13. Finding Paradise(Diana, Sara, Nyssa)

Finding Paradise(Sara, Nyssa, and Diana)

Sara took a sweeping motion which put her on her back. Despite spending the past two years in the League of Assassins, she found herself caught off balance by this new fighting style, of the Princess of this island. Diana, the beautiful Princess of Themyscira, smiled and motioned towards Sara to get up to her feet. She brushed the dust off of her body.

"Ready to go again?" Sara asked.

Nyssa watched the fight with interest. Diana's fighting style was far different than what she learned in the League. It was more graceful and Nyssa enjoyed spending her time watching Diana move, trying to soak in something. And the fact, Sara got taken down by the woman, repeatedly, well it made Nyssa even more interested.

Sara held her on, going toe to to with her adversary. Diana swept Sara off of her feet again.

"When you're well trained, your body is a weapon," Diana said.

"Well said," Nyssa said with a smile. "How about you sit this one out, beloved?"

Sara smiled and crossed paths with Nyssa. She leaned in and gave Nyssa a long kiss for good luck.

Nyssa pointed out towards Diana. The two entered a battle stance, with Diana and Nyssa going hand to hand. Eventually, Diana got behind Nyssa and swept her down to the ground. Nyssa tried to flip Diana over to her feet. Diana flipped onto her feet. Nyssa threw her hands back, blocking Diana's attack. Diana swept Nyssa down onto the ground and crouched down onto her with a smile on her face.

"And up," Diana said.

Two more attempts to try and break Diana's barriers down. Every time Nyssa tried to find a chink in Diana's battle stance, she came back around and took Nyssa down. At one point, Diana pressed against Nyssa's back and her hot breath hit Nyssa's neck.

Diana pulled back and smiled.

"Well, I think there's a lot to learn from your fighting style," Diana said. "Why don't you join me at the beach?"

Sara and Nyssa joined Diana out by the beach. Much to their surprise, Diana dropped her toga and revealed her toned, naked body. Every ripple of her sexy muscular body was drawn in by Sara and Nyssa. Nyssa opened her mouth as Diana turned slightly. Her ample breasts bounced, the hair covering her wet pussy pushed out. Her legs were perfect.

"How about I give you a massage?" Nyssa asked. "To help you work out the tension from our battle."

"You're my guests," Diana said. "I should be the one to rub you down."

Nyssa responded with a shrug and dropped her battle garb. Her naked body revealed itself for Diana. Diana smacked her lips together when looking over Nyssa.

The two naked brunettes being before her caused a stir to come between Sara's legs. She stripped off her clothes, revealing her nice sized breasts, toned abs, nice beautiful body, and wide hips, along with her meaty legs.

"You're very beautiful," Diana said. "Both of you."

Sara and Nyssa sauntered over with a smile. Diana reached into a bag and pulled out a bottle of massage oil. She cupped it into her hand.

"I'll go first," Nyssa said. "To make sure her techinique is...on point."

Sara just smiled despite herself. She knew that Nyssa wanted to have her body felt up by the Amazon first and she could not blame her, in the slightest.

The Daughter of Ra's al Ghul dropped on her hands and knees. Diana brought her hand, first on the back of Nyssa's neck and then going down her back. Diana kneaded and worked the flex to make her breath in pleasure. Diana stroked Nyssa's firm rear.

Nyssa breathed a few seconds. She spread her legs to allow Diana's talented hands to skim between her firm hips. Diana massaged the right side, going down her leg. She rubbed the bottom of Nyssa's feet and caused her to moan.

The beautiful woman rippled underneath Diana's hands. She worked her skin, massaging the flesh and bringing the heat between her legs. Diana slid her hand between Nyssa's leg and rubbed her wet pussy lips. She moaned a few seconds later.

"Let me get deeper," Diana said.


Sara's eyes followed the Amazon's hand to work between Nyssa's warm hole. Diana practically fingered Nyssa through her orgasm. All of which caused Sara's heated hole to ooze even more.

Nyssa laid on her front and motioned for Sara to scoot a little bit closer. Sara did and while Diana busied herself between Nyssa's legs in one way, Nyssa busied herself between Sara's legs. She lapped up the creamy juices, making her moan in pleasure.

Sara received the very familiar tongue lashing from her beloved. Every time Nyssa dipped her tongue inside, made her body tingle with pleasure. The tongue twisted inside of her with a corkscrew and pulled almost all the way out.

The taste of her beloved fueled Nyssa's juices. Diana dug her fingers in and massaged her wet hole. Repeatedly and endlessly stroking her until Nyssa came once again.

