23. Sara's Big Score(Sara Lance and Clark Kent)

Sara's Big Score(Sara Lance and Clark Kent(Smallville Version))

After adjusting her tight waitress uniform to make sure it was eye catching enough to catch a certain person's attention, Sara Lance recalled the mission in her mind. She had been sent back to the Year 2003 to meet up with a young Clark Kent, better known as Kal-El of Krypton, or Superman. Of course, given certain shifts of the timeline, he would make a choice on this day which would prevent him from rising to that mantle eventually.

Sara hoped to prevent that from happening. The former Assassin scoped at the bar. The Waitress uniform caught a lot of eyes, both men and female. It fit snugly against Sara's ass and legs and she decided to skip wearing panties today. The cleavage of the uniform was actually secondary compared to what it was showing downstairs, but a true warrior used all of the weapons at her disposal.

She came over towards the young man, Clark Kent. Superman at his most humble beginnings, influenced by Red Kryptonite, which Sara hoped to get away from him and bring him to his senses before he made a big mistake that would lead to ramifications which would destroy all of history.

The two girls hanging off of his shoulder gave Sara the eye. They were nothing special, nothing that could keep up with a true Man of Steel. Sara decided to put on the charm, along with a fake Southern accent.

"Is there anything that I can get you, hon?" Sara asked.

Clark's eyes combed over Sara's body. She could feel him, the future Superman Sara remembered, checking her out. And she was pretty sure he was using X-Ray vision to gaze to see what she was wearing or rather what she was not wearing underneath. Sara gave him a knowing smile and egged him on with a wink.

"Are you on the menu?" Clark asked.

"Mmm, such a smooth talker," Sara said. "And you know something….I'm just about ready to get off...how about you get me off a little bit early?"

She grabbed Clark and pulled her away from the simpering little girls who hung off of him. They gave Sara death glares.

"You're pretty strong," Clark said. "You might be funnier than all of the other ones...I can get rough when I'm excited."

"Me too," Sara told him in a breathy voice. "There's a bedroom upstairs...it has our name on it."

Clark stopped them from going up the stairs and grabbed Sara's ass. She just looked at him with a wide grin and cupped his face. The two entered into a passionate makeout session.

If Sara was going to seduce the future Superman, she wanted to go all in on this one. She aggressively demanded entry into his mouth, her tongue trying to molest the tonsils of the Last Son of Krypton. She reached between his legs and rubbed his crotch.

'Man of Steel indeed,' Sara thought.

Her fingers rubbed against his crotch and he growled into her. He hiked up the waitress uniform and squeezed her ass hard. Sara closed her eyes.

"Let's take this one to the bedroom, tiger," Sara breathed in his ear.

Clark ripped open the door and scooped up Sara before taking her on the bed. The minute Sara was on the bed, she pulled down his pants and revealed his extremely large and thick cock.

"Just looking at that, makes me wet," Sara said.

"Well, I'm sure a lady like you knows exactly what to do," Clark said.

"Oh, I'm sure," she said. "What's your name again?"

"Call, me Kal," he said.

Oh right, he was on that. Well, Sara was going to make him forget either name. He did not ask for her name, not that Sara would give him a real one. Not that it mattered given that she was just barely in High School, if Sara's math was right.

Not focusing on the math of her age, Sara focused on the big throbbing cock in front of her. She squeezed it and made Clark's hips buck forward. The heat of her mouth sank all the way down onto his manhood. She made sure to take her time, inhaling Clark's cock inch by inch.

She took her time, stalling him, as the red solar lamps above their head did their work. They were mood lighting as far as Clark could tell, but they served a purpose. Sara worked his prick.

"Most girls don't get this far," Clark grunted.

Sara pulled his throbbing member from her mouth and lightly teased the head with a lick.

"That's because I'm a woman," Sara said. "And I'm going to blow your mind."

