5. Unwind(Wonder Woman and Helen of Troy)

Unwind(Diana/Wonder Woman and Helen of Troy)

Helen of Troy sinks down onto a bench which overlooks the beautiful island of Themyscira. It's allowed her to hone her skills over the last few months and allows her to become a much better person. She wears nothing other than a loose fitting white toga.

Despite the island being a warrior culture through and through, there's just something extremely peaceful about it.

"Good morning."

Helen jumps up to see a strikingly gorgeous women walking towards her. It's very easy to get a radiant smile upon her face when this woman approaches. Princess Diana of Themyscira is one of the most beautiful women Helen's ever laid eyes on and one of the most skilled warriors. With looks blessed by Aphrodite, Diana's a head turner and Helen's found herself intrigued by the Princess.

She knows now and can appreciate the effect she has on men. A smile appears on her face.

"How are you finding yourself this morning, Helen?"

"Very, well Princess? Just got back from training?"

"Yes, Artemis put me through the paces."

Helen's full sympathy hits and the Princess almost staggers. Helena smiles at her.

"A little too much."


"Why don't you sit down?"

Diana decides to sit down. Looking at Diana's beautiful body, Helena moves over. She places her hands on Diana's shoulders and starts to rub them. The sound coming out of Diana's mouth is soft and wonderful. Full of passion and Helen's glad she's bringing these sounds out of the Princess.

"Do you…."

"Don't stop...why don't you slip down my toga...so you can get better access?"

Helen does as Diana tells her. She rubs Diana's shoulders,neck, and lower back. Feeling the silken smooth skin of the Amazon Princess causes a fire to burst in Helen's belly and also between her legs, straight in her loins. She cannot resist what she's doing and Diana cannot resist either.

"Lower, please"

Again, the stunningly gorgeous blonde does as she's asked. Her hands brush down between the woman's legs and repeatedly fondle her folds. Diana bites down on her lip and takes a hungry breath from them. She repeatedly rocks her hips back. Helen's right hand dips lower and strokes Diana's strong abdomen making her breath heavily.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, I want you to go lower?"

"Are you…."

"I know what I said...lower….if you please."

Helen's warm fingers meet Diana's sex which starts to drip. The Amazon Princess reacts to her touch and Helen does what would make her feel good, stimulating Diana's organ. The lovely sounds of breathing only makes Helen go deeper.

She decides to take an added plunge and stick a single finger in there. Diana makes a sound which indicates enjoyment, so Helen drives a second finger in there. Two fingers push into Diana and pump her pussy, getting those juices flowing as much as possible.

The twists and turns of the lovely Amazon Princess make Helen look on with a smile. She's massaging Diana in a different way, hitting her insides with everything. Every stroke of her lovely fingers dips deeper into Diana.


Her talented lover brings a spike of energy. Helen's right hand works her pussy and then her left hand slips and alternates between squeezing her breasts.

"Make sure to touch me….a little bit...perfect."

Helen grabs a handful of Diana's juicy globes and releases them. The Amazon's bouncing chest rises and falls with Helen deciding to go to the next level. She sucks the back of her woman's neck and Diana wriths in never ending pleasure, shooting up to meet Helen's fingers.

Diana's been with several of her sisters on the island, including Artemis, and also her mother, the Queen. However, Helen's really ranking the top of the list. People chase after her and Diana knows why. She tightens around Helen's grip and lets a blast of juice come into her.

The golden-haired warrior removes her fingers from Diana's pussy. She tastes it with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Diana rises up and grabs Helen's face. The two women kiss each other with, their tongues battling as fiercely as swords on the field of battle.

Diana moves from Helen's sweet lips and then kisses her neck, and then down her shoulder as well. The Princess grips onto the toga and yanks it down to unleash Helen's beautiful body to the world.

Breasts high and firm, round and large, with perky nipples comes out to the play. Flat stomach, a beautiful tan, long shapely legs, and beautiful hips perfect for Diana to grab onto when she lays with the woman. Diana's eyes lock onto Helen's body and see that her hair is barren of all hair, other than what's on top of her head. Naturally, without any work or enchantments, from what Diana's been able to find out.

She praises the goddesses for the gift that has been brought to this island, by these Legends. Perhaps, someday, Diana will meet them. Given how gushingly Helen talks about this Captain Lance, Diana especially wants to get to know her.

Diana puts her hands on Helen's face and marvels the beauty.

"You're the most beautiful women I ever seen since Aphrodite."

"And here I was thinking about the same thing about you."

The two women kiss each other and take some time to learn the curves and the feel of their bodies. The heat coming from these two women only increase in intensity. Helen puts her hand on Diana's ample posterior and gives it a squeeze. She moans and returns the kiss.

Finally, Diana decides to pay tribute to Helen of Troy by sitting her down on the bench. She smothers Helen's body with a constant barrage of kisses, each kiss covering more flesh more so than the last. And then she breaks out into a very hungry breath.

Diana goes between Helen's thighs and sucks on the succulent flesh. The Amazon zeroes in on Helen's sensitive clit, taking her love button into her mouth with a great series of sucks. Helen puts her hand on Diana's head and strokes her hair, making her breath in deeply and then let out said breath.

Finally, finally, Diana decides to go for the prize she decides. Helen's bare pussy throbs and the scent calls for Diana like some siren's song. She dives in between Helen's thighs and sucks her pussy.


