6. Chapter 6

In between the excitement of Christmas and the New Year, Kara officially moved into Lena’s house. The hectic back and forth would have been stressful if not for how enthusiastic they both were about taking such a big step in their relationship. They had both agreed that the only thing they wanted was to start the new year under the same roof and Kara made sure that became a reality.


There was no need for Kara to bring her bed or any of the furniture she had at her shared apartment, except for her desk and computer chair. A few of Kara's friends pitched in to help her donate some of the bulkier things she no longer needed and the rest she left behind. Lena had wanted to hire a company to move her without any hassle, but Kara had refused on principle.


It was only when the alpha was running back and forth with armfuls of her stuff that Lena really appreciated why Kara wanted to do this herself.


Watching all of those wonderful muscles strain and flex was like a private show, and Lena suspected that Kara knew exactly what she was doing to her, because the alpha made sure to slow her steps as she sauntered by.


Despite not lifting a finger, Lena was feeling parched, and the sweeter her scent became, the more Kara squatted to lift things.


Lena made a mental note to upgrade her home gym simply for the pleasure of seeing those strong arms and abs glistening with sweat.


When Kara brought in the last box, she found Lena already waiting for her in the bedroom wearing nothing but a smile, and they spent the rest of that night celebrating.


Lena expected their libidos to settle after the novelty of living together wore off, but apparently they were insatiable for one another.


Providing her girls weren’t home or Natty was down for a nap in her own bedroom, nowhere was off limits for their frisky fun. Kara surprised her a few times in the shower, and Lena found their quick rutting was more invigorating than her morning yoga.


A few times she enticed the alpha in the kitchen by wearing nothing but a robe while she flipped the pancakes, and on those days it wasn’t just her coffee that got a splash of cream. It was actually a miracle that Lena hadn’t burned anything yet or destroyed an appliance. Until she committed such a mistake, it was highly unlikely they would stop fooling around, despite the danger of forgetting food on the stove.


She could be dressed in comfy sweatpants and one of the alpha’s shirts, and Kara would still grab her ass or get handsy on the couch. There was much to be said about the pleasures of getting leisurely fingered while watching a movie.


Lena was still getting used to the routine of always being wanted, and she went out of her way to reward Kara and show her own appreciation.


Any time during the day when she had a free moment and Kara was at her desk going over her work schedule and spreadsheets, she liked to enter the alpha’s study.


Typically she wore four inch heels with a scandalously short skirt or tight blouse that was never fully buttoned up. Lena would find some excuse to bend over, whether it be to pour Kara a fresh cup of coffee, or to dust off her already clean desk and flash the alpha in the process.


These teasing moments between them usually resulted in a quick grope or an appreciative rumble, and Kara’s scent always reflected her sexual interest.


One time, she was gratified by Kara’s need to have her immediately and the alpha almost ruined her laptop in the process of sweeping everything off her desk to push Lena across it.


Kara maintained that the risk was worth it, and Lena’s omega could only agree, because she could afford to replace a million laptops all for the sake of an orgasm. The intensity of being fucked so thoroughly had left her wet for the rest of the day.


Lena was definitely living her best life now that Kara was under the same roof as her, and in the few short weeks of experiencing such domestic bliss, she was stunned that it only seemed to get better.


Some small part of her had harbored private reservations that perhaps the lust between them would lose some of its potency now that they were around one another every day. It certainly had diminished between her and Andrea from very early on, but that was to be expected when one person in the relationship was having sex with other people.


Every couple ran the risk of losing some of their chemistry when they lived together, but Lena no longer feared that would happen in her relationship with Kara.


Kara kept her on her toes with a fine balance of romance and playfulness, and she would never tire of their connection.


Mornings had started to become her favorite time of the day, because no matter how frequently they slept together, Lena was greeted with the sight of tented sheets.


Kara appeared to rise with the sun and Lena soon found out that it was in these precious moments when they first woke up that her alpha was the most unguarded.


Still heavy limbed from slumber, Kara’s lazy smile and voice never failed to awaken Lena’s omega, and she took full advantage of that.


As her alarm went off, Lena whispered a sultry “Good morning, darling,” into the crook of the alpha’s neck to rouse her gently.


Kara’s eyes blinked open and she hummed in contentment, her lips parting to utter a greeting that never made it off the tip of her tongue when Lena’s hand slid beneath her boxers to clasp around her length.


“I thought we might get a jumpstart on our day since we’re going to be so busy this evening,” Lena lilted while her fingers caressed Kara’s shaft to make it fully erect. She claimed Kara’s lips with a sweet kiss and grinned when the alpha welcomed her seduction with open arms.


Both of Kara’s palms settled on the curve of her waist, and the subtle encouragement was all Lena needed to straddle her mate.


Kara’s groan was deliciously erotic when Lena sank down on her cock, and she took it slow to stretch out their satisfaction.


“God, I hope you always want me like this, even with morning breath,” Kara rumbled, her bleary eyes glazed from lust and the remnants of sleep.


Laughter bubbled up within Lena, silent and affectionate as she leaned forward to tangle her hands in Kara’s golden hair. She kissed her with enough heat to make the alpha’s hips rock upward, and Lena began a sensual undulation and roll of her hips.


The lazy pelvic motions were getting them both more aroused and Lena gasped into Kara’s mouth.


All of the slippery friction was rubbing her in just the right places and preparing them both for invigorating morning sex. She whined as Kara’s fingers kneaded at her ass cheeks before gliding up again to hold her at the waist.


“Does this prove how much I want you?” Lena asked and let her slick inner muscles do the talking with an insistent flutter around Kara’s cock. “I like having you around so much that this is all part of my wicked plan to get you to knot in me, so we can’t leave this bed before noon.”


