9. Five Minutes(Barbara Gordon and Alex Danvers)

Five Minutes(Barbara Gordon and Alex Danvers)

Alex Danvers leaned against a wall, watching an extremely attractive woman go to work on a keyboard. Said extremely attractive woman wore nothing other than a lacy black bra and a pair of black thong panties, so naturally Alex was just a tiny bit distracted by everything. She bit down on her lip and released it, taking a sigh.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done."

Barbara Gordon, known as the Gotham City Vigilante Batgirl, worked on the alien drive, and did an impressive job in decrypting it.

"It wasn't that bad to figure out once I picked up at the pattern," Barbara commented. "But, once I did, I got you a basic translation which you can take back to work."

"Thanks," Alex commented. "You're a time saver."

She let those words handle.

"Shame your suit got destroyed."

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to release a cloud that would eat through the material of my suit," Barbara said as she finished up work. "Thankfully, it was one of those days where I wore underwear underneath the suit."

Alex stopped for a couple of seconds. To say she imagined the healthy young woman without any clothes would be an understatement. Barbara's toned body, with her flat stomach, ample breasts, wide hips, and long muscular legs already brought a delicious picture to her mind. But to see her completely bare, that was something.

The scars on her back and shoulderblade were the only blemishes, but as far as Alex was concerned, they added character and did not detract from it.

"I really want to thank you," Alex commented. "You saved me so much time."

"Hey, any friend of Kara's is a friend of mine," Barbara said. "And since your her sister, that makes you practically family."

Barbara rises up to her feet and moves over to her. She can feel Alex's gaze eating her up. There was not too much for Alex to undress with her eyes, but that's exactly what she's doing. Barbara takes a good look at Alex's sexy body, in that tight black bodysuit.

It's been a long time as far as Barbara's concerned. A very long time and she cannot resist moving forward to join Alex.

"Let me thank you for fighting alongside me today."

Do or die time, and Barbara took the plunge. She kissed Alex. Alex's eyes widened in surprise, but she returned the kiss, with Barbara's aggressive tongue finding it's way into her mouth and mapping out a path on all of the sweet spots inside of her mouth.

Taking this as an invitation to explore as she wishes, Alex wrapped her arm around Barbara's body and started to rub all over it. Her muscles tensed up when she moved over. Alex gripped a good handful of Barbara's shapely ass cheeks, which caused her to moan. Barbara's leg lifted up to latch onto Alex's hip and the heat of their bodies form a seal against each other.

The kiss broke and Barbara slipped behind Alex a moment later. Barbara rubbed Alex's body. Kisses against the back of her neck brought a moan from the older Danvers sister. She practically melted underneath Barbara's touch, like candy and Barbara just could not wait to eat her up.

"You're mine now," Barbara told her. "I hope you know that."

"Yes," Alex said.

"And a bit overdressed. Let's fix that."

Barbara removed the body suit and caused Alex to breath. She wore sexy set of bra and panties, black. They suited her toned body very well. Barbara wrapped her arms around Alex and guided her down to the bed.

The two battle-tested women kissed each other. Barbara's mouth roved down Alex's body and hit her in all of the sweet spots. She moved in position, and then pulled back.

"One more thing."

"Just the one?"

Barbara gave Alex another passionate tongue kiss and removed her bra. Alex returned the favor and the two women were bare from the chest up now. Their passions increased when their nipples rubbed together in an intense makeout session. Barbara's fingers grabbed the back of Alex's head and shoved her tongue as far into her mouth as humanly possible. Alex sucked on Barbara's tongue, humming and moaning in response.

Then the panties came off and the two women embraced. Bare, naked, and horny as hell. Barbara pulled away from Alex and attacked her neck. She worshipped the DEO Agent like a goddess. Alex's sweet moans encouraged Barbara to go further.

Not the first Danvers sister Barbara made squirm underneath her, but that was another story for another time. Barbara's hot mouth approached Alex's pussy.

Alex's gushing hole sang for attention and craved Barbara's tongue going deep inside of her. She could barely withstand the thought of not having the tongue inside of her.

