775. Chapter 775

They still have their date nights. Of course they do.

Kara takes Lena flying and Alex takes Maggie to the ballets neither of them will never admit to loving.

Lena takes Kara dancing and Maggie takes Alex on long drives in the mountains.

And they still have their double date nights.

Of course they do.

But over the years, Double Date Nights have become another version of Sisters’ Nights.

None of them are sure exactly when it started happening.

It might have been after Maggie and Kara finally broke through their initial layers of awkward resentment and unspoken jealousy, insecurity, protectiveness looking like over polite tension.

It might have been after Lena started working with Alex in the lab, because nothing said future sister-in-law bonding time like microscopes and gene analyses that the fate of the world rested upon.

It might have been after Maggie asked Lena to be in her wedding party, and Lena sobbed because, aside from Sam, who would ever want her in their life like that?

Regardless of when, exactly, or why, exactly, Double Date Nights slowly morphed into Sisters’ Nights.

But not just for the original Danvers girls. No, they still had their one-on-one nights, just for Alex and Kara, Kara and Alex. Because that would never, ever stop.

No, these were a different kind of Sisters’ Night: a new breed, tentative and awkward at first, but welcomed by all.

Maggie and Kara would giggle in the kitchen – who would have imagined those two ever, ever giggling together? – while Lena and Alex traded college stories about the old white men who thought they knew more than they did in lab and in the classroom and internships and everywhere, really.

Lena and Maggie would pour each other more wine as they swapped embarrassing stories about their Danvers girls, and Alex and Kara would laugh loudly as they tried to one-up their wives’ stories.

Alex and Maggie would toss pillows at Kara and Lena when they would tug each other into the kitchen to make out, and Lena would roll around on the floor, immobilized with laughter, when Kara tried to fly Alex and Maggie into their bedroom when they, inevitably, started kissing deeply as playful revenge on the other couple.

On the quieter nights, too – the ones capping longer, heavier days – Lena would sprawl across Alex and Kara’s laps, and Maggie would make them all dinner (because none of the rest could be trusted in the kitchen). Kara would strike the pilot light with her eyes and Alex would rub Maggie’s shoulders when they’d all finish eating, and Lena would feed Kara from her own fork when Kara was too depressed to lift her own hands.

Maggie would fall asleep on Kara’s shoulder and Alex would whisper to both her sisters about what old musical they should put on the TV.

When James and Winn would let themselves into the apartment the next morning – they’d long since had keys made – to bring the girls brunch, they’d always find them curled up on each other, limbs sprawled and Kara floating with Lena using her as a mattress, her hand still in Maggie’s from the night before, Alex with her hand under Maggie’s sweater, touching the skin on the small of her back.

They would make sure they were all covered in blankets – Maggie with her feet free, Lena tucked in like a burrito – as they cooked.

Inevitably, Maggie would be the first one up, and she’d pad into the bathroom to shower after kissing the boys good morning.

The sound of Alex setting off the fire alarm would always draw her out of the shower, and Sisters’ Night officially became Family Morning as Lena and Kara and James and Winn teased Alex and Alex play-wrestled them all.

Maggie took photos that gradually started to fill the walls of all of their apartments before she joined in, and really, it was all quite perfect.