12. Getting Some Grayson(Supergirl and Nightwing)

Getting Some Grayson(Kara Danvers and Dick Grayson(Nightwing))

One would normally imagine Supergirl about ready to rush in and save the day from some bad guys because of how fast she's tearing across the skies. The truth was that she was heading to meet a special someone up on the rooftop. Someone she did admittedly team up with earlier today to put a stop to some assholes who were dealing trying to modify alien shipments. Kara stuck out her lip and waited on the rooftop for the individual in question.

Ask and she received. Nightwing popped up on the rooftop, a gaze directed at Supergirl. She found herself completely swept off of her feet by the individual in question, wondering what exactly to say when she encountered the man in question. Her heart raced a few beats faster.

"Hey," Nightwing commented to break the ice.

Supergirl broke out into a smile in his general direction. She could not help herself. It was just one of those things that made her smile, being in his presence.

"Thank you for all of the help against Intergang," Supergirl said. "I really appreciate it. And um….thank you for not judging me too badly on how that I acted with the Red Kryptonite."

Boy she embarrassed herself just a little bit the last time, but Nightwing appeared to be very calm and extremely chill about it. To Kara, that was one of the most amazing things about him. Just how casual he was.

"It's not a problem, I knew you weren't yourself," Nightwing said. "The repairs on the suit were a lot, but trust me when I say that I can afford them. And I've got them wrecked far worse before. You weren't the first to rip the suit apart, namely the first alien, but…."

"Still," Supergirl responded. "My feelings for you...well I've been...well I heard a lot about you, from my cousin, and then I saw you a few times in passing, and...you're really amazing...and I was wondering if I can...well I mean we can...if you're interested…."

Great, he's going to think she's some kind of weirdo not being able to string together a sentence. Nightwing placed his hand on her chest and this caused Supergirl to get butterflies. She acted more like unsure Kara Danvers, than she did as Supergirl. When the two identities bled together like that.

"You act like this is not the first time I've been on a rooftop with a beautiful woman."

"Yeah, I have been on the rooftop with someone before but...oh, not like that!" Supergirl yelled. "But, seriously, I want to say that I respect the work you've done, as a crime fighter, and you are amazing how there. Fearless even...and you don't...not that super powers matter, but…."

Nightwing grabbed Supergirl by the waist and pulled her into a very passionate kiss. Their lips melded together in an extremely heated manner. The kiss shocked her and it took several seconds before Supergirl realized one important thing.

She should return it. And she did, heavily, well as heavily as she could dare in her state. Supergirl learned how to control her strength very well thank you very much. In her day job, shaking hands was very important, and it would raise certain flags in her mind.

Nightwing pressed his hand on her backside and she did nothing to correct it. In fact, she lifted a leg so he could slide it up her skirt and brush against her long leg, several instances where she breathed in heavily.

"I wonder how far you want to take this," Nightwing said. "Why don't you hover up just a little bit?"

Supergirl got the message right away. Nighting pulled down her undershorts and then her panties, revealing her pussy. Which betrayed just how much she wanted this, due to being sopping wet and ready for penetration. Nightwing put his finger against her.

"Nice and tight," Nightwing told her. "Lovely."

"You can lick it," Supergirl said. "Please lick it."

"It would be rude if I didn't."

A small smile caused Kara's thighs to drip. The man pushed his face between her thighs and started to devour her wet womanhood. Making her throw her hips back up, and moan with pleasure driving inside of her body. Nightwing rotated his tongue deeper inside of her and made Supergirl explode into a lustful moan.

Nightwing was no stranger in finding himself between the thighs of many beautiful women. Several of his female teammates in the Teen Titans, he took into his bed, Starfire, Raven, and Wondergirl in particular. But, still, he would not deny that Supergirl had an aura about her which bedding her would be amazing.

Granted, sex on a rooftop was not particularly bedding someone per say, in the technical sense of the world, but Nightwing had an interest of it, after since Catwoman took his innocence on one when he was Robin.

Supergirl closed her eyes and panted in pleasure. Nightwing came down inside of her, his tongue danced against her warm pussy lips and sucked the juices from er body. She looked up with a pleasurable glint in her eye, as if daring Nightwing to go further inside of her pussy. Nightwing decided to go that one step beyond, sucking Supergirl's warm lovely juices out of her pussy.

