24. Caught Red Handed(Felicity/Thea/Laurel)

Blog Exclusive Hit the Mark Chapter Has Been Posted, Featuring Mari McCabe/Vixen and Rogue from the X-Men. Check It Out Here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/10/vixen-does-roguehit-mark-blog-exclusive.html

Caught Red Handed(Thea Queen, Felicity Smoak, and Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary)Some would argue that curiousity would be a very grave sin. Some would say that it is the gravest sin. It’s one Felicity Smoak exercised way too many times and got her into an amazing amount of trouble. Still, she could not help and take a peak at certain things.She noticed several times, after they had been on patrol, Thea Queen and Laurel Lance, better known as Speedy and Black Canary, disappeared. They had grown rather close over the past year or two. Felicity found it very odd that they did not return.Perhaps she should not meddle. Perhaps she should not get involved. Felicity thought about those things. The angel on her shoulder lost out to the devil. Felicity followed them upstairs.‘Just one tiny peak won’t hurt.’Felicity reconciled this statement, hoping that she would be able to pull away. Perhaps they were training. Perhaps there was nothing really odd going on here. Perhaps Felicity was curious for nothing.She decided to slip the door open a crack. The sight stopped Felicity cold in her tracks. It took a moment for her to adjust to the light and also adjust to what she was seeing.Thea laid face down on the bed, completely naked. Laurel was in an equal state of undress. Until Felicity caught her breath, she could not fully appreciate the beautiful sight of what was going down. Namely, Laurel rubbing down Thea’s body. The oil glistened off of the body of the archer.“That’s a sensitive spot and you know it,’ Thea said with a half giggle.“Yeah, I know,” Laurel said. “But, nothing’s more sensitive than this.”Laurel slid those fingers deep into Thea’s wet pussy and caused her to break down into a loud moan. She kept moaning the faster Laurel shoved her fingers deep into Thea’s wet pussy, and rocked her back and forth. Thea broke out into a very soft moan, the faster she worked inside.“YES!” Thea moaned. “YES!”Laurel pumped those fingers deeper into her body and fingered the hell out of Thea. Felicity could not tear her eyes away from this. Laurel was able to reach the spots to the point where Felicity was putting herself in Thea’s place.Thea’s place was a very good one as it turned out. The sexy brunette archer rose to her hands and knees. Felicity got a look at Thea’s firm ass and her mouth watered. She was drooling in every sense of the word from Laurel teasing every inch of Thea’s sexy body. Felicity wondered if she was going to lose it just standing here. The heat climbing over her body was extremely immense.Then, Laurel added a strap on to fun and games and with practiced ease, slid deep into Thea from behind. Her hands cupped the firm ass of the sexy young archer underneath her.“Am I spoiling you?”“YES!”Thea thrashed about on the bed. Her older lover acted very attentively to her kneads. The rising feelings of lust spurred Laurel on and Thea gave her no thought of discouraging her lover. Laurel pumped her hips faster and faster, and held onto Thea as firmly as possible.“You’re going to cum for me, aren’t you?” Laurel asked.What kind of question was that? Of course Thea was going to cum. She wanted nothing more than to achieve a very explosive release at the hands of Laurel. Said hands were everywhere and spiking Thea’s energies up to another level.Laurel slowed down and paused. Paused for so long that Thea struggled not to growl out her frustration. The second Laurel dove in, she cupped Thea’s perky breasts.Felicity struggled with her lust for this situation. She knew she should back off before someone caught her.Of course, that would be something Felicity would do if she was thinking rationally. She was anything other than a rational thinker. Her panties flew to the side and a finger parted her warm lips. The snugness of her pussy exploded into a splatter of juices.“Mmm,” Felicity breathed.She bit down on her lip to avoid them from hearing her. Exactly how Thea and Laurel did not hear her, Felicity did not know. She pulled away and tasted her finger.So wet, that Felicity thought it was obscene. And now, Laurel had Thea on her back. Thea’s legs wrapped around Laurel and guided her in. The two crime fighters made out and touched each other’s bodies. Felicity wanted to be in the middle of this. Her nipples ached and her pussy throbbed with desire.