After being brought to a happy ending, Nyssa collapsed and took a long breath. Diana pushed her fingers into her mouth and sucked the juices off of them. They tasted really good.

"Are you going to give me some of that?" Sara asked.

Diana just smiled and motioned for Sara to roll over. She pushed her hands against Sara's back and rubbed a combination of Nyssa's pussy juices and the oils over Sara's body. Sara let out several sounds, showing just how hot she was. Diana dipped her hands down a bit lower, rubbing Sara's neck, shoulders, her back, down to her lower back.

Then, Diana clamped onto Sara's thick, firm ass, and squeezed it. She could not resist, could not keep her hands off of Sara's backside. It gave a nice visual when she walked away. Diana leaned in and planted a light kiss on Sara's cheek.

Sara offered a flirty smile over her shoulder. She knew a bit about seduction and she was making the Amazon very wet, just by using her body. The Canary could smell it about a mile away.

Diana rubbed Sara's ass and moved between her thighs. The heat pumped through between Sara's sweet, thighs and made her long for more. Diana buried her fingers in between Sara and pleasured her. Giving her a deep massage, of her nether lips and then down between her warm velvety walls which made her break into a gushing feel.

A loud suck of her fingers made Diana get hotter. She imagined what it would be like to have either Nyssa or Sara between her legs. Potentially, both, one after another, taking their turns in pleasuring them. She is pretty sure that both of them would bring her a mounting amount of pleasure.

"Are you feeling relaxed?" Diana asked.

"That's one word for it," Sara breathed.

Nyssa rubbed her lips and breathed in. She wanted to touch Diana, but there was a time and a place before everything. Nyssa rubbed her fingers against the opening pussy.

Diana rolled Sara over.

"You know, if you want to go further, we can," Sara commented.

"I wouldn't necessarily mind," Diana said.

She climbed on top of Sara's body, and started to make out with her. Sara tasted the sweet juices Diana slipped into her mouth. She wrapped her legs around Diana and rubbed herself up against her.

Diana showed just how experienced she was, by kissing Sara's neck. The pulse point received an intense attack. Sara pushed Diana off and looked over her shoulder.

"I think Nyssa's feeling left out," Sara said.

"Well, let's fix that."

Diana crawled between Nyssa's legs and kissed down from her flat belly all the way to her lips. She buried her face between Nyssa's thighs and sucked the juices. Diana's massaging fingers worked over Nyssa's sweet flesh.

Sara wrapped her arms around Diana and felt her breasts. There's no question about it, Sara needed to have a huge piece of the Amazon. Her chest, her ass, everything. Sara lightly kissed Diana a few times, teasing her and enjoying the tempo of her breathing.

As much as Sara enjoyed watching Diana suck the juices from Nyssa's pussy, she wanted a good piece of Diana herself. She pulled Diana away and kissed her lips. The two of them indulged in each other, with Diana sucking on Sara's lips. Diana put her hand on the back of Sara's head and the two tangled tongues together.

Nyssa moved over and kissed the side of Diana's neck. She moved in and kissed Diana's chest. Sara pulled away and moved to suck Diana's left nipple while Nyssa took her right nipple.

"Great Hera!" Diana mewled at both of her lovers.

Diana threw her head back, with Sara and Nyssa going to town on her body. They worshiped it in perfect tandem, pleasuring her in every sense of the word.

"Sit on her face and I'll get her legs," Nyssa said.

Diana's eyes widened, but Sara takes her down. Despite being dominated in battle, she was getting dominated on the beach. Sara stood up completely tall. Her firm legs, juicy ass, and sweet pussy lingered above Diana's mouth. It was mouth watering as everything.

"Do you want a taste, Princess?"

"Go..for it."

Sara sat down onto Diana's face and received a heavenly taste of her pussy. Diana slurped Sara's sweet honey and fed off of her. The Amazon showed her talents and ability to get in deep.

Nyssa rubbed herself against Diana's nether lips. Her juices stained Diana's thighs and wet pussy. Making her shift.

The Daughter of the Demon lifted up Diana's leg and kissed her a few more times down the leg. She moved in, sucking on Diana's sweet toes and making her moan.

"She really likes having her toes sucked," Nyssa commented.

"Useful to know," Sara responded.

Diana threw her tongue all the way into her body. Sucking, licking, drinking Sara's sweet juices from her womanhood. Every time she went inside of Sara, she got a full drink of her juices. The draining continued with Sara squirting her juices in her mouth.

A loud suck and Sara rolled her hips back and moaned.

"She's perfect, isn't she, beloved?" Nyssa asked.

