16. Always There(Oliver and Thea Queen)

This chapter features a M/F pairing and also brother/sister incest. You've been warned.

Always There(Oliver Queen and Thea Queen)

Oliver Queen growled when he flipped through some papers. The door opened and he was seconds away from snapping at the person coming into the door. The Star City Mayor's expression relaxed when he realized it was only Thea stepping through the door.

"Problem?" Thea asked.

She perched on the edge of the desk, the short shirt she wore detracting Oliver's attention for a moment.

"It's these zoning plans, they're all wrong," Oliver said. "It's almost like the didn't listen to a word that I said."

Thea sighs. That was really par for the course. She took the plans into her hand and shook her head for a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, I don't know how they messed up," Thea said. "We'll get this taken care of...don't worry."

Thea leaned over and Oliver gave her a grateful smile. She moved closer to Oliver and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You sure there's not anything else?" Thea asked him a few seconds. "Because, I know that look and I know there's something bothering you more than zoning plans."

"Well, it's Felicity," Oliver commented.

"You don't say," Thea said.

"And Black Siren," Oliver said. "She...seems to think that I have a blind spot regarding Laurel...and maybe she has a pont."

"Or maybe you have an even bigger blindspot regarding her," Thea told him firmly. "I'm serious, Ollie...I mean...you would have never let someone like her talk down to you like she does."

"I know," Oliver said. "But..she's…."

"She can't be that good in bed for you to overlook that," Thea said. "Especially given you're not in a relationship, unless you are again."

"No," Oliver said a moment later.

Thea put a hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"Ollie, you know that you're my favorite person," Thea said softly. "But, sometimes, I think that you put up with shit that you shouldn't have. No one's perfect, fuck it, I'm living proof of that, but how many times are you going to let Felicity have her way with you before you stand up and tell her that she's out of?"

Thea gently rubbed Oliver's neck for a few seconds and leaned closer towards him.

"Her ass looks good in a tight dress, I'll give you that," Thea said. "And...I swear, she never used to be this way….but, it seemed like she let dating to you get to her head."

"I'm not sure it's that way," Oliver said.

"It's exactly that way," Thea said. "But, it's your life, I'm just….she wouldn't get away with talking to you like she does if Mom was here."

Oliver just smiled and the two of them leaned together.

"It's been three years tonight," Thea said. "That she….."

"I know," Oliver told her. "I know."

Thea leaned a little bit closer to her brother and without any hesitation, she kissed him on the lips. For one primal second, Oliver returned it, with a very intense kiss before pulling away from Thea.

"We really shouldn't do this, not again," Oliver told her.

"Mmm, maybe, maybe not," Thea said. "But, you can't deny that we need each other...like we did before….but…."

Oliver just smiled at her. The first time they got together, was after Thea's little run in with Vertigo, where she got a serious wakeup call. Oliver stayed with her, wanting to make sure she was okay. He only intended to comfort her, but one thing lead to another and they began an on and off again relationship, which was purely physical, because they needed this.

At least that's how Oliver justified sleeping with his baby sister. And they only did it when they were not dating anyone.

"That was before I was Mayor," Oliver said.

Thea scoffed and put her hand on Oliver's thigh.

"You're not the first person who fucked someone in this office," Thea told him. "You're not going to say no, are you? Not on this night...not of all nights."

"Now, Thea...that was unfair."

"You're right, it is, and I'm sorry," Thea said to him. "But, it's unfair, that you've been through so much, and you've deprived yourself of needs...maybe I'm wrong though...maybe I should just leave you to your work."

Oliver grabbed Thea's hand and pulled her back.

"One night," Oliver said.

"One night," she agreed.

The two Queen siblings moved in for a long kiss, with Thea's tongue demanding entry into Oliver's mouth. His fingers ghosted all over her body, when the kissed, deepening the kiss.

Before they got too hot and heavy, Oliver made sure to lock the office door. This late, there was little chance anyone wanted to come up here, but they did not want to take any chances. Oliver pulled Thea closer towards him, with her fingers lazily dancing against his chest, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Ollie...I'll make you feel so good," Thea said.

