5. Chapter 5

Lena almost claimed Kara on three different occasions, but each time she came close, she experienced a shred of hesitancy. Her doubts had nothing to do with Kara and everything to do with the fact that she had been claimed once before. Even though staking claim to an alpha held less weight, Lena began to overthink it and worry that someday Kara might have regrets about the permanency of the mark.


It could have led to tension between them, but Lena was comfortable enough to be honest with Kara and talk through all of her fears. After a long discussion about the topic, they decided to wait for a special moment in their relationship to make that serious commitment, though it was never far from Lena’s mind whenever Kara was in bed with her.


Months went by, and it surprised Lena every day that Kara was still so invested in her and their future together.


After business for the season began to slow down, Kara started spending much more time at Lena’s house. By the end of September, Lena cleared out an entire closet for Kara’s belongings.


During the month of October, Lena asked Kara to go with her to Natty’s teacher conference when Andrea couldn’t make it. Kara stepped into the role of co-parent with enthusiasm, and even formed a friendship with Eve to make shared custody easier than it had been in years.


By Thanksgiving, Lena recognized that Kara had no plans of breaking it off with her, but she experienced a small emotional setback when she woke up one morning in the middle of December with the familiar nausea that went hand-in-hand with pregnancy. She bought a test, which she discreetly took when she was in the house by herself. After the little indicator on the stick showed a clear negative, Lena had mixed feelings of relief and disappointment. She didn’t want to surprise Kara with an unplanned pregnancy or complicate their relationship in any way, but she couldn’t help but feel a range of emotions.


Lena might have spent the afternoon obsessing over that if she hadn’t promised she would take Natalia to see Santa Claus at the mall after school. Between the pregnancy scare and sickness, she needed to rush out the door to avoid being late.


She was excited about spending Christmas and New Year’s with Kara and her girls, and for the first time in years she didn’t have dread in the pit of her stomach when she thought about all of the traditions leading up the holiday.


Despite her enthusiasm for the season, the ride to the mall was still hectic, with Sophia and Natty both fighting for control of the radio. Her youngest wanted to listen to all of the Christmas songs, while Sophia insisted they put on the classical station because she was sick of hearing the same four carols.


Andy stayed neutral in the front seat, though Lena caught her turning the Christmas music up whenever Sophia wasn’t paying attention.


The commotion threatened to bring on a headache, and between the traffic and the cold weather, the whole ordeal was precariously close to being miserable. Except Kara had texted her to say she would meet her at the mall with a surprise, and Lena’s happiness refused to be dampened.


The trek through the parking lot took longer than she wanted because Natty fussed with her coat and lost a candy striped mitten in the process. They had to backtrack to find it, with Sophia claiming victory because she located it first. Andy rolled her eyes and carried on, and Lena hurried to catch up with Natty in her arms, jingling all the way due to the bells on her little hat.


Lena was a sweaty and out of breath ball of frustration when they stepped into the mall, but Kara’s face still lit up when she saw them.


“Hey, you mind if I take that elf?” Kara asked as she walked over, her gaze lingering on Lena with open adoration before shifting to Natty, who was already reaching out for the alpha to lift her up. “I haven’t finished my Christmas list yet and I need some help.”


“Please,” Lena exhaled gratefully, her warm eyes lingering on Kara’s beautiful smile as the alpha took the toddler into her arms.


“It’s me,” Natty giggled, her small mittened hands tugging at her green winter coat when Kara gawked at her in feigned surprise. “We’re gonna see Santa!”


“You are?” Kara asked affectionately, and hoisted Natty onto her shoulders. “Then you better lead the way.”


Natty gripped onto Kara’s cozy beanie and Lena took a moment just to appreciate how adorable they looked together before she slid into place next to the alpha. She looped her arm through Kara’s and leaned into her with a smitten look that offended Sophia.


The teen exhaled a dramatic sigh and walked in front of them to avoid the PDA, and Andy sauntered after her sister to keep an eye on her without needing to be asked.


Sophia still visibly reacted whenever they showed affection, but she kept her remarks to herself the same way Andrea did, and that was about as close to acceptance as Lena could have hoped to achieve.


They ventured through the mall and Natty excitedly pointed at the Christmas decorations and displays set up in store windows. Whenever she caught sight of someone wearing a funny hat or festive sweater, she waved to them and squealed when they returned the gesture. If she missed any, Kara made sure to stop to give her the opportunity to find them, and then they would carry on in their pursuit of Santa’s North Pole.


Lena’s mixed feelings about the pregnancy scare finally settled on disappointment.


Kara’s bubbling enthusiasm to spend the festive period with them brought out Lena’s longing for another child, and she held onto the alpha a little tighter as that realization gripped her heart. They already looked like a family, even though Kara wasn’t the alpha that had gotten her pregnant, but she could imagine how good Kara would look with a baby cradled in those strong arms.


She snapped herself out of the fantasy and lightly nudged Kara to get her attention.


“Where is this surprise you promised me?” Lena asked, not the least bit bothered that she was still in the dark about it. She raised an expectant eyebrow just to see a blush tinge Kara’s cheeks, and then inhaled the musk of her alpha pheromones that she wore like cologne.


“I left it in the truck,” Kara murmured, her smile only intriguing Lena all the more.


She would have asked why if Natty hadn’t let out a shriek and partially blinded Kara with a mitten in the eye.


The alpha let out a grunt of surprise, but her grip on Natty never loosened, even when she kicked her feet and gushed, “I see Santa’s house! We’re here, we’re here—”


“Calm down, Natty.” Sophia sighed, embarrassed by her little sister’s outburst that had other families looking over and smiling. “Santa’s made uuu-urgh!”


Andy shoved Sophia with a tight lipped look of disapproval, then finished her sentence for her, “Santa made moretoys to give kids on Christmas. See, there’s an elf that must work with Santa.”


Natty would have climbed down Kara to rush at the elf if she could have, and Lena was amused to see Kara lower her daughter just to take her hand and hurry through the crowd with her.


There was a long line of children because it was so late in the day, and Lena’s heart sank at the dwindling sight of presents and the growing restlessness in the crowd.


They waited for over half an hour and got three spots from the front of the line when the man dressed as an elf wandered over to set up a Closed sign.


The younger children didn’t understand, and Natty surged forward when the crowd parted only for the elf to mutter, “Sorry, kid. You just missed him. Maybe you’ll see him next year.”


Natty’s devastated little face erupted with a high pitched wail of, “Noooo!” as the elf walked off. She spun towards Lena with tears already spilling down her cheeks and sobbed, “Mommy you puh-rom-ised.” The word was broken up between sobs, and tears sprang to Lena’s own eyes.


“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry,” Lena uttered and scooped Natty up to console her as other children cried at their parents. It was heartbreaking to hear Natty cry so hard, and she pressed kisses to her cheeks and rocked her gently as she bawled.


“Hey, it’s okay,” Kara insisted and stepped around them to try and meet Natty’s eyes. “Santa just had to go feed his reindeer, but he left a surprise in my truck for us.”


“He—duh-did?” Natty hiccuped, her sob quietly dying in her chest as she sniffled and looked between Lena and Kara.


“Yeah, do you want to go see what it is?” Kara suggested, though she glanced up at Lena for approval before offering her arms to Natty.