"Yes, she is," Sara breathed.

Diana sucked her juices dry from her. The Canary screamed loud, not carrying if every Amazon on the island heard her. If this descended into an all out orgy, so much the better.

Nyssa got herself off on Diana's perfect pussy. Their lips clung together with and pulled away. Nyssa bumped her wet lips against each other.

She came, over and over again. The juices flooded between their warm lips. Nyssa rotated her hips again and then pulled away.

Sara looked up to the heavens and the sight of beauty of Nyssa's dripping pussy showed itself. Not only Nyssa's juices, but Diana's as well. Sara beckoned for Nyssa to feet her.

The skilled warrior woman felt her beloved feast on her juices. She shifted back and forth, feeding Sara her pussy juices.

"Mmm, that's perfect."

Nyssa grabbed two handfuls of blonde hair and watched as Sara dipped in. Ever since the first taste she got from Sara, she could not get enough of her. And having Sara taste her was that much better.

Sara got her pussy eaten and got a nice pussy to eat as well. She could not do anything, other than moan into Nyssa's pussy. Trying to devour all of her juices, grabbing her ass as well and pushing the wet cunt into her mouth.

Sara and Nyssa both came at the same time, their legs rocking. Nyssa and Sara crashed onto the beach, in a steamy embrace. They moved in for a long kiss with each other.

Diana pried them both apart and kissed them both. She was as aggressive in the sapphic arts as the Amazon was in the battle arts. Diana dominated both Nyssa and Sara with kisses and then drove her fingers inside of their tight pussies.

"I have to have more," Diana said with her eyes darkening with a shade of lust.

"Oh, take everything...you want!" Sara called.

"Agreed!" Nyssa yelled.

Nyssa and Sara reached for Diana's tantalizing breasts like two naughty girls craving candy before dinner. They squeezed and sucked at Diana's amazing chest. The Amazon pushed her breasts deeper into the mouths of the suckling women. All while touching their bodies and ensuring that this felt extremely good for all three of them.

Sara closed her eyes and savored the moment. It was an amazing, thrilling moment of having Diana's heaving breast push deep inside of her mouth. She sucked, hard, on Diana's rock hard nipple and was rewarded by a moan. She squeezed the fleshy underside to get more coverage.

On the other end, Nyssa took about as much breast in her mouth as possible. Such pillars deserved, demanded, to be worshipped and Nyssa would be damned if she let such a thing go unworshipped. Her perfect mouth dove down as deep as possible, sucking the nipple between her lips. She hungered, craved, for even more of that perfect, succulent breast. Slurping it all into her mouth.

"Good job," Diana said.

The two women detached from her breast and Sara motioned for Diana to turn around. Diana got the hint, dropping to her hands and knees. Sara crawled against her from behind, dragging her tongue against Diana's very eager and extremely accomodating slit. It drained juices from it and allowed Sara to slurp it up.

The visual Diana received over her shoulder of Sara going down and feasting on her warm box made thi smore than worth it.

Nyssa, meanwhile, played with her nipples and breathed in. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before she got in there and had her fun. Sara's bouncing ass and wet pussy called towards Nyssa. Despite the Daughter of the Demon priding herself on great self control, she could not resist Sara, not for that long. Her heart raced a couple of beats before diving in, going straight between the legs of her lover.

A few tastes and a long swirl of her tongue got the ball rolling. All while Nyssa pushed her fingers against her own entrance and diddled herself while eating Sara. And while Sara ate out Diana. The moans which accompanied the Amazon flowed freely. All while heating Nyssa up.

Nyssa closed her eyes and imagined the Amazon pushing her down into the ground, using one of those toys that Sara was so fond of. It was unfortunate they did not bring any on this trip. They were just going to have to improvise. And Nyssa was just going to have to settle with digging in deep and devouring Sara's warm, luscious pussy.

"Great, Hera, you're gifted!" Diana yelled.

Hearing a name of a goddess invoked, shot Sara's ego through the sky. She buried herself hard and fast inside of Diana, licking her womanly juices from her. Diana moaned, heavily breathing with each passing struggle. Sara took her tongue deeper inside of Diana, licking her, making her lust for even more.

The juices spilled out and fed Sara. Sara drank them up, and if they were her last meal on this planet, that would be fine. It would be perfect, perfect. She brought Diana to another rapid fire conclusion, squeezing the perfect ass of the Amazon while devouring her.

And Sara got devoured herself. Nyssa's able tongue was one of the things that brought Sara to a very vunerable state. Her entire body sized up and no matter how hard she tried to stave it off, it was Nyssa's slick tongue which brought Sara's loins to a very sticky conclusion.