She pushed down onto Clark and sure enough, he was feeling something that he never felt before. This woman was extremely talented and knew how to make him feel really good. Clark rolled his hips back and he felt a little bit of sweat. He might have been asking questions about how he felt this, but there were times where people should not be asking any questions. Especially now with a fit as fuck blonde blowing him.

Sara sped up, the thought of tasting Superman's seed was too enjoyable to pass up. And she was his first, she was pretty sure. That was a hell of a notch on her belt as far as Sara was concerned.

She edged the Man of Steel closer to the edge and then pulled him several steps behind. A loud suction and a louder pop echoed with Sara moving down onto him. She blew his cock something fierce, humming against her throat. She leaned in to accept the bounty.

Clark pressed his hands firmly on the back of her head and began to shoot an immense amount of seed into her mouth. He rode her mouth to the edge and Sara tilted back. She was sexy drinking his seed, without missing a drop.

"Oh, you're perfect," Clark groaned.

"I know I am," Sara said with a smug little smile. "Let's get you out of these clothes…."

Sara stripped off his shirt. His muscular abs and chest were positively drool worthy. Sara could fry butter on it. And lick said butter off, slowly, tasting the sweat glistening off of those perfect abs. Shaking herself out of the thoughts, Sara leaned in and kissed his chest, his abs, and everything.

"Hold on," Clark growled. "You're too….."

"Well, let me correct that, sugar," Sara said.

She broke out into a smile and swayed her hips doing a dance to imaginary music. Sara made sure that Clark's eyes were completely on her as she slowly slipped the waitress uniform. Each sensual movement of her body brought Clark's desire towards her.

"How much do you want me, Kal?" Sara asked him. "Do you want all of me?"

She bent over to reveal her tight ass and dripping wet pussy. Sara edged over and rubbed her ass all over Clark while slipping herself out of the waitress uniform. She knew she had Clark, and had him groaning.

Despite his bravado, Clark seemed to be unsure what to do. Sara helped him out by lifting a single hand and dropping it on her ass, to make him squeeze it. Sara broke out into a passionate sigh as Clark caught on quickly. His right hand kneaded her ass and the left hand, well it moved in to stroke Sara's thighs. And then her pussy.

"You're perfect," Clark groaned.

"Thank you," Sara said. "Why don't we take off this watch, it's ugly?"

Sara undid the watch and threw it off to the side. It was a gamble that she could keep Clark interested after the Red K infection was off, but Sara was confident in herself. She did not give Clark any time to think about it, rather she straddled his lap and kissed the future Superman.

In the depths of his mind, Clark stirred back to life. This older woman, must have been in his twenties, straddled him. He almost tried to push off, but all he did was pull her deeper. Something caused sweat to roll down his body and Clark could not feel anything other than pleasure. His cock throbbed hard at this older woman who knew exactly what he was doing.

And she was going to, as the saying goes, take his cherry. Her wet pussy lips rubbed against Clark.

"Hon, relax, I'll take care of this," Sara said.

She had gotten him so hard, it would be completely evil to leave him.

"Just who are you?" Clark asked with a groan.

"A friend," Sara said with a saucy smile.

Sara sank down onto Clark. The sixteen year old groaned when the older woman pushed down onto him. She could feel his eager young body.

"I could hurt you," Clark protested, but his hands never left Sara's ass.

"That won't be a problem, Superboy," Sara said. "I'm prepared."

Her legs wrapped around him when she took as much of that massive Kryptonian cock into her as humanly possible. Yes, this was perfect, and he was eager once the original awkwardness left. Now his hands moved over her body, with Sara leaning into towards him.

"Oh, you can use those hands," Sara said. "Good boy, grab my ass. Why don't you touch my likes? Slowly, rub them down...tease them."

Clark did as he was told. The woman's legs felt amazing, and warm to to the touch. He could not do anything other than touch them because touching these legs, felt so beyond good. He needed to tease every inch of Sara and bring her closer to the edge. Her hot and heavy mewling escalated with each drop down on his cock.

