10. Collaboration(Iris West and Lois Lane)

Collaboration(Iris West and Lois Lane)

Iris West sat in a chair, a file of papers in her hands, and a long bite down on her lip. Everything looked beyond good, at least from her angle. Not only an alien invasion, but an inter-dimensional alien invasion, targeting multiple words. It took Iris a bit of time to find her footing out there, but she did it. The heroes rose up and she was there to report it.

But, much like the heroes had their own help, so did she. The brunette woman who walked through the door, dressed in a purple blouse, business skirt, and stockings like she owned the place. And she did look like she owned the place, big time. Iris put her attention on the lovely woman on the other end of the room.

"So tell me," she said with a smile to Iris. "How does it feel to have your name on the byline for one of the biggest stories across many Earths?"

"Pretty good," Iris said.

"Well, you earned it getting in there," she said. "Risking life and limb to make sure the people knew what was going on. I mean, you reminded me of me out there."

Iris was not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment or an insult. She rose up and the lovely Ms. Lois Lane put a hand on Iris's shoulder. Iris shifted a tiny bit over to one side and found her gaze locked onto Lois's eyes.

"Couldn't have done this without you," Iris told her.

"Maybe," Lois offered with a tiny shrug. "But, you sell yourself too short. And you did make sure to raise the signal so I didn't get thrown at the mercy of those aliens."

Lois closed in a bit more on Iris. The adrenaline of today pumped excitement through their bodies. They wanted something more. Both wanted something to unwind and relax. Iris did not know when Lois's arms wrapped around her. The action occurred so gradually that it was very swift.

Nor did she know when her own arms tightened around Lois.

"And that deserves it's own reward."

Iris would have protested getting a reward for what was a simple action. No protest came because Lois dove in and attacked her lips with a kiss.

She did not know how things escalated this much. Only, Iris needed to kiss Lois back. Lois's lack of fear and just bold nature really turned Iris on and resulted in a deeper, more passionate round of kissing. What was first a reluctant return of favor, got into something far more amazing. Lois dug her tongue deep into Iris's mouth and their mouths and tongues wrestled for domination.

Lois was going to win, she always got out ahead in siutations like this. However, she would give Iris all the credit in the world. She gave pretty much as good as she received and they kept kissing at each other, passionating drawing their tongues against each other's mouths.

A second passed later with Lois now behind Iris. She made Iris whimper and sigh while unbuttoning the buttons. More of Iris's toned flesh revealed itself to Lois. She rotated the palm of her hand inwards and made Iris sigh.

"You want me to touch you again?"

The skirt came off and now Iris is in front of Lois in a very elegant set of panties and a matching bra. Lois rubbed her hand against the front of her clothe covered sex and kissed her several times.

"I'm not going to do anything," Lois said, pulling away from her neck and giving her a smile. "Unless you ask me to, outright."

"Touch me!" Iris yelped.

Lois quickly took Iris's panties off and revealed her wet sex to the world. It gushed for Lois. Lois took advantage of Iris's predicament and shoved her fingers deep between Iris's legs. Iris bit down on her lip for a second before she let out.

A second finger slipped into Iris and got her honey just oozing out. Iris twisted and turned for Lois to drive those digits deep into her slick canal. Lois twisted her fingers deep inside, stuffing them into Iris and making her ride those fingers. Her firm things danced with pleasure and lust going through Lois's eyes.

"I want you to enjoy this moment," Lois told Iris. "Are you with me?"

"YES!" Iris yelled. "Keep doing that!"

Lois uncovered Iris's glorious breasts for the entire world to see. She palmed them, and stroked the ample amounts of female flesh. One hand worked Iris's sex and the other alternated between tweaking her nipples. This made Lois smile when she saw Iris completely lose it.

Iris could not believe it. Submission was never something she thought would be possible in any way whatosever. And yet, Lois made her submit. Those fingers danced deeper into Iris and made her edge closer.

Lois pulled away as if to say not yet. Iris backed up, naked and sweaty. Lois grinned at her lover and wrapped a leg around Iris's hip and pulled her in with a very passionate kiss. Iris returned the kiss, with their tongues battling for domination one more time.

A battle Lois won without any problem whatsoever. Laying Iris out on the desk, legs spread. Lois straddled Iris and stripped off her own blouse. Revealing her breasts inside of a lacy purple bra. Said purple bra flew onto the ground and Lois's ample breasts came out. Iris's mouth watered at the melons.

"And these aren't the store bought melons either," Lois said. "Want to sample?"

Iris moved so fast she could have been mistaken for the Flash. She kneaded the tits and made them slap back and forth. Lois's warm nipples were the drawing board for Iris to go painting with her tongue. She devoured those very real and extremely succulent breasts.

"Mmm," Lois said with a stroke of Iris's dark locks for encouragement. "Keep going. You're good at getting in deep for the story."

That's for sure. Iris went in deep on Lois's chest and sucked them. She wanted to go even deeper and wondered if Lois would even let her do so.

It turned out that Lois was more than game. She removed her panties and climbed on top of Iris. The first taste stirred Iris's emotions and her lust. She grabbed onto Lois's hips and dropped her down to eat her out.

Lois thought this was a good move. Iris intended to please and Lois intended to give her a reason to please. This added up to one of the greatest pussy eating sessions that Lois received. Her mind almost flew over the edge.

Getting it together, Lois hung on. Her body betrayed itself to the tongue of the younger reporter underneath her. Lois's thighs dripped more moisture, for Iris to feast upon, to lick, to suck, to slurp, to pleasure herself with.