“Go ahead, Thea, let it go,” Laurel said. “Go ahead, baby, scream for me.”Thea dug her nails into the back of Laurel’s leg and felt her up. Laurel responded by massaging Thea’s legs and riding her faster and faster into the bed. The slap of flesh rose in prominence. The deeper that Laurel dropped into Thea, themore she was feeling it.She loved having her legs played with.“I don’t know why we didn’t do this more often.”“Well, I should be used to getting you off by now,” Laurel said. “Why don’t you suck my breasts?”Thea did more than suck Laurel’s bouncing chest. She grabbed ahold of them and squeezed them. A hot breath echoed through Thea the moment she dove down on that nipple. She stuck the nipple into her mouth and closed her eyes, sucking away on it.The delicious taste of Laurel’s breast spurred Thea’s juices on. She bit down onto it. Laurel cooed in delight and rubbed the back of Thea’s head.Pull away, screamed the rational voice in Felicity’s head. However, the blonde hacker stuck her fingers into her twat and started to masturbate herself furiously. She came alongside of Laurel and Thea. Their sweaty bodies moving in intense lovemaking made Felicity’s toes curl.‘Walk away.’She could not until riding out a very powerful orgasm. Felicity wondered exactly how much fire she played with.The action in the room stopped and Felicity felt a hand on her shoulder.“Hello, Felicity.”A naked Laurel Lance who stared her down like particularly juicy cut of meat stopped Felicity cold. She wanted to say something, anything to defend herself. Laurel grabbed Felicity by the arm and lifted her hand. Without any pause or without any question, Laurel tasted every single one of Felicity’s fingers.“You taste like you’ve been a bad girl,” Laurel said. “And you know what bad girls get, don’t you?”“What do they….”Laurel slipped her arms around Felicity. Any thought to pull away left Felicity. Not that she was capable of getting away, but admitting that caused Felicity to lose what little control she had. And she did not have much after Laurel got her hooks into the woman. She flipped up Felicity’s skirt and pulled down her thong.“They get punished.”No question about it, Felicity tingled with excitement. Laurel spanked her a couple of times and made Felicity just squirm against the wall.“And you have an ass made for spanking,” Laurel said. “Would you like more?”“Oh, you can’t...oh I’ve been a bad girl, spying on you and Thea when you were involved,” Felicity said. “I need to be punished, I want to be punished. Please, Laurel, punish me!”A light slap on her ass got Felicity’s juices flowing just a little bit more. Laurel leaned into her and kissed Felicity behind her ear.“Call me Mistress,” Laurel encouraged her.There was no question about it, Felicity knew exactly what to do now.“Punish me, Mistress.”Another couple of spanks got Felicity’s motor running in the right direction. Felicity pushed her ass back and presented her. Laurel had other ideas and stripped Felicity out of her blouse. She wore nothing other than a bra from the waist up and even the kinky blonde did not wear that for very long.“Oh, you’re just asking for this one, aren’t you?” Laurel breathed in her ear. “I wonder how kinky you’ll get when I strip you naked and lay you out on my bed. Will you drip even wetter?”“For you, yes, Mistress!”Laurel smiled and nibbled the back of Felicity’s neck. She knew Felicity was meant to sub for her, and now Laurel would put the girl in  her proper place.“Kneel before me,” Laurel said. “Lick my pussy.”She left the strap on in the bedroom on the bed while Thea recovered. Felicity did not need any telling twice. She got in between Laurel’s legs and licked her off.“Well, I know why Moira hired you now.”That was something that Felicity would neither confirm nor deny. Any thoughts about being about her wonderful personality or her other qualifications had been lost. Felicity stroked Laurel’s thighs in an attempt to win some added points from the woman across her. Laurel thrust her hips repeatedly into Felicity’s face and grabbed onto the top of her head. The light moans of pleasure rose and fell through the moan.“Keep using that tongue,” Laurel ordered her pet. “I did not tell you to stop. Therefore, you’re not going to stop, until I’m done with you.”Felicity hoped that Laurel would not be done with her for a long time. Laurel cemented her ownership on the perky blonde and made her push deeper inside of her.