It was conditional between the two of them, no judging, no drama, just two people seeking each other, finding love. Oliver tugged Thea's skirt and cupped her ass. She rubbed against him, moaning and then moving down to take Oliver's pants off and reveal him.

"And you can't say that you didn't want this," Thea said. "Because the state of you says otherwise."

Thea greeted her favorite arrow with a long kiss to the head. Oliver grunted when feeling Thea's warm mouth onto his. She slipped Oliver into her mouth and began to suck him off.

"Jesus Christ, Speedy," Oliver groaned.

His sister's cock sucking skills were nearly without peer. Oliver gazed down into Thea's warm, and passionate eyes. Watching her hunger raise up, guiding around him, and pleasuring him. Thea grabbed Oliver's testicles and weighed them when she worked them over.

Lips, teeth, and tongue worked together in harmony. Oliver could not resist being inside of his sister's mouth. She was like an angel on her knees, completely debauched and ready to let Oliver unload in her mouth.

"Closer," Oliver groaned.

Thea traced naughty words all over Oliver's endowment before going back to sucking him off. She pumped him, milking his swollen testicles whe working him over. She wanted to taste his cum, it had been too long since she tasted the cum of a real man and her brother was going to indulge her.

Oliver blew his load down Thea's throat. She sucked him up like the perfect goddess she was. Thea leaned in closer towards him and pulled out, licking the string from his slit as it dripped down.

"So, how was it?"

"Thea Queen," Oliver said. "You have not failed this city."

"Cute," Thea said. "So, I always meant to ask...how did I stack up to your past flames?"

"Up there with Sara," Oliver said.

"Well, if Sara's cock sucking skills are half as good as her pussy eating, I'll take that as a compliment," Thea said when she licked her lips.

Oliver had so many burning questions to ask his sister. Of course, Oliver was distracted due to the fact that Thea dropped her skirt and panties. Her pubic hair shaved in the shape of an arrow, which pointed to her wet hole made Oliver's thoughts go out. He lifted Thea up on the desk and spread her legs.

"Looks like I remembered to bring you dinner after all," Thea said with a cheeky grin.

"And you brought my favorite."

It could not be helped in Oliver's mind. He could not help look at Thea, bare from the waist down. He wanted to strip her completely naked, so he removed her blouse and bra to draw on Thea's naked body in all of it's splender. She looked up at him, with a soft smile on her face.

She spread her legs, inviting, as if to say that she was here for Oliver, if he wanted her. And Oliver did want her. He moved in, first kissing her very beautiful navel. Her strong powerful abs were as hot as butter underneath Oliver's mouth. He could not help and worship Thea, moving down, and kissing her legs, and then the inside of her thighs. The closer he got to the precious jewel between her legs ramped up the excitement in Oliver's mind.

Oliver inhaled Thea's scent and all of the arousal. He had been around the block more than enough times to know when a woman was truly and completely aroused. And Thea, this lovely woman, was completely and totally aroused. He leaned in and dipped tongue down into her. To taste Thea, to taste her sweet, honey when it trickled.

Thea closed her eyes. Her intention was to moan out Oliver's name in encouragement. Unfortunately, intentions and actions got switched around the very second Oliver went down onto her. Boy, Thea was struck completely dumb by what Oliver was doing to her, for her in fact. His tongue keeps darting against her and making her just breath out. Sensational, perfect moans hit her all over.

"Oooh, yes," Thea purred when she put her hips into it. "Touch me. Taste me! Have me, I'm yours."

And she was, was his and Oliver took full control of her, eating her sweet pussy out. Going down on her in an intimate way, with a connection that no one else could. Thea sat up to watch her brother's handsome face dive down and worship, suck, do whatever he needed to. Thea lightly danced her fingertips down the back of Oliver's head when he continued until he pulled all the way back up.

The honey sticking to his face made Thea smiled. She reached over and pulled Oliver over. He joined her on the desk with Thea straddling Oliver with a deft movement. She leaned in and kissed Oliver. The Queen siblings made out like two high school students, with their mouths moving together.

