17. Seduction of the Innocent(Sara Lance and Mary M...

Seduction of the Innocent(Sara Lance/White Canary and Mary Batson/Mary Marvel)

The battle passed and Sara had a large smile on her face in the aftermath of said battle. In their usual manner, the Legends once again saved the day and saved all time. Although, they could not have done it without a little help and Sara's expression locked onto the woman standing next to her.

Mary Marvel, the beautiful brunette heroine, wearing a bright red, white costume, with yellow, had that seductive level of innocence which got Sara's interest. She was almost too innocent to run around with the ragtag crew of misfits from the Legends. Hence why she did not want to recruit them.

"So, that was amazing," Mary said. "We sure showed the bad guys."

"Yeah, we sure did," Sara said.

She could not help and smile at Mary's bright smile which lit the entire world on fire. Sara could not help and gaze upon her lips. Thoughts entered Sara's mind, as those lips fueled that imagination. She leaned a bit closer to Sara and put a hand on her shoulder.

"So, are you going to be okay?" Mary asked. "That energy hit you took….."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Sara said. "After dying and coming back to life, being bombarded with mystical energy from a temple doesn't seem so bad. And besides, you were the one that took it the hardest."

"Well, it gave me...well it felt good, 'Mary said. "And besides, you were there, the White Canary. You are really swell."

"Swell, can't say I've ever been told I was that before," Sara said. "But, I'll take that as a compliment."

The more Sara looked at Mary, the more dirty, sinful thoughts entered her mind. She was so innocent, which made Sara want her even more. The skirt unintentionally rode up and Sara wished she could will it to get even shorter. So, she could gaze upon Mary's long, alluring legs. Sara's mind turned over several possible scenarios of Mary wrapping those legs around her and moaning in pleasure.

"You know," Sara softly stated with a very simple smile on her face. "We could have some real fun, you and I."

"What do you mean?"

Innocence, Sara was pretty sure that she was like that a long time ago. But, it was literally a lifetime ago, maybe two or three if Sara was charitable about what she would count as dying.

"You were brave out there," Sara said.

"You really think so."

Sara wanted to pet her. In every sense of the word. The biting on her lip caused Sara to smile.

"Yes, you were," Sara confirmed. "And I think that you helping us deserves its own reward."

With a swift movement that screamed ninja badass, Sara wrapped her arms around Mary and pulled her in tight. Mary squirmed in wonder, but Sara brushed a hand through her hair and leaned closer towards Mary.

"Relax," Sara said. "I'm going to reward you."

"But, isn't doing the right thing it's own reward?"

"True," Sara agreed. "But, I think this is a more fun reward."

Without any hesitation, Sara's fingers rubbed Mary's inner thigh as she moved underneath the dark-haired woman's skirt. Mary let out breath in response. Sara pulled her panties back for a minute.

Emotions hit Mary's mind and caused it to go hogwild. Being barely eighteen years old, she was unexperienced to dealing with these things. Sara pulled off her top and revealed Mary's breasts. The ample sacs of flesh pushed against Sara's palm and squeezed them. Sara leaned a little bit closer towards Mary and kissed her several times against the back of the neck. She pulled back again and turned Mary around.

Mary was shocked to see Sara's top come down. She was gorgeous and more flesh exposed. Sara put her hand on Mary's hair and leaned forward.

"Don't worry, darling," Sara said. "I'll be gentle with you."

The kiss planted on Mary's soft, inexperienced lips, made the empowered teenage girl get driven over the edge. Sara put her hand on the small of the back and moaned when Sara explored the inside of Mary's mouth. It caused her brain to get fogged and her shaky hands to scramble to touch Sara.

Thankfully, being no stranger to treating a young woman to endless pleasure, Sara placed Mary's hands on her ass and there was a couple of squeezes. She panted with Sara working deep inside, tasting her sweet, tongue mouth. A swipe against Mary's nipple caused her to breath in.

Sara pulled away and nudged Mary, offering her a seat. Mary took a seat, her legs springing apart at instinct. Sara crouched down, straddling Mary's hips and kissing her lips.

The soft, passionate breathing coming from this woman lit a fire inside of Sara's body. Her loins grew intensely passionate when pressing down onto Mary.

They broke apart.