“Taste me, it’s good for you,” Laurel breathed.Oh, Felicity would taste her, every day and every night, all night long. The pleasure bombarded through her body the faster Laurel’s honey splattered into her mouth and all the way down her throat. Laurel broke out into a sultry smile and motioned for Felicity to rise.Felicity hastened to her feet, not wanting to displease her.“You’ve done a good job,” Laurel said. “You’ve earned my love.”The two kissed each other, with Laurel’s aggressive tongue making Felicity feel as nervous as a high school Freshman. The Black Canary could break her and that caused Felicity to tingle.“Hot. I don’t care what people say.”Thea appeared at the door and smiled. Felicity looked over towards the sister of her employer, who broke out into a soft smile.“Come here. We have plans for you.”The tone in Thea’s voice caused Felicity to almost lose it. Exactly what plans they had for her, well it was hard to say. She just had to go with the flow and see what happened.Thea appeared on the bed, putting a strap on.“Get my cock nice and wet,” Thea ordered.It was a different one than the one Laurel wore when she wore out Thea’s pussy just a few moments ago.“You’re to obey Thea when she gives you an order,” Laurel said. “Unless you want me to tell Oliver that you were spying on his sister.”Felicity decided that would not be good, and she did intend to obey Thea. She grabbed onto Thea’s cock and rubbed it for the next few minutes. Thea grabbed Felicity’s hair and pushed it deep into her mouth. Her wet lips opened up and inhaled the dildo with a few pushes.Laurel was not going to be ignored for very long. She climbed into position behind Felicity and started to massage her flesh. Her nipples grew harder the faster that Laurel rubbed her down. She squeezed Felicity’s ass and released it a couple of times.“I wonder if she ever got fucked in that hole,” Laurel said. “She’s pretty tight, if she was.”Felicity wondered exactly what the hell was going to happen. In the ass, she never thought about something like that. Laurel slid her finger deep inside of there and played with her. First dry and then completely moist, with the juices that she collected from Felicity.She would have protested had Thea not so vigorously face-fucked her. Her hips moved in a blur and Felicity reached to cup a feel of Thea’s ass.“Yes, I should have put you to work sooner,”  Thea said. “So, are you going to make her our personal anal slut?”“I’ll share her, yes,” Laurel said. “But, I think that I should have the first crack.”Felicity whimpered in protest a second later. That was about all she could do. Despite her whimpering, the thought of getting fucked in the ass made her pussy explode into constant waves. Laurel slipped a finger into her ass and another one in her pussy. Being double stuffed with the fingers put more thoughts in Felicity’s mind.“You should remember that no hole is off limits to your mistress,” Laurel said. “Especially this one.”The pushing against her cheeks reinforced this thought in Felicity’s mind. No matter how hard she protested, and to be fair, she did not protest too entirely hard, Laurel was able to grab onto her cheeks and squeeze them as hard as possible. A loud spank echoed through the room.“I’m going to take you and you’re going to like it.”Being completely moist allowed Laurel to slip her way into Felicity’s back passage. She grabbed onto Felicity’s tight ass and pushed inside of her.“She’s liking it,” Thea said. “I can feel her moaning.”Felicity wondered how kinky it could be by having one dildo in her ass with another one shoved in her throat. She was drooling something fierce from the combined actions of Thea and Laurel. Laurel groping her ass and squeezing her cheeks lit Felicity up. The sultry blonde rammed Felicity in her ass extremely hard.Thea pushed deeper and deeper down Felicity’s throat. She closed her eyes and grabbed ahold of Felicity’s hair. She yanked on it, just hard enough to make Felicity feel it. Not so hard that Thea would tear out strands of hair. She shoved her fingers dep into Felicity’s scalp and rode her mouth. The loud slaps of flesh continued.Pleasure shot through Thea’s body, with her nerve endings registering so much on her. So much pleasure, so much pleasure, it made her just break out into a soft cry of lust. She grabbed onto Felicity and rapidly face fucked her.