(Chapter #2) We need to escape

It has been Half an hour since I last wrote we have prepared everything we need to bring yet we still don't know how to, I have a car in the multi level parking garage nearby. Its been 10 minutes since the last time I wrote automatic gunfire probably from the 50 cal mounted on the national guards Humvees that's doing it distracting the horde and bringing them over to them this was the best possible time to escape with daniel maybe just maybe will we be able to get out of here alive. It took us 7-8 whole minutes to get to my car now that might not sound like alot and it really wasn't but with everything that has happened it could be years for as long as we were concerned. I am glad I bought a Tesla instead of a car that uses gas, silence that was the advantage it gave us over all the non electric cars. We had to drive at a decent speed like 10mph to get out quietly safely and carefully luckily it seems as if the gunfire attracted the hordes nearby all around us we can see burned out humvees tipped over burned cars tossed around sandbags rifles machine guns and empty shells with alot of blood and the fallen dead (aka dead zombies) we could easily imagine just how it was overrun with a crashed semi and a zombified dead driver inside it broke through the blockade. The smell of ripped open intestines a thick scent of gunpowder, smoke, blood and sulfer fills the air. You could see they tried to retreat while still maintaining some form of barricade behind the one that got overwhelmed but the horde was probably just too large and fast and overran them before they could even fight back effectively. we had to drive for 40-50 minutes just to get near the end of the skyscrapers and to smaller 4-5 story high buildings instead we probably could have gotten here in 30 minutes in normal times going the normal speed but today is anything but normal. We ran into a little girl in the road yet she didn't act quite right I called to her from a distance and then I saw it half of her face was missing, her arm nearly bone I could see her glazed eyes, lifeless I stepped on the gas running her down and we heard a sickening crunch as her ribs and other bones collapsed in on her or just shattered entirely. I nearly wanted to vomit I also wanted to vomit when we passed the blockade back but I could handle the scent of blood and smoke since I have bled some game animals several times before. But this I wanted to just gun it away from here away from the little girl who would have died a horrible death being eaten alive. another 10 minutes pass and we see another broken national guard blockade but it was in better condition it seems they were able to escape while they couldn't hold it without falling so we drove through the blockade looking for anything we could safely scavenge and then I see it a PSRL in near mint condition besides the arm still attached to it of course but still it's the American version of the RPG with 4 more shots left 5 if you count the one still inside while we have no idea how to use it safely its surely going to come in handy one of these days.

I will write into my journal again soon if I am still alive

and that's chapter 2 any suggestions?

(edit 1 grammer and word fix)