"Taste me."

Barbara smiled.

"I would be delighted to."

The vigilante brushed her tongue against the snatch of the government agent. Barbara's tongue swept against Alex's nether legions and collected the juices. Tasty and flowing, Barbara twirled her tongue into Alex's wet gushing hole and made her just lose it completely.

She lost it, completely. Alex's hips move up so Barbara can go to work on her. She has a lot of experience with this and Alex just lays back. The sounds coming out of her mouth, without meaning them to come out, indicate just how much Alex feels this.

What Alex Danvers experienced next was beyond amazing. Her entire body hummed with a rush. Heat spread from her cheeks and then spread down her body. Alex twisted and squirmed on the bed underneath her lover. Barbara munched on her pussy and brought her to an extremely pleasurable climax.


Barbara worked her very good and very fast. Alex tasted delightful, sweet as honey, so why would Barbara not want to get in deep and suck the juices out of her? It did not make any sense. She repeatedly and endlessly drained the juices from Alex's gushing quim.

She got the full sample of juices from Alex and then rose up. Barbara climbed over Alex's body. The heat just caused both of them to smile. Barbara decided to pay tribute to a more visible set of lips when she leaned down and kissed Alex's mouth. Alex opened up her mouth and enjoyed Barbara's tongue.

Alex found herself stunned with delight of the taste of her own juices. The honey entered her mouth and she sucked it off of Barbara's lips. Barbara dominated Alex with her tongue some more, and made the woman just want to get even more. Barbara hit all of her buttons.

All of her buttons, with Alex about ready to lose every ounce of self control she had. Which did not seem to be much the further Barbara dominated her with this kiss. Sucking and nibbling on Alex's lips made her lose her mind.

Then, Barbara broke free. She planted even more kisses down Alex's neck and drove the woman completely nuts. Alex whimpered underneath the touch and then Barbara closed in with the kiss. Her lips clamped down and sucked on Alex's ear lobe to drive her even more beyond the edge.

Barbara's hot breath hit her ear.

"It would be a shame if you didn't get to taste me, wouldn't it?"

Alex's mind and body screamed yes. She looked up at Barbara with eagerness and the next thing she looked at was Barbara's thighs which were about ready to come down onto her face.

Barbara sat on the face of Alex and forced her to eat her pussy. The juices flowed from Barbara eating her out earlier became Alex's bounty. Alex sucked on her lips and enjoyed the feeling of those juices just pumping into her mouth. Barbara rocked up and down to add more heat to this pleasurable encounter.

"Mmm, that's a good spot right there," Barbara commented. "You know, you're almost as good as your sister."

Alex swiped her tongue in further. There's several taboo thoughts that crept into her mind at this moment. Exactly how good was Kara? Alex did not know, and she wanted to find out.

She squeezed Barbara's ass cheeks when they bounced on her. The flow of sweet juices painted Alex's face and allowed her to suck them up, in more ways than one.

Barbara Gordon was being devoured by the eager woman underneath her and she loved it. Loved it a whole lot. Loved out the Agent was eager to please. While Kara and Alex were not related by blood, they had a few personality traits in common that made it obvious how they were sisters. And one of them was a wicked tongue, which was now being put to use in one of the best ways possible.

"Oooh," Barbara breathed. "Get me closer. Get me closer."

A blast of juices coat her face and Alex lapped up more of them. She wished she could get the juices staining her face. Barbara just got sweeter the more Alex enjoyed her meal. The influx of honey dripping down her face intoxicated her in many ways, and there would be many more reasons why she would enjoy this endless bounty just splashing all over her face.

"Closer," Barbara encouraged her. "One more time."

Alex rose to the occassion, and dipped her tongue into Barbara. She made sure to get the juices really flowing. Acting like a dying woman who needed pussy to survive, Alex rose up and got in as deep as she could. Hitting all of the spots at once, she knew Barbara would gush.

"Good girl, very good."