“In that case, I support you and your devious scheming,” Kara commented as she began an earnest upward thrust to spread Lena’s cunt with her thickened cock. “You’re so beautiful and you feel so tight around me. It never ceases to amaze me how much you can take.”


Lena saw an opportunity and took it by throwing off the duvet.


She raised herself up almost entirely and the soft glow of morning light highlighted how wet she already was and how her arousal clung to her pussy lips.


When Kara’s eyes widened to take in the sight of her, Lena slid down on the alpha’s cock just to impress with the sight of her cunt submitting to the extreme stretch.


“You mean like that?” Lena lilted, her playful lips pulling into a flirtatious grin right before she let out an ungodly shriek of surprise.


Kara rolled them so fast that Lena’s world was still tumbling when she heard the erotic rumble of a growl. She knew what to expect from the thicker alpha scent emanating from Kara, and locked her legs around those powerful hips that were getting ready to end their lazy morning.


“I’ll never get enough of you,” Kara rasped, the tip of her nose following the strong pulse along Lena’s pale neck.


It was becoming a tradition for Kara to start their day by replacing the remnants of Andrea’s claim with her own. The vibrant colors would temporarily blot out her ex's mark and Lena’s eyelids closed when the alpha’s teeth locked around her skin to suck. She arched up to pull Kara closer, her breath hitching and stopping the soft whine in her throat.


The slam of Kara’s hips enhanced the sting of her love bite and Lena’s omega writhed from the sweet torture of it all.


She worked her inner passage with desperation and praised Kara with whimpering exhalations that puffed warmly across her cheek. They spoke in moans, a new language of sex that only they understood. When Kara’s thighs collided with Lena’s, insistent and rough, she could feel the alpha’s desires as though they belonged to her.


“Yesss,” Lena groaned, her pelvis lifting into every rapid plunge of Kara’s cock. The base of it was swelling and spreading the lips of her cunt every time Kara bottomed out inside of her. “Give me your knot. I can’t wait to have it inside me.”


“Yes you can,” Kara informed her through a grunt, and if that didn’t give enough warning that she would be made to wait, the way the alpha’s fingers furiously rubbed into her clit did. It was a surefire way to make Lena come undone faster than she normally would.


Lena was too distracted to be suspicious when her cunt went into intense and sudden spasm around the tip of Kara’s cock. Her teeth clenched from pleasure and her moan was as filthy as her words would have been if she was able to utter them. She gushed around Kara, her cunt uselessly trying to grip a knot that wasn’t inside her like it should be.


Kara’s bliss was slightly delayed because of that, but no less spectacular. The strong throb of her shaft emptied thick ropes of seed into Lena’s pussy and Kara pressed grateful kisses across her neck and shoulder before withdrawing.


“Wait, you-you didn’t—” Lena stuttered between heavy breaths, her hand outstretched to try and prohibit Kara from rolling out of bed.


She was on the verge of vulnerability when Kara’s mischievous pheromones wrapped around her and she caught sight of the alpha’s proud grin.


“I know,” Kara murmured, like she knew something Lena didn’t. The playfulness in her eyes was the only thing stopping Lena’s omega from being outraged and she swallowed back the impulse to be offended as she tried to reason that Kara wouldn’t do this to torment her for the hell of it.


“You better start talking,” Lena stated, not in the least bit threatening as she fought against the pout trying to form on her face.


Kara laughed and took pity on her by lacing their fingers together and lifting her out of bed before she became huffy. “Okay so, I know we’re attending Andrea’s launch party at Obsidian Tech, but I figured since we’re getting dressed up, you might enjoy a little roleplay when we get there.”


“At the party?” Lena gasped, her surprise outweighing her unhappiness for a fraction of a second.


Intrigue won out in the end, and she followed Kara into the shower to see the proud way she raised her chin. “Yup. Once we get there, I’m going to try and pick you up, and since we haven’t knotted—”


“God, the sexual tension between us will start a fire,” Lena cut in, her eyes wandering down Kara like they hadn’t just fucked minutes ago. She was already fantasizing about Kara in a three-piece suit, and the thrill of being chased by the alpha at the event was enough to make her omega practically shake in anticipation. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”


Kara beamed at her, bright and delighted and so full of happiness that Lena melted for entirely different reasons.


“I was hoping you’d like my idea,” Kara confided bashfully, so unaware of how difficult it was for Lena not to jump on her right then and there.


With the two of them alone in the house, she had to think the most libido-shattering thoughts to save herself for later that night. She washed her hair just for the excuse of squeezing her eyes shut and breathing in the honey scents of the shampoo instead of the pheromones that belonged to her alpha.


As she finished with her conditioner, she lifted her hand to the place where a fresh bruise was forming over Andrea’s claim mark. Lena knew her ex would see it unless she hid it behind several layers of makeup. She had been with Kara for nine months and she was always considerate about Andrea’s feelings, though this time her vindictive Luthor genetics joined forces with her playful excitement about the night ahead, and she made a conscious decision that she would wear the love bite proudly.


Kara soaped her up and kissed her shoulders, oblivious to what was going on in Lena’s head.


“I don’t expect you to go easy on me,” Kara teased and ran the sponge over Lena’s back one last time before she turned to rinse herself off.


“Are you saying you want me to play hard to get?” Lena mused and slipped her hand down to Kara’s stiff cock to give it a stroke in parting before stepping out of the shower to grab towels for them both. “Will that even be possible? You’re very charming, so I’m sure plenty of omegas have wanted to put out for you on the first date.”


Kara chuckled and dipped her head as if to hide her blush, but Lena watched it spread up her neck with amusement. Even if Kara wasn’t standing in front of her she would have known the alpha’s cheeks were pink, and she didn’t doubt for a second that Kara never slept with anyone on the first date—except her, and that was special in its own right.


