6. Make Your Path(Laurel and Nyssa)

Make Your Path(Laurel and Nyssa)

A bag swings where Laurel hammers it with kicks and punches. Wearing a black sports bra, yoga pants, and no shoes, Laurel channels all of her aggression into the bag. Yet, she cannot help and think that her punches and kicks are unfocused. Despite everything, she always feels like Sara may have done something differently and it causes her to second guess herself.

The door opens up with Nyssa leaving the bathroom, wearing a towel after being in the shower. She still feels much better. She carries her clothes past the area where Laurel's fighting.

"Feeling better?"

Laurel does not look over her shoulder. Nyssa walks closer to Laruel and puts a hand on her shoulder to cause her to jump with a start.

"Perhaps I should be asking you this question. You look troubled."

Laurel responds with a sigh and turns her attention to Nyssa. The fact that Nyssa stands wearing only a towel catches Laurel's attention. No wonder Sara fell for the woman, she's gorgeous and strong.

"Well, it's about Dad, after I told him about Sara...I don't think he will ever speak to me again."

"Well, if I lied to my father like this, then it would be a small mercy if he never spoke to me again."

"That's not helping."

Nyssa places a hand on Laurel's shoulder gently.

"My apologies. My point is that you made a mistake. And you will have to learn to live past it. And I'm sure in time your father will understand...the choice you made. Your father is nothing like mine. Things might never be the same, but…"

A long sigh follows with Nyssa locking her eyes onto Laurel a few seconds later.

"I hope that I can tell you things will improve. But I don't honestly know. From what Sara told me, he's a good man and...well he's been through a lot. Losing his daughter, regaining her, only to find out that he's lost her again. And with something like what you've done…"

"I'm lost to him as well...damn it!"

Laurel swings against the bag, missing it. Nyssa wraps her arms around her.

"How did she do it?"


"Sara...how did she do this. She made it look so easily…"

"And here's the problem, you keep thinking about what Sara would do…."

Nyssa shifts in front of Laurel and places a hand on her cheek.

"And not what Laurel would do...you should carve your own legacy...your own path. Sara was a remarkable woman, but you can be in your own way."

The truth is, Sara opens up a part of Nyssa which she never thought possible. She never thought she could care for someone like Nyssa did for Sara. And upon further reflection, Nyssa wonders if her father hated Sara because Ra's al Ghul did not approve of his daughter's relationship with a woman or if he thought Sara made Nyssa weak.

It's hard to say and understanding her father's true intentions is something which frustrations Nyssa for entire life.

"If she's here, she would tell you to move on and forge your own path in life….and do something great to change the world."

"I don't know what that would be."

"The story of Dinah Laurel Lance has yet to be written. If you keep comparing yourself to a dead woman and what she's done under that moniker, you will only have it end in tragedy."

Nyssa's hands cup Laurel's chin and she decides to do something very reckless. She leans in and kisses Nyssa on the lips.

Every right, Nyssa has to shove Laurel away. She does not, she deepens the kiss, and swirls her tongue into Laurel's mouth to explore it. Nyssa reaches behind Laurel and puts her hands on her back to steady them. The two make their way across the room, past the doorway onto a mattress.

Nyssa pulls herself from Laurel and kisses her on the neck. She's a hurting woman and Nyssa hurts as well. Perhaps they can find something in each other.

The towel drops down and Laurel finds herself stunned by Nyssa's beauty. Nice firm breasts with perky nipples, a flat stomach, dark pubic hair forming a triangle forming around her pussy, a pair of nice long legs, and a thick juicy ass.


"Yes, but I'd like to see you."

Laurel takes off her sports bra and her pants. Laurel walks over to Nyssa and puts a sway in her hips.

"You are very gorgeous, Laurel. If you wish to go all the way...I won't have a single objection."

In Nyssa's mind, she wonders if having intercourse with the sister of her deceased beloved may be crossing a line of some sort. She blocks it out of her mind and kisses Laurel on the neck.

