25. Keep a Straight Face(Lena Luthor and Kara Danve...

There's a blog exclusive chapter featuring Batgirl and Jesse Quick. Check it out right here. https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/10/batgirl-does-jesse-quickhit-mark-blog.html

Keep A Straight Face(Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers)The lunch date Lena had been on with Kara had been pretty decent all things considered. It was a chance for them both to escape from the insanity always plaguing their lives and just relax. She tempted Kara into having a couple of glasses of wine, although you would never know it given how much she took it in stride. Lena had a couple herself and she became a bit more loose and a bit more liberated.“That story you put in last week, it was some of your best work,” Lena said.“I can’t believe everything came together so well either,” Kara said. “Guess, I’m really come into my own.”“You sure are.”Lena was proud of the accomplishments of Kara Danvers more so than her alter ego, and Lena decided that hard work she be rewarded. A very slight smile flashed over Lena’s face the second her shoe slipped off underneath the table. She brushed her foot against Kara’s ankle.“Just relax,” Lena said. “It’s been a long time.”The slow strokes coming up Kara’s leg caused her attention to flash firmly to Lena. Despite the fact that they were in a semi-private table, Kara could not believe the boldest of Lena. Stroking Kara’s leg up and down with her stocking clad foot. Lena’s predatory smile flashed over the table, the quicker her toes rubbed their way all over Kara’s strong thigh. She moved back and forth.The first stroke, it could be a mistake, but the next stroke, it was intentional. And Lena’s foot slipped a bit further up her skirt, and touched her crotch. The heat pulsed from her crotch and Kara almost begged Lena to touch her, to rub her foot against her crotch. That would make her hotter than anything else.Lena had other plans. She brushed her foot back down Kara’s leg and caused her to clutch against the fork on the table. Kara decided to drop the fork and go for the wine to take a long swig. Lena just smiled and dropped her foot on the ground.She committed Kara’s sweaty and very frustrated looking face to memory. Lena lightly popped a finger into her mouth and stared Kara straight in the eye for the next couple of seconds. She took one of the strawberries from the dish and slipped it into the cream. She lightly licked the cream off of it and popped the strawberry into her mouth.“You look a tad bit pecked,” Lena said. “Are you sure you haven’t had enough to eat?”Kara thought about eating something else, but it wasn’t the food. The damn wine must have made her delirious. Lena warned her it was a stronger bottle. Kara realized she squeezed her nipple, almost out in public. Frustrated, Kara yanked her hand away and panted very heavily.It had been a long time since she almost completely lost control like this. Kara better check herself before she ended up wrecking herself. That statement flushed through her mind as she accepted Lena’s offer of a strawberry. Her friend feeding Kara, with a loving smile and a caress of the cheek caused Kara to flush.And then, that damn foot, it moved up her leg again. It riled Kara up something fierce. Would it actually reach her crotch?Lena ignored the twinge between her legs. Edging Kara, ever so slightly, was getting her off just as much. Lena acted though like she was doing nothing. She kept alternating feeding herself and Kara strawberries.“Too hot for you?” Lena asked.Kara frowned. She did not rise to the bait. Lena dropped her napkin underneath the table.“Let me get that.”Surely Lena was not going to do what Kara thought she was going to do. For a second, Lena’s hand rested on Kara’s thigh underneath the table. And then nothing, she came out.‘Damn it, Lena.’Lena offered her an innocent smile. Once again, Lena’s stocking clad foot rubbed against her,  this time the top of her own foot. Kara almost jumped off up underneath the table. She blocked herself from looking like a complete fool, only a partial one. She broke out into a couple of very prominent breaths.“I need to use the restroom,” Kara said.Lena smiled and waved Kara off. Kara adjusted her skirt and walked to the restroom.She moved over to the mirror and splashed cold water onto her face. Lena really was testing her, to see how she would react to certain things. Kara almost failed that test by coming undone. Her nipples were still stiff and demanding attention. And her pussy almost cried because it had been denied. Sounded silly, but that was the only thing in Kara’s mind that she could register. She slid her finger against her warm slit for a second.A public restroom was not the most sanitary place to do, well anything. Then again, Kara could only imagine how many people used these toilets for something other than their intended purpose. Another splash of water and Kara returned, only to see Lena waiting for her in the hallway.