A yell of admiration and Helen rolling her neck back in pleasure tells the story. Her face, coating with sweat, makes this a very alluring moment. Diana repeatedly goes in and down on Helen, sucking on her warm womanhood, her moist pussy. And just taking her to another level of pleasure.

The Amazon's eyes look up into Helen's from that position. Seeing Diana's eyes right before she buries back into her loins makes this very exciting.

Helen grabs onto Diana's hair, very gently and pushes her back in. Diana eats her out in a way which Helen can only dream about. She spends some time just rolling her hips back and feeling the warm pleasure. Diana edges her a bit closer over the top to another orgasm.

Diana pokes her tongue around, making sure to zero in on all of the spots which makes her lover just explode with lust. She finds Helen's pussy to be one of the most delectable things on the planet. The drink of the goddesses is an apt comparison in Diana's eyes.

Helen closes her eyes and lets her body really just go on autopilot. That's really the only thing to do when Diana has her underneath her tongue and at her mercy. Diana laps her pussy up and then comes up.


The two women rise up to their feet and Helen cups Diana's face. Looking into Diana's beautiful face, with the juices flowing all over it, it causes a tingle to rise from Helen's loins. She approaches the kiss, with eagerness, which one would expect in a situation like this.

She dives in, going lip to lip with Diana. Their warm mouths clamp together with a very vigorous makeout session, Helen locking her hands onto the back of Diana's head and kissing the daylights out of her.

Helen gets a buzz between her legs, tasting herself on Diana's sweet lips, and rolling her tongue into her mouth to get more of her own juices out. She has no idea she tastes so good, no idea at all.

Finally, the two women end up on the bench, with Diana on top of Helen. The two women exchange kisses, things getting hotter and hotter with one and other. Helen drapes her leg over Diana, tracing her toe up and down the strong body of the gorgeous Amazon.

"I want this so badly."

"I know you do. And I want to give it to you. Believe me."

She believes it alright. Helen believes all of it. Her mouth loops onto Diana's nipple and sucks it as hard as humanly possible. It's almost like she's trying to draw some liquid from it. Diana puts her hand on Helen's mouth and encourages her to go even further on this trip.

"Great Hera."

Diana looks up at Helen with lust burning through her bright blue eyes. The Amazon holds herself in such high regard that it's very intense and feels very good. So good that she feels like she just might explode.

Helen collapses down on Diana's chest and sucks her breasts, going from right to left and back around again. The Amazon Princess squirms underneath the grip of the fierce warrior, her entire body bubbling with desire and her lust increasing one tick at a time.

Strong legs wrap around Helen's waist. She rocks down hard, stimulating Diana's center with everything and everything. Her hands move as fast as possible, hitting all of the spots which she knows is really good.

Both women lose themselves to their bodies, with their centers gushing. Eventually, they meet together, legs scissoring. Diana hits Helen at all of the right angles to bring further stimulation to her.

Helen moans, making sure she's giving as much as Diana gives. Diana just gives her so much, the beautiful Princess being there to stimulate every single moves.

"I think you might drive me insane, Helen of Troy."

Diana lets out her breath after that moment of coherency. So good right now, so good and so warm, her pussy is feeling like it's on the edge of release. Helen shows her moves by edging Diana just another couple of steps further, pinching Diana. Diana responds by grabbing onto Helen's ass.

Lips on both the top and the bottom meet with a passionate and extremely sloppy round of kissing. Juices and drool flow with the bombshells, with Diana and Helen repeatedly and hungrily working their way over each other, trying to get the other to the edge first.

The race is won by Diana, who admittedly has far more experience in these things than Helen. Still, she's learning and she's got a radiant beauty which will make most men and many women just fold to her whims. And Diana's dripping quim is more than enough proof of how good it feels to be in a sensual embrace with Helen of Troy.

Helen rubs up against Diana like a kitten in heat, purring and groaning, ensuring that Diana's about ready to get set off by the lovely woman. Diana holds her hands on Helen's thighs and pushes into her ever so deeply, and now she knows that it's time to be sent over the edge.

First, Helen reaches her climax, gushing when she hits all of the right notes. Diana's now on top of her, and riding Helen. The firm hardness of the stone bench is more than enough to send Diana completely over the edge and then several steps beyond that magnificent point.

Then, it's Diana's turn, oh boy is it ever Diana's turn. She repeatedly rocks her pussy lips up and down to the point where she's practically ready to spill all over Helen. The rush both feel with each other is beyond anything ever felt before.

Diana comes and comes very hard. Her breathing increases when driving into Helen. Helen holds on tight for the amazing and quite spectacular ride, driving Diana further into her. Diana's warm lips parts and Helen drips all over her.

They finish beside each other and the end is spectacular.

The aftermath leads to both Helen and Diana with their arms wrapping around each other. Their lips move in close to each other. Diana gives Helen a loving stroke on the cheek and a kiss before the two pull away, a smile crossing Diana's face.

"I think we should clean off in the stream."

Helen nods. She's sticky, sweaty, but damn if it does not feel so good. She puts Diana in front of her because there's just something about the Princess walking away which stirs her loins.

Diana feels Helen's eyes glued on her backside and she just smiles.

'Maybe if you're fortunate.'


Next Chapter: 6/10/2018.

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