He was making her feel so good, and yet letting her have all the fun. Supergirl put her nails against the wall when she leaned back and squirted her juices onto his face.

Nightwing rose up from between her legs and she dropped down to kiss him. The kiss was far more intense than the first one, especially now that Supergirl tasted herself on Nightwing's lips. She could not resist removing his armor, the best she could.

A smile through the kiss before Nightwing helped her. It released is throbbing long cock into the wild. Supergirl's eyes widened a fraction of an inch when this immense piece of manhood stuck out for her. To say Supergirl was driven completely wild with lust would be pushing things.

She had to have it, and she had to have it now.

"Can I suck your…."

"Yes," Nightwing said. "Go for it."

Supergirl dropped to the roof and worshipped her lover. She kissed the tip of his elongated prick and shoved it deep inside of her mouth.

Nightwing enjoyed Supergirl's super throat. Her inner muscles pressed against him and pleasured him. Her dazzling eyes glared up into his as she pushed his cock deeper and faster inside of her mouth. She hummed, hungrily and fast, slurping him. Nightwing could not resist grabbing onto her cheeks.

She released the cock from the confines of her mouth. Kara's awe increased when she looked at it, coated in her spit. She licked him from the base all the way to the head. Kara swirled her tongue around his cock, like an eager little girl licking a lolly pop.

The Girl of Steel took him down her throat another time. Her cheeks bulge out from the very second this cock drives down it. She popped her lips down and hummed, sucking him without any pause whatsoever. Her hand clasped his balls and released them with another humming pop.

The sucks which followed intensified the deeper Supergirl shoved her mouth up around his cock. She moaned, deeper, deeper, faster. She swirled her tongue against his manhood, taking him deep inside of her mouth. Supergirl throated him and moaned around his throbbing phallus. Sucking him harder, faster, and without any relenting motion.

Supergirl sucked the meat dangling between Nightwing's thighs and squeezed his thick, balls. She longed to have the contents rush out of them and plaster inside of her mouth. Nightwing rocked forward and she gave a surprised yelp.

"Almost there."

Those words of encouragement prompted Supergirl to double down on her cock sucking. She squeezed his balls, almost making them lose it completely. Nightwing pushed his hard cock as far into her throat as possible, making her moan around his massive tool.

They were very close, very close indeed from something breaking. Supergirl craved his seed. Just one tiny taste would be more than enough to drive her completely insane with pleasure. She applied a warm and very dedicated amount of suction on him. Squeezing his balls and milking them for pretty much everything that theyw were worth.

"Closer," Nightwing groaned.

Nightwing could not resist the young temptress on her knees. Dick Grayson would put her in the top tier of cock suckers, given how she paid special attention to every inch of his thick, throbbing manhood. He stuffed his meat down her throat, riding her mouth for everything it was worth, spurting his load inside of her.

The blast of cum refreshed Supergirl not unlike a cold glass of water after she had been deprived in the desert for several days. And she was very much depraved, never mind deprived.

Supergirl tilted her neck back in an extremely sexy way, making sure to drink from his balls. Making sure to take every single last drop of warm, life bringing fluids out of his testicles and making sure they unloaded properly in her perfect throat.

"You taste so good."

Supergirl rose up and pulled off her uniform top and then bra to stand completely naked before her lover. She pressed her chest against his body. Firm and toned ,and she felt an excited rush deep inside of her body. Nightwing put his hand on her ass and pulled her in completely. Supergirl leaned in close and smiled, when feeling Nightwing up.

"I have to have that cock between my legs," Supergirl said. "I've been thinking about you for a long time...and I….might have peaked a couple of times to see what you have down there."

"Oh, you're a naughty girl, aren't you?" Nightwing asked.

Supergirl gave him a smile which showed innocence, while at the same time ,being slightly dirty. Their bodies pressed together and the only thing that was missing was his hard cock sliding inside of her wet pussy. She needed it so much.

"Yeah, I am. But, I need you."

Supergirl squeezed his ass and dug her nails into it. Nightwing responded by sliding her leg up to hold it into the air and he positioned his cock at her entrance. He teased Kara with several kisses against the back of the leg.