Barbara closed her eyes and fondled her breasts. Riding Alex's face brought a tingle through her body. The horny woman underneath her sucking and devouring on her pussy only made Barbara more intent to smash her when it was all said and done.

It's a shame that all of her toys were eaten along with her suit. Because, seriously, her utility belt had everything, and by everything, Barbara Gordon meant everything.

Finally, the rigorous pussy eating session wrapped to a close. Barbara decided to give Alex's sore jaw a break and allowed herself to move back. She pinned Alex down onto the bed. The beautiful face of the government agent soaked with more juices than ever before.

"Oh, you look so fuckable like that," Barbara commented.

She pulled Alex onto her lap. Alex just smiled and leaned forward to kiss Barbara. The kiss lasted a good few minutes until Barbara decided to direct Alex's mouth and attention a bit lower, to her bouncing breasts. The heaving cleavage pushed into her mouth.

Alex breathed in and took a mouthful of Barbara's ample breast. The nipples drove Alex completely wild as she sucked on it. While feeling Barbara's nether lips make out with hers. That was the key. Their pussies rubbed together and Barbara had complete domain of all of her body.

"Good girl, very good girl," Barbara told Alex. "You're going to cum for me now, aren't you?"

"Mmm," Alex breathed. "You know it."

"Yes, I do know it," Barbara confirmed with a big smile which got even wider. "I want to feel that pussy drip underneath mine."

"Yes, I know," Alex told her. "Oh, fuck me...fuck me until I can't...go...anymore!"

Barbara went in all of the way on her chest and sucked those nipples. This brought Alex the encouragement she needed to rock deeper and deeper. Their pelvises smashed together. Barbara's hands moved over her back and held Alex in tight. The moans only deepened the faster they went to work with each other.

The two rose up together with their orgasms. Barbara closed her nails on Alex and then nibbled on her ear. The actions send Alex into a state of pure and endless bliss. Her body shot waves of pleasure the deeper Barbara gave her pleasure.

"Maybe we should work together more often."

Alex could not talk with her mouth full. If she did not have it full of Barbara's ample chest, she would agree. Right now, she focused on bringing Barbara to a climax, or at least close enough, before Alex reached hers.

It's an amazing battle, give and take. Barbara slides a finger between them when they pull apart and she penetrates Alex's pussy. The finger crooks and this caused Alex to throw her head back for a second. Barbara took her opposite hand and put Alex back to work sucking her tits.

The forced motorboating of Barbara's ample chest only set Alex's loins on fire. The two lovely ladies met each other in the center. Mouth and breasts joined in a perfect union of harmony. Barbara caressed the back of the head of her young lover and made sure Alex took every inch of chest inside of her mouth.

She got closer, even though she was able to finger Alex. And Alex returned the favor briefly before their fingers in each other could not be a luxury. They returned to rubbing their wet pussies against each other. Barbara practically rode Alex, as she made the woman suck her tits.

Their mutual orgasm hit. First, Alex felt it. She nestled deeper into Barbara's gorgeous chest and sucked on it. She knew what was coming and knew there was no way to block the incoming rush. And Alex Danvers did not even know whether or not she wanted to now.

It came hard and faster, with Barbara drawing out her climax the best she can by hitting all of Alex's trigger points. It's not too long before Barbara's lips moisten and then squirt her juices all over Alex's.

Barbara let out her breath in a very passionate moan and rode Alex all of the way to the end. Her juices flowed shamelessly, and why would they not? It was just passionate love, the type of love which brought them to this duel climax.

The second the two had a chance to recover, they gazed upon each other's sweaty, sticky, and sexy bodies. Alex moved her face up and wrapped her arms around Barbara's neck. Strands of their juices stick them together as the bodily fluids drain onto their thighs.

"We should have more team ups," Alex commented.

"Especially when they end up like this?" Barbara asked.

"Mmm, hmm."

The two move in to kiss each other. The heat of the moment sparks another round of lady love.

Alex should really get back to the DEO, but she's not due to check in for another hour. So she has a bit of time to kill.


Next Chapter: 7/15/2018.

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