Kara didn’t mind that Natty rubbed her tear streaked face against her shoulder, or that she continued to blubber about Santa during the entire walk through the parking lot.


Andrea would have called it a tantrum and left Lena to deal with it, but Kara was content to listen and offered up sincere reassurance that Santa would bring her the gifts she wanted. Kara encouraged Natalia to tell her all the toys she wanted most, and Lena chuckled at the random assortment, most of which she had already purchased and wrapped up.


As they approached Kara’s truck, Lena noticed the tarp that covered whatever was in the back. She raised her eyebrow in question and got a guilty look in return from the alpha, which immediately raised her suspicion.

“Santa gave us a tree!” Natty exclaimed when Kara grabbed a corner of the tarp to lift it up.


“Santa shouldn’t be destroying the planet,” Sophia scoffed under her breath and then huffed, “Mama says they’re just wasteful.”


“Well, I think it’s a wonderful gift,” Lena intoned as she gazed at Kara in wonder.


The alpha’s bashful smile brightened like she had expected Lena to take issue with her purchasing a tree for her home. They had never discussed the lack of one in Lena’s house, except in passing comment when Lena mentioned that Andrea had insisted they were a waste of time, and how it had become normal over the years to celebrate without a tree.


Lena hurried the girls back to the car while Natty rambled about how special this Christmas was and Lena’s heart swelled when Andy agreed with her. It was the little things that meant the most, and though Sophia pouted, she knew once they got back home she would change her attitude when all of the presents were stacked beneath the tree.


Kara followed them all the way home in her truck, and Lena caught herself glancing fondly into the rearview mirror more than once.


When Kara pulled into the driveway, they were waiting for her, and the alpha laughed as Natty rushed over to help.


Andrea’s taste for decorating during the festive period had always been tasteful faux wreaths and garlands, interspersed with abstract, expensive lights that looked fancy, but failed to embody the Christmas spirit. Lena’s ex hated tinsel, and refused to purchase real trees for the house because the needles would make a mess.


Kara’s taste, on the other hand, was the kind that Andrea would call tacky. The alpha had an assortment of ornaments in a rainbow of colors, bright twinkling lights in the standard selection of red, green, blue and yellow, and enough tinsel to tangle herself up in as she grabbed it by the armful to bring it all into the house.


Andy volunteered to help with the tree, and Lena stepped back with Natty while they brought it in last.


The scent of pine was like a breath of fresh air, and once Kara had managed to put the tree in its stand, it stood well above her. In any other house, it would have seemed too big, yet the alpha had managed to gauge exactly what they needed so that it looked perfect in the space.


Andy strung up the lights with Sophia after dragging the reluctant thirteen year old back into the room under the guise of needing help. Lena saw it for the lie it was, and by the end of it, Sophia lifted the tinsel without any prompting.


Natty went wild with all the ornaments, and Kara lifted her so she could reach every branch she wanted to decorate.


Lena did what any parent would, and spent the entire time covertly taking pictures from the sidelines to capture the sheer joy of the moment.


Kara finally stepped away after she let Natty hang the star on the top, and Lena was waiting for her with a cup of eggnog while her daughters dived into another box of Kara’s ornaments.


“I know I should have asked, and I was going to after the mall, but then Natty was so upset and I just—”


“You bought us a tree,” Lena cut in, her voice thick with emotion as she touched Kara’s bicep and passed off the drink. The gentle scent of her love permeated the air and she stared up at Kara with soft, enamored eyes.


“Technically I chopped it down,” Kara chuckled, a subtle blush touching her cheeks when Lena squeezed her muscle. “I just figured with everyone coming over for Christmas dinner in a few days, it would be nice, you know?”


“Mmh,” Lena hummed, her palm steadily smoothing up Kara’s arm to coil into the front of her shirt. She drew the alpha closer while she backed away to hide out of sight of the children, and murmured against Kara’s lips. “My only grievance is that I never got to see you swing the axe.”


“I promise to bring you along next year and we can pick a tree out together,” Kara whispered and kissed Lena with such passion that she left her breathless and flushed.


“I’m looking forward to the start of this new tradition,” Lena remarked wistfully, her fingers toying with the buttons of Kara’s shirt.


She longed to rip the flannel open and taste Kara’s skin, but now wasn’t the time and the kitchen definitely wasn’t the place. She leaned in for another stolen kiss, and shivered in pleasure when Kara grabbed her backside.


It was a good thing that Natty called out for them or Lena might have rubbed up against the alpha inappropriately. She laced her fingers through Kara’s and hurried over to admire the tree that was crammed full of ornaments and candy canes. Lena never realized just how deprived her children had been until she saw their grinning faces, and she tightened her hand around Kara’s when a lump lodged in her throat.


“Well, what do you think?” Sophia asked sharply, mistaking the second of silence as criticism.


“It’s beautiful, sweetheart. I’ve never seen anything so wonderful. You’ve all done an exceptional job,” Lena choked out, and then Kara gently coaxed her forward with a hand on her lower back.


She turned to frown at the alpha, and then recognized Kara was waiting with her phone raised to take a picture of them all in front of the tree.


“I didn’t lift a finger to help,” Lena weakly protested, and Kara laughed like she had been expecting that sort of response.


“We had better change that,” Kara teased and stuck her hand into her pocket. She pulled out a small ornament with two kissing reindeers framed in a heart that had Our first Christmas Together written in the middle. It was such a sweet gesture that Lena clutched it with reverence and gazed down at it until Natty squealed for her to put it on the tree. Lena found a branch where she could proudly display it, and then turned to pose for the picture with her girls.


Over the week leading up to Christmas, Kara had planned other surprises, which brought a happiness and magic to the season that had been absent in previous years.


Kara took them ice skating, caroling, and on trips to see the lights in local neighborhoods. They wrote letters to Santa, baked cookies together, decorated gingerbread houses and formed dozens of new family traditions.


Every night after they finished their activities, Lena was tempted to ask Kara to stay over. Despite dating for months, they never did sleepovers when all of Lena’s children were at home, although Kara would be spending the night on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.


Lena had invited Andrea and Eve to sleep in the guest room, in part because she wanted her kids to have a nice holiday, and in part because she wanted to include Kara.


By the morning of Christmas Eve, Lena had an almost pitiful and needy scent around her while she waited for Kara to arrive.


Kara showed up before any of the kids were awake with coffee, hot chocolate and bagels, and the biggest bouquet of Christmas flowers Lena had ever seen.


Lena noticed Kara’s bag slung over her shoulder and hurried to help her with all of the items before giving the alpha a rough and desperate kiss. Her tongue brushed over Kara’s lower lip, tasting fresh coffee and sweet chapstick.


“Don’t ever leave again,” Lena uttered in far too serious a tone to be mistaken for a joke. “Move in with me. Officially. I love you and my girls love you.”


She never would have been so forward years ago, and by all rights after the devastation of Andrea’s ongoing betrayal, Lena could have become far more cautious.


In some ways perhaps she was, but she was at a point in her life where she knew better than to let opportunities pass her by. Why should she wait any longer to make a commitment that she had wanted to make weeks ago? Life was short, and she would never waste another moment of it.