"Golly," Mary managed.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet?"

Sara kissed down Mary's neck, exploring the deep rich valley between her ample bosom. The bouncing toned breasts pushed against Sara's mouth and allowed warmth to spread against her. Sara rubbed the underside of Mary's breasts, and pulled back, kissing her navel and then moving down.

Her sweet pussy just beckoned for Sara. A taste of the sweet nectar caused Mary to gasp out again. Her fingers caressed the back of Sara's head and allowed her hips to shove up at a certain point. Her leg pushed against the back of Sara's head and another moan fired out of her mouth.

Mary closed her eyes and enjoyed the depths with Sara explored in her. Sara rocked her mouth back and forth, indulging in Mary's sweet, sweet pussy lips.

"Please!" Mary yelled. "Keep making me feel so good."

Her body warmed up with an accelerating amount of pleasure. Mary's hips kept rotating, working up and down, with Sara sliding her tongue into her honey body. The juices spilled out, with Sara hammering the tongue in numerous times. Mary almost collapsed on the bed, but pulled up with her hips driving faster to Sara's face.

Sara came up after making Mary come so hard. She climbed up and once again kissed Mary. Mary wrapped one of her legs around Sara and kissed her back.

"Want to return the favor?"

Mary was eager to do so, and Sara's bottom half came completely off. She was naked and really sexy. Mary blushed when looking at Sara's toned body.

"Is this your first pussy, honey?" Sara asked.

"Mmm, hmmm," Mary said in a shy voice.

"Don't worry, I'll make it memorable."

Sara stood up and guided Mary's face.

"Kiss my thighs on your way to the center," Sara advised her.

Mary did as she was told, because she was taught to respect her elders. The firm, fleshy muscles squished underneath Mary's lips. Without thinking, she found the same point on Sara which caused Mary lust earlier. Mary sucked on that point a minute, before closing him.

After Mary spent some time sucking Sara's clit, she dove down in between Sara's legs. Mary was eager to please and Sara was eager to be pleased. A match made in heaven. Sara thrust her hips back into Mary's waiting, sucking mouth. Every sound echoed through the room.

Sara closed her eyes, but then opened them up. Just in time to gaze down onto Mary's heated eagerness. Enjoying the taste all the way to the center point.

"Closer," Sara panted.

Several more deep sucks and now Mary was eating her pussy at earnest. The girl was a natural at oral sex and Sara was glad to have rewarded to her and rewarding her. Mary's tongue vibrated on and off, going a bit deeper inside of her. Sara thrust her hips back up and closed in, breathing when Mary went down on her.

"I'm so close, baby," Sara said. "Why don't you give me some of this?"

Mary gave her more than enough of this. Sucking the juices from Sara's wet pussy got her hips just rocking back and forth, feeding Mary with her juices. She pulled back and shoved deep inside of Mary's gaping, waiting mouth. Her lips took an intense feeding.

The next move passed with Sara leaning down and kissing Mary on the lips. The two sucked each other, with Sara straddling Mary's body. She pulled away, a small strand of salvia breaking from them. Mary panted when looking up at Mary. A cupped breast made Mary feel locked and loaded, and feel really good from how much Sara touched her.

"Please!" Mary yelled.

"You want to have more fun?"

Mary wrapped her arms around Sara, her legs spreading. Sara ground her crotch against Mary's and there was a very hot feeling spreading between them. The electricity shooting between Sara's loins increases when she rubbed against Mary. The feeling of Mary's loins vibrating against her is better than any vibration.

Oh, it feels so good and Sara gets her off, rubbing up and down. She was getting wetter and wetter by the moment. Feeling Mary's legs underneather her grip.

Sara relaxed her rocking and leaned down to grab Mary's perfectly large breasts. She squeezed them and made Mary moan. She could not get enough of these breasts. She leaned down and started to worship Mary's ample chest. Mary screamed out loud and encouraged Sara to do more.

Mary could not believe how naughty and sticky this older woman was making her feel. She kept grabbing Sara's butt, a bit shameless as she did so. She wondered how it would be to put her tongue in it...would Sara let her? Mary just wanted to nuzzle her cheeks into her.

The reluctance of the girl faded and now Mary was groping Sara's body without any hesitation or any apology. Sara almost felt bad of seducing such an innocence young woman into debauchery.