Diana dug her hands into the beach. Both of these women knew what they were doing and she relaxed. Always a good thing after a long hard battle to relax with a pair of able lovers. Ones with skilled hands, who knew precisely what they were doing.

A loud slurp and Diana came hard all over Sara's face. She almost dropped down to the ground, but held on at the very last second.

Speaking of coming, Sara came as well thanks to Nyssa. Her juices splattered freely from her core, sticking to Nyssa's beautiful face. Nyssa buried herself in Sara, busying herself with a long amount of eating. Hungering for more, taking as much from her as possible. All of this was appreciated by Sara, who burned with an endless amount of lust for her beloved.

Nyssa, also came at at the same time, thanks to her fingers. They soaked wet with arousal. Nyssa pushed it into her hole,imagining now Diana taking one of her holes and Sara taking the other. This forced Nyssa's fingers inside of her and rocked her body. The pleasure dazed Nyssa and kept her body hungering for just that much more. Just that much more pleasure.

"Mmm," Nyssa breathed. "Mmm."

They all three finished at the same time. Sara left Diana as Nyssa left Sara. The two women landed on their knees in front of each other. Wet juices shined against their faces. Sara put her hands on Nyssa and pulled her in with a nice, long, passionate kiss.

The two lovely warriors tasted each other. Their tongues dancing together, trying to drink the juices.

On the other end, Diana lifted up Nyssa's arm and took her fingers. The powerful Amazon feasted on Nyssa's own juices which she got from working her pussy. Diana sucked Nyssa's digits, the divine taste getting her off something fierce. Nyssa moaned as did Sara.

Eventually, Diana put herself behind Sara and rubbed her breasts against the back of the horny blonde. She kissed Sara several times against the back of the neck and sent waves of pleasure spiraling through her body. Diana rubbed herself against Sara and kissed her.

Sara found herself trapped between two skilled warriors. Their hair rubbing against her, their pussies rubbing against her, their breasts forcing their way against her chest and back. Their lips attacking her from every angles. Her body turned into an overstimulation center of pleasure, receiving so much pleasure. Their tongues, their fingers, their everything made Sara receive heated agressions all over. Her body practically sizzled the more that they worked her.

Nyssa knew what her woman liked.

"Just go with it, beloved," Nyssa said while lining Sara's lips with kisses, along with the side of her jaw and her neck.

Sara only panted with pleasure, her juicy pussy squishing against Nyssa's. The lips caress her, hitting her at all of the right points. All of the right angles. Diana and Nyssa feel up her body and make Sara rock all the way.

Diana smiled when taking Sara's ass in her hands. It was like fine clay that she had to mold, squeeze, just play with. Diana rubbed herself against Sara, while also licking her own fingers. The moment that they were wet, Diana slipped them into Sara's taboo hole.

"Do you approve?" Diana asked.

"Very much...so," Sara let out.

Nyssa joined her in fingering Sara from the front. Sara enjoyed the ride of being doubly penetrated by her lovers. She was very hands on with her pleasure of them, reaching for as much flesh as wish that she had more than one set of able hands hit Sara hard. She just had to make do with what she had at her disposal, but it was extremely hard.

"Mmm, she's quite special," Diana said.

"Yes, as are you," Nyssa said.

"Yes, I would...agree."

Sara came, several times, from the actions of her two lovers. She gave them a little bit more, receiving so much pleasure that it almost felt hot, obscene, and pretty much every other word one could describe from such hot actions. Her pussy received a very intense rubbing as well, the heat of the moment building between Sara's hot thighs, putting her into the danger zone of pleasure.

She came, hard, and fast. Sara did not know how many times Diana and Nyssa brought her to pleasure, combined. At this particular moment, she found it hard to concentrate on anything else other than orgasms.

And Sara Lance received a hell of a body blowing orgasm from the combined efforts of these two women. Sweat, juices, drool, they all stained her body and made her feel good when she rose up and practically crashed down to the ground.

Nyssa and Diana both removed their fingers from Sara's holes. They allowed her to slump down to rest. All while busying themselves with each other. Tongues, Lips, hands, everything, with Nyssa and Diana working into each other. Their breasts pushed together, their pussy hair tangled together.

In due time, Sara would recover. Right now, Diana and Nyssa busied themselves in a sixty-nine position and indulged in the taste of their aroused pussy, their bodies opened for Sara's further exploration when she was ready.


Next Chapter: 8/12/2018.

Thanks for the support and I'll see you for the next chapter.