It still astounded her that Kara was such a sensitive soul, and as always, Lena’s omega was drawn to it with a desire to melt into her softness and corrupt it with sinful intentions.


She was going to dress just like she used to when she hosted events herself, and if Sam watched Natty all night, then Lena was going to show Kara just how intense that side of her could be.


Kara’s lips quirked into a smile as she watched water droplets slide down Lena’s neck to be lost in her cleavage. She bit her lip like she just might want to follow them with her tongue and then seemed to remember that it went against their plans. “I fully intend to pursue you tonight like a single alpha, and when I win you over—”


“If you win me over,” Lena cut in devilishly, her smile anything but innocent as she released beguiling pheromones to tease Kara.


“When I win you over,” Kara stressed confidently, hitting back with just a touch of raw sexual aggression in the form of a growl, “I’m going to fuck you so good you’ll be begging for my knot.”


Lena’s jaw dropped at the unexpected spice of Kara’s declaration and whimpered at the way her cunt automatically clenched. The alpha’s language was far less colorful than Lena’s and when she pulled something like fuck out of her arsenal, Lena knew to brace herself.


She leaned towards Kara without forethought, drawn in by the irresistible magnetism of the alpha, and stopped just short of kissing her. Kara’s breath tickled across her lips and Lena inhaled it, desperate for a taste of her mate.


Lena could see the desire to touch reflected in Kara’s dilated pupils, yet they stayed there, precariously on the edge of ruining themselves by fucking like animals. Instead they sustained themselves only on the flirtation of almost kissing.


“Well, you certainly talk a good game, but we’ll see if I leave on your arm tonight.” Lena whispered the words into Kara’s mouth while they stared at one another for an indecent amount of time.


It took every small bit of her strength to walk out of the bathroom when Kara was staring at her with that look in her eyes. The kind that spoke of ravenous appetites and lasting stamina that Lena couldn’t wait to experience later on.


She got dressed in drab clothes to stave off her own libido and hurried to her own home office before she cancelled their plans.


Lena barely focused for the first hour at her desk, and when she caught herself scrolling through sexy pictures that Kara had sent her over the months, she made the wise decision of locking her phone in her drawer so the temptation to flirt diminished and she could actually function.


They both ate lunch alone at their respective desks when it became clear they were going out of their way in the kitchen to brush hands.


Neither of them could be trusted to tone down their pheromones.


Lena was sorely tempted to check if she was in heat, because Kara had inadvertently opened up Pandora's box and unleashed a level of horniness upon them that was unprecedented.


They were alone in the house, filling up the place with scents, and the only thing stopping them from fucking each other was their desire to have an incredible night out. It proved to be the best aphrodisiac imaginable, because it relied entirely on their own self-control, which in turn had them hyper-fixated on one another.


Even when Lena had been married to Andrea, she had never looked forward to one of her ex’s launch parties the way she was now.


As time ticked on, they came to a mutual agreement that Kara would get ready in a different room, so that Lena could dress up without being driven to distraction.


Lena started at her lingerie drawer and picked out the silkiest feeling panties to coordinate with a black bra that cupped at her breasts. She sprayed her neck with an omega perfume that was marketed to compliment pheromones and put loose curls in her hair before pulling out her dress.


The burgundy evening gown had a very fitted bodice top and tapered at the ankle. It would be difficult for Kara to get under and she made a mental note to ensure no one was around before she took it off.


The final touches to her outfit included four inch heels and a matching clutch, and she put both of those on the bed while she did her make-up — a dark color on the mouth, curled black lashes, and a striking eyeshadow that brought out her natural beauty.


Lena went downstairs to find Kara already on the couch in a flawless tailored suit. She stared with a wolfish glint in her eyes and moved towards Kara with the longing to touch.


“You look incredible, darling,” Lena husked and glanced from the jacket to the crisp white shirt, and then down at the leather belt and fitted trousers. “I think I’m going to need to take you to all of my boring work events just to see you dressed up.”


They had yet to attend many L-Corp related events together, because Lena wanted to keep Kara safe and out of the public eye, but she was beginning to regret that she hadn’t begged the alpha to be her arm candy from day one in their relationship.


Kara blushed and nibbled at her lips almost self-consciously. She was wearing contacts and just enough make up to bring out her cheekbones and her eyes, which were wandering all over Lena.


“You look so stunning in your dress and all I want is to take it off,” Kara confessed in an embarrassed, low whisper as she slipped her hand over Lena’s bare shoulder.


“If you’re suave enough to pick me up tonight, then you’ll have plenty of opportunities,” Lena playfully reminded her and then stepped back, trailing pheromones after her as she hurried to the door.


They were expecting a car to collect them at six o’clock, and before they left, Lena FaceTimed Natty, who had spent the morning with Andrea and all afternoon with Sam. Lena expected her daughter to be happier to see her, but Natalia sulked when she saw her mother’s face at the center of the camera.


“Where’s Kara?” were the first words out of Natalia’s mouth, and Lena tried not to feel insulted as she passed the phone over to the alpha.


“Kara, look! Look what I made with Ruby!” Natty exclaimed and held up a heart shaped cookie bigger than her hand and iced messily in pink frosting. “For Valentine’s Day.”


Valentine’s Day was still weeks away, but Lena assumed that Sam had found a baking kit at the store to keep Natalia and her own daughter busy.


“That looks so amazing, I wish I was there to help you decorate the rest.” Kara’s soft praise made Natty smile, and the three year old hurried to show off the rest of her cookies just to hear what Kara had to say about each one.


“You’re her hero,” Lena mouthed before taking the phone back to blow kisses to her daughter and to tell her to be good for Sam.