"I still don't know your name," Clark said.

"That didn't seem to bother you when I sucked your cock," she teased.

Sara pushed her warm walls against him and gave him the thrill ride of his life. Clark's roaming hands sent waves of pleasure and lust all through Sara's body. She knew exactly how much she wanted of this and knew exactly how to hit all of his buttons now.

Eventually, the position switched, and Sara rode Clark reverse cowgirl style. His burning stare directly at her ass made Sara just smile. Superman, well the future Superman, was staring at her ass with feverish worship when she took his cock into her. She made sure he felt.

"Careful, that stare gets any hotter, you could burn me," Sara said. "Not that I'm afraid of a little fire."

That tease was half a tease and half serious. Sara braced herself for Clark's famous "eyejaculation" problems that he had. It did not come however, although she was getting close to doing so herself. Sara pressed deeper against him, and rode him all the way to her orgasm.

"And you just won't crack, will you?" Sara asked. "You must be pent up...but I think that I can get it out of you."

Now Sara rode him regular cowgirl style. She made sure to cup her breasts and made sure his eyes were on it. Her inner muscles squeezed his cock, in an attempt to milk every savory last bit of seed out of him. Sara pushed almost all the way down onto him and pulled completely out of him.

She kept him pleasured. Clark had no idea who this sexy older woman was, but he was certainly glad she was here. He never thought his first time would be anything like this. Being dragged off by an older woman, and then being put through this.

"I hope you remember this in the future."

Sara sank down onto Clark and rode him constantly into the bed. Her hot thighs slapped down onto him and guided him to the edge. She wanted him to cum.

"Shouldn't I pull out?"

"Oh, sweetie, did you really think I would drag you off and not be prepared to have you cum inside of me?" Sara asked. "No, this is planned."

She lost a tiny bit of the Southern accent that she used out of habit. Sara leaned into the Last Son of Krypton and worshipped his body. Her fingers pushed deep against Clark's chest and rocked down onto him. She repeatedly worked up and down on him, his iron hard pole pressing on her inside.

"Go ahead, do it."

"Are you sure?"

Sara squeezed him and lavished his rock hard chest and abs with kisses. Yes, she was sure, she wanted to have him finish and finishing inside of her would be the best place. Her lips parted for him, and he buried all the way inside of her. His throbbing balls pressed against Sara's pussy and she knew, she somehow knew the end would be near. Sara threw herself back to enjoy the ride.

Clark could not hold back any longer. Smallville school sex education did not prepare him from being seduced by an experienced older woman and being milked dry. And the cannon blast of seed, although not as prolific if his powers had not been sapped from him, fired into the woman's body.

She rode him and looked like a debauched angel when doing so. She screamed and took him, his seed burying inside of her. It was obvious how she saved her best squeezes for last, clamping down and releasing him. The seed constantly sprayed into her hole.

Sara milked every last drop. She just laid Superman and drained his balls. Granted, he was not quite Superman yet, but why quibble over the small details.

She pulled away and stood up to get dressed, while also slipping the RedK into a lead lined case in her waitress uniform. Sara stood over the room and Clark sat up, a bit dazed.

"Will I see you again?" Clark asked her.

"Sometime in the future," Sara said with a saucy smile.

She gave Clark one last kiss for the rode and pulled away from him. She was sure he had a lot to come to terms with, during his crazed super under Red Kryptonite, but now that was out of the picture.

Sara stopped at the stairs and came across a familiar blonde, her eyes widened. Sara just smiled and winked at her.

Then, she was on her way, back to more misadventures in time. Sara really hoped that it would not bite her leaving the Team to their own devices. Then again, putting Ray in charge seemed to be the best idea, given the options.

Imagine the state of the timeline, if Mick had been running the team in her absence.


Next Chapter 10/28/2018