(Chapter #3) Run

it has been 5 minutes maximum since I last wrote and we ran into a problem. The car was out of power and we were at least 20 minutes from getting out of the 4-5 story high area of the city. I do however spot something, it was a gunshop tucked right into a alleyway if you were driving you would probably miss it. we both hop out of the now useless Tesla I am holding the AR-15 while Daniel has the Glock-19 I did for my and Daniel's safety give him a 5 minute crash course of how to safely use, reload and fire the weapon though. It was a small gunshop so we slowly yet carefully went the shop. The windows were broken shards of glass everywhere and some semi dried blood, the blood was still somewhat fresh we entered even more cautiously than before the doors bell jingled and we heard a growl of sorts like a wild beast that's gone mad. What we saw could be described as well undesirable a 50 year old man that was fat yet he was missing most of his stomach, face and one of his arms. It lunged at us yet Daniel fired his pistol hitting its neck not killing it yet slowing it down before firing 2 more times killing it finally. We searched for about half an hour and all we found was another pistol a shotgun a Remington-870 Wingmaster at least that's what it tag said the pistol was a Smith & Wesson M&P shield. we found several types of ammunition 12 gauge 3 boxes one 50 bullet box and 2 20 bullet box 2 boxes of 9mm one 50 bullet one 20 a box of .40 20 bullets and 2 boxes of 5.56 each 50 bullets in them. We actually found some candys, water bottles, sodas and some chips still in the vending machine. however we had a major problem the Tesla was out of charge and highly unlikely we could charge it safely so we had to carry our stuff looking for a car. it took of 15 minutes to find one that worked well a millitary surplus 2008 AM General jeep That actually had nearly a full tank! so we spent about 5 minutes loading everything up and we were ready to go

(short chapter I know but I still decided to post it because I want to try to get at least one chapter a day out I know probably not possible but I will try and I wont add filler useless stuff just to get the word count and read time longer I hate that stuff hopefully new chapter out tmrw also what major city in texas should the one Jason and Daniel escaping be?)