After they both said their goodbyes to Natty, Lena tucked her phone into her bag and sighed, “Whenever I see how good you are with her, I just want to stop taking my birth control and let you put another baby in me right away. No planning, no delay.“


The prideful scents of Kara’s alpha were musky and alluring, and Lena admired her mate when the alpha squared her shoulders with an exuberant, wide smile that she attempted to tone down.


"Well in that case, tonight might be your lucky night." Kara teased in return and offered her arm to escort Lena from the house.


Lena only regretted that it wasn’t in front of a crowd because the alpha looked impressive in her attire and she longed to show her off. From the way Kara’s eyes roamed over Lena every few seconds, it was safe to say the alpha felt the same way about her.


They behaved themselves during the ride over if only because Lena refused to put up the divider between them and the driver. It was a failsafe to keep them in line, because there was no way she would be able to keep her hands to herself otherwise. Kara understood, though that didn’t stop her from unleashing thick pheromones of interest.


Lena worried the driver would pass out from their flirtatious scents, and despite the way she tried to remain cool and collected, her omega perfumed the air with arousal. Kara all but flung herself out of the car when it finally stopped, and rushed around to open the door for Lena before the poor chauffeur could reach it.


“I’ll give you five minutes to mingle and then I’m coming to find you,” Kara whispered in Lena’s ear, and as they sauntered into the building, Lena could feel the other guests stop whatever they were doing just to watch them.


Lena knew most of the people in the room from the social circle she used to share with Andrea and from business. She turned the heads of plenty of alphas as she sought out her ex, who stood in a group with a glass of champagne in hand.


Andrea blew her air kisses when she approached, but instead of returning her full attention to the conversation she had been having prior to Lena’s arrival, she excused herself and followed Lena through the crowd.


In her expensive black silk jumpsuit and so many rings and necklaces that she was reflective, Andrea was beautiful and eye-catching. All that she lacked was Eve on her arm, and Lena noticed a strange scent on her ex that might have been repentant.


“How is the event going so far?” Lena asked as they walked side by side towards the bar and she searched the crowd for Kara. “Is Eve enjoying herself?”


“I broke it off with her this morning,” Andrea admitted in a tone that was light if not casual. “We really aren’t compatible. Besides, I think I want to focus on my business for a while.”


Lena saw the exact instant that Andrea’s eyes swept over the love bite on her neck, and even if she had missed it, Andrea’s gasp was a dead giveaway.


“You let Kara mark you?” Andrea asked, her irate whisper and selfish pheromones a cause for surprise. ”God, Lena, please tell me you’re not pregnant with her pup. I don’t understand why else you would rush into making such a decision—”


“It’s a love bite,” Lena hissed before they attracted curious onlookers, who would be desperate to overhear any gossip. “But you do know that eventually it will be real.”


Andrea looked ready to dispute that, and if not for the fact that so many people were around, Lena was certain she would have. She drew herself up with a confident lift to her chin and refused to be ashamed of flaunting the deep purple on her neck that complimented the color of her dress.


“Whether you like it or not, I’m with Kara, and that’s not going to change.” Lena’s fierce words were hushed, and she was prepared to walk off until Andrea made a noise that shouldn’t have gotten under Lena’s skin quite so much.


“What?” Lena snapped, her eyes already narrowed defensively as she glanced at her ex-wife.


“Nothing,” Andrea muttered, sniffing in disinterest as she lifted a fresh glass of champagne from a passing tray. “It’s just that I don’t see her with you long term, and if she was honestly that serious, wouldn’t she be making a statement by having you on her arm right now?”


Lena was well versed in Andrea’s head games, and though she knew better than to engage with them, she wanted to reinforce how happy she was with Kara. Especially now that Andrea was freshly single.


“This may come as a surprise to you, but Kara is very secure in our relationship—”


“Are you?” Andrea butt in, her faux concern as fake as the lashes she wore. She inclined her head to make it seem like they were having a private, well intentioned conversation, instead of exchanging barbs laced with poison. “I have to wonder if you’re not the least bit embarrassed to introduce her to some of our mutual acquaintances.”


Andrea had no right to be so snide and yet Lena couldn’t help but wonder what her ex meant by that. “Are you insinuating that I’m ashamed because she runs her own business, or because she’s younger than me?”


“So you admit you’re ashamed?” Andrea pressed on in delight, her victorious pheromones evoking a few smiles to be cast their way.


“That’s not what I said,” Lena grit out, already regretting her choice to attend the damn party, because she should have known it would be a disaster. “For your information, most alphas can function without becoming excessively jealous. Kara is mature enough to let me mingle without needing to breathe down my neck so that other alphas know I’m taken.”


“Or maybe she’s busy hitting it off with someone her own age that makes just as much as you do and is testing out the waters,” Andrea quipped without missing a beat.


Lena would have scoffed if Andrea hadn’t smirked and pointed through the crowd to where Kara was standing. The alpha was smiling, and Lena could see that she was talking to a pretty little brunette that must have been in her twenties.


That didn’t bother Lena. She trusted Kara implicitly, though she bristled considerably when the other omega dared to clasp Kara’s arm in a flirtatious manner.


“Are you really surprised?” Andrea asked, noting the change in Lena’s scent before Lena was even aware of it herself. “You brought her to a buffet. It’s only natural to want to sample what’s on offer.”


Lena was disgusted by the way Andrea tried to paint Kara in the same light as her, and if she hadn’t been raised to remain poised even during confrontation, she would have grabbed a drink just to throw it in Andrea’s face.


