7. Chapter 7

Lena awoke with the sweet taste of champagne and Kara on her lips. The bedroom was in complete disarray with more sheets on the floor than on the bed and their clothes were scattered everywhere. If she hadn’t known better, she would have assumed the place had been burgled, though the ache between her thighs reminded her just how happy they had been when they fell into bed last night.


She stretched out with pride to observe the alpha and wiped away the remnants of whipped cream that still clung to Kara’s cheeks and chin. Lena blushed when she recalled Kara’s insistence on what made a perfect sundae, and how she would never be able to recreate it outside of the bedroom unless they were completely alone in the house. She inhaled the thicker scents of her mate just to be sure she hadn’t been dreaming that part, and was content that nothing could ruin her mood as she inched closer to nuzzle into Kara’s shoulder.


“Time to get up, my darling,” Lena whispered with absolutely no thoughts of getting to work. She pressed the lightest, worshipful kisses to the mark of her teeth still so fresh on Kara’s skin and shivered when the alpha’s strong arm secured around her waist.


She grazed her teeth over the bruised skin and grinned when Kara whimpered. Lena couldn’t help the way she traced over it ever so carefully with the tip of her tongue to waken the alpha in other ways. It was remarkable just how addictive it was to see how Kara reacted to any attention she gave the bite.


Lena was beginning to understand why alphas were so infatuated with leaving their marks on omegas, the real driving force behind it other than possessive intent. It went beyond the normal scope of power and influence to something inexplicably primal. Kara was bound to her, truly and completely, and any time she touched the mark she made on her alpha, it instantly affirmed that they shared something sacred. Special.


Lena was eager to find out if it went both ways, if Kara could claim her with pheromones and bring her to her knees whenever the urge arose. The thought of that was exciting to her omega, and she had to remind herself that this was all new to Kara, too – which might have explained why simply sucking gently on Kara’s claim mark was enough to make the alpha’s hips jerk.


“Len-oh tha-mmfh—”


Kara didn’t manage to exhale any actual words so much as a stuttered attempt that dissolved into something sinfully close to a moan of submission. The surprised gasp as the first hot surge of excitement splashed against Lena’s stomach told her all she needed to know, and she grinned against Kara’s neck as the alpha shuddered forcefully.


“I remember how sensitive I was the first time I was claimed,” Lena confided, her wicked tongue languidly gliding over the blemished area just to make Kara hard again. “The rush it gave was out of this world.”


Lena used the tip of her nose to follow the tendon in Kara’s neck that strained from her teasing and separated just enough to give Kara a proper good morning kiss. They were enamored with one another, and Kara cupped her cheek to slip her tongue between Lena’s lips with a rumble of hunger that had little to do with food.


“We better start setting an alarm for five thirty every morning,” Kara murmured out of the blue.


Lena’s eyebrows pinched together as she tried to reason why, and raised a questioning dark eyebrow when her mind drew a blank.


“That’s an hour earlier than usual,” Lena finally stated, her confusion melting away when Kara smirked at her and all but pinned her to the bed.


“An hour I’ll put to good use,” Kara promised, her lips barely grazing Lena’s when her stomach made a noise of anguish from being woefully starved.


“Oh you poor thing,” Lena laughed, enjoying the blush that highlighted Kara’s cheeks better than the light dusting of make-up she had worn yesterday. “The only thing you really ate last night was me.”


“I regret nothing,” Kara insisted, her voice a full octave lower as she leaned down to try and initiate another kiss.


They could stay wrapped up in each other all morning, and while Lena would love nothing more, she wanted to energize her alpha for the day ahead.


“Breakfast first, and then you can continue,” Lena intoned seductively, then slipped out of Kara’s grasp and into a silk robe that was purely for decoration, since she never bothered tying it. The material gilded against her skin and she took the opportunity to rub Kara’s seed over her abdomen to entice the alpha to follow her down to the kitchen.


If that wasn’t enough, she called to her mate with a soft whine as she walked out of the room and smelled the immediate response of Kara acknowledging her need.


Oh, they were going to have fun discovering all of the ways they could now communicate without a word. She was rusty after such a prolonged lack of use, but she held no doubt that she would pick it all back up again quickly.


She made herself busy by pulling out the rest of the fruit Kara hadn’t eaten off her chest last night, and grabbed the carton of eggs with the intent to mix up some batter for crepes.


“Can I help with anything?” Kara asked far too innocently while her fingers parted the robe to push it aside. She squeezed Lena’s breasts and kissed at her neck while Lena mindlessly checked her phone for voicemails.


She put the device on loud speaker and sighed in happiness when Kara cupped her cunt.


The robotic announcement of having eleven missed calls didn’t faze her, and Lena widened her stance as Andrea’s outraged snarl echoed down the line.


“Are you out of your fucking mind—”


Lena skipped to the next message with a moan when Kara’s fingers teased at her wet slit without trying to get her off.


“I’m so disgusted—”


“Lena, eschuchame—"


She skipped another message while she cracked an egg and tried to stay standing as Kara’s fingers rubbed into her clit with slow, precise strokes.




“You think it’s funny that she fucked you like a wh—”


Lena’s finger tapped against her cellphone as Kara’s traced languidly between her pussy lips, and they listened to the increased rage of her ex like it was music on the radio.


“In my OFFICE—”


“Todo esto porque necesitas la verga—"


“Lena, pick up your GODDAMN PHONE—”








“Still no regrets?” Lena asked casually, like Kara wasn’t about to be knuckle deep inside of her while she tried to mix batter.


“Not a single one,” Kara affirmed, and grabbed Lena by the waist as if to prove how little she cared that Andrea was incensed.