"Yes!" Mary yelled. "Oooh, Sara, you're going to make me….."

"You are too," Sara said. "You're a naughty girl, Mary. Marvel. Making me so wet."

"Don't naughty girls get spankings?" Mary asked in a low voice.

"Maybe later," Sara said while winking.

At the moment, she rode the lightning bolt, for lack of a better term, that brushed against her. Sara was getting further and further into taking Mary. Her heart sped up with an couple of very intense beats. She was getting closer, closer to breaking on Mary.

Then, Sara's loins released their outflow of juices. Their heat rubbed against Sara and Mary, with their bodies just melding into each other.

"Oh yes," Mary panted with lust burning through her eyes. "Give it to me."

"Oh, I'll give it to you alright."

After a moment, Sara pulled back and flipped Mary over. Her lovely cheeks stuck up in the air and presented her booty for Sara to spank. And Sara spanked it a couple of times.

"Spank me!" Mary called for her.

Sara did not be any further encouragement. Not with Mary's thick womanly ass reddening underneath Sara's hand. Sara pulled back and spanking her a few more times. Every few spanks, Sara dove in for a minute and ate Mary out.

Mary clutched onto the bed and breathed in pleasure. Sara rewarded her with more fun, the heat building between her legs. Sara speeded up a couple more times and pulled out, before rubbing between Mary's legs.

That hot, rocking body along with the innocent demeanor were two things that hit Sara's buttons and hammered all of her kinks. She climbed on top of Mary, while she was face down and worshipped her body with multiple kisses. Every time Sara pleasured Mary's body, it broke her mentally.

Sara penetrated Mary and fingered her to the edge. She pulled back and tasted Mary's juices.

"I've got something for you, my little Marvel," Sara said.

A large hard object struck Mary from behind. She flushed and at the same time did not hesitate to allow Sara to slide inside of her. Sara put the hands on her lower back and shoved inside of her, filling up Mary with inch after inch until she was completely inside of her.

Completely inside of Mary, and fucking her hot body. Mary hovered over the bed and this only gave Sara more room to take her and to cause Mary to moan out. It got Sara's juices to flow alongside of Mary's, that's for sure. Sara smiled when gazing at the movement of her body.

Sara continued her pleasure trip on Mary's body. Mary's mouth opened and shut a couple more times. She slapped down onto Mary.

"You want to finish?" Sara asked.

"Yes, please."

Well, she was polite, and Sara could not fault that. She did not tease Mary too much, okay maybe just a little bit. Just enough to get a feel of Mary's perfect body. Kissing, touching, and just taking her.

Mary felt like she was a very intense roller coaster ride. She dropped almost down before Sara pulled her up. Mary opened her mouth and closed it a couple of times, letting out her breath in a rattling moan. Sara pushed deep inside of her, their flesh connecting together. Sara pumped her lovely hips forward, making Mary just break out into numerous hot and passionate moans the further he entered her tight pussy.

"Good, good, I'm close too, "Sara said.

"Let's do it together!"

The energy in her voice just increased Sara's desire to shove forward. The friction guiding her hips forward to Mary's tight, clenching center, sent more electrical shocks through her body. Mary closed onto her and Sara came just seconds before Mary did as well.

They screamed in pleasure, with Sara pushing Mary down onto the bed. She rode out Mary's very powerful and very intense orgasm. Thighs struck together in time for the pumping hips of the blonde warrior to go forward.

The sexy brunette crashed down onto the bed. She had a goofy grin after Sara finished riding her off.

"Thanks again," Sara said. "I appreciate it.

"I know," Mary said. "So, are we going to do this again?"

Sara watched as Mary sat up, looking at her with those innocent eyes. Innocent despite having her brains fucked out, or maybe that was just a look Mary was putting on because she knew her innocence turned Sara on.

Maybe, just maybe, Mary Marvel was an evil mastermind who knew exactly what she was doing to press Sara's buttons. She was still pretty hot though.

"Oh, you bet your sweet ass I will," Sara said.

They exchanged a long kiss before Sara left Mary to collapse with a satisfied smile on her face. They would meet again at another time.


Next Chapter: 9/16/2018.

Thanks for your support, and I'll see you in the next chapter.