“Everything fine?” Lena asked.“Yes,” Kara said.“Good,” Lena said. “Because, you….you’re unbuttoned a little bit.”Kara realized that the buttons on her top had been opened a bit. Lena moved over and touched her breasts, under the pretext of opening up shirt. Kara gasped a few seconds later.“You know, it was a good meal, but I think that we should have dessert in the back of my limo,” Lena said. “Too many...prying eyes here.”Kara allowed Lena to lead her out of the restaurant to where her limo was waiting. Kara could feel Lena behind her. And then Lena was in front of her, bent over. The skirt Lena wore fit snugly against her ass. Oh the things Kara wanted to do, if she had the chance.“After you, Kara,” Lena said.Kara stepped into the limo. Lena stepped in with her and closed the door. The windows were darkened in the back and there was a privacy screen in the front.Lena poured her and Kara another glass of wine. They drank one more time and the wine relaxed Kara, in more ways than one.“You’re so pretty, Lena,” Kara said before giggling.“Would you like to kiss me?” Lena asked. “Because, I’d let you, if you asked me nicely.”“Please, Lena, let me kiss you,” Kara said. “Pretty please, with sugar on top?”The wine had made her rather silly. Lena puckered her lips and leaned in. She and Kara exchanged a very passionate kiss, with Lena teaching the super powerful girl a thing or two about control. Their tongues wrapped around each other, the domination game having been one by Lena.The next thing Kara knew ,Lena straddled her lap and pushed her back. Lena kissed Kara’s ear, her neck, and then stripped her slowly out of her clothes. It was like unwrapping a Christmas present. While Lena could rip into Kara’s clothing, she honestly wanted to take her time.“You’re wet?” Lena asked.“Only after you teased me with your feet,” Kara said.“You like my feet?” Lena asked. “If you do a good job in sucking my toes, I’ll eat you out.”Lena slipped off her stockings and Kara was in a daze. That beautiful foot, with perfectly polished nails, and elagant arches hit her. Kara dove in and licked the bottom of Lena’s foot. Lena’s eyes closed for a second, to show that she enjoyed Kara pleasuring her foot, just as much as Kara enjoyed pleasuring her foot. Every single inch of it screamed to be worshipped and Lena put Kara to work in worshipping it.A rush of energy and warmth coursed through Lena’s leg. Oh, Kara, she was very magnificent with that mouth. She knew exactly how to hit all of the right points.Then, Kara decided to hit even more points. She worshipped Lena’s toes, sucking on them one at a time. She started at the big toe and worked her way around. Lena’s wiggling toes only enticed Kara even more. They tasted like candy and Kara could not wait to suck them hard.“So good, you’re making me hot,” Lena said. “Maybe I should give you a small taste of my pussy as well.”Kara’s eyes lifted up from Lena’s foot. She nuzzled her nose into the sole to get the very nice aroma coming from it. Lena gave Kara the offering and the wet juices tasted just about as fine as Kara expected. Kara leaned herself into the probing fingers and sucked on the digits for the next couple of seconds.“And back to my foot, foot girl.”The name Lena dubbed Kara with, well, it was something that she frowned at. Yet, she could not deny how approriate it was. She licked Lena’s right foot, and also caressed her ankles and her lower leg. Kara wanted to make Lena feel good. Lena was going to eat out her pussy. The blood rushed through Kara’s body, as she could barely think straight. This was really happening, this was really happening and it was so hot, so hot that it almost hurt.Kara repeatedly sucked those toes, and hunger just burned through every inch of her body. Every slip of the toe down into her mouth made Kara’s body just heat up something fierce.“Suck those toes,” Lena said. “Suck them really good….you know that you wanted to. They were getting you off.”Lena’s toes moistened from the obscene amount of salvia Kara put onto them from her constant foot worship. The very skilled girl stepped up her game with more intensity and kept sucking her, in a constant and never ending loop. Lena leaned her foot into Kara’s mouth and allowed her to suck on it.“Oh, so good, you’re so good,” Lena breathed. “Keep it up, and don’t you dare stop.”She could not help and rub herself off to Kara’s toe worshipping. This caused the heat to spread through Lena’s body, and the top few buttons of her blouse came open. Kara, without being asked, was stroking her left foot, still stocking clad in all of this time.Kara pulled up Lena’s stocking and then alternated between both feet. She kissed the right, the left, and then sucked the toes on both feet, before licking them. The Girl of Steel had gone foot crazy, worshipping Lena Luthor’s beautiful and perfect feet.