Kara would have likely positioned Lena over the counter if the sudden hammering at her door didn’t announce that Andrea had brought the confrontation to them since she couldn’t get through last night.


Lena’s joy was too profound to dim, and she tied her robe before casting a glance at Kara to see that the alpha was pulling on a t-shirt and jeans fresh from the laundry basket.


“Brace yourself, because this won’t be pretty,” Lena warned and strode over to open the door.


“Lena, tienes un móvil roto?” Andrea breathed out as soon as she saw Lena, and then hurried inside while spreading a toxic scent. “Mierda. En qué pensabas?”


“I was thinking I just couldn’t wait until we got home,” Lena mused, not the slightest bit ashamed or bothered by Andrea’s outburst. “After all, I went three whole years without sex after the divorce. I don’t plan to deny myself that pleasure ever again.”


Andrea sneered at Lena’s terse explanation of what had transpired and stepped forward to intimidate her. “You had no right to use my office—”


It felt strange to Lena to be simultaneously so connected to a person who loved her and respected her, and someone like Andrea, who had treated her like she was expendable throughout their marriage. The stark difference in their scents was hitting Lena harder than any of Andrea’s words and Lena steeled her features so as not to appear weak during the confrontation.


“That was a violation of my personal property, and whether you like it or not, my claim,” Andrea spat and seized ahold of Lena by the chin as she continued her tirade. “I knew I should have brought you to heel the minute this alpha stepped into your life. I’m just going to be blunt with you now, cruel even. Kara is too young for you, and if you persist in this delusion that your relationship is going anywhere, you’re going to get hurt.”


Lena’s eyes flicked towards Kara, whose pheromones had been muted throughout Andrea’s intrusion, but Kara’s infuriated fragrance curled around them the second Andrea laid a finger on her.


“Get your hands off of her,” Kara intoned so low that even Lena strained to hear the words above the growl. The threat of the unspoken or else was enough to make Andrea reel back, and her head snapped up to find Kara striding from the kitchen to flank Lena.


“You,” Andrea hissed, her lip curling in disdain as she dropped her hand to redirect her attack. “How threatened you must feel to come into my territory and fuck her there. Your pathetic attempt at asserting yourself failed.”


“Did it?” Kara asked, her tone deceptively casual as she got in Andrea’s face and released her own calming scents to counter the reek of the other alpha’s posturing. “Then why are you here?”


The simple question provoked Andrea the way a slap might have, and she straightened up to her full height with a snarl. “The real question is what kind of alpha pursues an omega past her prime unless they have a history? Is this sport for you, to prey on the weak? We both know you’re going to leave her the second someone younger comes along.”


Lena’s offended scent rose up before her voice and she choked on her disbelief. “Oh fuck off, Andrea,” she spat incredulously, her own anger driving her forward to hiss, “You have no problem fucking anything that moves as long as it’s over the age of twenty. Where was the disgust for yourself when you were mounting your secretary in your office when I’d just given birth to Andy? Or when you brought one of your little conquests into our bed when I was at a conference—”


“God, don’t you have anything better to say?” Andrea snapped with enough venom that Lena actually flinched in surprise. She released the full extent of her claim pheromones to gag Lena into submission and grit out, “I’m trying to protect you and stop this alpha from taking advantage of you, and all you do is harp on about the past like a fucking fool.”


Two things happened simultaneously that shocked Lena — the first was realizing that Andrea’s hold over was no longer as solid as before and she could breathe freely without being cowed by her noxious scent. The second was that the snarl which erupted from Kara was so protective that Lena felt safe even amid the terrible argument.


Andrea, ever the arrogant ass, failed to head the warning. She stuck her finger into Kara’s chest to try and prod her back as she seethed, “Callate, pool cleaner, I could have you arrested for entering my office.”


“Then do it.” Kara demanded, much to Lena’s panic, and stepped forward to end the fight by grasping the front of Andrea’s suit to lift her several inches off the ground so that they were eye level. “Call the police, Andrea. Tell them you’re upset that someone younger and stronger loves the woman that used to be your wife. Explain to them that you’ve finally recognized what a stupid mistake you made for ever letting someone so extraordinary go.”


Kara could have dropped her, but she lowered Andrea and then let her go before finishing coolly, “And when they show up, I’ll tell them you left multiple threatening messages on my mate’s phone. I’m sure a scandal like that will get Obsidian Tech all the media attention you want.”


The indignation in Andrea’s scent still left Lena with strange, nervous feelings as her ex glared at Kara with cinders of rage in her eyes before stalking to the door.


“All I can do now is be here for you, Lena, whenever this alpha inevitably leaves your life in pieces.” Andrea’s parting blow lacked finesse, and after jutting her chin in a final proud display, she exited the house with her head bent low.


Lena stood gazing at the vacant place in the doorway until Kara came over to check on her, and then she blinked out of her deadlocked state when her enemy was truly gone.


The front hall still smelled of Andrea, like it had so many other times when she walked out mid fight and made Lena feel responsible.


Lena experienced no guilt or upset this time as she breathed Kara in, whose shared connection blocked out the last trace of her mating bond with Andrea. She still wore her ex’s mark, but Kara’s scent overtook the other alpha pheromones that swirled around her.


“I don’t think she even registered my claim pheromones,” Lena muttered and ran her fingers over the claim on the alpha’s shoulder, taking strength from it as Kara leaned closer to her. She slid her palms down to the alpha’s pumped biceps and along the swell of muscle that allowed Kara to so effortlessly lift her ex. “I doubt she’ll ever forget how you defended me, though.”


Kara’s pheromones floated around her, soft and purer than snowflakes when she pressed her lips to Lena’s hand. “If she does, then I’ll be quick to remind her.”