More than game was Lois Lane. She hungered for the touch and the tongue of the young woman. Iris moved her tongue back and forth. It made Lois thought that Iris either did this before or she was a natural.

Regardless, she was not about to complain about anything. She just took it, like Lois took it. She rocked back and leaked her juices onto Iris's face.

Lois flicked her nipples and let out her breath very passionately. She pulled back, with a big smile on her face.

The next thing Iris knew, Lois laid nipple to nipple. Lois leaned in and planted a series of loving kisses down Iris's jaw. Lois took a tour of the face of Iris West and loved every minute of it. And Iris did as well.

"You ready, baby girl," Lois breathed.

Iris's hips bucked up from undreneath Lois. The more experienced woman was about ready to have her way with Iris. Her body opened itself up, not to mention her legs. Lois kissed her a couple more times, working down the neck and then pulling back completely.

"You better be ready," Lois said. "Because, I have you now and you're not going anywhere."

Iris spread her legs to show that she does not want to go anywhere. Lois moved in to proper scissor Iris's pussy and the friction built midst the actions of these two lovers.

Up, down, around, Lois worshipped the beautiful body of the reporter. Her tits bounced out and Lois leaned in to touch them. The response was about what Lois hoped for and yet so much more. Iris screamed out in pure pleasure the second that she touched those perfect tits of the woman beneath her. Iris moved her hips back and forth.

"Want this, so badly," Iris panted.

"Don't worry, honey, you'll get what you wanted," Lois told her. "And so much more."

Iris threw her back up to meet Lois's clenching hips. She moaned the faster Lois rubbed her pussy against Iris's warm core. Iris allowed Lois to dive into her.

Then, Lois pulled back, removing her pussy from Iris's. Iris closed her eyes, not knowing what to expect. Turned out that she could expect Lois's lips all over her body. From the top of Iris's head, down to her neck, all the way to her collarbone, to the valley of her cleavage, and around the world. Iris breathed in more heavily than ever before the second she received these brilliant touches.

Lois knew, understood, how to achieve the optimal pleasure. Her tongue danced against Iris's entrance. Shockwaves emitted through Iris's body. Her nerve endings sang.

With a firm hand, Lois pulled Iris over and wrapped her arms around her. A few seconds later and Lois kissed Iris's neck, and stroked her breasts while Iris rose up a little bit. Giving Lois a prime amount of access never was far from Lois's mind. Her right hand massaged the front of Iris's body, while her left hand stroked Iris's body.

Iris's dark skin shining with sweat put a smile on Lois's face. She leaned in and started to nibble down Iris's neck, bringing a pleasurable whimper from her. She moved between Iris's legs, with her hand and fondled the woman's pussy. So wet.

Lois pulled back and spread Iris's legs even further. She devoured Iris's pussy. A horny feeling rushed through her entire body, when devouring the juices from the younger reporter. Iris's complete and utter submission to her mouth and hands got Lois off.

She always had been greedy, always wanted so much more. Lois munched on Iris's perfect cunt and took a long drink from her pleasantly tasty womanhood. She sucked in the juices, making Iris moan, and grip onto the side of the desk.

Lois finished her meal with a smile on her face. Now, Iris rolled back over. Those legs locked Lois into place as she rocked forward. Their lips just inches away before the kiss. Lois savored the fact that Iris licked her lips.

"Not bad," Lois whispered. "But, we can make this feel even better."

Iris pushed her legs against Lois's ass and their pussies once again became one. A heated whimper from Lois's end makes her whimper in pleasure. Iris rotates her wet lips down onto Lois's and their juices form a sticky seal against their warm, eager pussies.

They need this, they need this so badly. Lois gave Iris one of the best orgasms of her life and another one was coming as well. Lois practically straddled her, so Iris grabbed ahold of them, practically devouring them flesh like a dying woman.

Lois encouraged her, with both a firm and a gentle hand. She was diverse like that. Lois's wet pussy ground against Iris's and moaned. Their lips brushed against each other, moaning, and thrashing. The deeper Lois drove herself against Iris, the more heat she felt. The more burning desire she experienced for the other woman.

The eyes of Lois Lane burned with lust, taking herself as deep into Iris as humanly possible. She breathed in and breathed out, with Iris nibbling on her tits. Sucking the nipples and drawing Lois closer to her own peak.

"Well, this is my favorite team-up so far," Lois said.

They shared this experience, and shared in each other. Lois rubbed herself, bumping and grinding her hips against Iris's. Her warm opening pried open a slight amount with Iris nearly the edge. She was about ready to cum. There was no question in her mind that she was closing in on some kind of grand finale.

"Mmm, ooohh, yes!" Iris screamed at the top of her lungs.

She came hard alongside Lois. Both women became one, flesh upon flesh. The encounter and the lust both women felt was extremely hard, with the women getting off on each other. Their bodies turned into one.

Lois collapsed on Iris's chest, and squeezed it. Iris looked into Lois's eyes, with a stunning amount of desire cascading through her being.

"One more round."

"I'm game," Iris said.


Lois attacked Iris's chest with more kisses, and lowered her head to her stomach, and then between her legs. The sweet juices which splashed out drew Lois in and made her a ravenous woman.

Iris laid back and let Lois eat her out. Feeling Lois devour her wet pussy brought Iris's latest climax to a new level.

A hazed feeling as she wondered what other fun they would get to hit them. Guess they would find out in due time.

Lois climbed on top of her and Iris could tell the feeling was mutual. Their lower lips met and the juices flowed one more time.


Next Chapter: 7/22/2018.

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