissed their forehead and who used their pronouns and who laughed, but not meanly, when they stammered their way through intense gay panic.

Maggie stays up and watches them, just for a few minutes.

Because she can’t quite believe it, either. That Alex seemed to like her for… her. That they were respectful and even reverent, and that they kissed her with more on their mind than just getting themself off and then lying about it to the entire school.

She has a feeling that this new thing is going to last, and it scared her senseless.

So she stays up and she watches Alex’s chest rise and fall, the way their hair, mussed and sexy, falls onto their forehead as they shift automatically closer to her.

Maggie falls asleep with her arm around Alex’s torso, wondering what she did to deserve them, to deserve this.

Alex wakes up first.

They forget, for a moment, that it all wasn’t a dream, and they startle when they actually feel someone’s arm around them.

They smile into their pillow when they remember.

They groan with soft remembrance of what it felt like to watch Maggie come on their body, because of them, because of their own pleasure.

“Morning, Danvers.” Maggie’s voice is groggy, and Alex blushes, wondering if they woke her with the sheer force of their memory of last night.

“Hey,” they grunt, trying to say more, or something more smooth, at least, and failing utterly.

Maggie doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest.

“You have morning classes today?” she asks, and Alex is relieved that they can honestly say they don’t. They shake their head and kiss Maggie’s nose.

She giggles, and it’s the cutest sound Alex has ever heard.

“Good. Me neither. So listen, this might be a little forward, but I figure you let me sleep in your bed, so I figure… I usually have breakfast with a couple friends of mine, when none of us have morning classes. Do you, um… you wanna come? Just at the main dining hall, nothing special or formal, and I mean, you don’t have to, because – “

“Wow, did I infect you with my rambling?” Alex teases gently, and Maggie’s pupils dilate.

“Well you definitely infected me with something, Danvers,” she practically growls, and she has to lean over to send off a quick text that she’s going to be at least an hour late.

Because, well, Alex Danvers is apparently a very good kisser.

They also apparently have extremely comfortable t-shirts. Maggie chooses a Bare Naked Ladies concert tee – “the pun is irresistible,” she jokes, and Alex laughs hard – and Alex gulps when she pulls her leather jacket on over it.

“You look good in my clothes. I mean, you look good in your own clothes too. And out of clothes. Not that I’ve seen you entirely out of your clothes. Not that I wouldn’t want to. Just – “

“Okay, well, at least we know I’ve been infected with your rambling, but that doesn’t mean I took it from you,” Maggie kisses them softly, and it’s Alex’s turn to giggle.

“So who are you taking me to meet?” they ask, because they’re still in a complete pretty-girl-likes-me-pretty-girl-likes-me-pretty-girl-likes-me daze, but even that’s not enough to remind them, dimly, that they don’t think they’re very good at the whole people thing.

“A couple of my friends. My best friends here, actually. Or anywhere. They’re cool guys. We were all little girls together,” she winks significantly, and Alex’s heart skips with excitement.

“Adrian! Winn!” Maggie calls when the two step into the main cafeteria holding hands.

A short white boy with wide eyes and a laptop open in front of him stands and waves dramatically, alongside a slightly gangly brown boy with a huge smile and a silver stud earring, who looks like he’s about to leap over tables to drown Maggie in a hug.

“You have a person friend!” the potentially-table-jumping boy squeals excitedly, his voice cracking like a fourteen year-old going through puberty for the first time. Alex beams as Maggie kisses the freshman’s cheek.

“Yes, she does,” Alex introduces themself, shaking both boys’ hands in turn. The former introduces himself as Winn, the latter, as Adrian and master of all things nerd. Alex laughs before turning their attention back to Maggie. “I mean, if you want one. I mean, if you want to be. If – “

“Guys, you made them ramble! And now they’re gonna make me ramble. It… I… are we that? You want me to be your girlfriend?”

Alex gulps and nods quietly.

“Good,” Maggie says softly, slipping her hand back into Alex’s.

“Awwwww,” Adrian squeals.

“They’re my new favorite couple,” Winn leans into Adrian emphatically.

“Do you guys want crappy cafeteria pancakes to celebrate? It’s national crappy pancake day, don’t you know?” Adrian bounces up and down eagerly.

“Dude, you’re gonna overheat in your binder with all that energy,” Winn reminds him with a broad smile.

“You’re gonna overheat in your binder with all your energy,” Adrian teases, but squeezes Winn’s shoulder gratefully.

“Nerds. But crappy pancakes sound perfect. Alex? Crappy pancakes for you?”

“With you? Absolutely.”


“Like I said, my new favorite couple.”