Lena gravitated to the alpha, her chin raised for a kiss that burned through her fragile composure, but also nullified all of the residual hurt she was feeling.


She clung onto both of Kara’s arms and guided them around her waist before lifting her hands to Kara’s face and kissing her until her mood elevated to where it had been prior to Andrea’s rude interruption of their morning.


As she turned back to the kitchen to finish making Kara’s breakfast, the alpha caught her around the waist again. “Why don’t we go out to lunch instead? There’s this little place down by the water where I’ve been dying to take you. Our honeymoon seems as good a time as any to check it out.”


“Honeymoon?” Lena asked with an inflection of surprise, which seemed to make no difference to Kara, who stepped backwards as she grabbed her coat.


“This claim mark holds just as much weight to me as if I had been the one to claim you, Lena.” Kara’s response was simple, thrown out like fact rather than a topic for deeper discussion.


“Of course,” Lena replied, because she knew that already, and yet hearing it on Kara’s lips again was hitting differently. She dashed off to get dressed and grabbed her purse with a light excitement in her chest that she hadn’t experienced in a decade.


It began to dawn on her that she was truly getting a second chance to be with someone who loved her enough to make every stage of their relationship a special milestone.


The tiniest tickle of emotion entered her throat and it came out as a laugh when she climbed into Kara’s truck and glanced at a photo the alpha had taped to the dashboard.


“You have a picture of us in your truck?” Lena questioned, her brows tight together as she touched the image.


“It’s like my second office, since I mostly work from home now. I wanted to take you with me wherever I go,” Kara admitted with fondness and pulled her seatbelt on one-handed, because her other hand was on Lena’s thigh.


Andrea had never put a picture on her desk, let alone taped one to her car, and the sentimentality of the act brought Lena’s love for Kara closer to the surface. She was bashful because of it, her coy glances stolen as she fought to keep her own hands in her lap, lest she distract Kara and they end up in a ditch at the side of the road.


It was hard not to touch, especially when Kara squeezed at her thigh or teased her fingers along the hem of her skirt whenever they were stuck at a red light.


The impulse to feel the alpha beneath her palm made her fingers itch and she contented herself by lacing their fingers together instead.


The innocent, gentle reminders of how much Kara cared for her kept Lena’s omega wanting, and she wondered at what point in their relationship she had gotten so greedy for attention.


She found herself appreciating the way Kara never failed to indulge her with affection when the alpha’s thumb stroked over her own. It was never doled out as a reward, or kept from her as some fabricated punishment.


Physical affection was a constant thing in their relationship. Just part of the fabric of their lives together, and Lena only needed to beg for it when they were enjoying themselves in the bedroom. All of the damage that Andrea had caused her over the years couldn’t be erased overnight, yet Lena was learning to heal from it one day at a time with Kara’s unwavering support.


Kara parked her truck and hopped out to open Lena’s door with the kind of adorable smile that compelled Lena’s omega to release the sweetest pheromones in return.


“I love how chivalrous you are,” Lena whispered as she took Kara’s hand and stepped down from the truck. “You treat me like I’m someone special.”


“You are,” Kara stated earnestly and kept her hand in Lena’s to lead her into the small café.


The place was busy, with several waitresses carrying trays of food, and Lena noticed the way a few of them followed Kara’s easy swagger with interest.


Kara picked out an empty table near the window that gave them a view of the water and grinned across the table as she opened the menu, “What are you in the mood for?”


Lena’s seductive tone betrayed her as she glanced at Kara through heavy lashes and murmured, “Oh you know, something thick and juicy.”


It was a scandalous thing to say in public, and Lena was close to feeling ashamed of herself when she caught the way Kara bit her lip and blatantly stared at her chest with unabashed longing.


“I’m sure we can satisfy your appetites,” Kara whispered, her gaze finally lifting to meet Lena’s flirtatiously. Beneath the table, Kara’s knee bumped into Lena’s and she shivered like they were out on a first date together.


“Hi there, are you ready to order?” A young waitress asked, her eyes on Kara as she stood poised with her notepad.


“Oh—uh—I haven’t really decided,” Kara stuttered out, flustered by the sudden intrusion on their moment.


“Well, I can recommend a few things that you might be interested in,” The waitress offered, and without waiting for an answer, leaned over Kara to drag her finger across the menu. “The brunch here is always a hit, or if you like to try new things, the chowder is made fresh daily with local seafood, so you’ll never get the same bowl twice.”


Lena’s eyes tracked downward from the waitress’ face to where her arm was still stretched into Kara’s personal space. As the waitress lingered to get their order and placed a hand on Kara’s back, Lena’s tense smile thinned.


“I’ll go with the brunch and the chowder then,” Kara chuckled with a shy grin and her usual amount of friendliness, which was one of the reasons Lena loved her. She scooted just subtly towards Lena and held up the menu.


“My mate might just need another minute,” Kara emphasized and leaned into Lena’s side to browse the different options with her.


Lena smirked and kept her eyes on the menu, but also made it a point to touch Kara under the observation of the waitress, who didn’t even try to hide her blatant interest.


“I’ll start with a latte, and I’ll also have the brunch,” Lena determined and then spared the waitress her cursory attention as she held out the menu.


There were other omegas in the café who appeared to stop and check Kara out, and Lena wondered if it was happening with greater frequency, or if she was just more of aware of it because of her new connection to Kara.


For the first time, Lena picked up on the finer details of Kara’s deeper devotion to her. The only time Kara ever glanced away was when the barista dropped a coffee cup and she bent down to gather up the pieces, and afterwards when their food arrived.