The sweet sounds Laurel makes when Nyssa touches show some similarity to Sara, but are different enough to be fresh and unique. Still one can tell that they are sisters, given that they have similar weak points, and yet enough different. Nyssa finds that Laurel's more sensitive on the right side of her neck than the left side for example.

The talented hands of the Daughter of the Demon rub the back of her neck and then move in to cup her ass. Laurel joins Nyssa, with their lips rubbing together. The friction spreads between their loins and then Laurel leans in to kiss the side of Nyssa's neck and then her lips.

The next thing Nyssa does is suck the side of Laurel's neck and goes down between her cleavage, licking all the way down. She locates Laurel's soft wet pussy lips. She nibbles on the edge of them and then opens them up to allow her tongue to get the sweet pearl inside.

Laurel throws her hands back and grabs the back of Nyssa's sweet hair. Nyssa eats her out, making sure to hit her. Laurel lets out a hungry breath.

So good, as every time Nyssa dances her tongue over Laurel's slit, it sends a tremble of pleasure up her body. Laurel's toes curl very tightly and she lets out her breath in a passionate moan. She turns about on the bed, allowing Nyssa to devour her a little bit more.

"I'm...good...right now...lick my pussy….lick it really good."

Nyssa decides to indulge herself in Laurel and drink the lovely fluids from her. The honey pours out for Nyssa's consumption. She leans in and sucks from Laurel's body. Really eating her out and really making her moan with pleasure.

The second Nyssa finishes feasting off of her, Laurel sits up off of the bed. She motions for Nyssa to get closer.

Then a kiss follows and Laurel tries to establish domination. Sara's always been a bit assertive, although Laurel's a more passive personality. A handful of Laurel's hair brings the kiss back into Nyssa's control. Nyssa nibbles on her lip, and pulls back from her. She leaves the salvia trickling down to her jawline and smiling.

"I want to return the favor."

Laurel presses a finger on Nyssa's entrance causing her to release her breath.

"I want this."

"Take it."

Laurel rolls over onto her back and Nyssa climbs on top of Laurel to sit on her face. Laurel's not one to be passive and she pulls Nyssa onto her before eating her out.

Nyssa becomes blind with the passion. Laurel pokes her tongue deep inside of Nyssa's wet pussy. She drives in and out at measured movements. She starts at a slow rate at first. Building up the momentum which is necessary before sliding it completely out of Nyssa. She teases the outside of her lips with a series of passionate nipples, causing her wet pussy to puff out even more.

The second round is about as fierce as the first. Laurel tags the inside of Nyssa's wet lips and pulls completely out of her. She rocks up and down on the face of the stunning blonde. Laurel grips her tighter, squeezing her tender flesh. Every touch brings Nyssa ever so closer to the edge. She squirms back and releases a trickle of juices.

Laurel decides to see what she can do to make the trickle of juices shift into a ever lasting flood. Her hips clamp down onto Laurel's face and releases even more. Laurel laps up the honey, drinking from her. Nyssa softly moans.


The encouragement coming from the Daughter of the Demon makes Laurel shift her tongue and hum a little bit more. She wills herself as deep as possible between Nyssa's legs, hungrily hammering her pussy. Nyssa shifts up and down, repeatedly coming down onto her face. More juices release themselves, coating Laurel completely with the flood.

She really is amazing, Laurel will agree this. She sends her tongue deep into Nyssa and pulls out. She runs a hand against Nyssa's leg and keeps rocking her down on her. The tongue pokes in and sends Nyssa to meet Laurel's probing digit. The final release hits her.

Nyssa humps Laurel's face and rocks an endless amount of her juices all over the beautiful face of the Canary. Laurel digs her nails in, driving Laurel's tongue further into her depths until the release happens.

Always, Nyssa enjoys tasting her juice off of Sara's face and her lips after Sara eats her out. Sara says that it makes her hot as well. But, what would Laurel like? She should investigate further.

Nyssa puts her hand on Laurel's cheek and caresses it.

"May I kiss you?"

"Of course...naughty girl tasting her own pussy juices off of my face."

"Well, you're the naughty girl who made me drip...and now I get to taste me all over you."