Kara’s laugh stuck in her throat, the humor on her face changing when her eyebrows arched. She searched Lena’s eyes with an intense, riveted expression, and it didn’t insult Lena that she was silently asking if she was sure.


“That’s an amazing Christmas present,” Kara finally muttered in awe, like the weight of the proposition hadn’t fully settled on her shoulders. “Totally blows mine out of the water. I mean, how do I top that?”


“Say yes,” Lena whispered, cupping Kara’s face between her palms to keep their eyes locked as she pleaded sincerely, “I don’t need anything else for Christmas, Kara. All I want is you. To go to sleep in your arms and wake up with you in my bed, our bed. I hate it when you’re not here. Home doesn’t feel right without you.”


The raw honesty of her confession caused Kara’s alpha to come out. Lena found herself gathered up in Kara’s muscular arms. Kara hoisted her onto the kitchen island without a word and Lena wrapped her thighs around Kara’s waist while they kissed.


“Yes,” Kara whispered against her lips, her hands roaming over Lena’s supple curves and creasing her blouse as she palmed her breast.


The alpha teased her nipple when it pebbled beneath the fabric and Lena rolled her hips to grind into Kara’s abs. The friction wasn’t nearly enough to get her off, but just enough to excite her omega that wanted to celebrate in a much more sensual way.


They were making out like a couple of horny virgins, moaning and gasping as they felt each other up over their clothes. Neither dared to go under them, because the temptation was too great, and they would never be able to stop if they started. Fooling around made Kara hard in a matter of seconds, and Lena groaned in frustration because she knew they couldn’t go any further, though that didn’t hinder her eager fingers from squeezing the alpha’s erection through her jeans.


Kara tried to be responsible and move back, but Lena crossed her ankles to stop her retreat, and the alpha’s willpower waned.


Kara’s tongue pushed between her lips like she couldn’t control herself, and Lena whined and gripped her shoulders to pull her closer.


Their kiss-swollen lips would be red all morning at this rate, and Lena didn’t give a damn. She tangled her fingers in Kara’s hair and shivered when the alpha growled under her breath, deepening the kiss with just the right amount of teeth to spike Lena’s heartbeat.


“I love you so much,” Kara rumbled, sweeping the bagels aside like she might just spread Lena across the counter to show her in detail.


Lena rocked into Kara’s pelvis, and Kara’s mouth drifted from hers to bite affectionately under her jaw. The slight sting made Lena’s breath hitch, and she knew she would have to take another shower before Andrea arrived because her panties were soaked.


They would have kept at it, but the sound of a bedroom door being opened was as effective as being sprayed with water. Kara sprang off of her with such a look of panic that Lena laughed until she heard the sound of feet approaching the stairs. Kara helped her off the counter and she straightened her skirt. Lena made herself busy by opening the bag of bagels while Kara sat down, gulped at her coffee, and tried to act natural.


Andy was still in her pajamas when she entered the kitchen and squinted at them.


Lena refused to give her daughter the chance to get suspicious. Before Andy could ask any questions, she blurted out, “You’re just in time. Kara brought us bagels and cocoa for breakfast.”


“Oh, score,” Andy remarked and helped herself to one slathered in cream cheese and topped in bacon. “Thampks,” she emphasized around a large bite.


Sophia came down five minutes later, fully dressed and wide awake, and Kara intercepted her with a small bag that had yet to be opened. “This one is for you. I didn’t want it getting squished with the others.”


Lena watched her daughter frown at the bag, and then a flicker of a smile caught at the corners of Sophia’s lips when she opened it to discover a cream cheese, spinach and tomato bagel.


“You remembered my favorite?” Sophia asked, her gaze flicking to Lena in silent accusation.


“I didn’t tell her. This was all Kara,” Lena admitted around the rim of her cup and expressed her thanks to the alpha with only a glance.


“I better get changed before you bring Natty down,” Kara stated out of the blue, and gathered up her rucksack to hurry into the downstairs bathroom.


Lena shared a confused look with her daughters, who were content to eat breakfast without asking questions.


She almost spat out her coffee when Kara jumped out of the bathroom in a full blown Santa suit, white beard, hat and all.


“What do you think?” Kara asked, deliberately striding around the room with her chest puffed out, the padded belly of the suit bouncing with each step.


Andy almost inhaled her drink and Sophia gaped at the alpha in horror.


“Oh god, that’s so embarrassing,” Sophia groaned, her lips twisting into a grimace.


“You’re getting a lump of coal,” Kara stated so seriously that Andy choked out a laugh while Sophia’s jaw dropped indignantly.


“She’s joking,” Andy muttered and nudged her sister to snap her out of her huff. “Help me clean up so mom can get Natty.”


“So this was the last minute job you had yesterday, huh?” Lena teased affectionately and touched the realistic looking white beard strapped to Kara’s face.


She knew that Natty would lose her mind when she finally saw Santa, and the fact that Kara had gone out of her way to make sure it happened really tugged at Lena’s heart.


Kara’s cheerful face was obscured by the fake mustache but Lena could see the way her eyes crinkled in pleasure as she retrieved a green burlap sack that she had obviously stuffed with presents.


“I’ll wait outside,” Kara announced and hurried to stand at the front door to surprise Natty.


When Lena finally returned five minutes later with a yawning toddler in her arms, Andy took it upon herself to signal to Kara by greeting her sister loudly. “Morning sleepy head, you want juice?”


Sophia rolled her eyes when Kara knocked at the door, and Lena played along by scrunching her face up and muttering, “I wonder who that could be.”


Natty curled into Lena and pressed her cheek against her shoulder until Andy opened the door.


Kara’s entrance woke Natty up fully, and she let out a shriek and wriggled out of Lena’s arms to rush to the door.


“SANTA!” Natty yelled, her little arms raised as she jumped around from excitement. “You’re here! You’re here!”


Lena melted inside when Kara knelt down to get to her daughter’s eye level.


Kara rumbled deeply in an attempt to disguise her voice. “You must be Natalia. My elf told me about how sad you were, so I thought I’d stop by to say how sorry I am that I missed you at the mall. I got your letter at the North Pole.”


“You did?” Natty gasped in wonder. “Wow that was fast.”


“Christmas magic,” Kara informed her matter-of-fact, and Sophia rolled her eyes. “I can’t stay long, because I have to visit some other children, but I wanted to personally drop off your gifts because you’ve been so good this year.”


Natty couldn’t form words, she was so overwhelmed, and Kara opened the bag she had brought to hand the toddler several wrapped boxes.


“Wait, Santa, what about Sophia and Andy? They’ve been good,” Natty boldly stated, her sweet concern something that Kara must have planned for in advance, because she laughed in agreement.


“I brought their gifts too. You can put them under the tree where they belong,” Kara instructed, like she had given Natty the most important job of all.


Natty hugged Santa after she carefully arranged the gifts under the tree, and Kara gave her a box of candy canes to share with her sisters before wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and leaving through the front door.


Five minutes later, after Kara had changed out of the suit and stashed it in the pool house, the alpha returned through the back door and was immediately met with Natty chattering about how she had just missed Santa.


It was hard to settle Natalia down after that, even when all of the kids finished eating and went upstairs to change into their clothes.