None of the other omegas in the café commanded Kara’s attention the way she did, and Lena sat in awed silence while watching the alpha stuff a huge croissant into her mouth.


“I never thought I would end up with someone like you.”


Lena blushed at her own unfiltered remark, which came out of nowhere but also expressed the essence of her feelings in the moment. “Now that you’re here in my life, and I think back to this time last year, I wonder how I ever got by without you and your love. You’re so good to me, Kara, and I just — I hope you know that you’re it for me. I want to wake up in your arms, and bring you coffee in the middle of your work day, and to go on spontaneous dates like this with you. I dream about the future when you’ll reciprocate my claim and we can grow our family.”


Kara pondered that with a thoughtful expression on her face, as though it was everything she had hoped to hear. She linked their fingers together and then confided jovially, “I’m ready whenever you are, Lena. You – this relationship – it’s all I ever wanted, and for what it’s worth, I feel the same way as you do when I think about the past.”


Lena sank her teeth in below her bottom lip, her pheromones elated that they had such a shared outlook.


She tore apart the croissant on her own plate and nibbled at her brunch while soaking in the ambience and their ocean view.


“You know, this place is truly spectacular. You can see naval ships from here.” Lena pointed to a vessel further out in the bay and caught Kara grinning at her out of the corner of her eye.


“Yeah, that’s pretty amazing,” Kara managed around a mouthful of eggs and bacon.


Lena was sure she saw a glimpse of pride in the alpha’s eyes, and continued to wonder about it when the waitress popped back over to top up Kara’s mug of coffee.


She ran off before Lena could indicate that she would have liked a refill, and then Lena caught herself deliberately holding Kara’s hand atop the table. Even if the waitress noticed, it likely wouldn’t have mattered. Lena wondered if it was simply because the omega was younger that she thought she stood a chance with Kara, or perhaps the idea of a relationship wasn’t on her mind at all.


Lena bit the inside of her cheek as she fought the urge to dwell on it, and focused on the fact that Kara kept her leg pressed into hers as they ate.


Occasionally the alpha offered bites of her food and her eyes never strayed from Lena’s mouth when she accepted.


It was intimate and flirtatious without being over the top, and while Lena was never the type to be into clingy behavior, she was shocked at herself for displaying it. If she could have sat on Kara’s lap to make it clear that the alpha was hers, she damn well would have.


“What are you thinking about?” Kara whispered, the blue of her eyes holding Lena in place as she confided, “You have that intense look about you that usually means you’re thinking of work, or, well…”


The amused way Kara’s lips pursed together to stop herself from elaborating drew Lena in, and she slid her hand onto the alpha’s lap.


She grinned when Kara’s eyes darted to her lips, which she licked seductively before exhaling warmly over her mate’s mouth, “Maybe I’m just thinking of other things that I let you put in my mo—”


“More coffee?” The waitress asked, high pitched and entirely too sharp to be anything other than intentional.


“Yes, and we’d like the cheque,” Lena intoned darkly, despite the fact that Kara hadn’t touched her chowder and still had a full plate of food.


The waitress drew her a look and poured the hot coffee without uttering a word to Lena, thensmiled down at Kara in what appeared to be sympathy. “Would you like me to put all this in a box for you? You’ve hardly had the chance to eat it.”


“Yeah, that would be great,” Kara laughed, and paid no attention to the pheromones the waitress released, saccharine sweet and nauseating to Lena.


Kara must have assumed that they were leaving due to salacious reasons, and not the very real, very irrational spike of jealousy that took Lena by surprise. It didn’t diminish at all when the waitress walked off to pack up the food.


She felt simultaneously ashamed and regretful for the way she had acted, because that wasn’t who she wanted to be in their relationship.


“Kara, I’m sorry,” Lena blurted, clasping at the alpha’s hand, as if her emotions hadn’t already caught all of Kara’s attention.

“Don’t be,” Kara laughed and leaned in to brush her lips against Lena’s in understanding. “I was kinda uncomfortable with the way she was acting and I didn’t want to cause a scene.” The alpha sat up straighter to lift her coffee and waited until Lena visibly relaxed before murmuring good-naturedly, “And it’s hot to see you asserting yourself as my mate.”


That reaction was the complete opposite of what Lena had expected, and it took her a moment to realize that Kara wasn’t joking. Though laced with obvious mischief, Kara’s sincerity was more than intriguing to Lena, and she heard herself brazenly stating, “Wait until we get home.”


As soon as the waitress returned, Kara took care of the bill and picked up the containers of food before escorting Lena out of the place.


Neither of them realized that the waitress had written her number on the inside lid of the box until Kara popped it open back in their kitchen and they discovered a slice of cake they hadn’t ordered.


“I hope she didn’t give us someone’s order by mistake,” Kara muttered in confusion. “At least it’s your favorite kind.”


“Kara, the waitress did this on purpose.” Lena lifted the slice of red velvet and eyed the chocolate design along the bottom of the Styrofoam in the shape of a heart. “She even left you her phone number.”


“Let me just take care of that.” Kara’s reaction was endearing when she transferred the piece of cake onto a plate and threw the container into the trash.


It improved Lena’s mood, though there was still a sexual aggression inside of her, along with a strong and abiding desire to mark Kara again. She exuded the most erotic pheromones as she circled around the chair where Kara was sitting.


“You finish your food and I’ll be right back,” Lena uttered and stepped off towards the stairs with a one track idea of how their afternoon would go.


Hanging in her closet was a lingerie set that had been stored there since she made the decision to claim Kara. That had been months ago, and because they had been so carefree and in the moment the night before, Lena had forgotten all about her plan to dress up for the occasion. She stroked her brush through her hair and pulled it into a loose bun, then tidied her dark red lipstick and eyeliner.