It was interesting to see the types of people that gravitated towards Kara. A small but growing circle of interest was grouping around her that not only included omegas, but some betas and alphas too. Lena watched on as Kara shook everyone’s hand with equal amounts of respect and attention, and it might have been a nice moment to behold if Andrea wasn’t whispering in her ear like the serpent she had always been.


“She will probably leave here tonight with a few new numbers saved in her phone. Don’t be surprised if she’s suddenly a lot busier than usual.” Andrea’s amusement was revolting, and Lena’s stomach twisted from the awful memories of how things went downhill in her marriage.


“I’m not interested in your games tonight,” Lena lilted as she caught Kara politely checking her watch while she scanned the crowd for her. “No matter how hard you try to plant seeds of doubt, I won’t ever be leaving one of these events with you again.”


Kara’s eyes finally found her, and the alpha grinned and began excusing herself from the group.


Lena saw it as her cue to move so that Kara could come after her. She turned to offer up her own parting words with a disdainful slant to her lips and a glance down at the champagne glass in her ex’s hand. “Try not to drown in your bitterness, Andrea. You know how overbearing you get when you’re drunk and I’m sure the investors won’t like it.”


Andrea’s eyes flashed in anger, and the acrid scent of her disapproval brought a smile to Lena’s lips as she wove through the crowd in pursuit of the open bar. She ordered a martini and raised it in thanks when Kara’s pheromones filtered through everyone else’s stench.


Lena shivered from the alpha’s proximity, her omega already responding, despite Andrea’s newest attempt to get in her head.


She side-eyed her mate when Kara settled into a seat next to her and ordered a beer before swiveling to look her over.


Lena waited to see what kind of alpha Kara was going to be tonight. Bold and straight to the point with some kind of opener about her being beautiful, or would she go with a predictable rumble of interest that segued into conversation?


Would Kara point out what a shame it was that Lena was here alone?


While Lena considered all of the possibilities, it struck her that she didn’t know what Kara’s pick-up style was at all, because they had tumbled into one another during the alpha’s rut and never looked back.


Would she have been interested in Kara if they had met like this, at an event filled with wealth and pretentiousness? Would Kara strive to blend in, or would her uniqueness make her stand apart, so that Lena couldn’t help but be drawn towards her like everyone else appeared to be?


Kara greeted her with a soft smile and mischievous eyes as she leaned a little closer to murmur, “Hey, I was just wondering what made you go for a martini at an open bar?”


A crinkle of confusion formed across Lena’s brow as she tried to work out if this was just Kara or the start of their flirtation.


“Are you implying I don’t look sophisticated enough to drink one?” Lena quipped with a raised eyebrow that dared Kara to continue.


“Oh, no, I just prefer my olives on pizza.” Kara laughed, her grin friendly and open as she confided, “Don’t get me wrong, I like them as much as the next person, but when it comes to drinks, I’d pick something fruity over that.”


“Is this where you suggest I try sex on the beach?” Lena uttered in an attempt to keep her tone as dry as her drink. She narrowed her eyes with a critical squint and peered at Kara like her pulse wasn’t already thumping.


The alpha grinned at her assumption and deflected it effortlessly, “Not with the way sand gets everywhere.”


The bartender placed a Peach Bellini before Kara at the perfect time, and she slid it in front of Lena in offering.


“Peach,” Lena whispered with a charmed smile and sipped from the drink before facing Kara. “How awfully suggestive.”


“It tastes like I imagine a sunset would taste,” Kara insisted without a blush or even a touch of her usual shyness.


Lena smirked and maintained eye contact as she took another sip. Kara wanted her to play hard to get and she fully intended to make the alpha work for the privilege of getting her attention, which meant dismissing her entirely at first.


“Shouldn’t you be rubbing elbows with the other alphas and posturing over who has the best gadget? ” Lena asked pointedly, and the amused scent of the bartender made her act all the more real as she pursed her lips and looked Kara up and down.


“That’s not really my idea of fun,” Kara intoned without missing a beat, her smile still evident, even while she drank her beer.


“Then what is?” Lena prompted, realizing a little too late that she had just walked into Kara’s trap by showing interest in the answer.


“Why don’t you dance with me and find out?” Kara suggested suavely, and extended her hand for Lena to take.


Part of Lena wanted to decline the offer, but the tension between them was practically magnetic and Lena slipped her hand into the alpha’s after a moment's hesitation.


Kara led her proudly to the dance floor that had been set up earlier that afternoon and Lena glanced up at her through dark lashes. “Don’t think this means you're getting my number,” she warned, just to rile Kara’s alpha and keep her mate on her toes.


“What makes you think that’s all I want?” Kara countered, her lustful gaze trailing down Lena with blatant sexual attraction. It was akin to being undressed and paraded naked in front of a room full of people and Lena shuddered at the strength of Kara’s pheromones.


For as much as their lives had changed over the past several years, Andrea’s parties were always the same. They were hosted on site at one of Andrea’s most beautiful office buildings, and there was enough booze to fill a river and only the most elite and important guests in attendance.


Making an appearance with Kara was a statement and Lena just began to realize that they had command of the room when the alpha stopped short and surprised her with a hand on her waist.


“You can dance well,” Lena whispered in surprise, her feet following Kara’s as the alpha effortlessly led them around the dance floor.


She knew the alpha could move to the beat of any song, but she had no idea that Kara knew any ballroom steps.


Kara handled her with class and confidence, and when she spun Lena around, she felt light and fearless.


“What can I say, I’m an alpha of many talents.” Kara teased, making sure that Lena could feel her solid muscles as they moved together.


From the sidelines, Lena caught sight of Andrea’s furious face, and she made the conscious effort to ignore her ex by staring lovingly into Kara’s eyes.


“I’m tempted to ask what the others are,” Lena admitted, her teeth embedding in her lower lip.