She wore nothing other than a cape and boots, and he wore nothing other than his mask and boots. This added a new erotic feeling from both of them. Nightwing positioned himself underneath Supergirl's wet pussy, and was about ready to take it.

The two crime fighters teamed up in another way with Nightwing sliding his manhood deep inside of Supergirl's warm and wet pussy. She tightened around his tool, moaning practically in his ear the second he buried himself into her. Nightwing pressed against her, rising up and driving into her. Going pretty fast and pretty hard, driving his cock inside of her body.

Supergirl bit down on her lip, and just let it go. There's no question about it, she needed to take this cock inside of her in the worst way.

"Oh, I didn't know how good this would fill me up."

She almost hovered off of the ground. Kara felt lighter than air. Nightwing grabbed her hips and dropped her down onto his manhood. He sat practically on the ledge now, trusting that Kara's strong legs would keep him from flipping backwards.

The level of trust pleased Kara and she most certainly wanted to justify it. She took him inside of her, hard, fast. His big balls bounced up and cracked her on the thighs.

Nightwing leaned in and kissed Supergirl's neck. She was immune to physical pain, but not immune to his touch. That's why she was moaning, as Nightwing touched all of the points which made her just gush. Her warm pussy muscles clamped around him.

She came and it was amazing to feel her muscles clamp against him. Nightwing was in the peak of physical perfection, so he was able to keep up with her body. Rocking back and forth, keeping his balance on the ledge. Not that he was afraid of being this high up. He was practically born on the high wire after all, so having sex several hundred feet above the street.

Supergirl smiled. The fearless and calm demeanor he displayed despite putting himself in peril if Kara's grip slipped caused her to only rock his world even more. The roaming touch of Nightwing continued, and Kara just moaned harder.

"I'm going to make sure you feel this forever," Nightwing told her with a light squeeze of her ass.


Supergirl wanted to feel this all night long. He massaged her legs, giving them attention. All while licking and kissing her neck, her chest, and everything else he could reach. He did more than stick his cock inside her pussy, he did so much more than that. Nightwing just is that good and makes her feel that much more special.

Kara bounced on him and Nightwing tried to hold on for just as long to let her cum. He touched the body of the bouncing beauty for several seconds to speed up her orgasm. Kara looked on with so much lust burning through her eyes. The friction of her tight walls closed around him, and Nightwing planted his thick tool deeper inside of her body.

"Oooh, closer," Kara said.

She could feel it, him getting closer. Kara's insides were molten with lust. She needed this itch scratched for a long time and Nightwing was giving it to her. While they were practically dangling on the edge now. He rocked back and then came forward to suck her breasts. Kara bounced even further as a reward for his behavior.

Despite edging him close to the end, Nightwing made Supergirl come first. Dick Grayson smiled as he buried his namesake deep inside of Kara's quivering cunt. Feeling the walls clamp down onto it, making the blood rush from his head. He thought of nothing other than fucking the beautiful blonde and making her just gush all over him. Her moans only encouraged Dick to get further inside of her, rocking her body and screwing her completely senseless.

The end came with Nightwing rocking inside of her. He almost flew over the edge. Supergirl pulled him back up and rolled her warm walls against him. Repeatedly pumping him until the end came.



They both screamed each other's codenames for all of National City to hear. Not that they cared at this point, especially Nightwing who shot his warm seed into Supergirl's clutching cavern. Making her breath in his ear, closing down on him and releasing him.

Supergirl threw her head back and came a couple more times, very hard in fact from the sheer force of Nightwing's cum rocketing inside of her body. He was truly a marvel, filling her up and sending her on a roller coaster ride.

The second they both crashed, they slid back to the safety of the rooftop. They embraced each other, with Dick's slightly more softened manhood rubbing against Kara's flat stomach.

"All of our team ups should end like this," Nighting murmured.


Kara straddled his lap and one look in her eyes indicated that she was ready to go for another round if he was.

The state of Nightwing's hardening penis answered this question. Kara hovered above him, teasing him before slowly lowering down onto him.

The tightness of her solar empowered core felt just as nice the next time around.


Next Chapter: 8/5/2018.

Thanks for the Support and I'll see you for the next chapter.