"Holly!" Cristina's voice rang out, making the red head jump awake, "Wake up!"

Holly rubbed her eyes lightly, looking over at the alarm clock that beeped, "I'm up, I'm up."

"Yeah," Cristina nodded, throwing the girl her sweater that was hanging over a chair, "you sure looked like it. You okay?"

"I'm good." Holly rolled her eyes, throwing the blanket over herself as she got off of her bed, "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do, oh, let's see," Holly began to list, "your laundry, my laundry, organize the house, do the dishes, go to my O.B. appointments and go to work."

"You could just not go to work." Cristina reasoned, "You look like you're going to pop--"

"I'm not leaving so Chief Grey can give my job to someone else." Holly justified with a scoff, "And that solo thoracic aortic aneurysm is mine."

"Mm." Cristina nodded as she walked away, "We're leaving in fifteen, be ready."

"Okay." Holly nodded, changing into her clothes before pausing lightly as she frowned her eyebrows and muttered, "...I feel like I forgot something."

"Okay," April smiled, holding onto Meredith's left hand, "how did he do it? Tell me everything."

With a smile glued to her face, Meredith recited for her person, "Okay, so last night, we went out to dinner, and he--"

The mood instantly turned sour as Cristina Yang walked inside, accompanied by Holly, who immediately went over to her cubby as she ignored the stares and glares.

Jackson looked at the two, "Good morning."

Holly barely spared him a glance while Cristina blandly asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Jackson frowned his eyebrows at the two as April shook her head at him, "Jackson..."

Meredith shook her head as well, "Don't feed the animals."

Holly averted her eyes away from her cubby momentarily to look at Meredith before rolling her eyes, deciding she wasn't worth her time. Cristina, however, turned to glare at Meredith and spoke, "Every single one of you can suck my--"

"Hey!" Alex smiled, walking into the resident's lounge, "How's everyone doing this morning?"

"Peachy." Holly muttered, closing her eyes briefly as she felt a braxton hick, making Jackson take one step forward to her.

"Are you--"

"I'm perfectly fine." Holly snapped, turning back to face Alex.

"Everybody ready to kick some butt?" Alex continued, clasping his hands in front of him, "Let's run the board, guys. Avery?"

Jackson averted his eyes from Holly, "Covering the pit."

"Noble work." Alex nodded, looking at the inseparable duo, "Y-Yang and Younger Kepner?"

"Solo thoracic aortic aneurysm." Yang answered rapidly, wanting to get out of the room already.

"Huh." Alex tightened his smile, not wanting to show she scared him, "Uh, K-Kepner, I'm gonna need you on Shepherd's service."

"Why?" Holly asked, frowning her eyebrows in confusion, "Which one?"

"Which one do you think?" April muttered and Meredith held in a laugh, making Holly internally roll her eyes.

"Neuro Shepherd." Alex answered, making Holly groan lightly.

"Well," Meredith shrugged, "I guess that means, I'm doing Torres' post-ops."

Alex looked at the other sister, "Kepner?"

"Uh," April answered, "I'm on Shepherd's service. Good Shepherd."

"Oh, hey." Charles smiled, "I'm on Bad Shepherd's post-ops. Maybe we're the next Shepherds."

Holly covered her mouth to hide her laugh at April's face of disgust as April replied, "No, we aren't."

"All right, guys." Alex attempted to motivate the group of doctors, "The day is as good as you make it. All right, let's get out there and keep Seattle Grace the country's best hospital. Come on!" The doctors began to file out of the room while Alex and Meredith stayed in their spots, "Yang, smile. Yeesh. Kepner, don't--"