“I could always show you,” Kara intoned meaningfully, her mouth so close to Lena’s that she could feel the alpha’s warm breath.


Lena’s panties were slick already, and if the Kara hadn’t dramatically bent her over at the end of the music, she might have climbed the alpha in front of everyone.


The promiscuous scent of her indicated that she was available and Kara wasted no time in leading her off the dance floor.


The crowd parted for them with half of the onlookers gawking at Lena for being so brazen in flaunting her desires and the rest exuding envious pheromones.


Lena shot a glare at a bold omega that dared walk into their path to try and entice Kara off of her arm, but the alpha didn’t even glance in her direction.


Lena could feel Andrea’s angry eyes on her back, and raised her chin defiantly when Kara pushed through the double doors leading into the hallway. She barely managed a smirk when she found herself pressed into the wall so that Kara could kiss it off her lips. Her hands went to the alpha’s belt and she groaned when the alpha’s mouth moved down to the mark on her neck to nip and suck.


“Don’t you dare think you’re getting anything more than a quick fumble in this dark hallway. I’m not that kind of omega,” Lena seductively rasped, her lie so blatant that she was impressed that she kept a straight face.


Kara’s lips settled over her pulse point when she growled, deep and dominant and uncharacteristically demanding. Lena was just as surprised when Kara moved her hand lower to settle on the bulge of her cock.


“You sure about that?” Kara asked, her gravelly tone tapering off to a sharp exhalation when Lena stroked her through her pants. “I think you like the idea of getting caught.”


To emphasize her point, Kara hiked up Lena’s dress just enough to push her hand inside her soaked panties. They both groaned at the copious slick that coated Kara’s fingers, and the alpha hardly got a chance to rub into her clit when the sound of voices grew louder.


Kara retracted her hand so fast she almost toppled backwards, and Lena saved her by grabbing the front of her jacket. They kissed again, bruising and rushed, their need for one another overriding their sense of modesty.


Lena pulled back as the doors clattered open and Kara grabbed her hand to drag her further down the hall, narrowly avoiding the couple looking for the bathrooms.


“Where are we going?” Lena asked through a laugh, her adrenaline kicking in from their fooling around.


“Somewhere nobody else will dare to go,” Kara promised.


The alpha came to a halt a moment later, her hand curling around the handle of a door to shove it open and whisk Lena inside.


Lena was delayed in registering their surroundings on account of Kara’s mouth colliding with hers. She ruffled the alpha’s shirt as she pulled back to catch her breath.


The disorienting scent of Andrea hit her first, and then she took in the spacious office suite that belonged to her ex-wife. The look in Kara’s eyes said it was intentional, and though she never broke character, Lena knew she was waiting for her approval.


“I don’t think Miss Rojas is going to appreciate us making use of her office,” Lena lilted with just enough attitude to make Kara wonder if that was the end of their fun. “Sucks to be her,” Lena added, her poker face sliding away as she grinned up at Kara and raised a flippant eyebrow.


They came at each other without any forethought of the mess they would leave behind.


Lena shucked off Kara’s jacket while the alpha grabbed her by the ass and spun her around to get her onto the desk.


Pens scattered as Lena braced herself on the solid surface and she bit at Kara’s lips to leave them as red as her own. She unbuckled Kara’s belt while the alpha unzipped the back of her dress and peeled it off her shoulders.


“I want this off you right now,” Kara growled in frustration with a pointed glance down at Lena’s bra. She ruined the clasp of it in her haste to rip it free, and Lena knew she would have let her ruin a thousand more just to feel Kara’s lips wrap around her nipple.


Lena could feel the sharp sting of teeth just as much in her cunt, and whimpered when Kara soothed the ache with the flat of her tongue.


“Is this how you treat all of your omegas?” Lena teased, the raunchy sound of her hand fisting Kara’s cock breaking through the quiet of the room.


“Only the one I’m interested in,” Kara whispered, her true alpha nature slipping through as she tangled her hand into Lena’s hair to kiss her breathless.


Kara was firm as she removed the rest of her dress, tossing it aside like it was something to be scorned.


“Look at you,” Kara rumbled, marveling at the silk that coated Lena’s inner thighs. “You won’t be needing these anymore,” The alpha asserted, and tugged off Lena’s panties that were soaked through with slick.


The noise Kara made as she gazed at the shimmering gloss of her cunt was flattering. Lena whined as the alpha parted her pussy lips to get a closer look, and before she could beg to be fucked, Kara was positioning her over the desk to roughly palm her ass.


As far as quickies went, this one was by far the most risky, but definitely worth it when Kara pushed into her with an erection so swollen that Lena wondered if she had gone into rut. The girth was astounding and Lena groaned against the desk as her cunt tried to take it.


The first three inches slid into her luscious silk before Kara rocked back again to thrust. With a little more force than usual, Kara’s thick shaft plunged fully into her this time. She groaned when it was inside and gliding through her deep inner heat. The friction stimulated her walls to grip before spreading them.


“Fuck me until this entire office smells like sex,” Lena groaned, her face against the cool mahogany of the desk as Kara slammed into her.


Her hips banged into the wood and her nails dug into the leather blotter. The damp scent of her would be all over Andrea’s calendar, and as much as Lena wasn’t a vindictive person by nature, she wondered if these little tokens would stop her ex from doubting the strength of her relationship with Kara.


She raked her fingers over the mark on her neck and whined until Kara pinned her down by biting at the spot.


The sensitive skin broke again with the barest pressure from Kara’s teeth and a little more attention from the alpha’s incisors soaked her with a gushing release.


She could have continued clinging to the desk like that while Kara dominated her, but Kara freed her just to make her present.


Lena rubbed at her dripping and open cunt, and flicked at her clit to bring Kara’s eye to it.