It took a few minutes of staring herself in the mirror for her to realize that her features hadn’t changed much since she was Kara’s age. She doubted that the waitress would have backed off even if she had been a much younger omega, and while that restored her confidence, she was still feeling jealous and possessive of her alpha.


After slipping a pair of sexy stockings up over her legs and thighs, Lena went to the closet and searched through it for the lingerie pieces that she knew were going to make Kara’s jaw drop. The sinful red lace corset was separate to the garter belt, which attracted the eye to her waistline. It rested just above her navel, and the suspenders attached with clasps to her stockings once she had pulled on a thong.


Her cunt was so wet that it darkened the gusset of the panty and arousal rubbed onto her fingers, aromatic and thick. She wiped her hand on herself, spreading her scent across her skin, and then dabbed a perfume for mating on her wrists and neck.


Kara must have finished her lunch, because Lena heard the sink running as she returned down to the kitchen, and she waited until Kara was in the living room before entering.


“We have the house to ourselves for the rest of the afternoon and I thought we could play a game,” Lena proposed and moved closer as Kara turned in her seat.


“Lena,” Kara whispered, like the sight of her in such accentuating lingerie knocked the wind out of her alpha. “Holy f—”


“Uh uh,” Lena murmured, leaning over just enough to press her finger to Kara’s lips, despite the way her jaw hung open. “No swearing from you tonight. In fact, leave all of the dirty talking to me.”


Her eyes dropped to the zipper on Kara’s jeans and the hardening bulge that stuck outward as soon she bent down on her knees. She tore at Kara’s belt, tugged it loose in one fast motion and then freed Kara’s erection with a soft whimper of gratitude for how it was already beading with desire for her.


“What kind of game are we playing?” Kara asked, her voice raspy from arousal and her pheromones enhanced by hints of anticipation.


Lena let them linger in the air, growing in strength until she finally clasped her warm hand around the base of Kara’s cock and asserted a little aggressively, “It’s called This Is Mine, and I get to do whatever I want with it.”


The statement rang true, but she waited all the same to see if Kara took any issue with her proposed demands.


When the alpha’s cock jerked subtly against her palm, Lena knew she had Kara exactly where she wanted her, and that her sweet alpha would allow her this outlet for the jealousy she harbored. She squeezed just tight enough to make Kara gasp, and began a steady stroke without caressing the tip.


“Now that I have your full attention,” Lena lilted in a tone of authority, and grazed her thumb over the rippled skin just below Kara’s rim to make her thighs tense. “I’m going to ask you some personal questions, Kara. And if you tell me the truth, you’ll earn five seconds inside my mouth. Does that sound good?”


“Yes,” Kara nodded, biting her lip in excitement before she braced herself by grabbing onto the couch cushions on either side of her. “Ask me anything.”


“I’ll start off easy,” Lena promised, keeping her eyes on Kara’s face as stroked along her shaft with a sensual twist. “Who does your cock belong to?” She felt silly for daring to ask such a thing, but the reward of hearing Kara laugh as she uttered, “You, Lena,” was worth the initial embarrassment.


She didn’t hesitate to wrap her painted lips around the tip of Kara’s cock, the moan in her throat real as the taste of the alpha filled her mouth. She circled the groove, never quite sucking, and then popped her lips off when Kara lifted her hips.


“What was the best sex of your life?” Lena pressed, her mouth so close to touching Kara’s cock that the alpha answered at a delay.


“Our first time, definitely,” Kara rumbled, her cock stiffening further at just the thought of it. “The rut sex we had and the connection I felt with yo-oh—”


Lena took her deeper, bobbing her head fast to plunge the thick tip into the back of her throat twice. She hollowed her cheeks for maximum suction and pulled Kara out of her mouth with a wet smack.


“Now that you live with me, do you still masturbate?”


It was a devious thing to ask considering the questions were so rapid fire. Combined with Kara’s need to have her cock back inside Lena’s mouth, it meant she wasn’t afforded the time to fabricate a lie.


“Sometimes, but only to the thought of you.” The words were out before Kara could stop them and her eyes widened in surprise.


Lena didn’t even try to hide the way she smirked and went harder on Kara. She forced the entire length of the alpha into the hot confines of her throat with a determined moan, and then licked around the base.


Kara’s startled groan was everything to Lena and she rubbed her thighs together to smear the silky arousal that pooled in her panties over her cunt.


She loved that her alpha was appreciating the way she was showing off, and forced herself to adhere to the five second rule she had imposed on them.


“What are the top two fantasies you think about when you do it?”


Lena would never have asked such things in the past, yet she didn’t fear the answers she might get from Kara. She wanted to know what got Kara off when she wasn’t giving her a hand.


“Claiming you, and getting you pregnant,” Kara confessed in order, sharing both without shame or hesitation. Her eyes were fixed on Lena’s mouth in expectation, and she exhaled a noise of pleasure when Lena allowed her past her lips.


It was deeply erotic to know that in stolen moments, when Kara could think of anything at all, it was still Lena she wanted. She thought of the alpha jerking off as she pumped her shaft into her warm mouth and whined as her clit throbbed for attention.


Kara craved her so much that she had come from the thought of claiming her, and that brought out Lena’s possessiveness. She was sloppy when she stuffed Kara’s cock in her mouth. Lena’s frenetic energy carried over so that Kara bucked when she dug her nails into the alpha’s thighs.


She blazed trails over the sensitive skin, scratching until their time was up. Lena soothed the vivid red streaks with puckered kisses, and exhaled across the already swelling base of Kara’s cock just to make it twitch.