“Such a good foot pet,” Lena moaned. “Oh, you’re so good...you’re making me cum, and I’m not even touchng my pussy.”Lena rested her hands on the side of the limo seats to demonstrate. Kara took her word for it anyway. She finished up and caused Lena’s entire body to shake. She kissed Lena from her foot, to the table, and all the way up her leg.Despite not asking Kara to worship her legs, Lena appreciatedit. She was horny as hell and hoped that Kara would eat her out later. But, given that Kara did such a good job.“A promise is a promise,” Lena said with a heated breath. “You may stop now...please...you’re driving me insane...STOP!”Lena hated shouting at Kara, but she wanted to be coherent to enjoy going down on the beautiful blonde. Kara rose up form Lena’s foot, an innocent smile on her face. The type of smile which made Lena want to fuck Kara until she could say nothing other than Lena’s name and she would moan it.“You want me to take off my panties?” Kara asked. “Or do you want to do it?”Lena did not answer. She rose up and stripped off her clothes. She made sure Kara’s eyes traced all over. She wore nothing other than a very expensive black bra and a matching thong. Kara already stripped off her stockings.“Allow me,” Lena said.She yanked Kara’s panties slowly down. She had to peal them from Kara’s wet pussy. A heated breath came and Lena interrupted Kara with a kiss on her lips. She tasted her own foot on Kara’s lips and that just made Lena deepen her kiss on Kara.It was a journey, to go down Kara’s body. Lena nibbled her nipples ever so briefly, but not long enough. Kara wanted more and she would get more. Lena spent some time playing with Kara’s very sexy navel and that made her moan.“I might spoil you a little bit,” Lena warned her. “But, I think that you’re worth it.”“Good to know,” Kara said hitting in a breath as Lena took interest in her delicious thighs.Lena’s silky hair brushed up against Kara’s thighs and she got down between Kara’s thighs. Despite kneeling, Lena was very much in control. Her tongue took the plunge and dove between Kara’s swollen lips. Kara rocked back, not daring to grab Lena by the hair and force her in.There was honestly no need, as Lena pushed her tongue down into Kara and shifted around. It was a very elegant corkscrew motion, with Lena taking her sweet time in devouring Kara. Kara rolled her neck back and a couple of moans escaped her lips.“Lena, oh, Lena! Please, don’t stop doing that!”Lena had no intention of doing so. She applied just enough pressure to Kara’s sensitive clit. It was interesting how her invulnerability did not extend to feeling pleasure. Merely only feeling pain. That was useful to know. Lena sucked on Kara’s warm lips and enjoyed the sweet girl submitting to her.She really was a treasure and tasted as sweet as honey. Lena dove in to get a better taste and ate Kara out in earnest. Every moan called to Lena. Made her wish that something could be done about the ache in her pussy. The need to be filled by something, whether it be tongue, fingers, or toy. She could hear Kara thrashing around.Slowly, Lena edged Kara. She pulled back and left Kara hanging. Lena licked her lips and that caused Kara to groan. An innocent smile, matching one of Kara’s own followed prior to Lena diving back in and eating out her very willing partner.Oh Rao, that woman would be the death of her. Kara did not know anything other than the pleasure Lena caused for her. She gave herself to Lena. Appreciating the reward that Lena gave her, after Kara did such an admirable job. She edged ever so closer and Lena pulled away, denying Kara.Third time was the charm, at least Kara hoped.This time, Lena drew out Kara’s pleasure, but did in fact let her finish. It was just a slow edge to the end. Kara breathed in a couple of times and put her hands on the back of Lena’s head and shoved her hips forward. The juices flowed out and Lena was there to not waste a single drop of them.Satisfied, Lena Luthor knew she could drain every single last drop of sweet nectar from Kara. And with her ability to recharge, it could be a lot. She took her time, savoring the flavor.She rose up to a standing position and then moved onto Kara’s lap once more. Kara rested a hand on Lena’s ass and Lena smiled when Kara bodly squeezed it. The two leaned in and kissed each other, with Lena spending her time stroking Kara’s hair.Several kisses followed to the side of Kara’s face. Lena nipped her lover’s ear.“Return the favor?” Lena asked.“Yes!”Lena smiled at her eagerness and got into position for Kara to dive between her legs.It was a nice touch on Kara’s part to crawl over slowly and inch her way up Lena’s legs with kisses before going in for the main course.


Next Chapter: 11/11/2018.