The deep carnal colors must have provoked Kara’s alpha because Lena found herself being mounted atop Andrea’s desk. Kara’s softness was nowhere to be found as she hunkered over Lena and bucked almost wildly to fill her gaping entrance with a growl.


Things toppled off the rich wood from the powerful pace of their mating, and Lena gasped from the sudden but welcome tug of her hair. Kara was going all out with her alpha, and Lena’s omega couldn’t help but respond.


“She won’t be able to sit in here without knowing how sweet your pussy is,” Kara husked, the vulgarity hitting all the right notes for Lena to get off on. Some part of Lena wanted that, to rub Andrea’s face in how great her sex life was, and a reckless need built up in her until she moaned louder.


Kara encouraged it by commanding her pleasure and rutted into her while furiously handling her clit until Lena’s legs quaked. If not for Kara’s grip on her waist, she might have slid right off the desk as her muscles jerked and locked.


All of her wet arousal was a declaration of how much she needed this with Kara, and how much her body accepted the alpha even in the absence of a claim.


Her lips parted in another filthy moan, and Kara placed a hand over her mouth as they both heard voices. No one interrupted them, and Kara filled her tight tunnel with seed.


Feeling Kara’s rigid shaft twitch and spasm inside of her, Lena brought her knees together and sank even lower.


“God, yes, give me all of it,” Lena pleaded and positioned her hips so that Kara’s cock was snug inside of her for the duration of orgasm.


The pure submission kept Kara rock hard and the sudden pressure inside her cunt was a sign that Kara’s knot was forming. Lena knew better than to allow it to take hold yet she longed for the near unbearable stretch of it. Kara grabbed onto her hips to keep her from moving and Lena whined at the growing fullness. If Kara didn’t pull out, they would be stuck together.


Lena wasn’t sure if she felt relieved or devastated when the alpha slid out.


The suctioning sound of her cunt was almost shameful as her omega compelled her to back into Kara and keep the knot where it belonged. She whined again, and then Kara was pinning her down and biting at her neck while drilling back into her sopping cunt without letting the knot take hold.


Kara never quite pushed in enough for the knot to slide in, but it rubbed into her pussy lips and Lena reached down to hold herself open for it. She forced her cunt apart with her fingertips and whined in despair when Kara continued to tease her without giving her what she wanted.


“Go deeper,” Lena begged, forgetting decency and caution as Kara’s knot breached the barest inch through her entrance. “Please, no more teasing,” she half sobbed, her omega in no mood to be denied when Kara’s teeth had come so close to claiming her. “I can take it. Knot me, please Kara.”


“We can’t, not in here,” Kara groaned, her own willpower failing when Lena pushed back to slot the bulge inside her clenching walls.


The temptation to try proved too much and Kara strained to fit more of her girth into Lena’s fluttering cunt.


The tight squeeze caused ropes of seed to erupt from Kara’s cock and she pulled back to rub it into Lena’s overstimulated cunt. The soothing motion didn’t quell the demand of Lena’s omega, yet she relented when the alpha got off the desk to help her onto her feet.


“You better get me home right now so we can finish what we started,” Lena threatened, her voice scratchy from moaning. She would have stopped to glance at herself in the mirror if Kara hadn’t ushered her into her dress and gathered up her bra and panties.


Lena caught the alpha stuffing them into her pockets after doing up her pants, and she grabbed her by the jaw to kiss her fiercely. She wasn’t angry, just so aroused that she felt feral, and she feared if they waited around someone would discover what they had done.


The hallway was thankfully empty when they made their escape, and they got all of ten feet before Kara had her against another door to feel her up.


“If this is becoming a habit, I can’t say I’m complaining,” Lena uttered into Kara’s mouth, the tip of her tongue flicking at the alpha’s lip. She sucked on it lasciviously, all too happy to palm Kara’s still swollen cock through her pants, then dashed off towards the exit with a love-drunk alpha hot on her heels.


The limo wasn’t hard to find, and the chauffeur barely opened the door when Lena launched herself into the back seat just to pull Kara along when she appeared.


“We’ll take the scenic route,” Lena informed the driver, and hit the button to put up the black privacy divider.


She was opening Kara’s pants before the screen was fully up, and the alpha laughed when Lena pushed her into a reclined position.


“I’ve never wanted to leave a party so early in all my life,” Kara admitted, her eyes following Lena’s every move with rapt interest.


“Well it seems my adoring, sweet alpha has a few tricks up her sleeve, ” Lena coyly remarked, and shifted so that she was on her knees and directly between Kara’s legs. “I might want to explore more of them later, but for now I want to thank you for such a surprising and insightful night.”


Lena’s gratitude took the form of oral worship, and she enveloped the head of Kara’s cock with a moan. She worked her lips with languid pulls and stared Kara in the eye when she lavished the tip with her tongue. Her hot breath teased over the alpha’s shaft and she grinned when Kara inhaled a gasp.


“God, I wish I had taken you out to dance so much sooner,” Kara murmured, like that was the reason she assumed Lena was so pleased with her.


Lena would have laughed if her mouth hadn’t been full, so she moaned instead, slurping as she popped her lips around the thick rim.


Kara brushed Lena’s cheek with the pad of her thumb, then blushed like she hadn’t just fucked her across her ex-wife’s desk when Lena commanded, “Give me my panties.”


Kara’s fingers were slippery from the wet silk when she passed them off, and Lena’s devious eyes lit up. She wove the soaked material lovingly around Kara’s softening knot and stroked her back to stiffness while she sucked on her cock.