She had been saving her real question for last, and kept her cheek against Kara’s thigh as she crooned, “Did it turn you on when I got jealous?”


The way Kara’s eyebrows lowered and how she bit her lip was answer enough, but Lena wasn’t satisfied with that. She demanded a verbal response, and fisted Kara’s cock a little roughly until the alpha spat out, “Not jealous, possessive. Seeing you stake your claim like that so everyone would know I’m yours, and getting to walk out of there with you on my arm? God, that was a huge turn on. I love that I’m your alpha, and I don’t mind if you get a little possessive.”


Kara went so far as to prove it by tugging off her t-shirt, and Lena’s eyes settled on the claim that she had bestowed on the alpha.


“Good, then we can move on to the second round,” Lena whispered and held back her hair as she brought her lips close to Kara’s cock and wet them in preparation. “This time, the stakes will be higher. Think you can handle that?”


“Of course.” Kara was fast to agree, no doubt motivated by how Lena’s mouth hovered just above her erection. “I can handle another round of questions or whatever else you have in mind.”

“I’m going to tell you some of my fantasies in detail,” Lena uttered so that her words tingled through Kara and she saw the alpha’s shaft visibly jerk in excitement. “If you can control yourself while I touch you, suck on you, and do whatever else I want, then you get to be inside of me.”


It sounded simple and easy, and Lena started the round by licking the droplets of arousal that spurted up from Kara’s cock. She rubbed it into her lips so that it clung to them even as she pulled away.


“I’ve had some especially dirty ideas lately,” Lena admitted with a faint blush high on her cheekbones. “Last night, you met everyone in the social circle I used to share with Andrea, and I’m sure it comes as no surprise that all of them still see me as her omega. I keep thinking about her office building and some very public places where you could fuck me. Like in her board room. Did you know that there’s also a company swimming pool? It’s part of the rooftop gym.”


Lena paused to fill her mouth with Kara’s cock and to feel firsthand just how it stiffened. The blunt tip was bumping into the back of her throat and she tightened her lips around the shaft. With a few slow pumps, she worked more of the length inside of her and gave it a thorough sucking.


“Please, Lena, don’t stop talking and don’t stop doing that,” Kara breathed out in suspense and groaned when Lena used a trick of her tongue to make the alpha’s cock jump.

“I’ve thought about waiting until you were in rut to do incredibly risky things,” Lena husked and curled her hand around the lowest part of Kara’s shaft to rub at the node where the alpha’s knots formed. “I know it’s wrong, but there are so many places I’d let you knot in me. Nowhere would be off limits, because that’s how much I want you. I want your seed in me all of the time, Kara.”


Being this honest was different and invigorating and she knew it was going to make their bond even stronger. She kissed the top of Kara’s erection and teased it with a moan on her lips.


“It’s not wrong,” Kara insisted, so fierce and sincere that Lena almost put an end to their game just to make love to her right then and there.


She caught herself straddling Kara’s lap and sucked in a shuddering breath when the alpha eased the fabric of her panties aside to admire her cunt with a breathy groan of need.


Kara was so open emotionally and never let her pride get in the way of showing her feelings.


The desperate edge to the alpha’s pheromones enticed Lena into settling her cunt along the base of Kara’s shaft.


Lena looped her arms around Kara’s neck and began a gradual glide that smeared her warm slick along the throbbing vein that ran the length of Kara’s cock. She wouldn’t let the tip anywhere near her entrance, much to the alpha’s growing frustration, and looked her mate in the eyes to whisper, “Oh, I think letting you fuck me six ways from Sunday during Andrea’s company lunch break would be very wrong. Her conference room would be filled with board members before your knot even softened, and there I’d be, stuffed full for all to see.”


The hitch of Kara’s breath was precisely what Lena was waiting on. She undulated to create extra friction and admitted, “The second you start to smell like you’re going into rut, I’m going to stop wearing panties.”


She thought about it before, but never had the gall to mention it until now. The rigid heat of Kara’s cock was reason to be honest, and she enjoyed feeling how much the alpha approved of her seductive schemes.


“God, I hope you mean that, please tell me you mean that,” Kara begged, her hands groping at Lena’s backside to encourage her to grind harder.


Lena merely grinned in lieu of answering, and slipped her panties over Kara’s cock to hold the drenched material over the tip. Every roll of her hips rubbed Kara with her cunt and forced the alpha’s length to thrust into the gusset. It was a poor substitute for her pussy but enough to make Kara’s legs restless.


“I’ll drag you along to every farmer’s market at the busiest time of day after denying you all morning and then flash you as we stand at stalls,” Lena promised, riveted to the sight of Kara’s lust blown pupils. “How long would you be able to resist taking me in public, Kara? I bet we wouldn’t even make it back to your truck.”


A tremor went through Kara from her toes all the way up to her lips and Lena relished every second of it by pumping her hand over Kara’s cock. The alpha couldn’t seem to get any words out, but her breathless moans said more than enough for Lena.


“Maybe I’ll set up a press release for L-Corp just to have you stand behind me. It would be so easy for you to just open your pants and take what's yours right there in front of the cameras, but what we were doing would be our little secret,” Lena intoned salaciously and pressed open mouthed kisses to Kara’s claimed neck.


A pained groan ripped out of Kara’s throat and her cock went rock hard from the slightest touch of Lena’s tongue against her mark.


“Lena,” Kara gasped, her plea at odds with the way her hands kept Lena’s hips in motion.


“You’re right, that lacks class,” Lena teased, languidly tracing the shape of her mark to send full body shivers through Kara. “How about a charity dinner? We can help others while you help yourself to my cunt.”


