Maggie woke to the sound of something crashing in the bathroom.
She knew the sound well, at this point.
“Dammit,” she murmured, rummaging on the floor next to the bed for one of Alex’s shirts, oversized on her small frame. She slipped into the shirt and padded toward their en suite bathroom.
“Need anything, babe?” she asked, knowing the answer, but also knowing that Alex liked knowing she was there.
Liked knowing she still found them sexy, that she didn’t think any less of them. Didn’t think they were gross or disgusting. And maybe most importantly, didn’t think they were making something out of nothing and just needlessly complaining about something so many people had to just shut up and deal with.
“A hysterectomy?”
Maggie chuckled and slid down to sit on the ground outside the bathroom floor.
“Should I gather together ample amounts of chocolate, a heating pad, and make Winn take off from work so he play a Kingdom Hearts walkthrough for my handsome darling?”
Alex narrowed their eyes even though Maggie couldn’t see them.
“No? You don’t want any of those things, sexy?”
Alex shivered at the way Maggie always made sure to call them all the right things when they were feeling all the wrong ways.
“Hm. Okay. I guess I’ll eat all the chocolate, lay all over the heating pad, and watch Winn do a killer walkthrough on my own then. Yeah? Sound good, Danvers?”
Alex was starting to smile, and Maggie could hear it through the door.
“On it. You take your time in there - holler if you want me to bring you boxers to go over those hot-ass boy shorts of yours - and when you come out, you can find me eating all the chocolate in the land. I might even let you have a piece. Sound good?”
“Pancakes, too?” Alex asked, because maybe they could get through this after all.
“Pancakes, too,” Maggie promised.