She bobbed her mouth over the first few inches, never taking Kara into the back of her throat, so the alpha could experience the velvety enclosure of her cheeks when they hollowed. Lena teased the alpha with fluttering featherlight licks and rubbed her moist lips against the sensitive tip where Kara’s arousal began to drizzle. She massaged ardently at the swollen base until Kara’s hips lifted expectantly and then she swallowed around the thick length just for the pleasure of watching the alpha’s lust heavy lids close in ecstasy.


“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Kara whispered in awe, her smile evident in her tone as she reached down to brush her fingers through Lena’s hair.


The messy curls tickled Lena’s bare shoulders and she hummed in affirmation before sitting up and smacking her lips. She could smell Kara’s confusion before the alpha breathed it to life, and smirked as she straddled her mate across the plush leather seats.


“You didn’t honestly think I could last without having your knot, did you?” Lena asked mischievously, her lips finding Kara’s to share the taste of their mingled essence.


Kara did her the honor of raising up her dress so that she could better position herself across her lap and they both watched as she lowered herself onto Kara’s imposing erection.


She whined as her cunt faltered at the start of Kara’s knot, and the alpha aided her by manually rolling Lena’s hips to ease the immense size into her tight channel.


“I don’t think you’ve ever been this size,” Lena gasped, her hands gripping at Kara’s shoulders while she tried to make it fit. She reasoned that it must have been the outcome of Kara almost claiming her in her ex’s territory.


Kara’s alpha was making sure she was seen as the best mate and Lena was desperate to have all of it inside her throbbing cunt.


“I just—god Lena, I just want you so much,” Kara groaned, her thighs tensing as Lena bounced on her cock with increasing force. She arched subtly, her hands cupping Lena’s breasts to squeeze in encouragement before she pinched at her nipples and thrust upwards.


The rougher motion opened Lena’s entrance and she sank fully onto Kara with a strangled scream of relief and euphoria when the alpha bucked up to make sure she took it all.


The rush of endorphins made her laugh and the high that followed made her movements lazy as she leaned down to nuzzle into her alpha’s jaw.


“And I want you, Kara.” Lena exhaled breathlessly, her fingers loosening Kara’s tie so she could rip at the buttons of her shirt to expose the beautiful tanned skin beneath.


“All of you, all of the time,” Lena insisted, tracing her lips over Kara’s collar bone and up to the strong pulse of her neck. “Always.”


“Yes,” Kara choked out, like she could feel what was about to come as Lena laced their fingers together. “Yes I’m yours, Lena,” she whispered fiercely, canting her head to the side to expose her throat as she braced for the claiming bite. “Please let me be yours.”


“All mine,” Lena rasped seductively, her mouth deviating down to Kara’s shoulder to taste the tang of her sweat. She sucked on the skin erotically, her teeth pressing down when the alpha’s cock throbbed in response, and made her claim true with a quick, decisive bite that broke through with a soft pop. The pain of it must have mixed with Kara’s pleasure because the alpha’s spine lifted from the leather and she came with a loud cry that no amount of traffic would conceal.


Lena licked over her mark while her cunt went into spasm, and they writhed together, hedonistic and elated in their new bond that made them inseparable.


The scent of their fucking would take weeks to get out of the limo's upholstery and Lena couldn’t give a damn as she cuddled into Kara. She huffed at her mate’s pheromones, her heart beating wildly when she detected new scents that should only be possible when an alpha claimed an omega.


Lena breathed them in deeply, her eyes misting as she rubbed her cheek into Kara’s only to discover the dampness there.


They were both emotional, and Kara wrapped her arms around Lena to inhale the new scents that clung to her skin. She pulled back to pepper Lena’s face with the softest kisses of adoration and then blurted through a watery, bright grin, “This calls for a celebration.”


Kara flung her hand out to catch the ice bucket where a few small bottles of champagne were waiting for them, and almost knocked it over in her blind enthusiasm to toast their new relationship milestone.


Lena steadied Kara’s shaking hand and clasped her fingers around the neck of a bottle to pull the cork free, their laughter as effervescent as the bubbles that poured out.


“Catch it!” Kara playfully called, opening her own mouth as some spilled onto her tongue and shirt. Lena upended the bottle to take a swig for herself before she passed it off to the alpha and then they were kissing again, utterly entangled in a bliss like no other.


They finished all four of the miniature bottles over the better part of an hour, in between making-out and waiting for Kara’s knot to soften.


The chauffeur didn’t interrupt them, and Lena made sure to tip him handsomely when they finally emerged from the limo, utterly disheveled and giggling from being so tipsy.


Lena made sure to be a few steps ahead just to sashay her hips for Kara’s benefit as she walked up to her front door. The scent of their love perfumed the breeze like wild flowers and she couldn’t wait until every room in the house smelled of it.


“Should I order us some take-out and we can—” Kara’s suggestion died on her tongue when she caught Lena unzipping her dress.


The instantaneous spice of arousal strengthened when Kara locked their front door and raced over to help her out of the clinging material. The thought of food was long forgotten as she smoothed her palms down Lena’s curves.


“I was hoping you’d join me in the shower to freshen up,” Lena crooned, her flirtatious smile culminating in a lip bite as she turned to undo Kara’s waistcoat. “Then we can raid the fridge before we inevitably spend the rest of the night celebrating between the sheets, on the couch, or in the kitchen…”


The thunderous rumble of Kara’s agreement was the only warning she got when the alpha dropped down to hoist Lena over her shoulder like a caveman.


Lena wondered if it was a sign of the sex to come, or if the claim bond had changed Kara’s alpha into a more primal being. She inhaled a pleasant blend of affectionate and romantic scents, along with pheromones of raw passion.


“This is the best night of my life," Kara admitted, Lena judged that her mate would forever be the sweetest and most sensitive alpha she knew.


“Mine too,” Lena whispered.