Lena slipped right into the hectic rush of Christmas and began bustling in and out of the kitchen and setting up the dining room table.


She had decided early on in the month that she would cook on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and she refused to accept any help from Kara or her kids. It might have been a way to prove that she was actually a good cook—not because Andrea had criticized her often in the past, but because she wanted to make a special meal for Kara.


Her feet ached by the time she heard the doorbell ring, and she was thankful when Andy went off to greet Eve and Andrea.


Soon after, Andrea came into the kitchen with a bottle of wine tucked under her arm and a pile of gifts that were addressed to Lena. The kind gesture set off Lena’s alarm bells before her ex even opened her mouth, but she stood back and let Andrea speak.


“Lena, it smells incredible in here and I don’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to thank you again for inviting us.” Andrea exuded confidence in stepping forward to inspect the dishes Lena had left out on the counter to cool.


Lena waited with bated breath for Andrea’s harsh critique, and instead received a soft pat on the shoulder.


If Eve hadn’t been standing a few paces away and observing it happen, Lena would have thought Andrea was making an attempt to get back into her good graces.


For once, Lena softened with the belief that they were finally making progress as co-parents and friends. “Thank you.”


All throughout their dinner, Lena received only the highest of compliments from the whole family.


She had chosen a traditional Mexican meal with recipes from an older cookbook and her girls ate second helpings of almost every dish, except for Sophia who only ate the plant-based options.


After dinner, Lena directed the clean-up and Andrea handled bathing Natty and getting her ready for bed.


Kara pitched in by wrapping up leftovers and doing the dishes, Eve set up the table for the next day, and then they all lounged around in the living room while the girls opened up their Christmas Eve boxes.


They watched the film that Natty found in her box, and about ten minutes in, Lena’s youngest fell asleep on top of her. It took some careful and quiet shuffling around to get Natty up to bed without waking her.


Once the baby of their family was tucked away in her toddler bed, Sophia pulled out her Nintendo switch games and convinced Andy and Eve to play with her.


Lena cuddled up on the couch with Kara to watch her two older daughters getting along for a rare change. It lasted until eleven o’clock when Sophia decided to go up to bed, and then Andy hid in her bedroom no doubt to text her friends.


Andrea wrapped a few last minute gifts in front of the television while chatting with Eve.


Lena placed more presents from Santa under the tree, then snuggled back into Kara’s arms on one of the sofas in her living room.


“Let’s watch another Christmas movie and I’ll make us some cocoa,” Eve suggested and hurried off to the kitchen to make their drinks.


With the plan of unwinding in mind, Lena at last slipped off the heels she had been wearing all day and felt the true ache of her feet.


She must have winced, because the moment she tucked her legs up on the couch, Kara snagged her by the ankles and made her stretch out.


“You don’t have to do that,” Lena whispered when Kara began to massage along the sole of her foot, but it was too late, and she groaned in submission when the alpha found the exact spot that hurt the most.


Kara gave her a knowing grin and used the perfect amount of pressure to make her melt into the couch with a sigh of contentment.


“After the meal you made, a foot rub is the least I can do,” The alpha whispered, though from the way she was looking at Lena, it was obvious she wanted to do more than just rub her feet.


Lena flexed her toes in an effort not to rub her thighs together and sipped at her wine while Kara treated her to the closest thing to an orgasm she could give her around her ex.


She had almost forgotten Andrea was in the room, and if not for the sudden scent of her, Lena might have suggested that Kara massage her internally while she was at it.


The sweet scent of her omega pheromones was enough to hint at where Lena’s mind had wandered, and she tried to dial it back when Eve returned with a tray of hot cocoa.


“I might have made it festive,” Eve stated with a dimpled smile, and Lena understood what she meant when she took a sip. The subtle flavor of sweet, spiced rum worked well with the chocolate, and she turned to find Kara gulping it down.


“Eve, you can’t just make something like this and not warn us how addictive it is,” Kara insisted, her grin broad and eyes twinkling with mirth. “Seriously, this might be my new favorite way to drink cocoa.”


Kara took another sip, and when she lowered her mug, the tip of her nose and top lip were decorated with whipped cream.


Lena laughed at the sight of her, and sat up to wipe away the foam with the pad of her thumb. She sucked it off without thinking about it, and Kara’s amused eyes darkened considerably.


The notes of lust spiced the air and Lena curled to subtly place her hand on the alpha’s thigh.


“I’m sure we’ll enjoy it all through winter.” Lena remarked, though she wasn’t entirely talking about the cocoa as her gaze drifted to Kara’s pants.


Eve stretched out on the other sofa with a smile and lifted the remote to start their movie.


“I’m going to grab some extra snacks,” Lena whispered and slid away from Kara, so she could grab all of the festive treats from the kitchen that she knew her alpha loved.


She planned to fuel Kara up in the hopes of powering her to stay up all night.


Rummaging around in the cabinets, she pulled out a Tupperware full of chex mix that she had made with the kids and a tin of her homemade sugar cookies. She was about to pick up a bag of chips when Andrea came up behind her.


“You really impressed me tonight with all of your cooking,” Andrea whispered. “Your tamales remind me of the kind that my abuela used to make.”


Lena put down all of the snacks she was holding when her ex’s fingers slipped into her hair and moved it off her shoulder.


Andrea had been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the afternoon and evening, and Lena regarded it as a good sign rather than a warning. She should have known better than to trust that Andrea could get by without creating chaos in her life, even for just one afternoon.


Lena whimpered as Andrea used claim pheromones against her and reached out to cup her chin.


“What is this, Andrea?” Lena snapped and backed into the counter to get out of her ex’s range, though it helped very little when Andrea followed her.


Andrea raised her shoulders while her eyes roamed over Lena far too intimately. It gave Lena the impression that she was being undressed by her ex, and while that might have been enough to work years ago, all it did was leave her nauseated now.


“It wasn’t all bad, was it?” Andrea murmured with a slow smile and boxed Lena in by placing her hands on either side of the counter while she reminisced, “We had some good years, when the girls were small, and you’d spend all day running after them just to run into my arms when I got home. I forgot how good that felt.”


Lena exhaled a noise that wasn’t quite a laugh so much as an expression of disbelief.


“Those years are long gone, and I’m not the same woman I used to be,” Lena stressed, her breaths short as she tried to limit her inhalations to fight off the pheromones Andrea unleashed.


She wanted to call out for Kara to put an end to this uncomfortable situation, but she was worried that Andrea would blow it out of proportion and ruin Christmas.


Lena picked up the tin of cookies to keep Andrea from inching closer and frowned at her ex when she didn’t move.


“You’re better now. You finally know your worth.” Andrea remarked, and from the sultry timber of her voice, it was clear she meant that to be a compliment. The alpha’s eyes lingered on the partially removed claim on Lena’s neck.


“Lena, mi cielo, déme tu panochita,” Andrea husked and pressed her lips to the spot that made Lena hers.


Lena whined, both from the dirty language, and from Andrea’s tongue licking at the claim bite. She attempted to shove Andrea off, but the alpha kissed her and uttered more unexpected things into her ear. “Quieres quedar embarazada?”