She was pushing Kara to her limits and then some. The alpha was gritting her teeth and whining, and Lena couldn’t resist latching onto Kara’s mark to lavish it more thoroughly.


It was the heated lick of her tongue that finally broke through Kara’s composure. Lena sensed it the minute she traced over the small impressions left by her teeth. The ragged sound of Kara’s breath came out as a shuddering moan and the base of the alpha’s cock began to swell, despite the fact that she hadn’t come yet.


“Mine,” Lena whispered provocatively into the claim bite, and sucked a little harder at the freshly pierced skin. She moved against Kara with the same restlessness the alpha exhibited, her omega pleading with her to end the mutual edging.


The more she denied them, the stronger the scents of the alpha became, and she inhaled them straight from the source while she nipped at Kara’s claim.


The sharp sting was the catalyst that unleashed Kara’s alpha. The dominance that Kara exuded when pushed to the brink of release was everything Lena wanted.


Kara didn’t think twice as she tore off Lena’s panties to charge her hips up, her voice deeper with lust as she stressed, “This is mine.”


Lena’s cunt took the full brunt of the first over eager thrust and the sudden blast of thick seed that Kara pumped into her with hastened bucks. She whimpered from how perfect it felt, her jaw slack and thighs tense from the way she bounced on Kara’s lap.


“Take it, then,” Lena begged and clung onto Kara’s shoulders as the alpha pushed at her hips to ensure she did.


The wider base of her mate’s shaft was sublime, and Lena sank onto it with a sultry cry that compelled Kara to bring her crashing down again and again with breathtaking force.


Kara often demonstrated her upper body strength by holding Lena and slamming into her at a rate that made them both moan.


Lena couldn’t help the way her mind went back to how effortlessly Kara had lifted Andrea in such a subtle, thrilling display of strength. The way Kara protected her from Andrea’s wrath without resorting to violence brought an unexpected spasm to Lena’s slick walls.


“I love how strong you are,” Lena confessed, clasping at Kara’s biceps before she dragged her fingers down to her toned forearms. “Show me what a powerful alpha you are.”


It was a playful quip that Kara took to heart, and the alpha was on her feet and holding Lena up to fuck her standing without the support of a wall or a table.


“I might be strong, but you’re anything but weak,” Kara rumbled, dispelling the notion that Lena would need to make herself smaller in Kara’s arms to stroke the alpha’s ego.


Their love for one another still blew Lena’s mind, and she could do little else but hold on as Kara’s fingers dug into her backside and raised her up and down on her engorged cock.


The drenched, sloppy sound of their lovemaking was sinful and Lena scraped her nails over the nape of Kara’s neck. The encouragement brought Kara’s mouth to her breasts, and the rough jostle of the alpha’s upward thrusts pushed them higher.


Lena whined when Kara sucked on one of her nipples, the alpha’s lips barely parting when she commanded, “Play with the other one, Lena. Give it plenty of attention for me.”


Lena palmed at her breast and tweaked her nipple while Kara lavished the other. She didn’t have time to announce that her peak was arriving. The extra stimulation was more than she could take all at once, yet her pheromones alerted Kara, heady and intense like lilies in bloom.


Kara’s arm wrapped around her waist to keep her upright and the alpha’s thumb pushed between her spread pussy lips.


Slick and seed was all over Lena’s clit, and the delicate strum of Kara’s teasing finger brought her closer to the stars than all of the private jets she had flown in over the years.


Their lips collided on Lena’s first orgasmic clench, ungraceful and desperate so Kara could drink down every whimpered noise of her pleasure. Kara moaned praises into Lena’s mouth while her pelvis maintained the swift buck to lengthen Lena’s bliss.


She could have slid right out of Kara’s grasp, lethargic and breathless, and sated in ways she couldn’t begin to list. Except the alpha would never let her go. Not now, not ever, and their binding love evoked a whimper from Lena, so quiet and intimate that Kara nuzzled into her like she understood what she was feeling before she moved to pull out.


“Not yet,” Lena begged, her persuasive scent coiling around Kara until she could feel the alpha’s cock swell inside the confines of her cunt.


They had mastered the art of continuing with a knot, and now that they were mates, the pleasure of it could only be compared to mating while in heat.


“I’m not finished, I was just moving us to the bedroom,” Kara explained with a smile, though she kept Lena on her cock as she ascended the stairs and only pulled out to position Lena on her knees.


In the short time it had taken them to get to the bedroom, Kara’s knot doubled in girth and Lena moaned as it passed through her slick pussy lips twice.


Kara took ahold of her wrist and moved her fingers to her clit in silent suggestion. Lena massaged the bundle of nerves and bit her lip as Kara watched her do it. She slid her forefinger and pointer down toward her stretched labia and the knot, which continued its expansion inside her cunt.


“I love it when you touch yourself as you take my knot,” Kara breathed in wonder, and sucked on Lena’s wet fingertips when she lifted her arm to reach for the alpha.


“I need you closer to me, I need you to fuck my cunt,” Lena entreated and tried to ease up some of the tension inside of her so that Kara could slide in and out. “Please, darling, stretch me with your knot. It’s all I want right now.”


She had heat and rut sex on the brain, and although neither of them were due for weeks yet, there must have been an extra hit of omega hormones coursing through her from claiming Kara. Her skin flamed from it and her attractive scent was soliciting Kara’s hips to begin a rougher buck. The knot pushed into her and rubbed her to internal pleasure as Lena excited her clit with fast swipes of her fingertips.


“That’s it, baby, rub a little faster, let me hear good it feels,” Kara encouraged and leaned into her with power to drive the knot in the deepest that Lena’s cunt could take it.