One of Nyssa's hand caresses to pinch Laurel's chest, the other holds her chin into place. And then, Nyssa dives down, sucking her lips until they grow extremely swollen and ready. Her tongue dances against Laurel's lips and open them up, to take the heavenly juices inside.

Laurel cannot resist grabbing onto the top of Nyssa's silky locks and deepening the kiss. They go all in with this one, with Nyssa shoving more of her tongue into Laurel's waiting mouth. She sucks on the tongue, increasing the depths both of them go.

The next thing they know, they're on top of each other. Nyssa mounts Laurel, really wishing they had a strap on right now. But, she'll going to have to make due.

"Thea...has one in the drawer."


"A strap on."

"Mmm, and how do you know this?"

Nyssa investigates further, and takes the strap on out. She does wonder what the lovely Ms. Queen gets up to in her spare time. Regardless, Nyssa tests out the durability of it, rubbing it against Laurel's lips and opening her up completely for intrusion. She takes a deep breath.

"You want me to ride you, my pretty bird?"


Laurel wraps her legs around Nyssa to pull her in. The strap on cock, now dripping with Laurel and Nyssa's lubrication in combination. It's about ready to be the first thing this shape inside of her, in a very long time. Laurel pushes her legs around Nyssa and pulls her into her.

"It's been a while."

"You're wet enough, but I'll be gentle, for you."

Nyssa puts her hands on Laurel's hips and then drives into her. The feeling of her body reacting underneath her, makes Nyssa shift up and down. She wants to maintain a steady momentum. Laurel shifts and the sweat flying off of her body from every shift just entices Nyssa to go deeper inside of her.

The raven-haired assassin drives herself into Laurel's body. Her olive complexion molds against Laurel's lighter one. Shoving her into the bed and making her just lift up. Those legs wrap around Nyssa's ass.

She's now burying deep into Laurel. Longing to hear her scream. Laurel bites down on her lip to avoid the scream from coming out. Nyssa puts her hand on Laurel's face and then leans all the way in, almost pulling out of her.

"That won't do. I want you hear you when you scream."

Nyssa bottoms out inside of Laurel and makes her thrust up high off of the bed. She repeatedly rocks into Laurel's body and makes her mold into the bed. She rises up and drives into Laurel. The screams coming are erotica to Nyssa's ears. She needs to ear them over and over again.

And she takes Laurel into the bed again and again. With Laurel becoming the full beneficiary of everything Nyssa gives her. Repeatedly sticking her deep into the bed. With Nyssa tightening her grip around her hips to repeatedly fuck into her.

The dildo sticks into Laurel and makes her just moan in response. Laurel clamps down onto Nyssa's thrusting hips and lets her just have her way with her.

The two lovers come close to coming again. Nyssa's all over Laurel and feeling the fire burning inside of her. The fire which burns inside of Laurel only triggers an enjoyment in Nyssa. It triggers a small eruption inside of her loins which builds up until the very point where she bottoms out inside of Laurel one more time.

Laurel clamps down onto Nyssa and clutches her hard. She wants to feel Nyssa's pleasure.

"It's time...for both of us."

The trigger word is more than enough to shoot a constant wave of pleasure into Laruel's body. Head to toe, the pleasure delivering into her makes Laurel just tighten her grip around her. Her body sings more than the canary cry, allowing Laurel to shoot her hips up. She makes sure to take all of the strap on inside of her wet pussy, feeling Nyssa maneuver her hands into the precise point which sets Laurel over.

Nyssa finds herself an adept learner in many respects and making sure she recalls all of the points which set Laurel off is a huge point. She rocks in even harder upon the arrival of Nyssa's own release. She drives down, capturing Laurel's nipples in her mouth and releasing them. She drops down onto the bed and lets out a deep sigh.

The end comes with Nyssa dropping onto Laurel and then rolling over. Laurel wraps her arm around Nyssa and buries her face into Nyssa's soft hair.

"Thank you for that."

Nyssa smiles at Laurel's muffled voice.

"I understand what you're going through. We're practically family after all."

Laurel sighs. Despite the trauma over the past few weeks and months, at least for tonight, they both have each other.


Next Chapter: 6/17/2018.

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