“No, I don’t want that,” Lena snapped. “Not with you.” Her vision blurred from the shock of the encounter with her ex, and her pheromones were a blended mix of panic and confusion. “How could you do this when Eve is in the next room, when our children just wanted to have a nice Christmas, and when Kara — when Kara has been nothing but kind to you, despite your repeated attempts to tear her down?”


Lena’s lip trembled as she discussed the alpha she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. Tears welled in her eyes when she thought about how Kara would react after finding out Andrea kissed her.


“You waited all day to do this, didn’t you?” Lena asked in horrified realization, and then leaned back as far as she could to get away from Andrea, whose arms were still closing her in and keeping her from making an escape.


Without even being aware of it, Lena was emitting a distressed pheromone to her mate, but it was a scent for Kara, and not the alpha who had claimed her.


Neither of them realized that Kara had followed Andrea into the kitchen and subsequently heard everything that transpired between them. It was only when the alpha let out a low sounding snarl from the doorway that Andrea finally pulled back to toss a smirk in Kara’s direction.


“There’s no need for that. We were just reminiscing,” Andrea drawled slyly and moved to stand with her hip pressed into Lena’s like they were one happy family.


“Kara,” Lena choked out, her tongue refusing to work as panic seized her throat.


She could see Andrea’s plan coming to fruition, the calculated way she had bided her time to ruin their Christmas and drive a wedge between her and Kara.


Andrea’s pheromones were on her, clinging to her clothes and her skin like an expensive perfume, and she knew that Kara could smell it as she stalked closer.


Lena could smell the anger emitting from Kara, a scent she was almost entirely unfamiliar with, and she almost dropped the cookies as all of her happiness began to crumble.


Andrea used it as an excuse to slip her arm around her waist to hold her steady and laughed out, “She’s always been clumsy, but it’s very endearing, isn’t it?”


When Kara didn’t answer, Andrea turned to Lena and whispered salaciously, “Debemos coger cuando este pendeja esta durmiendo.”


“Vete a la chingada,” Kara hissed under her breath, and held her hand out for Lena to take it.


The second their fingers touched, Kara tugged Lena to her side and stepped in front of her to shield her. She unleashed aggressive, protective pheromones and got into Andrea’s shocked face.


“I get it,” Kara growled, her alpha on full display as she leaned into Andrea to back her into the counter the same way she had done to Lena. “You’re used to getting what you want when you want it, but you’re not the alpha in this house anymore. I am. And if you try to come between us one more time, I’ll knock you on your ass so fast that the stick that’s lodged up it will splinter.”


Lena had never heard Kara speak like that before, and a noise that was a cross between a laugh and cry stuck in her throat as the alpha’s defensive pheromones cloaked her vulnerable omega.


Andrea was speechless upon learning that Kara knew Spanish, and for a second a threat hung between them, wafting around the kitchen.


“You might think you’re Lena’s alpha, but until your mark is on her neck, that’s up for debate,” Andrea argued, then glanced at Lena as if to suggest she might change her mind and decide not to take Kara as her mate. “Forgive me for making assumptions about your situation. Lena still has my mark, and I can smell her desire for another pup from a mile away. Why would she be sending out that signal to me? Unless it’s just some kind of residual effect—”


Lena blushed at how Kara’s head swung back towards her, and she bit her lip as she considered telling the alpha what had happened. “I had some stomach upset about a week ago, and I thought I was pregnant. It turned out to be a false alarm, but I realized how badly I want to have another baby. Kara’s baby.”


That simple explanation seemed to both sober Andrea and quiet her alpha.


“Oh,” Andrea whispered with a humiliated redness to her face, then she glanced back at the doorway, as if only just remembering Eve was in the living room. “Lena, I’m—I’m so sorry. I truly thought that—I thought you were calling to me—”


Lena shook her head and wrung her hands, because the tension was still strong between all of them. “Just go back into the living room. Spend some time with Eve.”


“She deserves so much better than this,” Kara added with a gruffness to her voice, but all of that was gone when she turned around, and her soft eyes smiled when she glanced down at Lena’s stomach.


Andrea retreated to the living room without another word, and Lena reached out to take both of Kara’s hands.


“Thank you,” Lena muttered and tucked her head under Kara’s chin as the alpha pulled her against her chest.


The comforting warmth of Kara’s arms helped to ease the tension out of Lena’s shoulders, though some remained from the confrontation.


For a minute there, Lena really believed that Andrea had purposely sabotaged her relationship, and it was going to take more than cuddling in the kitchen to shake that panic. She clung a little desperately to Kara, her hands fisting in the fabric of her shirt to huff at the natural scent of her alpha.


She wanted to cleanse herself in it, to wash away the lingering saturation of Andrea, and Kara seemed to feel the same way.


The alpha’s arms tightened around Lena and she produced a thicker, more intense scent that was so possessive it resembled a claiming musk.


Lena’s greedy inhalations drew it deeper into her lungs and her skin prickled with need. She knew that these pheromones would inevitably surround her when she finally took Kara’s mark on her throat, and her omega wanted to make it official.


The trouble was that if she immediately went ahead with that, Kara’s claim would forever be tainted by what Andrea had done, and she didn’t want her ex to be part of that special memory. She contained herself as best she could and nuzzled into Kara’s neck until the alpha finally pulled back to kiss her—such a soft, lingering thing that was sweet on her lips and sent warmth straight to her belly.


“Let’s grab the snacks and go back before Eve thinks something is wrong,” Kara recommended. It was a selfless suggestion that only made Lena’s love for Kara grow. Instead of posturing and demanding that Lena prove loyalty, or making the situation about herself and how she needed to show that she was Lena’s alpha, Kara chose the only option that would affect everyone positively.


“You’re not angry with me?” Lena’s stunned expression went a little watery as her eyes pooled with emotion, and she blinked it back to face Kara while the alpha grabbed the chex mix.


“For not telling me about the pregnancy scare?” Kara’s baffled frown said loud and clear that it had never even crossed her mind, and she reached out to cup Lena’s cheek and brought their foreheads together. “I trust you, Lena. If you need to tell me something, I know you will. As for the misunderstanding with Andrea, you did nothing wrong.”


“If this hadn’t happened, I would have claimed you tonight,” Lena whispered, her forlorn tone causing Kara to pause. “I know we discussed that we’d take our time, but I’ve been worried. I know that claiming an alpha isn’t a real thing. It wouldn’t hold any stigma if you—if we ever ended, but I know what it’s like to be marked by someone you used to love, and the thought of you being stuck with my mark if you decided that you didn’t want this anymore—”


“That is never going to happen.” Kara’s tone was sharp and surprising, and Lena half laughed as she countered with a quiet, “You don’t know that.”


The alpha set the snacks aside and lightly clasped Lena’s waist, her bright eyes searching Lena’s face before she finally spoke. “I do know that. I will always want you.”


Lena pressed her lips together and tried not to let all of her insecurities show, but Andrea had unsettled them all, and now she was standing in her kitchen trying not to think of the day that Kara might up and leave her for someone else. She didn’t think that the alpha would do it, but she had never thought that Andrea would, either.


“I know where your mind goes sometimes,” Kara whispered, her fingers catching Lena’s chin to make her look into her eyes. “I see the way you look at me and then Eve, and I can almost hear you thinking will Kara still want me in the next ten years.”