“Stop.”Thea stopped despite enjoying the ride. Nail marks on Felicity’s face showed just how much Thea had fun with her. Laurel rubbed herself against Felicity’s tight backside from behind and swatted her.“Let me see what other fun we can get up to.”There was no question about this, Felicity was going on for the ride. Laurel pulled out of her and situated them so Felicity was put on Laurel’s lap. The dildo almost slipped between her ass cheeks and then pulled back.“I need you.”“I need you to do what?”Felicity could not believe Laurel forced her to say this completely out loud. Her palm stroked Felicity’s nipple and it ached with pleasure.“I need you to fuck me in the ass,” Felicity said. “Please, Mistress. Take me where it counts.”Laurel slid deeper into Felicity’s ass, pinching her deliciously firm ass. The wide ass allowed Laurel a perfect grip to sink her way into Felicity’s hole.Felicity rolled her neck back for Laurel to kiss against it. Laurel started the kisses very slowly. The increase in intensity, the further Laurel worked her lover over. The bouncing continued, the faster Felicity worked herself up and down.“Lick her.”Thea dove eagerly between Felicity’s juicy thighs and began to eat her out. The beautiful blonde bit down on her lip and released her moans in several pleasurable waves.“Imagine if Thea slid her cock into her pussy while I took you in the ass,” Laurel said.“YES!”Laurel smiled at the eagerness and she could see Thea’s hopeful eyes look up. She just grinned over Felicity’s shoulder and kept nuzzling on the horny woman’s shoulder. Felicity squirmed and squirmed all over, her body oozing lust from every single corner.“She’s going to have to work out for that point,” Laurel said.Felicity whimpered and whined. This made Laurel grope her inner thigh hard and rub her clit, very slowly and very painfully. She knew exactly all of the right buttons to hammer to make Felicity her personal pet. Felicity’s tongue hung out of the side of her mouth.“You’re a dirty little vouyer and dirty little vouyer’s have to earn their reward,” Laurel said. “She’s cumming hard though, isn’t she, Speedy?”“Mmm!”That was all of the answer that Laurel needed to hear. She sped up her thrusts. Felicity would remember this encounter every time she sat down for the next week. And that was if Laurel allowed her ass about a week to recover. She had been torn between taking it again every day and twice on the weekend. Or letting Felicity linger in anticipation. Maybe getting behind her when they were alone and pressing up against her.Riling Felicity up until her body screamed for release. And not doing anything, other than backing off from her. That would be the absolute hottest. Laurel got off at the thought of torturing Felicity like that. She was just too easy and too fun. And speaking of fun, Laurel slowed down her fun with Felicity.Felicity wondered what the hell Laurel’s problem was, torturing her like this. The touches alternated between lingering and being so brief that it only sent jolts through Felicity’s body. Laurel danced to a tune and rammed faster into Felicity’s squeezing asshole.“Lick her dirty pussy,” Laurel mewled. “Lick it good.”Thea found the gift of never ending arousal soaking in from Felicity to be good. She eased a finger into her own hole and rode out her own orgasm. The sizzling sensation of her flesh aching for a release made her just go even faster, fingering herself with even more vigor.All three women crept upon their own orgasms. Laurel buried herself as deep into Felicity’s ass as possible and pulled back completely.“Cum one more time,” Laurel said. “Who is your mistress again?”“Black Canary!”For some reason, hearing Felicity say that and using her codename, that was hotter than anything. That got Laurel off completely. She rode Felicity’s ass all the way to the end until leaving a huge mess on it.“Thea.”Thea scrambled over like the dinner bell had been rang. She buried her face between Felicity’s succulant juices and got her to moan even more. Her tender ass was hit by Thea’s all out assault.The three women basked in the moment. Laurel edged Thea the rest of the way to her orgasm. It was the best reward for her. And given that Laurel gave Thea many rewards, her work on the field improved.Funny what a little positive reinforcement did for a person. She tasted the outcome of Thea’s orgasm and pondered her next move, after Thea finished feasting on Felicity’s asshole of course.


Next Chapter: 11/4/2018.