She whined as the hot girth pulsated and Kara climaxed inside of her with a grunting moan. The thick deposit of seed pushed into the back of her canal, and her pussy clenched tight to keep it all in as Kara rocked backwards to thrust again. Just the smallest bit of friction between her lower lips was all Lena needed to join Kara in gasping release.


The musk of Kara’s pheromones encased Lena when the alpha embraced her from behind.


The careful way her mate shifted to rest her knees on either side of Lena’s put them into a much closer and intimate position that relied entirely on Lena taking Kara’s weight.


Lena’s shoulders pushed into the bed, and Kara pushed heavily into her in return, their sweat- slicked skin burning and sticky with the fluid movement of rutting together.


“Yes,” Lena gasped, her breath hitching when Kara entwined their fingers together and stretched their arms above her head. “Go slow, really make me feel it, Kara.”


“I’ll give you everything you want,” Kara vowed, her breathy exhale tickling Lena’s throat as she licked and nipped at the place that would soon carry her mark.


The leisurely push of Kara’s knot was exquisite, close to being too much, and yet Lena’s cunt still opened to accept all of it. Her inner lips were tight around the width, holding onto the shaft even as Kara pulled back, and she relished the give and take of their bodies in the mating act.


“All I want is this,” Lena muttered with heartfelt emphasis, her hands on Kara’s as they merged into one. “I love you. You are my mate, and no one will ever come between us. No other alpha will have my cunt but you.”


Kara’s cock twitched in sudden reaction to that, and then from the bottom up to the wide and round head, Lena felt a surge of seed pushing forth and into her. It bathed her in warmth inside, and Kara groaned in complete satisfaction at how Lena positioned her pelvis flush against the alpha’s groin.


After the knot fused within her, Lena turned to kiss Kara and parted her lips with her tongue. The romantic meeting of their mouths was another expression of their promise.


Kara’s fingertips traced over the whorl of her ear and tickled at her neck as they stared at one another.


It took them several minutes to come back to themselves, and then Lena kissed at Kara’s claim bite because she was unable to keep her eyes off of it. “You look really good with my mark.”


“I’m so excited to tell my friends and my family that we took the next step.” Kara squinted in delight, her grin so wide it took up her whole face. “I’ll have to FaceTime with Alex. Should I tell her tonight, or should I wait until she finally meets you in a few weeks?”


“Well, if I’ve learned anything about the Danvers sisters from the stories you’ve told me, she’ll want you to FaceTime,” Lena supplied, her own smile bright despite the fleeting anxiety that threatened to pull her out of their bubble.


She had spoken with Alex once or twice over the phone, but never at length or without Kara. Alex had been on the east coast for the past year to receive special training and was due to return home soon. When that happened, Lena would find out what Alex really thought of their relationship.


Lena just hoped that nobody would take issue with the change, or how serious they were about one another.


“That reminds me, I still have to call Sam, and my mother.” Lena deadpanned dramatically, if only to hear Kara’s laughter.


Kara chuckled nervously and blushed at that, like the idea of facing Lena’s mother was daunting to her.


It startled them both when Lena’s phone rang, and she grabbed for it with the fear that just uttering the word mother had summoned Lillian Luthor from whatever spa or golf course she had visited that day.


Fortunately it was Sam instead letting her know that she would be dropping Natty off in half an hour.


Lena would have resumed cuddling with Kara right afterwards had the sound of the alpha’s phone not interrupted them next.


As she placed her own phone aside, Lena saw texts on the screen with an unfamiliar name, and her face froze sooner than she could mind her own business.


“Sorry,” Kara muttered and switched the phone onto silent without bothering to respond to any of the messages. “It’s just someone I met last night at Andrea’s event. She asked me to consult with her because she’s creating a new filtration system for large swimming pools.”


The hint of a smile on Kara’s lips and the rosiness on her cheeks was a giveaway that this stranger had made a good impression on her.


Lena refused to overreact to the fact that Kara had given out her phone number, and assured herself it was just good business practice for Kara to network. She managed to believe that for all of six seconds before branching out to other catastrophic perspectives.


An echo of Andrea’s warning came into her head, about this exact scenario and what it would mean for Lena’s relationship with Kara.


Lena entertained it for long enough that her eyes must have dulled as she ran through different possible outcomes of Kara forming this connection— all of which involved Lena’s heart breaking.


It was ridiculous that her mind fabricated a full blown affair in under a minute. She attempted to tamp down her strange panic, though years of experience with Andrea had sharpened her instincts when it came to real threats.


“Are you okay?” Kara asked, her concern carrying its own distinct scent as she cupped Lena’s cheek to search her eyes. “I wasn’t trying to use the launch party to rub shoulders with anyone, and I realize I should have asked about that before we showed up. When Siobhan started talking about her project and everyone chimed in, I offered my opinion, and before I knew it she was asking if I’d be willing to work with her.”


The vulnerable notes to Kara’s pheromones made it clear that the alpha had hoped this news would make Lena proud and that was what broke her out of her panic.


Lena couldn’t allow herself to focus on the past, or it would be detrimental to their future. She shook off the dread that could have consumed her and wrapped herself up in Kara’s loving arms until her smile was genuine.


“I knew everyone would be charmed by you,” Lena lilted, releasing her own pleased fragrance to soothe whatever worry she had instilled in Kara. She kissed her mate’s palm and gave a gentle internal squeeze to the knot that kept them joined. “Well done, darling. I’m so proud of you.”


She trusted Kara, and while the circumstances were familiar ones, the alpha in question couldn’t be more different. As long as Lena remembered that, she would never have an ounce of fear that Kara would be unfaithful to her.