A guilty blush raced up Lena’s neck and she swallowed thickly. She couldn’t deny the thought passed her mind now and again, usually after some snide comment from Andrea.


“I know the double standards of seeing older alphas with younger omegas. As alphas age, it’s seen as dignified and graceful, but omegas are looked at with pity. It’s such nonsense,” Kara ranted, her impassioned words so filled with love that Lena could only gape at her. “You’re the best thing in my life, and I am not going to make the same mistake Andrea did. I want you. All of you, Lena. In case you’re wondering, I have no doubts that when we’re older and grey, you’ll still be as sexy then as you are now. We will absolutely disgust all of our kids by kissing and snuggling every holiday we spend with them. I honestly can’t wait for that.”


“Darling,” Lena whimpered, her vulnerable scent wafting between them as she stared at Kara with adoration. Her foolish heart believed every single word and her omega urged her forward to kiss the breath from the alpha.


“I mean it,” Kara murmured against Lena’s lips, her hand suavely slipping down to squeeze Lena’s backside in an unapologetic display of desire. “I want your mark, and I don’t care how long I wait for it. And I—I do want kids with you, but only when we feel ready for that. Don’t think that just because you said you want one with me that we need to start trying, okay? I don’t ever want you to feel pressured. We’ll go at our own pace.”


Lena was overwhelmed by the end of their talk that Kara held onto her for a few more minutes until she felt capable of talking again. They shared another passionate kiss that seared all of Kara’s words into her mind, and then Kara picked up the snacks and led her back to the couch.


“What happened to you two? I was starting to think you’d snuck off to bed,” Eve teased, and Kara grinned at her as she handed off some of the snacks.


“That was my fault, but I have everything I want now.” Kara shook her tub of snacks and squeezed Lena’s hand, so she knew that it wasn’t the food she was mentioning.


They cuddled up together to watch the movie, and as the atmosphere settled back to normal and the wine hit her system, Lena couldn’t help but marvel at the alpha she loved.


Kara had really shown her what kind of alpha she was by stepping up and making their first Christmas so special, and the fact that she had dressed up for Natty was like an extra decoration on the icing that covered the cake.


Lena had planned to surprise Kara tomorrow night after Christmas dinner when everyone would be exhausted from all of the excitement, but tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity to treat the alpha. She watched the movie until it was almost over and then leaned in to kiss Kara on the cheek.


“Come to bed once this finishes,” Lena’s sultry whisper was for Kara’s ears only, and she felt the alpha shiver when she exhaled warmly, “I’ve got a gift I want to give you early.”


Lena slinked away from the living room after bidding Eve goodnight and sending a subtle glare in Andrea’s direction. She tiptoed up the stairs and down the long hall that separated her bedroom from the rest.


Hanging safely tucked away in her closet was a red lingerie set with a matching bra, panties and garter belt.


It was fitting that since Kara had gone through the trouble of dressing up earlier that day, Lena would get to show her appreciation by dressing up at night. The bra was tight, pushing her breasts together almost scandalously high, and the panties were made of semi-sheer lace that clung to her wet cunt as soon as she slipped them up her thighs.


Lena fussed with the clasps on the garter belt and fixed them into place just in time to hear the door click open and Kara enter the bedroom.


“Wh-wow-how,” Kara blurted when she saw Lena turn around in nothing but her jaw-dropping, sexy lingerie. “Lena, you’re gorgeous, and I am so, so lucky—"


Lena smirked as she dragged a chair across the bedroom floor and pointed to it. “Want a little more luck? Take off all your clothes and sit down.”


Kara practically threw off her shirt and sports bra, then dropped her pants to reveal a pair of green boxers with mistletoe on the front.


“Wait, keep those on,” Lena demanded when the alpha attempted to lower them, then took a little too much delight in seeing Kara’s shoulders slump.


The boxers weren’t part of her plan, but they became the centerpiece when Kara reluctantly sat down.


The front of the fabric was already beginning to tent, and Lena helped it along by leaning over to give Kara a very generous view of her breasts. “I have it on good authority that you made an unauthorized visit today while claiming to be Santa. Is that true?”


Kara laughed at the ridiculous question just as Lena had hoped, and she waited to lift the string of tinsel that she had stashed on the nightstand.


“Maybe. Why? Who are you?” Kara asked suspiciously and chuckled nervously when Lena circled her with a provocative raised brow. “The Christmas police?”


“Secret Santa Service,” Lena lilted, like she hadn’t just made that up on the spot to mess with the alpha.


She snared Kara’s wrists and tied them loosely behind the chair with the tinsel and then rasped seductively next to her ear, “I’m here to determine whether you’re naughty or nice, and I take my job very seriously. You should, too.”


Kara’s laughter died down when Lena’s hands smoothed over her shoulders and then down to palm her breasts. She teased the alpha’s nipples until they hardened into peaks and then she moved to stand in front of her once again. “You’re not leaving that chair until I’m completely satisfied you’ve learned your lesson for impersonating such an important figure, do you understand?”


“Yup, yes, totally,” Kara rambled, her eyes definitely glued to Lena’s revealing lingerie. She shifted in the seat, playfully testing out her festive restraints, and her cock pushed against her boxers.


Lena stared down at the thick shape of it and released her amorous scent to perfume the air. They had barely touched, and the room already smelled heavily of sex. It was strategic to make Kara even harder, and the impromptu role play became even more thrilling when Kara admitted, “Feeling pretty naughty right now.”


“Is that a confession?” Lena asked, her calculated squint barely concealing the fact that she was trying to keep a straight face as she needled Kara over fabricated crimes.


“You’ll have to work harder than that to crack me.” Kara raised her chin with all the confidence of an alpha who had no idea what she had gotten herself into with her omega.


Lena wanted to kiss her for just rolling with her game without any hesitation, but that would break her character, and she wanted this to be mind-blowing for her alpha. She upped the ante by placing the tip of her high-heeled shoe on the chair between Kara’s thighs and murmured salaciously, “Is that so?”


Kara’s gaze was on the slick fabric that covered her pussy, and the scent of her arousal caused the alpha’s cock to strain in her boxers.


Kara could only nod, her nostrils flaring with desire that she couldn’t fulfill, and Lena took no pity on her as she lowered her foot to inform her prisoner, “It’s our policy to always follow the rules of mistletoe. We’ll see how long you last.”


She could see the question on Kara’s face, and relished the way the alpha inhaled sharply in surprise when she got on her knees. Lena dragged her short nails up the inside of Kara’s thighs to make her twitch, and then she leaned in to nuzzle the fabric of Kara’s boxers, her lips ghosting along the heavy erection.


Lena took her time fondling the alpha’s cock through her boxers, alternating between rubbing her cheek and lips over the fabric, and using her hands to squeeze and stroke.


She puckered her lips to press lipstick kisses over the tented fabric, and then flicked hertongue against the place where Kara’s need began to soak through the material.


Just the smallest taste of Kara’s excitement was enough to make Lena’s mouth water, and she teased them both by sucking on the alpha through her boxers.


It must have been so frustrating for Kara, because she whined pathetically and broke her silence to beg, “Take them off. Please Lena, I’ll be so nice, I swear.”