Oliver faced the door, to make sure he had been forwarned on the very off chance that anyone would come over tonight. He positioned Thea, his erection trapped between their bodies. Rubbing against Thea's taut stomach muscles caused the blood to boil.

"I need you, Speedy," Oliver whispered. "Will you…."

"Always," Thea said with a smile.

Thea lowered herself down and took Oliver into her. He always filled her up nicely and this was no exception. Thea fixed her gaze onto the look of Oliver's eyes when they became one. It got her heart racing, knowing that they were so close, going into this position.

No words, only actions, namely Thea taking Oliver deep inside of her. He bottomed out inside of her. The feeling of their strong, powerful, healthy bodies connected together. Thea leaned in, pushing perky breasts against a muscular chest. Lips on lips, with their kiss continued. Oliver kneaded her ass, and slipped a finger against her puckered back entrance.

That was for her brother and only for her brother. Thea broke into a smile, pushing into her. He fills her up, with Thea holding on extremely tight. Her legs wrapped around Oliver's muscular torso.

Oliver was once again deep inside of his beautiful sister and working his hips up. The soft sounds of desire she made for him, and the gentle caresses of his cheek, his chest, brought a smile to his face. She moved in to him, rocking her hips back and forth. Oliver clutched onto her tightly.

Thea closed her eyes, and the buzz inside of her body, the pleasure Oliver brought to her, deep in her loins, it was just perfect. Oliver picked up the pace, and made her get closer. He brought her to a finish better and more swiftly than anyone did. But, not too fast, really making Thea feel this moment.

She was wetter and it allowed Oliver to slide into her more easily. He was inside of her, with Thea's perfect legs wrapping around him. Legs which Oliver caressed. She always loved him touching her legs, and Oliver always loved touching him. The short skirts Thea wore to the office was pretty much a highlight of the day.

"Getting tired?" Thea asked.

"Depends," Oliver said. "It's been too long, I want to enjoy this."

"And I want you too," Thea said. "Oh, fuck my nice tight pussy. It's all for you….mmm everything is for you."

Their bodies worked together in perfect harmony. Thea clamped down onto Oliver once again and very nearly, but not quite, caused him to lose him. Oliver squeezed her cheeks and made Thea gasp, moaning in his ear.

"Keep that up, and I might let you back there," Thea teased him. "But, it's been a while."

It has, but Oliver might have to take Thea up on that offer. Not tonight though, tonight he focused on looking his sister straight in the eye when they made love to each other. Their arms wrapped around each other tightly, Thea's legs pulled into them. They offered silent appreciation for one and other, and all of the trials they had been through.

Some might call this little kink in their relationship messed up. But, Oliver found himself just needing to be with Thea, tonight, especially, tonight of all nights.

Thea closed in tight around him and breathed in his ear, enjoying the ride no doubt.

"Don't pull out," Thea said with urgency. "I need to feel all of you."

Oliver pulled her in tight, not wanting to pull out, so he was glad that Thea brought out the point. Her tight walls clamped against his naked cock. Pushing and squeezing him. Making him feel so good with the smooth, tight, sinful velvety walls hammering down on him.

They met together, time moved to a crawl. Their bodies continued their socially unacceptable, but so good, dance. Oliver pushed Thea completely down onto him and she sprung against him. He wanted to feel her reach that final point one more time before unloading.

And boy did he unload, and unload hard. He made a mess inside of Thea. Thea milked him of everything he had. The tension in Oliver's muscles released into several, hard explosions.

Thea smiled at her brother hitting the intended target, his cum racing inside of her body. Having him blow off some tension, having both of them blow off some tension.

They both collapse into a heated, and sweaty embrace. Thea still straddles Oliver, even long after his cock leaves her.

"Always worth it," Thea told him, resting her head on Oliver's shoulder.

Oliver cuddled with his sister on his own desk in the Star City's Mayor Office. She really did help him put things in perspective and allow him to clear his head.

It was with some regret that the one he loved the most, was the one that he could never publicly have.


Next Chapter: 9/9/2018.

Thanks for the support and I'll see you in the next chapter.