“That’s Agent Luthor to you,” Lena stated authoritatively, and sat back on her heels to scrutinize Kara while she eagerly freed the alpha’s cock.


“I’m starting to think you’re naughty after all.” Lena assessed, coiling her fingers around Kara’s shaft. She held it there, trapped in her warm palm, and smirked when Kara tried to rock her hips to stroke herself.


She took mercy on Kara and massaged her length, rolling her palm over the slippery tip to better stroke her large member.


The satisfied groan that erupted from Kara was delicious, and Lena tormented her by rubbing her lips around the swollen head without taking it into her mouth. Lena exhaled warmly, teasing with just the tip of her tongue in fast little licks that tickled and stimulated, until Kara squirmed in her seat.


“You want to fuck my mouth, don’t you?” Lena asked suddenly, her grin devious when she saw the conflict in Kara’s eyes.


“Yea-nuh-I—” Kara stuttered, no doubt worried that the wrong answer would mean that Lena would stop.


It was cruel to tease Kara, but Lena was loving the way the alpha was allowing her to toy with her. She took it a step further and brought her mouth so close to Kara’s cock that her breath washed across the throbbing tip.


“I bet if your hands weren’t restrained, you’d slip one into my hair and make me take you into my throat,” Lena lilted, squeezing at the base of Kara’s cock where her knot would soon surface if she kept this up. “Isn’t that right, Miss Danvers?”


“N-no?” Kara moaned, her panic manifesting in her scent as Lena loosened her grip. She opened her mouth to correct her statement and then gulped when Lena smirked.


“No?” Lena repeated with a judgmental, raised eyebrow and pumped Kara’s erection through her tight fist with wicked determination to get her close to coming. “Are you saying you wouldn’t want to guide my lips over your thick cock and watch it slide into my hot mouth as I suck on you?”


Kara groaned at the onslaught of pleasure and the filthy verbal teasing. Her head tipped back when her hips strained up to meet Lena’s hand and she exhaled a breathy, “Oh god, Lena—”


“I think you’d love to fill my mouth,” Lena whispered innocently, the words barely out of her mouth as she pushed Kara’s cock between her lips. She sucked like she had gone years without the taste of Kara and fluttered her tongue along the underside where the alpha was most sensitive. She took liberties because Kara could only sit there and watch while her lips stretched as she gorged herself with unabashed greed.


Lena was addicted to the sound of her alpha enjoying herself, and it was hotter than she imagined it would be to watch Kara struggle against her bonds.


She worked her mouth around the warm shaft, caressing what she couldn’t take with both of her hands, so that every inch was stimulated at the same time. Lena made sure to stay vocal, moaning as she swallowed around Kara’s length only to pucker her lips and slurp around the tip.


She knew exactly what she was doing when she lavished the head of Kara’s cock without mercy, sucking so hard her cheeks hollowed. The alpha arched, unable to hold back the euphoria that surged out in warm jets against Lena’s tongue.


Kara filled her mouth with several strong pulses, and Lena waited for the alpha’s glazed eyes to find hers again before she swallowed.


After she expended the last drop, Kara shuddered pleasurably and whined when Lena kept her locked between her lips to continue her oral worship.


She went slower this time, bobbing her head up and down to take half of Kara’s length while she made the rest of her shaft messy.


The attention kept the alpha rock hard and Lena maintained eye contact as she licked and sucked at her cock. She rolled her tongue around the broad ridge and popped her lips over the wide tip with such devotion that Kara’s thighs shook.


“Oh-oh fu-uhnf,” Kara moaned, and rocked her hips to try and drive her cock deeper into Lena’s warm mouth.


Lena moved back so that Kara could only push the tip between her open lips, and grinned when the alpha exhaled a frustrated breath that was close to being a growl. She teased the groove with the tip of her tongue and stroked her fist over the rest of Kara’s cock until her breaths became ragged and rushed.


“This won’t be enough for you, will it?” Lena asked, lapping at Kara’s tip like it was her favorite hard candy. She pulled the alpha back into her mouth with just enough suction to make her moan and then released her again before she throbbed in release.


“You want to fuck my cunt,” Lena insisted, and Kara didn’t even try to deny it as she nodded.


“We reward honesty,” Lena intoned meaningfully, and licked from the base of Kara’s cock to the tip, kissing along her shaft to leave behind lipstick prints before she went to town on her. She took Kara into her throat as she pumped her shaft, and didn’t let up for a second. The intensity of her mouth was Kara’s undoing, and the alpha gasped and moaned when her cock jolted in another climax.


Lena kept her mouth open this time, letting the flow of creamy seed slip past her lips to trickle down Kara’s shaft just for the thrill of seeing Kara’s surprise when she licked it all off of her cock.


“Jesus, you’re so hot and perfect,” Kara breathlessly exclaimed, her love punctuating her scent even through the spice of lust that had Lena’s cunt squeezing in need. “Thank you for such a wonderful gift—”


“Oh, we’re not done,” Lena informed her candidly, her tone keeping Kara on the edge of her seat while she gathered an expensive looking bottle of lube. “You’re going to give me a very special white Christmas, and we’re not stopping until you have nothing left for me.”


Lena saw Kara gulp, but the alpha’s interest was tangible, and she sat up straighter when Lena returned with the bottle and poured some of the viscous liquid onto her palm.


“What uh—what is that?” Kara murmured, and whined when Lena rubbed the cold lubricant over her cock. Lena applied a thick layer, massaging it specifically all around the base where her knot would form, and around the thick tip.


“Oh, it tingles,” Kara uttered.


“It’s supposed to,” Lena enunciated while she stroked Kara back to a rigid state.


With their very active sex life, Lena had noticed that Kara was lasting much longer in the bedroom. While she loved that they could fuck for hours without the alpha losing stamina, Lena missed Kara’s bashfulness when she was quick to finish.


“This is your gift, Kara.” Lena held up the bottle briefly to let Kara read the label, and grinned when her eyes widened.


Heat Wave was an incredibly expensive luxury item intended for couples that wanted to simulate sex with an omega in heat. The lubricant would cause Lena’s cunt to produce incredible amounts of slick and her internal temperature would match her natural heat. It also increased an alpha’s sensitivity to that of a rut, with the added perk of ensuring Kara’s arousal would be long lasting.


Lena rubbed the lubricant up and down Kara’s shaft and between her pussy lips. She played with her clit with just one finger until she ached to have her alpha’s cock inside of her.


True to all of its marketing promises, the product she had purchased was living up to all expectations and making her feel like she was in heat.


She pinched at her nipples through the soft material she wore and squeezed her breasts as they became just as tender as if she was at the most crucial moments of her heat cycle, when she could think of nothing else but mating with Kara.


“God, this product is more effective than I thought,” Lena breathed out, finding it harder to concentrate on her pretend interrogation as she removed her panties and garters and positioned herself astride Kara’s lap.


The alpha’s cock already looked a darker, veiny purple and Kara’s scent was considerably more desperate. Lena soothed the tip by brushing her heated slit across it and Kara whimpered in need.


Kara struggled to lift her hips, valiantly trying to push between Lena’s pussy lips to feel her cunt wrap around the tip.


“Nuh uh,” Lena uttered, her hands roaming around Kara’s neck to thread her fingers into her golden hair. “You sit there and let me do the work.”


Their sexual frustration was only growing stronger and Lena refused to ease herself down until Kara behaved herself and sat still. She rubbed herself against Kara, parting her labia before finally sinking down on her imposing girth.


“Fuck,” Lena moaned, her sensual undulations rubbing slick across Kara’s thighs as she took all of her gradually just to feel the stretch. “I’ve missed taking your cock. I’ve needed this all week,” she breathlessly confessed, and began a slow grind to keep Kara buried inside.


“It’s been torture getting to see you and not have you,” Kara agreed, her lustful gaze on Lena’s breasts when she gave a gentle bounce to fuck herself. “I know I shouldn’t say that, but I-god—I just love you so much that I don’t want to go a single day without showing you.”


“When you move in, you won’t have to,” Lena insisted, and tightened her hold in Kara’s hair to force her head back. “You’ll have access to my cunt every day and I expect you to fill it.”


She kissed and nipped along Kara’s throat with soft, sultry growls, and grinned when Kara writhed from her attention. She could feel Kara’s breath hitch whenever she nipped a little roughly, the sharp sting heightening the alpha’s anticipation for when Lena would finally leave her mark behind.


Lena rocked harder, forcing Kara’s length in and out of her sopping cunt and tightening her inner muscles to really give Kara something to moan about and remember.


Just like their first time together, Kara’s chest heaved and her erratic breaths were interspersed with grunts as she went rigid and lost control of herself. “Le—oh, I’m gonna--”


“Yes,” Lena’s raspy words came out as warm puffs of breath against Kara’s ear as she whispered in encouragement, “Come inside my pussy, Kara. Let me feel how much you want me.”


Kara’s guttural groan would have woken the house if Lena hadn’t brought the alpha’s face down to her breasts and smothered her ecstasy. She held Kara firmly, and felt the alpha’s excitement spurt deep inside her.


Lena rode Kara slowly, and released her hold to run her hands over Kara’s muscled arms. She squeezed her alpha’s biceps, and smirked when the alpha moved as if to try and grab onto her but couldn’t manage it due to the tinsel. Lena had never really experimented with bondage in the past, unless being tangled in her own clothes counted, though having Kara at her mercy certainly made it more appealing.


“Pretend that I’m really in heat,” Lena directed in her smoky tone, and caught the alpha by the chin to make eye contact. She wanted to paint a different fantasy now that her body was throbbing for Kara and flicked her tongue out to taste the alpha’s lips. “Show me that I’m yours and get me pregnant.”


The simulated rut was enough to bring out Kara’s alpha, and her baser urges were unstoppable. She wrenched herself free of the tinsel with a growl to grip Lena’s hips and then bucked so roughly that she almost knocked the chair over.


Lena instinctively leaned back to offset the risk of toppling over and Kara pounded into her with rougher strokes. The new angle rubbed the head of Kara’s erection into her most sensitive inner places and Lena forgot herself and whined so loudly that Kara had to silence her by covering her mouth with her palm.


The dominance of the act was so erotic that Lena came from it, her muffled cries drowned out by Kara’s throaty groans when her slick cunt contracted in hot pulses around her cock. Her warm embrace coaxed Kara into flooding her cunt, and she whimpered when Kara pulled out to bathe her pussy in blasts of seed.


The attraction between them was magnetic and Lena shivered from it when Kara lifted her up and tumbled onto the bed with her. Maybe it was their altered state, or the fact that she confessed she wanted to have Kara’s baby — but whatever it was, the alpha moved with purpose and spread Lena’s legs like she owned her pussy.


Kara’s confidence when she plunged back into her cunt was arousing, and Lena couldn’t explain the bliss that followed when the alpha only managed to thrust twice before coming again.


Lena rubbed at her clit in excitement and whined when Kara moved her hand aside.


“It’s my job to make you come tonight,” Kara asserted, and Lena’s omega submitted by producing a sinful amount of liquid silk.

The pleasure didn’t slow Kara, and she slammed into Lena even harder like she really wanted to prove herself. Each rough thrust forced slick and creamy seed out of Lena’s clenching hole. She mewled for more, begged with every ripple of her cunt until Kara groaned and filled her up again, just to fuck it right back out of her.


She was gaping from the powerful lunges, and the friction against her aching clit made her toes curl and hips lift, wanton and willing for everything Kara saw fit to give her.


Lena basked in the bolder way Kara handled her, the strength of the alpha a huge turn on as she pinned Lena’s wrists above her head and fucked her into euphoria.


White hot bliss tightened all of her muscles and Lena strained as it condensed in her core. The tendons of her neck popped to the surface and she came when Kara latched onto her throat. The alpha scraped her teeth over the partial claim, and Lena experienced the wonderful pressure as her cunt was forced open by Kara’s expanding knot.


The alpha wasn’t ready to give it to her yet, and she found that out when Kara withdrew just to flip her onto her stomach.


Kara kneaded at her backside, and encouraged her onto her knees so she could look at her red and used pussy.


Teasing her slit with a single fingertip, Kara circled her protruding clit that throbbed under her gaze.


The jolts of pleasure made Lena’s inner passage spasm and she moaned as a river of seed trickled out of her cunt.


“I’m going to fill you all night,” Kara promised, her voice thick with lust as she fondled Lena’s cunt. “We’re gonna need a new bed by the morning.”


Lena raked her fingernails over the bedsheets when Kara not only thrust inside of her, but also slid the knot into her and pulled it back out. She experienced a titillating sensation from the hot girth spreading her pussy lips apart and rutting her cunt to the fullest.


“I don’t care what happens to the bed as long as you don’t stop,” Lena groaned and pushed her hands out in front of her to steady herself as Kara slammed the knot even deeper.


Her slick was running down her thighs, which trembled when Kara quickened and rocked her downward into the bed. The mattress frame banged against the wall as Kara went hard and fast, the metal scraping the plaster.


Lena felt sweaty, and so close to an orgasm that her legs locked up a few times in preparation for it. When it happened, she cried out and Kara had to cover her mouth again until her pussy stopped spasming.


Racking up orgasms only made Kara more impassioned, more eager. Lena lowered herself in a graceful presentation of her cunt and whimpered as Kara took full advantage of her position.


Kara’s lips caressed up her shoulder, finding a spot to kiss while keeping up the same momentum with her motions.


“Mark me – claim me – soon – please – Kara,” Lena whimpered, the words breaking from her unplanned, and Kara responded by biting her in a location that wouldn’t be hidden by her clothes.


She knew that everyone would see the marks on her neck unless she used concealer, which she would have to do unless they were alone. It might not have been a legitimate claim mark, though it showed the seriousness of Kara’s intentions.


Kara groaned in her ear, jolting her with the force of another release that expanded the knot to the point Lena whined from it taking hold.


They collapsed breathless together, kissing and panting with smiles on their faces and happiness in their hearts.


Lena massaged the end of the knot and Kara rubbed her back and hips, showing affection as they settled against the pillows.


As soon as the knot softened, they went at it again, and before sunrise they shared a shower, put on pajamas and changed the bedsheets, so they would be prepared for Christmas morning.


Lena knew she would forever remember that first year with Kara—and how their slow kisses and the whispers of love started out another perfect day.